750 resultados para Opaque minerals


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This chapter was previously intended to trace volcanic episodes through the Neogene and Pleistocene geological history recorded in the sedimentary sections drilled on the Emperor seamounts. Drilling disturbance, poor core recovery, and incomplete stratigraphic sections recovered from the seamounts have frustrated that plan, however. Moreover, the Leg 55 sedimentologists found in their smear-slide studies that transported island-arc tephra is scarce in the sediments, if present at all. So we have restricted our objective to description of the volcaniclastic admixture in sediments, as determined by mineralogical and geochemical data. We studied geochemistry of bulk samples (see Murdmaa et al., 1980), coarse-fraction mineralogy, and additional smear slides. The results obtained, however, do not tell much more about the volcaniclastic matter than did shipboard core descriptions.


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The basalts in Holes 519A, 522B, and 524 were studied for intensity of natural remanent magnetization, magnetic hysteresis, magnetic susceptibility, stability of isothermal remanence, and thermomagnetic behavior. Some of these properties are sensitive to both the composition and the microstructure of the magnetic minerals, others to composition only. Thus it is possible to separate the two effects and to trace the variation of effective magnetic grain size and degree of alteration within a lithologic unit or over a yet larger distance or time interval. The flow in Hole 519A is highly maghemitized at the top, the degree of maghemitization decreasing with depth in the flow. Effective grain size increases with increasing depth. Electron microprobe analysis of the titanomaghemite grains in these samples provides no support for the leaching out of iron during alteration. The pillows and flows in Hole 522B are distributed among a number of cooling units, and no systematic downhole variations are apparent. The inferred magneto-petrology is consistent with the cooling and alteration history that might be expected within the units. The upper and lower sills in Hole 524 are more uniform and have a larger concentration of well-developed magnetic mineral grains than the pillows and flows in Holes 519A and 522B. Maghemitization appears to have developed from the boundaries of the sills that are in contact with the sediments between the sills.


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Petrologic descriptions will follow a division related to both grain size and lithology like that adopted in Cape Roberts investigation (Cape Roberts Science Team 2000, hdl:10013/epic.28287.d001, and references therein). First, we describe the petrology of the sand fraction of the core. Second, we report the distribution of clasts with diameter larger than 2 millimeter (mm) and the petrology of basement clasts. Third, we focus on the occurrence and petrology of McMurdo Volcanic Group sediments, which represent the largest component in the core. The final section continues with the compositional characterization of bulk sediments by continuous X-ray fluorescence measurement (XRF scan) integrated by carbonate geochemistry and concludes with the porewater geochemistry. All of these data will contribute to infer palaeoclimatic information and to understand provenance history of detritus, changes in depositional environment, and spatial and temporal evolution of magmatism in McMurdo Ice Shelf area.


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Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic sediments deposited on the eastern and western sides of the Shatsky Rise show similar clay assemblages of chlorite, illite, mixed layers, smectite, kaolinite, and palygorskite, and a similar vertical differentiation into three units. The deep-sea pelagic red clay is dominated by terrigenous components, which suggests that diagenesis is minor in this part of the western North Pacific and that eolian supply is very important. The role of the Shatsky Rise as a submarine barrier is of minor importance. The volcanic contribution to the clay component appears very small, as in some other parts of the Pacific Ocean. Stratigraphic correlations between Sites 576 and 578, which can be made from mineralogical data, partly offset the rareness of biostratigraphic markers.


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+ = present, ++ = abundant, - = not observed


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Laboratory compressional wave (Vp) and shear wave (Vs) velocities were measured as a function of confining pressure for the gabbros from Hole 735B and compared to results from Leg 118. The upper 500 m of the hole has a Vp mean value of 6895 m/s measured at 200 MPa, and at 500 meters below seafloor (mbsf), Vp measurements show a mean value of 7036 m/s. Vs mean values in the same intervals are 3840 m/s and 3857 m/s, respectively. The mean Vp and Vs values obtained from log data in the upper 600 m are 6520 and 3518 m/s, respectively. These results show a general increase in velocity with depth and the velocity gradients estimate an upper mantle depth of 3.32 km. This value agrees with previous work based on dredged samples and inversion of rare element concentrations in basalts dredged from the conjugate site to the north of the Atlantis Bank. Laboratory measurements show Vp anisotropy ranging between 0.4% and 8.8%, with the majority of the samples having values less than 3.8%. Measurements of velocity anisotropy seem to be associated with zones of high crystal-plastic deformation with predominant preferred mineral orientations of plagioclase, amphiboles, and pyroxenes. These findings are consistent with results on gabbros from the Hess Deep area and suggest that plastic deformation may play an important role in the seismic properties of the lower oceanic crust. In contrast to ophiolite studies, many of the olivine gabbros show a small degree of anisotropy. Log derived Vs anisotropy shows an average of 5.8% for the upper 600 m of Hole 735B and tends to decrease with depth where the overburden pressure and the age of the crustal section suggests closure of cracks and infilling of fractures by alteration minerals. Overall the results indicate that the average shear wave splitting in Hole 735B might be influenced by preferred structural orientations and the average value of shear wave splitting may not be a maximum because structural dips are <90°. The maximum fast-wave orientation values could be influenced by structural features striking slightly oblique to this orientation or by near-field stress concentrations. However, flexural wave dispersion analyses have not been performed to confirm this hypothesis or to indicate to what extent the near-field stresses may be influencing shear wave propagation. Acoustic impedance contrasts calculated from laboratory and logging data were used to generate synthetic seismograms that aid in the interpretation of reflection profiles. Several prominent reflections produced by these calculations suggest that Fe-Ti oxides and shear zones may contribute to the reflective nature of the lower oceanic crust. Laboratory velocity attenuation (Q) measurements from below 500 m have a mean value of 35.1, which is consistent with previous vertical seismic profile (VSP) and laboratory measurements on the upper 500 m.


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Refractive index and chemical composition were determined for glass shards contained in more than 100 tephra layers in DSDP Leg 58 sediment cores collected in the Shikoku Basin, North Philippine Sea. The refractive index is consistent with chemical composition. Refractive index and total iron show a linear relationship. Tephra in Pleistocene and Pliocene sediments is mostly rhyolitic and dacitic (non-alkali), whereas tephra in the Miocene shows wide composition variations in the eastern part of the basin. Basaltic tephra is recognized in Miocene sediments at Sites 443 and 444, but not at Site 442, west of the other two sites. This indicates that the basaltic tephra came from eruption relatively close to those drill sites (perhaps the Kinan Seamounts and the Shichito-Iwo Jima volcanic arc), although the exact source has not been identified.


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In einer Fülle sedimentpetrographischer Arbeiten wird versucht, aus der Korngrößenverteilung und der Mineralzusammensetzung von Sanden Schlüsse auf ihre Herkunft, ihre Transportrichtung oder ihr Ablagerungsmilieu abzuleiten, die für die Lösung geologischer und ebenso auch wasserbaulicher Probleme nötig sind. Diese Literatur steckt noch voller Widersprüche und Fehlschlüsse. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird daher versucht, den Mechanismus des Sandtransports vom Grundsätzlichen her besser verständlich zu machen. Das geschieht anhand zweier ausgewählter und eingehend untersuchter Beispiele aus dem Küstenbereich der westlichen Ostsee unter Einbeziehung der Erfahrungen an vielen Vergleichsproben aus verschiedensten Sedimentationsräumen. Unentbehrlich für das Verständnis der transportbedingten Veränderungen an den Sanden ist das sog. 'Äquivalenzprinzip' (Abschnitt 2). Es stellt fest, daß es in einem von einer Strömung transportierten Sediment immer Körner zwar verschiedener Korngröße, aber auch entsprechend verschiedener Dichte und/oder Kornform gibt, die miteinander transportiert und abgelagert werden, weil unter den herrschenden hydraulischen Bedingungen diese Eigenschaften einander voll kompensieren. In Abschnitt 3 wird kurz die von Rittenhouse angegebene Methode geschildert, mit der man an natürlichen Sedimenten unter der sehr allgemein gehaltenen 'Äquivalenzbedingung' gleicher Transportierbarkeit bestimmen kann, welches Korngrößenverhältnis ein bestimmtes Verhältnis der Dichten kompensieren kann. Die von Rittenhouse am Beispiel von Flußsanden gefundene Funktion zwischen der Dichte der Körner und ihrem Äquivalenzverhältnis gegen Quarzkörner wird hier als erste Näherung auch für die Transportverhältnisse von Strandsanden zugrunde gelegt. In Abschnitt 6 wird gezeigt, daß das auch gerechtfertigt ist. In Abschnitt 4 wird eine allgemein brauchbare Methode abgeleitet, mit der man nicht nur unter stark vereinfachenden Annahmen, sondern auch an Sanden mit realen, stets komplexen Korn-größenverteilungen die Folgen des Äquivalenzprinzips für die Verteilung von Mineralen verschiedener Dichte berechnen kann. Für jede Serie von Sanden, deren Korngrößenverteilungen entlang des Transportweges eine bestimmte, von den Transportbedingungen abhängige Entwicklung durchmachen, ergibt sich damit eine Kurvenschar, die beschreibt, wie sich die Mengen von Mineralien mit verschiedenen Dichten in den einzelnen Korngrößenklassen dabei ändern müßten, vorausgesetzt, daß sie im gesamten Korngrößenbereich gleich verfügbar wären. Diese Kurvenschar ist die 'Charakteristik' des betreffenden Transportfalles. Durch den Vergleich zwischen den nach der Charakteristik in den einzelnen Klassen zu erwartenden Mineralmengen mit den in dem betrachteten Transportfall tatsächlich gefundenen läßt sich deren relative, d. h. auf die Menge des Quarzes bezogene 'Verfügbarkeit' berechnen. Sie wird durch die sog. 'hydraulischen Verhältnisse' (Rittenhouse) ausgedrückt, die im Gegensatz zu den 'Klassenverhältnissen' von der Korngrößensonderung beim Transport unabhängig und nur von der Zusammensetzung des Ausgangsmaterials bestimmt sind, solange beim Transport allein das Äquivalenzprinzip wirksam ist. In den untersuchten Fällen von Sandtransport an zwei Strandabschnitten der westlichen Ostsee (Abschnitt 5) zeigte dieser Vergleich (Abschnitt 6), daß die beobachtete Verteilung von Schwermineralen nicht allein durch Transportsonderung unter Gültigkeit des Äquivalenzprinzips erklärt werden kann, sondern daß dabei offenbar auch mechanische Zerkleinerung der Körner während des Transports mitgewirkt haben muß. Nur ein solcher, von der Transportsonderung unabhängiger Effekt kann als Transportrichtungs-Kriterium benutzt werden, wenn die Entwicklung der Korngrößenverteilungen allein keine Entscheidung erlaubt. Wie die Beispiele zeigen, läßt sich Klarheit über die bisher noch sehr umstrittene Frage nach dem Ausmaß der transportbedingten mechanischen Zerkleinerung von Sandkörnern nur gewannen, wenn in Zukunft versucht wird, bei der Bearbeitung natürlicher Beispiele den Einfluß der stets vorhandenen Transportsonderung auf Veränderungen des Mineralbestandes unter Anwendung des Äquivalenzprinzips rechnerisch auszuschalten. Über dieses wesentlichste Ergebnis hinaus erlauben die dargestellten Zusammenhänge auch eine kritische Stellungnahme zu den oben erwähnten allgemeinen Problemen und führen zu methodischen und sachlichen Verbesserungsvorschlägen für weitere Untersuchungen an klastischen Sedimenten.


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The sandstone petrology of Leg 66 samples provides insights into changes through time in the geology of the source regions along the Guerrero portion of the Middle America continental margin. This in turn constrains possible models of the evolution of the Middle America Trench (e.g., de Czerna, 1971; Malfait and Dinkleman, 1972; Karig, 1974). Primarily medium-grained sands and sandstones, representing the widest variety available of trench/trench slope settings and ages, were analyzed in both light and heavy mineral studies. Standard techniques were used as much as possible in order to compare results from other margins and from ancient rocks.


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Eleven serpentine samples from DSDP Leg 84 and four serpentinized ultramafic samples from Costa Rica and Guatemala were described and their relict mineral compositions measured by electron microprobe to try to determine the origin of the Leg 84 serpentinites and their relationship to the ultramafic rocks of the onshore ophiolites. The Leg 84 samples comprise more than 90% secondary minerals, principally serpentine, with hematitic and opaque oxides, and minor talc and smectites. Four distinct textural types can be identified according to the distribution of opaque phases and smectite. Remnants of spinel, olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene occur variously in the samples; spinal occurs in all the samples. Textural evidence suggests that the serpentinites were originally clinopyroxene-bearing harzburgites. Relict mineral compositions are refractory and relatively uniform: olivine, Fo90.6-90.9; orthopyroxene, En90-91; clinopyroxene, Wo47 En50 Fs3; spinels, Cr/Cr + Al = 0.4-0.6. 567A-29-2, 30-35 cm has slightly more magnesian olivines (Fo92) and orthopyroxene, and more aluminous spinels (Cr/Cr + Al = 0.3). These compositions are similar to those inferred for refractory upper-mantle materials and also fall within the range of compositions for relict minerals in abyssal peridotites. They could be of oceanic origin. The onshore samples include serpentinites, a clinopyroxene-bearing harzburgite, and a clinopyroxenite. They too have magnesium-rich silicate assemblages, but relative to the drilled samples have more iron-rich olivines (Fogo) and more aluminous and sodic pyroxenes; spinels which are clearly relicts are very aluminum-rich (Cr/Cr + Al = 0.1-0.25). These samples are most likely mantle materials, but significantly less depleted. Their relationship to the drilled samples is unclear. Serpentinites were the most common basement materials recovered during Leg 84, and there appears to be a bimodal assemblage (basalt/diabase and serpentine) of igneous rocks sampled from the trench slope. Diapirism of serpentine throughout the trench slope and forearc is suggested as an explanation for this distribution of samples.


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Basalt underlying early Campanian chalk at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 163 is divided into seven extrusive cooling units bounded by glassy margins. The margins have dips of 15° to 70°, suggestive of pillow flows rather than tabular flows. The margins are fresh sideromelane (glass) grading inward to opaque and reddish-brown globules containing microcrystalline material with radial, undulose extinction. Relative to adjacent sideromelane, the reddish-brown globules are enriched in sodium and calcium, whereas the opaque globules are depleted in these elements and enriched in iron and magnesium. It appears that basalt just inside the pillow margins has differentiated in place into globules of two distinct compositions. This globule zone grades inward to less rapidly cooled pyroxene varioles and intergrowths of plagioclase and opaque minerals. In the center of the thicker cooling units, the texture is diabasic. Alteration and calcite vein abundance are greatest at pillow margins and decrease inward; the interior of the thickest cooling unit is only slightly altered, and calcite veins are absent. Chemical analysis of whole rock by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and of sideromelane by electron microprobe, indicates that the rock is a slightly weathered tholeiite. The atomic absorption analyses, except the one nearest the top of the basalt, are relatively uniform and similar to the sideromelane microprobe analyses, including those near the top of the basalt. This suggests that deep penetration is not necessary to get through the severely altered layer at the basalt surface, and that within this altered layer, analyses of sideromelane may be more representative of crustal composition than analyses of whole rock.