502 resultados para MANGANESE DIMER


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Several bog manganese deposits were discovered in the Riding Mountain area in Manitoba during the spring and summer of 1940. A study was made of the known deposits to determine the grade of the occurrences, a possible source of the manganese oxides in the bog deposits and the possibilities of locating other manganese occurrences. Samples of the bog manganese, of spring waters from which the manganese oxides have apparently been precipitated, of the Odanah shale in which the deposits occur, and of "ironstone" nodules found in the Odanah and Riding Mountain shales were gathered in the field and later analyzed. In addition to chemical analyses of the above-mentioned samples, several polished sections of the manganese oxides were prepared and studied under the microscope, thin-sections of nodules were examined, and spectrographic analyses of both nodules and bog manganese were made. ...


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Deep sea manganese nodules from the Southern Ocean have been studied using chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction, optical mineragraphic and electron probe microanalysis techniques. The nodules were lower in manganese, iron and associated elements than the average grade of manganese nodules from other localities. A number of chemical relationships have been observed. Nickel, copper, cobalt, barium, zinc, molybdenum, strontium, sulphur and phosphorus are associated with the manganese rich phases and titanium with the iron rich phases. X-ray diffraction analysis and electron probe microanalysis results indicate that the manganese phases are similar to the disordered delta-MnO2 and "manganite" phases reported by other workers.


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Manganese nodules have been found by the author in the shallow waters of the Hyotan-se bank west of Shikime-jima, an island of the Izu archipelago in the Sea of Japan. The slopes around the bank are steep and rocks are exposed; gravels and coarse material cover the broad and flat plain on its top; andesite and basalt, which are very common in the bedrock, are found mingled with liparite gravels together with a number of manganese concretions from the bank.


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Manganese nodules research has focused on the area between the Clarion Fracture Zone to the North and the Clipperton Fracture Zone to the South where significant concentrations were found ni Ni-Cu. During the CCOP/SOPAC-IOC/IDOE International workshop on the "Geology Mineral Resources and Geophysics of the South Pacific" held in Fiji in September 1975, a working group on manganese nodules was formed by scientists from: CNEXO, Brest, the Institute of Oceanography, New Zealand, Imperial College, London and the Technical University of Aachen. A draft project was presented in July 1976 by J. Andrews, University of Hawaii and G. Pautot, Cnexo on a joint survey under the name of: "Hawaii-Tahiti Transect program". Further details were worked on in September 1976 during the International Geological Congress in Sydney with the participation of D. Cronan, Imperial College, Glasby, New Zealand Geological Survey and G. Friedrich, Aachen TU. The scientific final program was established in July 1977, planning on the participation of three research vessels: the Suroit (CNEXO), the Kana Keoki (U. of Hawaii) and the Sonne (Aachen TU). Several survey areas were selected across the Pacific Ocean (Areas A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H) with about the same crustal age (about 40 million years) and a similar water depths. Being near large fault zones, the ares would be adequate to study the influences of biological productivity, sedimentation rate and possibly volcanic activity on the formation and growth of manganese nodules. The influnece of volcanic activity study would particularly apply to area G being situated near the Marquesas Fracture Zone. The cruise from R/V Sonne started in August 1978 over areas C, D, F, G K. The R/V suroit conducted a similar expedition in 1979 over areas A, B, C, D, E, H and I. Others cruises were planned during the 1979-1980 for the R/V Kana Keoki. The present text relates the R/V Sonne Cruises SO-06/1 and SO-06/2 held within the frame work of this international cooperative project.


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Ferromanganese nodules (equivalent to Recent manganese nodules) are described from the Upper Devonian griotte (red pelagic limestone) of the Montagne Noire (S. France) and the Cephalopodenkalk of the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, West Germany. They occur as encrustations, commonly exhibiting colloform structures, around skeletal material and limestone clasts. The nodules are associated with encrusting foraminifera and a development in the sublittoral environment is envisaged. Chemically, the ferromanganese nodules are depleted in manganese relative to iron, compared with Recent nodules, a loss which is attributed to diagenetic migration of manganese. Electron probe studies show that manganese covaries positively with calcium, but negatively with iron and silicon. Diagenetic enrichment of hematite occurs in the griotte at hardground horizons where two periods of mineralization can be established. The Devonian ferromanganese nodules show that solution of nodules has not occurred on burial.


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A total of 773 samples were analysed for dissolved manganese (Mn) in the Arctic Ocean aboard R.V. Polarstern during expedition ARK XXII/2 from 28 July until 07 October 2007 from Tromsø (Norway) to Bremerhaven. Concentrations of Mn were elevated in the surface layer with concentrations of up to 6 nM over the deep Basins and over 20 nM in the Laptev Sea. The general distribution of Mn through the water column is consistent with previous studies, but there are differences in the absolute concentrations that are most likely related to differences in sample area, sampling and filtration. The elevated concentrations of Mn in the surface layer are related to fresh water input. This was visible in the strong negative correlations observed between dissolved Mn and salinity. The correlation between Mn and salinity and the correlation between Mn and the quasi conservative trace water mass tracer PO4*, showed fluvial and melt water input and the Pacific and Atlantic origin of the surface waters. A large portion of the Mn delivered by the Arctic rivers is removed in the shelf seas and does not pass into the central basins. Most likely a benthic flux is at the origin of the elevated concentrations of Mn near the sediments in the Barents and Kara Seas. These elevated concentrations of Mn apparently affected the deep basins as well, as maxima in the concentrations of Mn were observed that corresponded with lowered transmission over the continental slope. A maximum in the concentration of Mn in the deep basin corresponded with anomalies in light transmission, potential temperature and dissolved iron, confirming the hydrothermal origin. The hydrothermal plume was observed throughout the Nansen Basin and over the deep Gakkel Ridge around 2500 m depth and a smaller plume was observed around 3200 m. The concentration of Mn at the Mn maximum around 2500 m depth decreased exponentially, consistent with a first order scavenging model. The concentrations of Mn were extremely low in the deep Makarov Basin (~0.05 nM) and slightly higher in the Eurasian Basin (~0.1 nM) outside the influence of the hydrothermal activity.


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Ferromanganese nodules in the deep-sea and in freshwater lakes usually accrete layers rich in manganese oxides alternating with layers rich in iron oxides. The mechanism producing these alternating layers is unknown; indeed, the mechanism producing the nodules themselves is unknown. In Oneida Lake, New York, precipitants from the lake water and the surfaces of nodules at the sediment-water interface are enriched in Mn, whereas nodules buried in lake sediments have surface layers enriched in Fe. It is hypothesized here, using field and laboratory evidence, that reduction and mobilization of Mn from the nodule surface during periods of anoxic sediment cover produce the high Fe layers observed in the nodules.


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The manganese nodules occur in greater or less quantity all over the ocean-bed, and most abundantly in the Pacific. They occur in all sizes, from minute grains to masses of a pound weight, and even greater, and form nodular concretions of concentric shells, round a nucleus, which is very frequently a piece of pumice or a shark's tooth. Their outside has a peculiar and very characteristic mammillated surface, which enables them to be identified at a glance. When freshly brought up they are very soft, being easily scraped to powder with a knife. They gradually get harder on exposure to the air. The powder, heated in a closed tube, gives out water which re-acts alkaline, and has an empyreumatic odour. Heated with strong hydrochloric acid, it liberates abundance of chlorine, and the residue which remains is white, consisting of silica, clay, and sand, the sand being the same as is found in the bottom mud from the same locality. Their composition varies greatly, different nodules containing different quantities of mechanically admixed mud, and the number of different elements found in them is very large. Copper, iron, cobalt, nickel, manganese, alumina, lime, magnesia, silica, and phosphoric acid have been detected in a large number; but I have not as yet been able to make a complete analysis of any of them. I have, however, made a few determinations of the most important component substances. For this purpose the outside and densest layers of the nodules were selected, and portions of them were pulverised and dried for ten or twelve hours at 140° C. The amount of chlorine liberated on treatment with hydrochloric acid was determined by Bunsen's method, and the iron was determined by titration with stannous chloride. The samples analysed were from four different localities.


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Manganese-iron oxide concretions are presently forming on Patrick Sill in upper Jervis Inlet. The marine geology of Patrick Sill and the adjoining basins (Queen's Reach and Princess Royal Reach) was studied to define the environment in which the concretions form. The river at the inlet head is the principal source of sediment to the upper basin. The average grain size of surficial bottom sediments within this basin decreases uniformly with distance from the source. Patrick Sill separates the upper from the lower basin. The sediment distribution pattern within the lower basin differs markedly from the upper basin as there is no dominant source of material but rather many localized sources. Abundant shallow marine faunal remains recovered in deep water sediment samples indicate that sediments deposited as deltas off river and stream mouths periodically slump to the basin floors. Geologic and optical turbidity information for the upper basin can best be explained by slumping from the delta at the inlet head with the initiation of turbidity or density currents. Patrick Sill appears to create a downstream barrier to this flow. The mineralogy of the bottom sediments indicates derivation from a granitic terrain. If this is so, the sediments presently being deposited in both basins are reworked glacial materials initially derived by glacial action outside the present watershed. Upper Jervis Inlet is mapped as lying within a roof pendant of pre-batholithic rocks, principally slates. Patrick Sill is thought to be a bedrock feature mantled with Pleistocene glacial material. The accumulation rate of recent sediments on the sill is low especially in the V-notch or medial depression. The manganese-iron oxide concretions are forming within the depression and apparently nowhere else in the study area. Also forming within the depression are crusts of iron oxide and what are tentatively identified as glauconite-montmorillonoid pellets. The concretions are thought to form by precipitation of manganese-iron oxides on pebbles and cobbles lying at the sediment water interface. The oxide materials are mobile in the reducing environment of the underlying clayey-sand sediment but precipitate on contact with the oxygenating environment of the surficial sediments. The iron crusts are thought to be forming on extensive rocky surfaces above the sediment water interface. The overall appearance and evidence of rapid formation of the crusts suggests they formed from a gel in sea water. Reserves of manganese-iron concretions on Patrick Sill were estimated to be 117 metric tons. Other deposits of concretions have recently been found in other inlets and in the Strait of Georgia but, to date, the extent of these has not been determined.


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Manganese-iron accumulates in the Kiel Bay were investigated with regard to their occurence, chemical composition and formation. Three morphologically different types were identified: a) growth on mussels, b) spherical nodules (ca. 1-3 cm) and c) disshaped symetrical and asymetrical nodules (up to 10 cm). Average values from 110 accumulates representing the three types were: Mn 29.3%, Fe 10.0%, Co 77 ppm, Ni 97 ppm, Cu 21 ppm and Zn 340 ppm. Accumulates on mussels showed the highest trace metal concentrations. A growth rate of ca. 0.6 mm/yr for type (a) was estimated. Heavy metal concentrations were determined in ca. 60 sediment and 30 pore water samples, and in 110 Baltic sea water samples. During certain periods, large increases in Mn values (up to 400 (µg/l) were found in the deeper waters. These concentrations develop during periods of strong stagnant conditions in the sediments where dissolution of Mn oxides, and diffusion mobilizes the Mn into the overlying waters. The manganese is then reprecipitated close to the boundary of the O2-enriched surface waters. This critical O2-concentration was found to be 40% saturation. In the Kiel Bay, Mn-Fe-accumulates are found in a zone which marks the upper limit sometimes reached by the deep waters of lower O2-concentration. Additionally, the availability of larger particles (especially stones or mussels) on the sediment surface is necessary. These conditions are met in the Kiel Bay in a water depth of 20-28 m at several places.


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Manganese nodules from Stations 252 and 281 of the Challenger Expedition, collected in 1875, have recently been discovered in the Redpath Museum. The nodules have been found to be quite typical specimens of two areas in the Central Pacific Ocean except for dehydration and other changes that have taken place during storage. The principal resolvable manganese mineral in nodules from Station 252 proved to be 10 A manganite; there was a very thin surface coating of birnessite. Delta manganite was the only manganese mineral found in nodules from Station 281. Through electron microprobe studies, findings from chemical, optical and x-ray crystallographic work were correlated with the detailed picture of the occurrence and quantities of the different elements within the nodules. In all cases it was found that the iron and manganese had an antithetical relationship, and that nickel and copper were associated with the manganese. Special study was given to a 300-micron-square area in a nodule from Station 252 which included a segregation of 49.39% Mn, 5.31 % Ni, and 1.64% Cu. Crystallization of the manganese phases is thought to have provided a mech¨anism for formation of segregations which were further enriched through chemical scavenger action as long as ocean floor conditions permitted.