478 resultados para Instrução Normativa 62
Core recovered from Hess Rise contains concentrations of pyrite, marcasite, and barite in the lowermost meter of limestone (Unit II) and in the brecciated upper part of the underlying volcanic basement (Unit HI). Petrographic and chemical data indicate that the sulfide-barite assemblage in the limestone is mainly a product of low-temperature diagenetic processes. The iron-sulfide phases are biogenic and their concentrations mark the diffusion of sea water sulfate through sedimentary horizons containing abundant organic matter and mafic, glassy volcanogenic detritus. There is some evidence, however, that elevated temperatures augmented or intensified the synsedimentary diagenetic process.
Variations of acoustic properties within the sediment column may significantly affect the propagation of acoustic energy in the upper portion of the oceanic crust. Moreover, the acoustic properties of sediments reflect their mineral compositions, fabrics, and degrees of compaction and cementation. Hence, the physical properties of indurated deep-sea sediments are of considerable geophysical and geological interest. Chalks and limestones are particularly important because substantial accumulations of biogenic carbonates are generally present at the base of the deep-sea sediment column, and high-standing features such as Hess Rise are capped by calcareous deposits. This paper constitutes a preliminary report of the compressional-wave velocities and densities of 31 indurated calcareous sediment samples recovered at DSDP Sites 463 and 465, in the Mid-Pacific Mountains and on Hess Rise, respectively. The sample set includes nine pairs of samples in which velocities were measured parallel and perpendicular to bedding to determine the velocity anisotropy of the sediment. This research is part of an ongoing study of the seismic properties of indurated deep-sea carbonates.