142 resultados para High-flux
Benthic foraminiferal assemblage compositions and sedimentary geochemical parameters were analyzed in two radiocarbon dated sediment cores from the upwelling area off NW Africa at 12°N, to reconstruct productivity changes during the last 31 kyr. High-latitude cold events and variations in low-latitude summer insolation influenced humidity, wind systems, and the position of the tropical rain belt over this time period. This in turn caused changes in intensity and seasonality of primary productivity off the southern Northwest African continental margin. High accumulation rates of benthic foraminifera, carbonate, and organic carbon during times of north Atlantic melt water events Heinrich 2 (25.4 to 24.3 kyr BP) and 1 (16.8 to 15.8 kyr BP) indicate high productivity. Dominance of infaunal benthic foraminiferal species and high numbers of deep infaunal specimens during that time indicate a strong and sustained supply of refractory organic matter reworked from the upper slope and shelf. A more southerly position of the tropical rainbelt and the Northeast trade wind belt during Heinrich 2 and 1 may have enhanced wind intensity and almost permanent upwelling, driving this scenario. A phytodetritus-related benthic fauna indicates seasonally pulsed input of labile organic matter but generally low year-round productivity during the Last Glacial Maximum (23 to 18 kyr BP). The tropical rainbelt is more expanded to the North than during Heinrich Events, and relatively weak NE trade winds resulted in seasonal and weak upwelling, thus lower productivity. High productivity characterized by a seasonally high input of labile organic matter, is indicated for times of orbital forced warming, such as the African Humid Period (9.8 to 7 kyr BP). An intensified African monsoon during boreal summer and the northernmost position of the tropical rainbelt within the last 31 kyr resulted in enhanced river discharge from the northward-extended drainage area (or river basin) initiating intense phytoplankton blooms. In the late Holocene (4 to 0 kyr BP) strong carbonate dissolution may have been caused by even more enhanced organic matter fluxes to the sea floor. Increasing aridity on the continent and stronger NE trade winds induced intensive, seasonal coastal upwelling.
Fluxes of organic carbon normalised to a depth of 1000 m from 18 sites in the Atlantic and the Southern Ocean are presented, comprising nine biogeochemical provinces as defined by Longhurst et al. (1995. Journal of Plankton Research 17, 1245-1271). For comparison with primary production, we used a recent compilation of primary production values derived from CZCS data (Antoine et al., 1996. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 10, 57-69). In most cases, the seasonal patterns stood reasonably well in accordance with the carbon fluxes. Particularly, organic carbon flux records from two coastal sites off northwest and southwest Africa displayed a more distinct correlation to the primary production in sectors (1 x 1°) which are situated closer to the coastal environments. This was primarily caused by large upwelling filaments streaming far offshore, resulting in a cross-shelf carbon transport. With respect to primary production, organic carbon export to a water depth of 1000 m, and the fraction of primary production exported to a depth of 1000 m (export fraction=EF1000), we were able to distinguish between: (1) the coastal environments with highest values (EF1000=1.75-2.0%), (2) the eastern equatorial upwelling area with moderately high values (EF1000=0.8-1.1%), (3) and the subtropical oligotrophic gyres that yielded lowest values (EF1000=0.6%). Carbon export in the Southern Ocean was low to moderate, and the EF1000 value seems to be quite low in general. Annual organic carbon fluxes were proportional to primary production, and the export fraction EF1000 increased with primary production up to 350 gCm**-2 yr**-1. Latitudinal variations in primary production were reflected in the carbon flux pattern. A high temporal variability of primary production rates and a pronounced seasonality of carbon export were observed in the polar environments, in particular in coastal domains, although primary production (according to Antoine et al., 1996. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 10, 57-69), carbon fluxes, and the export fraction remained at low.
Planktic foraminiferal assemblages vary in response to seasonal fluctuations of hydrographic properties, between water masses, and after periodical changes and episodic events (e.g. reproduction, storms). Distinct annual variability of the planktic foraminiferal flux is also known from sediment trap data. In this paper we discuss the short-term impacts on interannual flux rates based on data from opening-closing net hauls obtained between the ocean surface and 500 m water depth. Data were recorded during April, May, June, and August at around 47°N, 20°W (BIOTRANS) in 1988, 1989, 1990, 1992, 1993, and during May 1989 and 1992 at 57°N, 20-22°W. Species assemblages closely resemble each other when comparing the mixed layer fauna with the fauna of the upper 100 m and the upper 500 m of the water column. In addition, species assemblages >100 µm are almost indistinguishable from assemblages that are >125 µm in test size. The standing stock of planktic foraminifers at BIOTRANS can vary by more than one order of magnitude over different years; however, species assemblages may be similar when comparing corresponding seasons. Early summer assemblages (June) are distinctly different from late summer assemblages (August). Significant variations in the species composition during spring (April/May) are independent of the mixed layer depth. Spring assemblages are characterized by high numbers of Globigerinita glutinata. In particular, day-to-day variations of the number of specimens and in species composition may have the same order of magnitude as interannual variations. This appears to be independent of the reproduction cycle. Species assemblages at 47°N and 57°N are similar during spring, although surface water temperatures and salinities differ by up to 10°C and 0.7 (PSU). We suggest that the main factors controlling the planktic foraminiferal fauna are the trophic properties in the upper ocean productive layer. Planktic foraminiferal carbonate flux as calculated from assemblages reveals large seasonal variations, a quasi-annual periodicity in flux levels, and substantial differences in timing and magnitude of peak fluxes. At the BIOTRANS station, the average annual planktic foraminiferal CaCO3 fluxes at 100 and 500 m depth are estimated to be 22.4 and 10.0 g/m**2/yr, respectively.
Independent measurements of radiation, sensible and latent heat fluxes and the ground heat flux are used to describe the annual cycle of the surface energy budget at a high-arctic permafrost site on Svalbard. During summer, the net short-wave radiation is the dominant energy source, while well developed turbulent processes and the heat flux in the ground lead to a cooling of the surface. About 15% of the net radiation is consumed by the seasonal thawing of the active layer in July and August. The Bowen ratio is found to vary between 0.25 and 2, depending on water content of the uppermost soil layer. During the polar night in winter, the net long-wave radiation is the dominant energy loss channel for the surface, which is mainly compensated by the sensible heat flux and, to a lesser extent, by the ground heat flux, which originates from the refreezing of the active layer. The average annual sensible heat flux of -6.9 W/m**2 is composed of strong positive fluxes in July and August, while negative fluxes dominate during the rest of the year. With 6.8 W/m**2, the latent heat flux more or less compensates the sensible heat flux in the annual average. Strong evaporation occurs during the snow melt period and particularly during the snow-free period in summer and fall. When the ground is covered by snow, latent heat fluxes through sublimation of snow are recorded, but are insignificant for the average surface energy budget. The near-surface atmospheric stratification is found to be predominantly unstable to neutral, when the ground is snow-free, and stable to neutral for snow-covered ground. Due to long-lasting near-surface inversions in winter, an average temperature difference of approximately 3 K exists between the air temperature at 10 m height and the surface temperature of the snow.
We present a 3 year record of deep water particle flux at the recently initiated ESTOC (European Station for Time-series in the Ocean, Canary Islands) located in the eastern subtropical North Atlantic gyre. Particle flux was highly seasonal, with flux maxima occurring in late winter-early spring. A comparison with historic CZCS (Coastal Zone Colour Scanner) data shows that these flux maxima occurred about 1 month after maximum chlorophyll was observed in surface waters in a presumed primary source region 100 km * 100 km northeast of the trap location. The main components of the particles collected with the traps were mineral particles and carbonate, both correlating strongly with organic matter sedimentation. Mineral particles in the sinking matter are indicative of the high aeolian input from the African desert regions. Comparing particle fluxes at 1 km and 3 km depth, we find that particle sedimentation increased substantially with depth. Yearly organic carbon sedimentation was 0.6 g m**-2 at 1 km depth compared with 0.8 g m**-2 at 3 km. We hypothesize that higher phytoplankton biomass observed further north could be a source of laterally advecting particles that interact with fast sinking particles originating from the primary source region. This hypothesis is also supported by the differences in size distribution of lithogenic matter found at the two trap depths.
The Shelf Seas of the Arctic are known for their large sea-ice production. This paper presents a comprehensive view of the Kara Sea sea-ice cover from high-resolution numerical modeling and space-borne microwave radiometry. As given by the latter the average polynya area in the Kara Sea takes a value of 21.2 × 10**3 km**2 ± 9.1 × 10**3 km**2 for winters (Jan.-Apr.) 1996/97 to 2000/01, being as high as 32.0 × 10**3 km**2 in 1999/2000 and below 12 × 10**3 km**2 in 1998/99. Day-to-day variations of the Kara Sea polynya area can be as high as 50 × 10**3 km**2. For the seasons 1996/97 to 2000/01 the modeled cumulative winter ice-volume flux out of the Kara Sea varied between 100 km**3/a and 350 km**3/a. Modeled high (low) ice export coincides with a high (low) average and cumulative polynya area, and with a low (high) sea-ice compactness in the Kara Sea from remote sensing data, and with a high (low) sea-ice drift speed across its northern boundary derived from independent model data for the winters 1996/97 to 2000/01.