552 resultados para Glacial sedimentation


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Glacial millennial-scale paleoceanographic changes in the Southeast Pacific and the adjacent Southern Ocean are poorly known due to the scarcity of well-dated and high resolution sediment records. Here we present new surface water records from sediment core MD07-3128 recovered at 53°S off the Pacific entrance of the Strait of Magellan. The alkenone-derived sea surface temperature (SST) record reveals a very strong warming of ca. 8°C over the last Termination and substantial millennial-scale variability in the glacial section largely consistent with our planktonic foraminifera oxygen isotope (d18O) record of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sin.). The timing and structure of the Termination and some of the millennial-scale SST fluctuations are very similar to those observed in the well-dated SST record from ODP Site 1233 (41°S) and the temperature record from Drowning Maud Land Antarctic ice core supporting the hemispheric-wide Antarctic timing of SST changes. However, differences in our new SST record are also found including a long-term warming trend over Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 followed by a cooling toward the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). We suggest that these differences reflect regional cooling related to the proximal location of the southern Patagonian Ice Sheet and related meltwater supply at least during the LGM consistent with the fact that no longer SST cooling trend is observed in ODP Site 1233 or any SST Chilean record. This proximal ice sheet location is documented by generally higher contents of ice rafted debris (IRD) and tetra-unsaturated alkenones, and a slight trend toward lighter planktonic d18O during late MIS 3 and MIS 2.


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The IMAGES core MD99-2343, recovered from a sediment drift north of the island of Minorca, in the north-western Mediterranean Sea, holds a high-resolution sequence that is perfectly suited to study the oscillations of the overturning system of the Western Mediterranean Deep Water (WMDW). Detailed analysis of grain-size and bulk geochemical composition reveals the sensitivity of this region to climate changes at both orbital and centennial-millennial temporal scales during the last 50 kyr. The dominant orbital pattern in the K/Al record indicates that sediment supply to the basin was controlled by the insolation evolution at 40°N, which forced changes in the fluvial regime, with more efficient sediment transport during insolation maxima. This orbital control also modulated the long-term pattern of the WMDW intensity as illustrated by the silt/clay ratio. However, deep convection was particularly sensitive to climatic changes at shorter time-scales, i.e. to centennial-millennial glacial and Holocene oscillations that are well documented by all the paleocurrent intensity proxies (Si/Al, Ti/Al and silt/clay ratios). Benthic isotopic records (d13C and d18O) show a Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) pattern of variability of WMDW properties, which can be associated with changing intensities of the deep currents system. The most prominent reduction on the WMDW overturning was caused by the post-glacial sea level rise. Three main scenarios of WMDW overturning are revealed: a strong mode during D-O Stadials, a weak mode during D-O Interstadials and an intermediate mode during cooling transitions. In addition, D-O Stadials associated with Heinrich events (HEs) have a very distinct signature as the strong mode of circulation, typical for the other D-O Stadials, was never reached during HE due to the surface freshening induced by the inflowing polar waters. Consequently, the WMDW overturning system oscillated around the intermediate mode of circulation during HE. Though surface conditions were more stable during the Holocene, the WMDW overturning cell still reacted synchronously to short-lived events, as shown by increments in the planktonic d18O record, triggering quick reinforcements of the deep water circulation. Overall, these results highlight the sensitivity of the WMDW to rapid climate change which in the recent past were likely induced by oceanographic and atmospheric reorganizations in the North Atlantic region.


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The CaCO3-contents and the fractions > 40 µm have been analysed from 5 kastenloten, one piston core and two kastengreifer taken between Senegal and Cape Verde Islands. Numerous benthonic and planktonic organisms and different terrigenous components have been distinguished. The four cores off Senegal reach middle Wuerm sediments; cores GIK12329-6 and TAG72-1 reach the V-zone and core GIK12331-4 the X-zone (Eem); the two kastengreifer contain sediments of Holocene age. Correlation of the cores has been made. Holocene sedimentation rates decrease from the shallow cores (6-11 cm/1000 years) to the deep-sea (1-2 cm/1000 years). The following climatic variations could be deduced from the sediments off the Senegal: during Holocene climate was in general as today, the Senegal river transporting fine grained material to the sea. The upper Wuerm was arid with no river influence but with red dune sand transported to the continental slope. During middle Wuerm the climate was humid again. The deep-sea cores have been influenced by eolian material from arid regions during glacial and interglacial periods, indicated by relatively high "Wuestenquarz-numbers". However, during Wuerm "Wuestenquarz-numbers" are higher than during Holocene and Eem, indicating that more intensely red coloured sediment was exposed to wind activity on the continent during this period. Varying amounts of terrigenous material and CaCO3-contents indicate varying wind strengths (lower in Holocene and Eem than during Wuerm). The boundary between humid and arid Wuerm climate was at approximately 20 °N. Influence of upwelling is difficult to establish in the sediments off Senegal, because river influence, while increasing fertility also dilutes the diatoms which are typical for upwelling. High amounts of organic carbon, low plankton/benthos ratios of foraminifers and low plankton foraminifer/radiolarian ratios in Holocene sections might be interpreted as influenced by upwelling. Turbidites occur in cores 72 and 31 and at the Holocene/Pleistocene boundary of core GIK12329-6. Their composition indicates provenance from the continental shelf of the Cape Verde Islands for core 31 and the continental shelf and slope off Senegal for core TAG72-1. Volcanic material, rare in the normal pelagic sediment of core GIK12331-4 is more frequent in the turbidites.


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First thermoluminescence (TL) datings of glacial deposits from several well-known sites in northwest Germany (Schleswig-Holstein) indicate a possible Middle Weichselian Glaciation in this region. The TL dates obtained imply an ice sheet at about 70-40 ka B.P. here, whose presence in this part of Europe has not been previously considered. The reliability of the TL dates was cross-checked on different lithologies; the dating was performed in two independent laboratories. These dates and their interpretations, however, must still be confirmed both geologically and paleontologically on suitable sites where glacial sediments are sandwiched between Eemian deposits and interstadial deposits older than the Late Weichselian.


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Stable isotope measurements on the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber (white) have been carried out on a number of selected deep-seas sediment cores from the South Lau and Norlh Fiji Basins. The d18O-curves show good correlation with the inter-ocean oraphic correlation composite d18O-record of the standard reference section (Prell et al. 1986), which, in combination with the chronostratigraphic classifications of Herterich & Sarnthein (1984, modified) and Imbrie et al. 1984), allows a detailed dating of the sedimentary sequences. The deepest layers in core no. 119 (southern Lau Basin) could be assigned to Isotope Stage 24. Measurements made on bulk carbonate in two cores show a much higher glacial-interglacial amplitude, allowing the general identification of the conventional oxygen isotope stages. The d13C-values of the benthic foraminifer Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi show progressively lighter values northwards reflecting an increasing contribution of the isotopically lighter CO2 from the remineralisation of organic matter during the general northward movement of the deep water masses. Cyclicities in the sedimentation rates were observed in core nos. 117 and 119 (both southern Lau Basin) where the interglacials exhibit higher levels than the glacials. Calculated new or export paleoproductivity show that the glacials had higher productivity in the euphotic zone. From the oxygen isotope stratigraphy, the five ash layers in core nos. 117 and 119 could be dated as about 530 ka B.P. in Stage 14, 695 ka B.P. in Stage 18, 775 ka B.P. in Stage 21, 790 ka B.P. and 825 ka B.P. in Stage 22. Carbonate dissolution occurred during stages 5, 8 and 10 to 12.


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On- and off-mound sediment cores from Propeller Mound (Hovland Mound province, Porcupine Seabight) were analysed to understand better the evolution of a carbonate mound. The evaluation of benthic foraminiferal assemblages from the off-mound position helps to determine the changes of the environmental controls on Propeller Mound in glacial and interglacial times. Two different assemblages describe the Holocene and Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 2 and late MIS 3 (~31 kyr BP). The different assemblages are related to changes in oceanographic conditions, surface productivity and the waxing and waning of the British Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) during the last glacial stages. The interglacial assemblage is related to a higher supply of organic material and stronger current intensities in water depth of recent coral growth. During the last glaciation the benthic faunas showed high abundances of cassidulinid species, implying cold bottom waters and a reduced availability of organic matter. High sedimentation rates and the domination of Elphidium excavatum point to shelf erosion related to sea-level lowering (~50 m) and the progradation of the BIIS onto the shelf. A different assemblage described for the on-mound core is dominated by Discanomalina coronata, Gavelinopsis translucens, Planulina ariminensis, Cibicides lobatulus and to a lower degree by Hyrrokkin sarcophaga. These species are only found or show significantly higher relative abundances in on-mound samples and their maximum contribution in the lower part of the record indicates a higher coral growth density on Propeller Mound in an earlier period. They are less abundant during the Holocene, however. This dataset portrays the boundary conditions of the habitable range for the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa, which dominates the deep-water reefal ecosystem on the upper flanks of Propeller Mound. The growth of this ecosystem occurs during interglacial and interstadial periods, whereas a retreat of corals is documented in the absence of glacial sediments on-mound. Glacial conditions with cold intermediate waters, a weak current regime and high sedimentation rates provide an unfavourable environmental setting for Lophelia corals to grow. A Late Pleistocene decrease is observed in the mound growth for Propeller Mound, which might face its complete burial in the future, as it already happened to the buried mounds of the Magellan Mound province further north.


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Stable isotope and ice-rafted debris records from three core sites in the mid-latitude North Atlantic (IODP Site U1313, MD01-2446, MD03-2699) are combined with records of ODP Sites 1056/1058 and 980 to reconstruct hydrographic conditions during the middle Pleistocene spanning Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 9-14 (300-540 ka). Core MD03-2699 is the first high-resolution mid-Brunhes record from the North Atlantic's eastern boundary upwelling system covering the complete MIS 11c interval and MIS 13. The array of sites reflect western and eastern basin boundary current as well as north to south transect sampling of subpolar and transitional water masses and allow the reconstruction of transport pathways in the upper limb of the North Atlantic's circulation. Hydrographic conditions in the surface and deep ocean during peak interglacial MIS 9 and 11 were similar among all the sites with relative stable conditions and confirm prolonged warmth during MIS 11c also for the mid-latitudes. Sea surface temperature (SST) reconstructions further reveal that in the mid-latitude North Atlantic MIS 11c is associated with two plateaus, the younger one of which is slightly warmer. Enhanced subsurface northward heat transport in the eastern boundary current system, especially during early MIS 11c, is denoted by the presence of tropical planktic foraminifer species and raises the question how strongly it impacted the Portuguese upwelling system. Deep water ventilation at the onset of MIS 11c significantly preceded surface water ventilation. Although MIS 13 was generally colder and more variable than the younger interglacials the surface water circulation scheme was the same. The greatest differences between the sites existed during the glacial inceptions and glacials. Then a north - south trending hydrographic front separated the nearshore and offshore waters off Portugal. While offshore waters originated from the North Atlantic Current as indicated by the similarities between the records of IODP Site U1313, ODP Site 980 and MD01-2446, nearshore waters as recorded in core MD03-2699 derived from the Azores Current and thus the subtropical gyre. Except for MIS 12, Azores Current influence seems to be related to eastern boundary system dynamics and not to changes in the Atlantic overturning circulation.


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We obtained sediment physical properties and geochemical data from 47 piston and gravity cores located in the Bay of Bengal, to study the complex history of the Late Pleistocene run-off from the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers and its imprint on the Bengal Fan. Grain-size parameters were predicted from core logs of density and velocity to infer sediment transport energy and to distinguish different environments along the 3000-km-long transport path from the delta platform to the lower fan. On the shelf, 27 cores indicate rapidly prograding delta foresets today that contain primarily mud, whereas outer shelf sediment has 25% higher silt contents, indicative of stronger and more stable transport regime, which prevent deposition and expose a Late Pleistocene relic surface. Deposition is currently directed towards the shelf canyon 'Swatch of No Ground', where turbidites are released to the only channel-levee system that is active on the fan during the Holocene. Active growth of the channel-levee system occurred throughout sea-level rise and highstand with a distinct growth phase at the end of the Younger Dryas. Coarse-grained material bypasses the upper fan and upper parts of the middle fan, where particle flow is enhanced as a result of flow-restriction in well-defined channels. Sandier material is deposited mainly as sheet-flow deposits on turbidite-dominated plains at the lower fan. The currently most active part of the fan with 10-40 cm thick turbidites is documented for the central channel including inner levees (e.g., site 40). Site 47 from the lower fan far to the east of the active channel-levee system indicates the end of turbidite sedimentation at 300 ka for that location. That time corresponds to the sea-level lowering during late isotopic stage 9 when sediment supply to the fan increased and led to channel avulsion farther upstream, probably indicating a close relation of climate variability and fan activity. Pelagic deep-sea sites 22 and 28 contain a 630-kyear record of climate response to orbital forcing with dominant 21- and 41-kyear cycles for carbonate and magnetic susceptibility, respectively, pointing to teleconnections of low-latitude monsoonal forcing on the precession band to high-latitude obliquity forcing. Upper slope sites 115, 124, and 126 contain a record of the response to high-frequency climate change in the Dansgaard-Oeschger bands during the last glacial cycle with shared frequencies between 0.75 and 2.5 kyear. Correlation of highs in Bengal Fan physical properties to lows in the d18O record of the GISP2 ice-core suggests that times of greater sediment transport energy in the Bay of Bengal are associated with cooler air temperatures over Greenland. Teleconnections were probably established through moisture and other greenhouse-gas forcing that could have been initiated by instabilities in the methane hydrate reservoir in the oceans.


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The quartz contents of sediments from Hole 595A, determined by X-ray diffractometry, serve as an indicator of eolian transport of terrigenous material to the central southern Pacific. The quartz contents are very small and, within limits of analytical resolution, vary only slightly from the Cretaceous to the present. However, the accumulation rate of the eolian quartz does change significantly. The quartz accumulation reflects the changing position of the site with respect to the terrigenous source areas and the variations in wind systems through time.


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The rate at which hydrothermal precipitates accumulate, as measured by the accumulation rate of manganese, can be used to identify periods of anomalous hydrothermal activity in the past. From a preliminary study of Sites 597 and 598, four periods prior to 6 Ma of anomalously high hydrothermal activity have been identified: 8.5 to 10.5 Ma, 12 to 16 Ma, 17 to 18 Ma, and 23-to-27 Ma. The 18-Ma anomaly is the largest and is associated with the jump in spreading from the fossil Mendoza Ridge to the East Pacific Rise, whereas the 23-to-27-Ma anomaly is correlated with the birth of the Galapagos Spreading Center and resultant ridge reorganization. The 12-to-16-Ma and 8.5-to-10.5-Ma anomalies are correlated with periods of anomalously high volcanism around the rim of the Pacific Basin and may be related to other periods of ridge reorganization along the East Pacific Rise. There is no apparent correlation between periods of fast spreading at 19°S and periods of high hydrothermal activity. We thus suggest that periods when hydrothermal activity and crustal alteration at mid-ocean ridges are the most pronounced may be periods of large-scale ridge reorganization.


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An investigation of the quantitative composition of the coarse (> 40 µm) and clay (< 2 µm) fraction of HPC 532, DSDP Leg 75, in 1300 m water depth on the eastern Walvis Ridge off Southwest Africa yielded the following results: (1) The sediments reflect a complete Latest Miocene to Recent depositional history. Sedimentation rates vary between 2.3 and 7.8 cm/ka. (2) Preservation of calcium carbonate is subject to strong variations: short-term (< 100,000 years) and long-term (about 1 m.y.) cycles in carbonate dissolution have been observed, with strongest dissolution occurring during periods of lowered sea level. (3) Upwelling influence from the near-coastal upwelling centre has been detected by means of the opal content: interglacial periods show high opal contents, because the Benguela Current turned westward at about 20°S and carried opal-laden upwelled water to the west. Sediments from glacial periods, however, show opal minima. Besides these short-term cyclic variations in opal content, long-term cycles have been found, with maximum upwelling influence in the latest Pliocene/early Quaternary. (4) Each CaCO3 dissolution minimum (maximum) is correlated with an opal maximum (minimum) throughout the sediment sequence. (5) The oceanographic system off southwest Africa remained essentially unchanged since the latest Miocene: sea level rose and fell periodically on a small and on a large scale, and the Benguela Current flowed southeast-northwest and turned to the west at the latitude of Site 532 during interglacial periods, when sea level was high. (6) The climate in the near-coastal area of southwest Africa in the latitude of Site 532 has probably been arid throughout the investigated period.


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This data report presents sedimentological (grain size) and geochemical (X-ray diffraction, total organic carbon, accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon, and percent carbonate) information obtained from the western transect (Sites 1132, 1130, and 1134) and the eastern transect (Sites 1129, 1131, and 1127) in the Great Australian Bight during Leg 182. The purpose is to quantify changing rates of sediment accumulation and changes in sediment type from the late Pleistocene and Holocene, in order to relate these changes to the well-known sea level curve that exists for this time frame. Ultimately, these data can be used to more effectively interpret lithologic variations deeper in the Pleistocene succession, which most likely represent orbitally forced sea level events.


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The first detailed stratigraphic record from a deep-water carbonate mound in the Northeast Atlantic based on absolute datings (U/Th and AMS 14C) and stable oxygen isotope records reveals that its top sediment sequences are condensed by numerous hiatuses. According to stable isotope data, mainly sediments with an intermediate signal are preserved on the mound, while almost all fully glacial and interglacial sediments have either not been deposited or have been eroded later. The resulting hiatuses reduce the Late Pleistocene sediment accumulation at Propeller Mound to amounts smaller than the background sedimentation. The hiatuses most likely result due to the sweeping of the mound in turn with the re-establishment of vigour interglacial circulation patterns after sluggish current regimes during glacials. Thus, within the discussion if internal, fluid-driven or external environmentally driven processes control the evolution of such carbonate mounds, our findings for Propeller Mound clearly point to environmental forcing as the dominant mechanism shaping deep-water carbonate mounds in the NE Atlantic during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene.