293 resultados para Fluvial flux


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Biogenic opal and organic carbon vertical rain rates in sediment cores reveal a strong cyclicity in the productivity of the upwelling system off presently arid northern Chile during the last 100,000 years. Changes in productivity are found to be in phase with the precessional cycle (~20,000 years) and with inputs of iron from the continent. During austral summer insolation maxima, increased precipitation and river runoff in the region appear to have brought high inputs of iron, mainly from the Andes, to the coastal ocean enhancing primary productivity there. We interpret our results as providing evidence for iron control of past productivity in this upwelling system and for a tight link between productivity and orbital forcing at midlatitudes.


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Because zooplankton feces represent a potentially important transport pathway of surface-derived organic carbon in the ocean, we must understand the patterns of fecal pellet abundance and carbon mobilization over a variety of spatial and temporal scales. To assess depth-specific water column variations of fecal pellets on a seasonal scale, vertical fluxes of zooplankton fecal pellets were quantified and their contribution to mass and particulate carbon were computed during 1990 at 200, 500, 1000, and 2000 m depths in the open northwestern Mediterranean Sea as part of the French-JGOFS DYFAMED Program. Depth-averaged daily fecal pellet flux was temporally variable, ranging from 3.04 * 10**4 pellets m**2/d in May to a low of 6.98 * 10**2 pellets m**2/d in September. The peak flux accounted for 50% of the integrated annual flux of fecal pellets and 62% of pellet carbon during only two months in mid-spring (April and May). Highest numerical fluxes were encountered at 1000 m, suggesting fecal pellet generation well below the euphotic zone. However, there was a trend toward lower pellet carbon with increasing depth, suggesting bacterial degradation or in situ repackaging as pellets sink through the water column. At 500 m, both the lowest pellet numerical abundance and carbon flux were evident during the spring peak. Combined with data indicating that numerical and carbon fluxes are dominated at 500 m by a distinct type of pellet found uniquely at this depth, these trends suggest the presence of an undescribed mid-water macro-zooplankton or micro-nekton community. Fecal pellet carbon flux was highest at 200 m and varied with depth independently of overall particulate carbon, which was greatest at 500 m. Morphologically distinct types of pellets dominated the numerical and carbon fluxes. Small elliptical and spherical pellets accounted for 88% of the numerical flux, while larger cylindrical pellets, although relatively rare (<10%), accounted for almost 40% of the overall pellet carbon flux. Cylindrical pellets dominated the pellet carbon flux at all depths except 500 m, where a large subtype of elliptical pellet, found only at that depth, was responsible for the majority of pellet carbon flux. Overall during 1990, fecal pellets were responsible for a depth-integrated annual average flux of 1.03 mgC/m**2/d, representing 18% of the total carbon flux. The proportion of vertical carbon flux attributed to fecal pellets varied from 3 to 35%, with higher values occurring during periods when the water column was vertically mixed. Especially during these times, fecal pellets are a critical conveyor of carbon to the deep sea in this region.


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The Nihewan Beds at Yangyuan reflect apparently continuous, high-resolution deposition of fluvial-lacustrine sediment in the climatically important loess deposit regions of north China. The Hutouliang section forms the upper portion of Nihewan Beds deposited during the Brunhes magnetic polarity chron. Lightness values measured on successive samples display similar variability to the aeolian flux record of oceanic sediment core V21-146 located downwind from this area in the North Pacific. The oxygen isotope timescale of core V21-146 was transferred to the lightness curve to provide a preliminary timescale allowing more detailed age control in the Hutouliang section. This timescale will provide useful assistance in dating boundary ages of the loess-soil sequence in China and interpreting regional climatic data.


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Eolian dust in pelagic deep sea sediments can be used to reconstruct ancient wind patterns and paleoenvironmental response to climate change. Traditional methods to determine dust accumulation involve isolating the non-dissolvable aluminosilicate minerals from deep sea sediments through a series of chemical leaches, but cannot differentiate between minerals from eolian, authigenic and volcanogenic sources. Other geochemical proxies, such as sedimentary 232Th and crustal 4He content, have been used to construct high-resolution records of atmospheric dust fluxes to the deep sea during the Quaternary. Here we use sedimentary Th content as a proxy for terrigenous material (eolian dust) in ~58 Myr-old sediments from the Shatsky Rise (ODP Site 1209) and compare our results with previous dust estimates generated using the traditional chemical extraction method and sedimentary 4He(crustal) concentrations. We find excellent agreement between Th-based dust estimates and those generated using the traditional method. In addition our results show a correlation between sedimentary Th and 4He(crustal) content, which suggests a source older than present day Asian loess supplied dust to the central subtropical Pacific Ocean during the early Paleogene.


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