169 resultados para Commune de Gaye
In the present study, we report the results of comprehensive amino acid (AA) analyses of four Indian lakes from different climate regimes. We focus on the investigation of sediment cores retrieved from the lakes but data of modern sediment as well as vascular plant, soil, and suspended particulate matter samples from individual lakes are also presented. Commonly used degradation and organic matter source indices are tested for their applicability to the lake sediments, and we discuss potential reasons for possible limitations. A principal component analysis including the monomeric AA composition of organic matter of all analysed samples indicates that differences in organic matter sources and the environmental properties of the individual lakes are responsible for the major variability in monomeric AA distribution of the different samples. However, the PCA also gives a factor that most probably separates the samples according to their state of organic matter degradation. Using the factor loadings of the individual AA monomers, we calculate a lake sediment degradation index (LI) that might be applicable to other palaeo-lake investigations.
Background and Aims: Anthropogenic depletion of stratospheric ozone in Arctic latitudes has resulted in an increase of ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B) reaching the biosphere. UV-B exposure is known to reduce aboveground biomass and plant height, to increase DNA damage and cause accumulation of UV-absorbing compounds in polar plants. However, many studies on Arctic mosses tended to be inconclusive. The importance of different water availability in influencing UV-B impacts on lower plants in the Arctic has been poorly explored and might partially explain the observed wide variation of responses, given the importance of water in controlling bryophyte physiology. This study aimed to assess the long-term responses of three common sub-Arctic bryophytes to enhanced UV-B radiation (+UV-B) and to elucidate the influence of water supply on those responses. Results: Responses were species specific: H. splendens responded most to +UV-B, with reduction in both annual growth (-22%) and sporophyte production (-44%), together with increased b-carotene, violaxanthin, total chlorophyll and NPQ, and decreased zeaxanthin and de-epoxidation of the xanthophyll cycle pool (DES). Barbilophozia lycopodioides responded less to +UV-B, showing increased b-carotene and sclerophylly and decreased UV-absorbing compounds. Polytrichum commune only showed small morphogenetic changes. No effect of UV-B on bryophyte cover was observed. Water availability had profound effects on bryophyte ecophysiology, and plants showed, in general, lower growth and ETR, together with a higher photoprotection in the drier site. Water availability also influenced bryophyte responses to +UV-B and, in particular, responses were less detectable in the drier site. Conclusions: Impacts of UV-B exposure on Arctic bryophytes were significant, in contrast to modest or absent UV-B effects measured in previous studies. The impacts were more easily detectable in species with high plasticity such as H. splendens and less obvious, or more subtle, under drier conditions. Species biology and water supply greatly influences the impact of UV-B on at least some Arctic bryophytes and could contribute to the wide variation of responses observed previously.
Little is known about the impact of changing temperature regimes on composition and diversity of cryptogam communities in the Arctic and Subarctic, despite the well-known importance of lichens and bryophytes to the functioning and climate feedbacks of northern ecosystems. We investigated changes in diversity and abundance of lichens and bryophytes within long-term (9-16 years) warming experiments and along natural climatic gradients, ranging from Swedish subarctic birch forest and subarctic/subalpine tundra to Alaskan arctic tussock tundra. In both Sweden and Alaska, lichen diversity responded negatively to experimental warming (with the exception of a birch forest) and to higher temperatures along climatic gradients. Bryophytes were less sensitive to experimental warming than lichens, but depending on the length of the gradient, bryophyte diversity decreased both with increasing temperatures and at extremely low temperatures. Among bryophytes, Sphagnum mosses were particularly resistant to experimental warming in terms of both abundance and diversity. Temperature, on both continents, was the main driver of species composition within experiments and along gradients, with the exception of the Swedish subarctic birch forest where amount of litter constituted the best explanatory variable. In a warming experiment in moist acidic tussock tundra in Alaska, temperature together with soil ammonium availability were the most important factors influencing species composition. Overall, dwarf shrub abundance (deciduous and evergreen) was positively related to warming but so were the bryophytes Sphagnum girgensohnii, Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi; the majority of other cryptogams showed a negative relationship to warming. This unique combination of intercontinental comparison, natural gradient studies and experimental studies shows that cryptogam diversity and abundance, especially within lichens, is likely to decrease under arctic climate warming. Given the many ecosystem processes affected by cryptogams in high latitudes (e.g. carbon sequestration, N2-fixation, trophic interactions), these changes will have important feedback consequences for ecosystem functions and climate.
In September 1999 two short-term moorings with cylindrical sediment traps were deployed to collect sinking particles in bottom waters off the Ob and Yenisei river mouths. Samples were studied for their bulk composition, pigments, phytoplankton, microzooplankton, fecal material, amino acids, hexosamines, fatty acids and sterols and compared to suspended matter and surface sediments in order to collect information about the nature and cycling of particulate matter in the water column. Results of all measured components in sinking particles point to an ongoing seasonality in the pelagic system from blooming diatoms in the first phase to a more retention system in the second half of trap deployment. Due to a phytoplankton bloom observed north of the Ob estuary, flux rates were generally higher in the trap deployed off the Ob than off the Yenisei. The Ob trap collected fresh surface-derived particulate matter. Particles from the Yenisei trap were more degraded and resembled deep water suspension. This material may partly have been derived from resuspended sediments.
The overarching goal of the Yamal portion of the Greening of the Arctic project is to examine how the terrain and anthropogenic factors of reindeer herding and resource development combined with the climate variations on the Yamal Peninsula affect the spatial and temporal patterns of vegetation change and how these changes are in turn affecting traditional herding of the indigenous people of the region. The purpose of the expeditions was to collect groundobservations in support of remote sensing studies at four locations along a transect that traverses all the major bioclimate subzones of the Yamal Peninsula. This data report is a summary of information collected during the 2007 and 2008 expeditions. It includes all the information from the 2008 data report (Walker et al. 2008) plus new information collected at Kharasavey in Aug 2008. The locations included in this report are Nadym (northern taiga subzone), Laborovaya (southern tundra = subzone E of the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map (CAVM), Vaskiny Dachi (southern typical tundra = subzone D), and Kharasavey (northern typical tundra = subzone C). Another expedition is planned for summer 2009 to the northernmost site at Belyy Ostrov (Arctic tundra = subzone B). Data are reported from 10 study sites - 2 at Nadym, 2 at Laborovaya, and 3 at Vaskiny Dachi and 3 at Kharasavey. The sites are representative of the zonal soils and vegetation, but also include variation related to substrate (clayey vs. sandy soils). Most of the information was collected along 5 transects at each sample site, 5 permanent vegetation study plots, and 1-2 soil pits at each site. The expedition also established soil and permafrost monitoring sites at each location. This data report includes: (1) background for the project, (2) general descriptions and photographs of each locality and sample site, (3) maps of the sites, study plots, and transects at each location, (4) summary of sampling methods used, (5) tabular summaries of the vegetation data (species lists, estimates of cover abundance for each species within vegetation plots, measured percent ground cover of species along transects, site factors for each study plot), (6) summaries of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and leaf area index (LAI) along each transect, (7) soil descriptions and photos of the soil pits at each study site, (8) summaries of thaw measurements along each transect, and (9) contact information for each of the participants. One of the primary objectives was to provide the Russian partners with full documentation of the methods so that Russian observers in future years could repeat the observations independently.
At present time, there is a lack of knowledge on the interannual climate-related variability of zooplankton communities of the tropical Atlantic, central Mediterranean Sea, Caspian Sea, and Aral Sea, due to the absence of appropriate databases. In the mid latitudes, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is the dominant mode of atmospheric fluctuations over eastern North America, the northern Atlantic Ocean and Europe. Therefore, one of the issues that need to be addressed through data synthesis is the evaluation of interannual patterns in species abundance and species diversity over these regions in regard to the NAO. The database has been used to investigate the ecological role of the NAO in interannual variations of mesozooplankton abundance and biomass along the zonal array of the NAO influence. Basic approach to the proposed research involved: (1) development of co-operation between experts and data holders in Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, UK, and USA to rescue and compile the oceanographic data sets and release them on CD-ROM, (2) organization and compilation of a database based on FSU cruises to the above regions, (3) analysis of the basin-scale interannual variability of the zooplankton species abundance, biomass, and species diversity.