184 resultados para Chantal Hébert


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In basalts and volcanogenic sediments from the Indian Ocean, the successive stages of submarine alteration of volcanic rocks and glasses give rise to the incorporation or the relative increase of iron in smectite lattices. During the first stage, the Mg-smectites are the most abundant; they are occasionally associated with Al-smectites. Afterwards, they are gradually replaced by iron-rich smectites. The REE distribution follows the same trend as the mineralogical changes. During the f'trst stage of alteration, REE distribution in clay minerals is the same as in the fresh glasses but, when the iron-rich smectites increase, the Ce has a specific behaviour. The Ce shows a positive anomaly in iron-rich smectites formed early in palagonitized glasses, and a negative one in authigenic smectites formed later from solutions in equilibrium with seawater.


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The carbonate fraction of sediment core ODP 849, leg 138, located in the eastern equatorial Pacific, mostly consisting of coccoliths, was separated and analyzed for its Zn isotopic composition. The overall variation in Zn isotopic composition, as determined by multiple-collector, magnetic-sector, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, was found to be on the order of 1? (expressed in delta66Zn, where deltaxZn=[(xZn/64Zn)sample/(xZn/64Zn)standard -1]*10**3 and x=66, 67 or 68) over the last 175 ka. The analytical precision was 0.04 per mil and the overall reproducibility was usually better than 0.07 per mil. The Zn isotopic composition signal exhibits several marked peaks and a high-frequency variability. A periodogram of the delta66Zn signal showed two periodicities of 35.2 and 21.2 ka. We suggest that the latter is caused by the precession of the Earth's axis of rotation. The periodogram exhibits a minimum at 41.1 ka, thus showing that the Zn isotopic composition is independent of the obliquity in the eastern equatorial Pacific. The range of delta66Zn values observed for the carbonate fraction of ODP 849 overlaps with the range observed for Fe-Mn nodules in the world's oceans, which suggests that seawater/carbonate Zn isotope fractionation is weak. We therefore assume that most of the Zn isotope variability is a result of the selective entrainment of the light isotopes by organic matter in the surface ocean. The ODP 849 delta66Zn record seems to follow the changes in the insolation cycles. Changes in the late summer/fall equatorial insolation modulate the intensity of the equatorial upwelling, hence the mixing between deep and surface waters. We propose that during decreased summer/fall equatorial insolation, when a steep thermocline can develop (El Niño-like conditions), the surface waters cannot be replenished by deep waters and become depleted in the lighter Zn isotopes by biological activity, thus resulting in the progressive increase of the delta66Zn values of the carbonate shells presumably in equilibrium with surface seawater.