497 resultados para Actinometric optical emission spectroscopy


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Concentrations of minor and trace elements (Li, Rb, Sr, Ba, Fe, and Mn) in interstitial water (IW) were found in samples collected during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 166 from Sites 1005, 1006, and 1007 on the western flank of the Great Bahama Bank (GBB). Concentrations of Li range from near-seawater values immediately below the sediment/water interface to a maximum of 250 µM deep in Site 1007. Concentrations determined during shore-based studies are substantially lower than the shipboard data presented in the Leg 166 Initial Reports volume (range of 28-439 µM) because of broad-band interferences from high dissolved Sr concentrations in the shipboard analyses. Rubidium concentrations of 1.3-1.7 µM were measured in IW from Site 1006 when salinity was less than 40 psu. A maximum of 2.5 µM is reached downhole at a salinity of 50 psu. Shipboard and shore-based concentrations of Sr2+ are in excellent agreement and vary from 0.15 mM near the sediment water interface to 6.8 mM at depth. The latter represent the highest dissolved Sr2+ concentrations observed to date in sediments cored during the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) or ODP. Concentrations of Ba2+ span three orders of magnitude (0.1-227µM). Concentrations of Fe (<0.1-14 µM) and Mn (0.1-2 µM) exhibit substantially greater fluctuations than other constituents. The concentrations of minor and trace metals in pore fluids from the GBB transect sites are mediated principally by changes in pore-water properties resulting from early diagenesis of carbonates associated with microbial degradation of organic matter, and by the abundance of detrital materials that serve as a source of these elements. Downcore variations in the abundance of detrital matter reflect differences in carbonate production during various sea-level stands and are more evident at the more proximal Site 1005 than at the more pelagic Site 1006. The more continuous delivery of detrital matter deep in Site 1007 and throughout all of Site 1006 is reflected in a greater propensity to provide trace elements to solution. Concentrations of dissolved Li+ derive principally from (1) release during dissolution of biogenic carbonates and subsequent exclusion during recrystallization and (2) release from partial dissolution of Li-bearing detrital phases, especially ion-exchange reactions with clay minerals. A third but potentially less important source of Li+ is a high-salinity brine hypothesized to exist in Jurassic age (unsampled) sediments underlying those sampled during Leg 166. The source of dissolved Sr2+ is almost exclusively biogenic carbonate, particularly aragonite. Concentrations of dissolved Sr2+ and Ba2+ are mediated by the solubility of their sulfates. Barite and detrital minerals appear to be the more important source of dissolved Ba2+. Concentrations of Fe and Mn2+ in anoxic pore fluids are mediated by the relative insolubility of pyrite and incorporation into diagenetic carbonates. The principal sources of these elements are easily reduced Fe-Mn-rich phases including Fe-rich clays found in lateritic soils and aoelian dust.


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Fossil manganese nodules and encrustations from seamount' and basin' localities in the Transdanubian Central Mountains of Hungary are lithologically, mineralogically and chemically similar to some modern marine ferromanganese oxide deposits, and show no evidence of postdepositional changes other than cementation. Five groups of deposits were encountered: Fe/Mn nodules, encrusted shells, pavements, stains, and Fe oxide encrusted intraclasts, the first three of which are specific to the 'seamount' environment and the last to the basins'. Optical and electron microprobe investigation of the samples shows them to exhibit many similarities with modern ferromanganese oxide deposits, and that many of the nodules are surrounded by a halo of dispersed ferromanganese oxides, strongly suggesting that they continued to accrete metals through the pore waters of unlithified sediments for a period after burial. By contrast, pavements which appear to have grown on hardgrounds at the sea floor show little or no evidence of derivation of metals from underlying sediments. Geochemical investigations on the deposits show the seamount' varieties to be closer in composition to most modern nodules and crusts than the basin' varieties, and that the latter are essentially manganese and trace-element-poor ferruginous deposits. Nevertheless, all can be more or less compositionally equated with modern ferromanganese oxide deposits forming in marginal Atlantic environments, which would be in accord with the proposed depositional environment of the Transdanubian Central Mountains based on other evidence.


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Increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations are causing greater dissolution of CO2 into seawater, and are ultimately responsible for today's ongoing ocean acidification. We manipulated seawater acidity by addition of HCl and by increasing CO2 concentration and observed that two coastal harpacticoid copepods, Amphiascoides atopus and Schizopera knabeni were both more sensitive to increased acidity when generated by CO2. The present study indicates that copepods living in environments more prone to hypercapnia, such as mudflats where S. knabeni lives, may be less sensitive to future acidification. Ocean acidification is also expected to alter the toxicity of waterborne metals by influencing their speciation in seawater. CO2 enrichment did not affect the free-ion concentration of Cd but did increase the free-ion concentration of Cu. Antagonistic toxicities were observed between CO2 with Cd, Cu and Cu free-ion in A. atopus. This interaction could be due to a competition for H+ and metals for binding sites.


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We present monthly resolved records of strontium/calcium (Sr/Ca) and oxygen isotope (d18O) ratios from well-preserved fossil corals drilled during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 310 'Tahiti Sea Level' and reconstruct sea surface conditions in the central tropical South Pacific Ocean during two time windows of the last deglaciation. The two Tahiti corals examined here are uranium/thorium (U/Th)-dated at 12.4 and 14.2 ka, which correspond to the Younger Dryas (YD) cold reversal and the Bølling-Allerød (B-A) warming of the Northern Hemisphere, respectively. The coral Sr/Ca records indicate that annual average sea surface temperature (SST) was 2.6-3.1 °C lower at 12.4 ka and 1.0-1.6 °C lower at 14.2 ka relative to the present, with no significant changes in the amplitude of the seasonal SST cycle. These cooler conditions were accompanied by seawater d18O (d18Osw) values higher by ~0.8 per mill and ~0.6 per mill relative to the present at 12.4 and 14.2 ka, respectively, implying more saline conditions in the surface waters. Along with previously published coral Sr/Ca records from the island [Cohen and Hart (2004), Deglacial sea surface temperatures of the western tropical Pacific: A new look at old coral. Paleoceanography 19, PA4031, doi:10.1029/2004PA001084], our new Tahiti coral records suggest that a shift toward lower SST by ~1.5 °C occurred from 13.1 to 12.4 ka, which was probably associated with a shift toward higher d18Osw by ~0.2 per mill. Along with a previously published coral Sr/Ca record from Vanuatu [Corrège et al. (2004), Interdecadal variation in the extent of South Pacific tropical waters during the Younger Dyras event. Nature 428, 927-929], the Tahiti coral records provide new evidence for a pronounced cooling of the western to central tropical South Pacific during the Northern Hemisphere YD event.


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Mineralization of organic matter and the subsequent dissolution of calcite were simulated for surface sediments of the upper continental slope off Gabon by using microsensors to measure O2, pH, pCO2 and Ca2+ (in situ), pore-water concentration profiles of NO3-, NH4+, Fe2+, and Mn2+ and SO42- (ex situ), as well as sulfate reduction rates derived from incubation experiments. The transport and reaction model CoTReM was used to simulate the degradation of organic matter by O2, [NO3]-, Fe(OH)3 and [SO4]2-, reoxidation reactions involving Fe2+ and Mn2+, and precipitation of FeS. Model application revealed an overall rate of organic matter mineralization amounting to 50 µmol C cm**-2 yr**-1, of which 77% were due to O2, 17% to [NO3]- and 3% to Fe(OH)3 and 3% to [SO4]2-. The best fit for the pH profile was achieved by adapting three different dissolution rate constants of calcite ranging between 0.01 and 0.5% d-1 and accounting for different calcite phases in the sediment. A reaction order of 4.5 was assumed in the kinetic rate law. A CaCO3 flux to the sediment was estimated to occur at a rate of 42 g m**-2 yr**-1 in the area of equatorial upwelling. The model predicts a redissolution flux of calcite amounting to 36 g m**-2 yr**-1, thus indicating that ~90% of the calcite flux to the sediment is redissolved.


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This paper presents data on geographic and geologic conditions of modern sedimentation in the Lake Untersee, the largest lake in the East Antarctica. Geochemical and sedimentation data indicate that the leading mechanism supplying aluminosilicate sedimentary material to the surface layer of bottom sediments is seasonal melting of the Anuchin glacier and the mountain glacier on the southeastern part of the valley hosting the lake. Strongly reduced conditions in the lowermost 25 m of the water column in the smaller of two depressions of the lake bottom were favorable for enrichment of the bottom sediments in bacteriogenic organic matter, Mo, Au, and Pd. H2S-contaminated water results to significant enrichment of the sediments only in redox-sensitive elements that are able to migrate in anionic complexes and precipitate (co-precipitate) as sulfides.