115 resultados para Acid pollution of rivers, lakes, etc.


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The gut contents and fatty acid composition of 49 fish belonging to five Antarctic demersal families (Nototheniidae, Macrouridae, Channichtyidae, Bathydraconidae and Artedidraconidae) sampled at two stations at the Southern Ocean shelf and deep sea (600 and 2150 m) were analysed in order to identify their main food resource by linking trophic biomarkers with the dietary items found in the fish guts. Main food items of most fish analysed were amphipod crustaceans (e.g. in 63% of Trematomus bernachii guts) and polychaetes (e.g. in 80% of Bathydraco sp. guts), but other food items including fish, other crustaceans and gastropods were also ingested. The most prominent fatty acids found were 20:5(n-3), 16:0, 22:6(n-3) and 18:1(n-9). The results of gut content and fatty acid analyses indicate that all fish except the Channichthyidae share similar food resources irrespective of their depth distribution, i.e. benthic amphipods and polychaetes. A difference of the dietary spectrum can be observed with ontogenetic phases rather than between species, as high values of typical calanoid copepod marker fatty acids as 22:1(n-11) indicate that younger (smaller) specimens include more zooplankton in their diet.


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Reliable information of past vegetation changes are important to project future changes, especially for areas undergoing rapid transitioning such as the boreal treeline. The application of detailed sedDNA records has the potential to enhance our understanding of vegetation changes gained mainly from pollen studies of lake sediments. This study investigates sedDNA and pollen records from 31 lakes along a gradient of increasing larch forest cover in northern Siberia (Taymyr Peninsula) and compares them with vegetation field surveys within the lake's catchment. With respect to vegetation richness, sedDNA recorded 114 taxa, about half of them to species level, while pollen analyses identified 43 pollen taxa. Both approaches exceed the 31 taxa revealed by vegetation field surveys of 400 m**2 plots. From north to south, Larix percentages increase, as is consistently recorded by all three methods. Furthermore, tundra sites are separated from forested sites in the plots of the principal component analyses. Comparison of ordination results by Procrustes and Protest analyses yields a significant fit among all compared pairs of records. Despite the overall comparability of sedDNA and pollen analyses certain idiosyncrasies in the compositional signal are observed, such as high percentages of Alnus and Betula in all pollen spectra and high percentages of Salix in all sedDNA spectra. In conclusion, our results from the treeline show that sedDNA analyses perform better than pollen in recording site-specific richness (i.e. presence/absence of certain vegetation taxa in the direct vicinity of the lake) and perform as good as pollen in tracing regional vegetation composition.


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The copepod Calanus glacialis plays a key role in the lipid-based energy flux in Arctic shelf seas. By utilizing both ice algae and phytoplankton, this species is able to extend its growth season considerably in these seasonally ice-covered seas. This study investigated the impacts of the variability in timing and extent of the ice algal bloom on the reproduction and population success of C. glacialis. The vertical distribution, reproduction, amount of storage lipids, stable isotopes, fatty acid and fatty alcohol composition of C. glacialis were assessed during the Circumpolar Flaw Lead System Study. Data were collected in the Amundsen Gulf, south-eastern Beaufort Sea, from January to July 2008 with the core-sampling from March to April. The reduction in sea ice thickness and coverage observed in the Amundsen Gulf in 2007 and 2008 affected the life strategy and reproduction of C. glacialis. Developmental stages CIII and CIV dominated the overwintering population, which resulted in the presence of very few CV and females during spring 2008. Spawning began at the peak of the ice algal bloom that preceded the precocious May ice break-up. Although the main recruitment may have occurred later in the season, low abundance of females combined with a potential mismatch between egg production/development to the first feeding stage and phytoplankton bloom resulted in low recruitment of C. glacialis in the early summer of 2008.


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This paper discusses the occurrence of manganese-rich concretions in the lakes of Northern Savolax in Eastern Finland. The samples were collected in the summer of 1905 and left to dry for 2 months at room temperature. The quantity of H2O mentionned in the analysis was obtained by dessication at 155°C. The amount of Mn is calulated as MnO2 although other valences might be present in the samples. The contents in CO2 and organic substances was not determined. J. Aschan determined that as a general rule, in Finland the manganese rich lake deposits are rather associated with soft bottom sediments while the iron rich deposits are more assocaited with hard or sandy bottoms.


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The fatty acid (FA) composition of representatives belonging to 18 polychaete families from the Southern Ocean shelf and deep sea (600 to 5337 m) was analysed in order to identify trophic biomarkers and elucidate possible feeding preferences. Total FA content was relatively low with few exceptions and ranged from 1.0 to 11.6% of total body dry weight. The most prominent FA found were 20:5(n-3), 16:0, 22:6(n-3), 18:1(n-7), 20:4(n-6), 18:0, 20:1(n-11) and 18:1(n-9). For some polychaete families and species FA profiles indicated selective feeding on certain dietary components, like freshly deposited diatom remains (e.g., Spionidae, Fauveliopsidae and Flabelligeridae) or foraminiferans (e.g., Euphrosinidae, Nephtyidae and Syllidae). Feeding patterns were relatively consistent within families at the deep stations, while the FA composition differed between the deep and the shelf stations within the same family. Fatty alcohols, indicative of wax ester storage, were found in almost all families (in proportions of 0.0 to 29.3% of total FA and fatty alcohols). The development of this long-term storage mechanism of energy reserves possibly displays an evolutionary strategy.


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Blubber biopsies were collected from 18 adult male walruses from Svalbard, Norway. The biopsies were taken vertically through the skin and the entire blubber layer down to, but not including, the muscle layer. Fatty acid (FA) compositions of inner blubber, outer blubber and dermis of the walruses and of potential prey organisms were determined. The three layers differed significantly from one another in FA composition. Generally, the inner blubber contained more long-chained monounsaturated, saturated and polyunsaturated FAs, while the outer blubber and dermis contained more short-chained monounsaturated FAs. This stratification is similar to what has been observed in other marine mammal species. However, differences between layers were less pronounced than in most other species, possibly because the extremely thick overlying dermis of walruses provides an insulating shield, which affects the FA composition of the outer blubber. The FA composition of the potential prey organisms was different from that of the blubber of the walruses, although more similar to the inner blubber than to the outer blubber or dermis. FA composition in the inner blubber was not significantly correlated with age (assessed by tusk volume), while the FA composition of the outer blubber and dermis were significantly correlated with age.


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Concentrations of mercury (Hg) have increased slowly in landlocked Arctic char over a 10- to 15-year period in the Arctic. Fluxes of Hg to sediments also show increases in most Arctic lakes. Correlation of Hg with trophic level (TL) was used to investigate and compare biomagnification of Hg in food webs from lakes in the Canadian Arctic sampled from 2002 to 2007. Concentrations of Hg (total Hg and methylmercury [MeHg]) in food webs were compared across longitudinal and latitudinal gradients in relation to d13C and d15N in periphyton, zooplankton, benthic invertebrates, and Arctic char of varying size-classes. Trophic magnification factors (TMFs) were calculated for the food web in each lake and related to available physical and chemical characteristics of the lakes. The relative content of MeHg increased with trophic level from 4.3 to 12.2% in periphyton, 41 to 79% in zooplankton, 59 to 72% in insects, and 74 to 100% in juvenile and adult char. The d13C signatures of adult char indicated coupling with benthic invertebrates. Cannibalism among char lengthened the food chain. Biomagnification was confirmed in all 18 lakes, with TMFs ranging from 3.5 ± 1.1 to 64.3 ± 0.8. Results indicate that TMFs and food chain length (FCL) are key factors in explaining interlake variability in biomagnification of [Hg] among different lakes.


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It is the purpose of this paper to record information concerning the distribution and occurrence of manganiferous concretions and other manganese oxide deposits that develop on certain lake bottoms. During the summer of 1935 several days were devoted to a study of this type of lake bottom deposit in various parts of Nova Scotia. Lake studies in Ontario have extended the known distribution from lakes on or near the Atlantic coast to lakes in southern Ontario. During the writer's first work on lacustrine manganiferous deposits the concretions of manganese oxide which were found were almost entirely limited to the relatively shallow parts of the lakes examined. Other lakes are now known where the manganese oxide appears to occur only in the maximum depths.


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The accelerating decrease of Arctic sea ice substantially changes the growth conditions for primary producers, particularly with respect to light. This affects the biochemical composition of sea ice algae, which are an essential high-quality food source for herbivores early in the season. Their high nutritional value is related to their content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which play an important role for successful maturation, egg production, hatching and nauplii development in grazers. We followed the fatty acid composition of an assemblage of sea ice algae in a high Arctic fjord during spring from the early bloom stage to post bloom. Light conditions proved to be decisive in determining the nutritional quality of sea ice algae, and irradiance was negatively correlated with the relative amount of PUFAs. Algal PUFA content decreased on average by 40 % from April to June, while algal biomass (measured as particulate carbon, C) did not differ. This decrease was even more pronounced when algae were exposed to higher irradiances due to reduced snow cover. The ratio of chlorophyll a (chl a) to C, as well as the level of photoprotective pigments, confirmed a physiological adaptation to higher light levels in algae of poorer nutritional quality. We conclude that high irradiances are detrimental to sea ice algal food quality, and that the biochemical composition of sea ice algae is strongly dependent on growth conditions.


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This paper reviews Japanese limnological studies mainly in the McMurdo and Syowa oases, with special emphasis on the nutrient distribution. Generally, the chemical composition of the major ionic components in the coastal lakes and ponds is similar to that in seawater, while that in inland Dry Valley lakes and ponds of the McMurdo Oasis is abundant in calcium, magnesium and sulfate ions. The former can be explained by the direct influences of sea salts, while the latter is mainly attributable to the accumulation of atmospheric salts. Most saline lakes are meromictic. Dissolved oxygen concentrations in the upper layers are saturated or supersaturated, but the bottom layers are anoxic and often hydrogen sulfide occurs. The concentrations of nutrients vary largely not only among the lakes but also with depth. Silicate-Si, which is generally abundant in all freshwater and saline lakes, may be due to erosions of soils and rocks. Nitrite-N concentrations in both freshwater and saline lakes are generally low. Nitrate-N concentrations in the oxic layers of the inland saline lakes in the McMurdo Oasis arc often high, but not high in the coastal saline lakes of the Syowa and Vestfold oases. The abundance of phosphate-P and ammonium-N in the bottom stagnant layers of saline lakes can be explained by the accumulation of microbially released nutrients due to the decomposition of organic substances. Nutrients are supplied mainly from meltstreams in the catchment areas, and are proved to play an important role in primary production.


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Several amino acid diagenetic reactions, which take place in the deep-sea sedimentary environment, were investigated, using various Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) cores. Initially it was found that essentially all the amino acids in sediments are bound in peptide linkages; but, with increasing age, the peptide bonds undergo slow hydrolysis that results in an increasingly larger fraction of amino acids in the free state. The hydrolysis half-life in calcareous sediments was estimated to be ~1-2 million years, while in non-carbonate sediment the hydrolysis rate may be considerably slower. The amino acid compositions and the extent of racemization of several amino acids were determined in various fractions isolated from the sediments. These analyses demonstrated that the mechanism, kinetics, and rate of amino acid diagenesis are highly dependent upon the physical state (i.e., free, bound, etc.) in which the amino acids exist in the sedimentary environment. In the free state, serine and threonine were found to decompose primarily by a dehydration reaction, while in the bound state (residue or HCl-insoluble fraction) a reversible aldol-cleavage reaction is the main decomposition pathway of these amino acids. The change in amino acid composition of the residue fraction with time was suggested to be due to the hydrolysis of peptide bonds, while in foraminiferal tests the compositional changes over geological time are the result of various decomposition reactions. Reversible first-order racemization kinetics are not observed for free amino acids in sediments. The explanation for these anomalous kinetics involves a complex reaction series which includes the hydrolysis of peptide bonds and the very rapid racemization of free amino acids. The racemization rates of free amino acids in sediments were found to be many orders of magnitude faster than those predicted from elevated temperature experiments using free amino acids in aqueous solution. The racemization rate enhancement of free amino acids in sediments may be due to the catalysis of the reaction by trace metals. Reversible first-order kinetics are followed for amino acids in the residue fraction isolated from sediments; the rate of racemization in this fraction is slower than that predicted for protein-bound amino acids. Various applications of amino acid diagenetic reactions are discussed. Racemization and the decomposition reaction of serine and threonine can both be used, with certain limitations, to make rough age estimates of deep-sea sediments back to several million years. The extent of racemization in foraminiferal tests which have been dated by some other independent technique can be used to estimate geothermal gradients, and thus heat flows, and to evaluate the bottom water temperature history in certain oceanic areas.


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Cyclic fluctuations in global sea level during epochs of warm greenhouse climate have remained enigmatic, because absence or subordinate presence of polar ice during these periods precludes an explanation by glacio-eustatic forcing. An alternative concept suggests that the water-bearing potential of groundwater aquifers is equal to that of ice caps and that changes in the dynamic balance of aquifer charge versus discharge, as a function of the temperature-related intensity of the hydrological cycle, may have driven eustasy during warm climates. However, this idea has long been neglected for two reasons: 1) the large storage potential of subsurface aquifers was confused with the much smaller capacity of rivers and lakes and 2) empirical data were missing that document past variations in the hydrological cycle in relation to eustasy. In the present study we present the first empirical evidence for changes in precipitation, continental weathering intensity and evaporation that correlate with astronomically (long obliquity) forced sea-level cycles during the warmest period of the Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Turonian). We compare sequence-stratigraphic data with changes in the terrigenous mineral assemblage in a low-latitude marine sedimentary sequence from the equatorial humid belt at the South-Tethyan margin (Levant carbonate platform, Jordan), thereby avoiding uncertainties from land-ocean correlations. Our data indicate covariance between cycles in weathering and sea level: predominantly chemical weathering under wet climate conditions is reflected by dominance of weathering products (clays) in deposits that represent sea-level fall (aquifer charge > discharge). Conversely, preservation of weathering-sensitive minerals (feldspars, epidote and pyroxenes) in transgressive sediments reflects decreased continental weathering due to dryer climate (aquifer discharge > charge). Based on our results we suggest that aquifer-eustasy represents a viable alternative to glacio-eustasy as a driver of cyclic 3rd-order sea-level fluctuations during the middle Cretaceous greenhouse climate, and it may have been a pervasive process throughout Earth history.