144 resultados para Access Success Program (Ill.)


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This petrological study of the lower Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE1a) focused on the nature of the organic-rich interval as well as the tuffaceous units above and below it. The volcaniclastic debris deposited just prior to the OAE1a is consistent with reactivation of volcanic centers across the Shatsky Rise, concurrent with volcanism on the Ontong Java Plateau. This reactivation may have been responsible for the sub-OAE1a unconformity. Soon after this volcanic pulse, anomalous amounts of organic matter accumulated on the rise, forming a black shale horizon. The complex textures in the organic-rich intervals suggest a history of periodic anoxia, overprinted by bioturbation. Components include pellets, radiolarians, and fish debris. The presence of carbonate-cemented radiolarite under the OAE1a intervals suggests that there has been large-scale remobilization of carbonate in the system, which in turn may explain the absence of calcareous microfossils in the section. The volcanic debris in the overlying tuffaceous interval differs in that it is significantly epiclastic and glauconitic. It was likely derived from an emergent volcanic edifice.


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The Okinawa Trough (OT) in the East Asian continental margin is characterized by thick terrigenous sediment and ubiquitous volcanic-hydrothermal activities. In this study, the clays collected during IODP Expedition 331 to the middle OT (Iheya North Knoll) were analyzed for mineralogical and geochemical compositions. By comparing with the clays from the East China Sea shelf and surrounding rivers, we examine different clay origins. The hydrothermal field in the mid-OT is dominated by Mg-rich chlorite, while the recharge zone has clay mineral assemblages similar to the shelf and rivers, showing high content of illite, subordinate chlorite and kaolinite and scarce smectite. Compared to the terrigenous clays, the hydrothermal clays in the OT have high concentrations of Mg, Mn and Zr but low Fe, Na, K, Ca, Ba, Sr, P, Sc and Ti, while the hydrothermal clays in the mid-ocean ridge are relatively enriched in Fe and V and depleted in Al, Mg, Zr, Sc and Ti. Different fractionation patterns of rare earth elements also register in the terrigenous and hydrothermal clays, diagnostic of variable clay origins. We infer that the OT hydrothermal clay was primarily formed by the chemical alteration of detrital sediments subject to the hydrothermal fluids. The remarkably different compositions of hydrothermal clays between the sediment-rich back arc basin like OT and the sediment-starved ocean ridge suggest different physical and chemical processes of hydrothermal fluids and fluid-rock/sediment reactions under various geologic settings.


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The impact of global climate change on coral reefs is expected to be most profound at the sea surface, where fertilization and embryonic development of broadcast-spawning corals takes place. We examined the effect of increased temperature and elevated CO2 levels on the in vitro fertilization success and initial embryonic development of broadcast-spawning corals using a single male:female cross of three different species from mid- and high-latitude locations: Lyudao, Taiwan (22° N) and Kochi, Japan (32° N). Eggs were fertilized under ambient conditions (27 °C and 500 µatm CO2) and under conditions predicted for 2100 (IPCC worst case scenario, 31 °C and 1000 µatm CO2). Fertilization success, abnormal development and early developmental success were determined for each sample. Increased temperature had a more profound influence than elevated CO2. In most cases, near-future warming caused a significant drop in early developmental success as a result of decreased fertilization success and/or increased abnormal development. The embryonic development of the male:female cross of A. hyacinthus from the high-latitude location was more sensitive to the increased temperature (+4 °C) than the male:female cross of A. hyacinthus from the mid-latitude location. The response to the elevated CO2 level was small and highly variable, ranging from positive to negative responses. These results suggest that global warming is a more significant and universal stressor than ocean acidification on the early embryonic development of corals from mid- and high-latitude locations.


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Avian ecosystem services such as the suppression of pests are considered being of high ecological and economic importance in a range of ecosystems, especially in tropical agroforestry. But how bird predation success is related to the diversity and composition of the bird community, as well as local and landscape factors, is poorly understood. The author quantified arthropod predation in relation to the identity and diversity of insectivorous birds, using experimental exposure of artificial, caterpillar-like prey on smallholder cacao agroforestry systems, differing in local shade management and distance to primary forest. The bird community was assessed using both mist netting (targeting on active understory insectivores) and point count (higher completeness of species inventories) sampling. The study was conducted in a land use dominated area in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, adjacent to the Lore Lindu National Park. We selected 15 smallholder cacao plantations as sites for bird and bat exclosure experiments in March 2010. Until July 2011, we recorded several data in this study area, including the bird community data, cacao tree data and bird predation experiments that are presented here. We found that avian predation success can be driven by single and abundant insectivorous species, rather than by overall bird species richness. Forest proximity was important for enhancing the density of this key species, but did also promote bird species richness. The availability of local shade trees had no effects on the local bird community or avian predation success. Our findings are both of economical as well as ecological interest because the conservation of nearby forest remnants will likely benefit human needs and biodiversity conservation alike.


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Claystones immediately overlying the early Eocene age ocean-floor basalt, cored at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 647, underwent hydrothermal and thermal alterations originating from the basalt, which resulted in changes in both the mineralogical and chemical composition of the sediments. Chlorites and higher magnesium and iron concentrations were found in the lowermost sediment sequence. Upcore, changes in the bulk chemical composition of the sediments become smaller, when compensated for variations in the carbonate content originating from biogenic and authigenic components. Chlorite disappears upcore, but still only part of the swelling clay minerals have survived the thermal influence. Thirty meters above the basalt, the clay mineralogy and chemical composition become uniform throughout the Paleogene section. Iron-rich smectites (i.e., nontronitic types), totally dominate the clay mineral assemblage. Biogenic components, responsible for the dominant part of the calcite and cristobalite contents, vary in amount in the upper part, and so do the authigenic carbonate and sulfide contents. Detrital components, such as kaolinite, illite, quartz, and feldspars, make up a very small proportion of the sediment record. The nontronitic smectites are believed to be authigenic, formed by a supply of iron from the continuous formation of ocean-floor basalt in the ridge area that reacted with the detrital and biogenic silicates and alumina silicates.


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Site 1123 is located on the northeastern flank of the Chatham Rise. Sedimentological and clay mineralogical analyses indicate a very fine grained carbonate-rich sediment. Smectite and illite are the main constituents of the clay mineral assemblage. High smectite values in the Eocene decrease in younger sediment sequences. Illite and chlorite concentrations increase in younger sediments with significant steps at 13.5, 9, and 6.4 Ma. The kaolinite content is near the detection limit and not significant. We observed only small fluctuations of the clay mineral composition, which indicates a uniform sedimentation process, probably driven by long-term processes. Good correspondence is shown between increasing illite and chlorite values and the tectonic uplift history of the Southern Alps.


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The mineralogy of both bulk- and clay-sized (<2 µm) fractions of sediments from Holes 842A and 842B of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 136 was determined by X-ray diffraction. The sediments consist of a combination of terrigenous (quartz, plagioclase, smectite, illite, kaolinite, and chlorite), volcaniclastic (augite, plagioclase, and volcanic glass), and diagenetic minerals (smectite, phillipsite, clinoptilolite, and opal-CT). Although biogenic silica (radiolarians and diatoms) is common in near-seafloor (<10 mbsf) sediments, biogenic calcite is rare. Variations with depth in abundances of the terrigenous minerals reflect temporal changes in the flux of eolian material to the site. Volcanogenic material derived from the Hawaiian Islands is present in lithologic Unit 1 (0-19.9 meters below seafloor) both as discrete layers and as finely disseminated silt- and clay-sized material. Volcanic glass is present only in the upper 10 m of the sediment column. In Unit 2 (19.9-35.7 mbsf), increased smectite and zeolite abundances with depth as well as indurated, zeolite-rich layers are thought to be the alteration products of volcanogenic material. The source of this older (late Oligocene to middle Miocene) volcanogenic detritus may be continental volcanism. Microfabrics imaged using back-scattered electron imaging reflect the effects of compaction and diagenesis on sediment porosity and matrix structure. As porosity decreases during burial, the matrix changes from an open, floc-like fabric, to an interlocking network of clay mineral domains, and finally to a dense intergrowth of clay minerals and zeolites. Despite the substantial changes in sediment microfabric and mineralogy, correlations between physical and acoustic properties and mineralogy are weak or absent. The sediment has maintained high porosity (>70%), and water content appears to dominate the sediment's physical character and acoustic response.


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X-ray diffraction analyses of the clay-sized fraction of sediments from the Nankai Trough and Shikoku Basin (Sites 1173, 1174, and 1177 of the Ocean Drilling Program) reveal spatial and temporal trends in clay minerals and diagenesis. More detrital smectite was transported into the Shikoku Basin during the early-middle Miocene than what we observe today, and smectite input decreased progressively through the late Miocene and Pliocene. Volcanic ash has been altered to dioctahedral smectite in the upper Shikoku Basin facies at Site 1173; the ash alteration front shifts upsection to the outer trench-wedge facies at Site 1174. At greater depths (lower Shikoku Basin facies), smectite alters to illite/smectite mixed-layer clay, but reaction progress is incomplete. Using ambient geothermal conditions, a kinetic model overpredicts the amount of illite in illite/smectite clays by 15%-20% at Site 1174. Numerical simulations come closer to observations if the concentration of potassium in pore water is reduced or the time of burial is shortened. Model results match X-ray diffraction results fairly well at Site 1173. The geothermal gradient at Site 1177 is substantially lower than at Sites 1173 and 1174; consequently, volcanic ash alters to smectite in lower Shikoku Basin deposits but smectite-illite diagenesis has not started. The absolute abundance of smectite in mudstones from Site 1177 is sufficient (30-60 wt%) to influence the strata's shear strength and hydrogeology as they subduct along the Ashizuri Transect.


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The analyses of downhole log data from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) boreholes on the Blake Ridge at Sites 994, 995, and 997 indicate that the Schlumberger geochemical logging tool (GLT) may yield useful gas hydrate reservoir data. In neutron spectroscopy downhole logging, each element has a characteristic gamma ray that is emitted from a given neutron-element interaction. Specific elements can be identified by their characteristic gamma-ray signature, with the intensity of emission related to the atomic elemental concentration. By combining elemental yields from neutron spectroscopy logs, reservoir parameters including porosities, lithologies, formation fluid salinities, and hydrocarbon saturations (including gas hydrate) can be calculated. Carbon and oxygen elemental data from the GLT was used to determine gas hydrate saturations at all three sites (Sites 994, 995, and 997) drilled on the Blake Ridge during Leg 164. Detailed analyses of the carbon and oxygen content of various sediments and formation fluids were used to construct specialized carbon/oxygen ratio (COR) fan charts for a series of hypothetical gas hydrate accumulations. For more complex geologic systems, a modified version of the standard three-component COR hydrocarbon saturation equation was developed and used to calculate gas hydrate saturations on the Blake Ridge. The COR-calculated gas hydrate saturations (ranging from about 2% to 14% bulk volume gas hydrate) from the Blake Ridge compare favorably to the gas hydrate saturations derived from electrical resistivity log measurements.


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Mineralogical and major-element compositions of 72 samples of volcanic ash, recovered from Site 808 at Nankai Trough during Leg 131, were analyzed in relation to the early diagenetic alteration. Alteration products are first observed at the following depths: smectite, 200 mbsf; clinoptilolite, 646 mbsf; and analcite, 810 mbsf. Glass decomposition dominates over authigenic mineral formation between 200 and 550 mbsf in the sediment column, whereas mineral formation becomes dominant below 550 mbsf. Based on the X-ray diffraction patterns, a broad and asymmetric peak of 15A suggests a presence of illite/smectite (I/S) mixed-layered minerals in a sample from 646 mbsf. I/S mixed-layered mineral formation, however, rarely occurs even at the bottom of the sediment column (1290 mbsf) at 120° C. This is possibly because zeolite (especially clinoptilolite) formed in the ash interferes with illite formation in the smectite. The formation of alteration minerals affects the major-element chemistry of the ash and the interstitial waters. H4SiO4 concentrations in interstitial waters increase during glass decomposition and decrease with smectite and clinoptilolite formation. K is removed from interstitial water into smectite and/or clinoptilolite. Mg is fixed into smectite (and/or chlorite).


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Clay mineral assemblages for the last 10 m.y. are described for Site 823, at 16°S in the Queensland Trough, to the northeast of Australia. Largely unaffected by diagenetic influences, these mostly express the evolution of northeastern Australian continental environments during the late Neogene: (1) beginning during the late Miocene at about 7.0 Ma is an increase of illite derived from rocky substrates at the expense of smectite from deeply weathered soils; this increase was the result of increasing aridity in the Australian interior and globally cooler temperatures, associated with increases in Antarctic glaciation; (2) concomitant and further increases of kaolinite fluxes to the Queensland Trough during the late Miocene-early Pliocene largely reflect an increase in rainfall in northeastern Australia; (3) increases in both soil- and rock-derived minerals probably intensified as a result of late Neogene uplift of the eastern highlands; (4) clay-mineral associations during the Pliocene and Pleistocene display minor variations only and probably resulted in part from differential settling and sea-level changes; (5) similar trends of clay-mineral variations occur at both ODP Site 823 and DSDP Site 588 (Lord Howe Rise). Less abundant kaolinite relative to illite at Site 588 nevertheless suggests a southward decrease of continental humidity and/or of the eastern highlands uplift; (6) influences of global climate and oceanic and atmospheric circulations on clay-mineral associations dominated during the late Miocene and were progressively replaced by influences of more regional environmental variations during the Pliocene and especially the Pleistocene.