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Data are presented on concentrations of aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (AHC and PAH) in interstitial waters and bottom sediments of the Kara Sea compared to distribution of particulate matter and organic carbon. It was found that AHC concentrations within the water mass (aver. 16 µg/l) are mainly formed by natural processes. Distribution of AHC represents variability of hydrological and sedimentation processes in different regions of the sea. The widest ranges of the concentrations occurred in the Obskaya Guba - Kara Sea section: in water (10-310 µg/l for AHC and 0.4-7.2 ng/l for PAH) and in the surface layer of the bottom sediments (8-42 µg/l for AHC and 9-94 ng/g for PAH). Differentiation of hydrocarbons (HC) in different media follows regularities typical for marginal filters; therefore no oil and pyrogenic compounds are supplied to the open sea. In sediments contents of HC depend on variations in redox conditions in sediments and on their composition.
This paper is a comparative study of the variation in 10Be content of different late Cenozoic sedimentary environments recovered during ODP Leg 117. The Oman Margin site, Hole 728A, with overlying high-productivity cells, the pelagic Owen Ridge site, Hole 722A, and the Indus Fan site, Hole 720A, each display a specific 10Be distribution with time. Differences in scavenging intensity and upwelling in the water column, must account for the variations in the initial 10Be input into the sediments from Holes 728A and 722A, whereas differences in sediment character and sedimentation rate can explain the variances between Holes 722A, 728A, and 720A.