468 resultados para 207-1259


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Twenty-eight core catcher samples were provided to the author by the shipboard party for evaluation of fossil diatoms. Samples are from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 207 Holes 1257A, 1257B, 1257C, and 1258A. The samples range from 50 to 112 meters below the seafloor (mbsf) at Site 1257 and from ~22 to 60 mbsf at Site 1258. At Site 1257, samples range in age from middle Eocene (foraminifer Zone P14-13) to late Paleocene (mid-foraminifer Zone P4). At Site 1258, the samples range from middle Eocene (foraminifer Zone P11) to early Eocene (foraminifer Zone P5) according to the preliminary biostratigraphic reports (Erbacher, Mosher, Malone, et al., 2004, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.207.2004). All samples were processed at Florida State University Antarctic Research Facility. Treatment included acidization and sieving through stacked 38- and 63-µm sieves. Strew slides were made from each fraction and the catcher pan. A Zeiss Photoscope II microscope was used for examination of the prepared slides. Samples from Holes 1257A, 1257B, and 1257C showed that most of the samples are barren of siliceous microfossils. Only a few radiolarians and fragments of radiolarians were observed.


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Multiple copies of Cretaceous black shales extending from the early Cenomanian to the end of the Santonian were recovered at five sites on Demerara Rise during Leg 207 of the Ocean Drilling Program. These sediments are primarily composed of laminated organic-rich claystones interbedded with coarser, lightly laminated foraminferal-bearing packstones and wackestones. The black shales represent the local expression of widespread organic-rich sedimentation in the Atlantic during the mid-Cretaceous. However, incomplete recovery prevented construction of continuous composite sections, resulting in uncertainties concerning the correct stratigraphic placement of individual cores. By combining high-resolution measurements of bulk density collected shipboard on the multisensor track with continuous downhole measurements of formation resistivity using the Formation MicroScanner, an equivalent logging depth scale was constructed for black shales recovered from Sites 1258, 1260, and 1261. The integrated depths approach centimeter-scale resolution and are supported by comparisons of coarser resolution natural gamma ray emissions collected on cores and through downhole logging operations. The new depths highlight the extent of both intra- and intercore gaps and provide an opportunity to further constrain temporal and spatial paleoceanographic changes captured in proxy records from these sediments.