983 resultados para delta 13C, calcite


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Theories explaining the origin of the abrupt, massive discharges of ice-rafted detritus (IRD) into the glacial North Atlantic (the Heinrich layers (HLs)) generally point to the Laurentide ice sheet as the sole source of these events, until it was found that the IRDs also originated from Icelandic and European ice sheets (Bond and Lotti, 1995, doi:10.1126/science.267.5200.1005; Snoeckx et al., 1999, doi:10.1016/S0025-3227(98)00168-6; Grousset et al., 2000, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(2000)28<123:WTNAHE>2.0.CO;2). This apparent contradiction must be reconciled as it raises fundamental questions about the mechanism(s) of HL origin. We have analyzed two ~12 cm thick HLs in an ultrahigh-resolution mode (1-2 century intervals) in a mid-Atlantic ridge piston core. The d18O record (N. pachyderma left coiling) reveals strong excursions induced by the melting of the icebergs; these excursions are associated with a strong decrease in the amount of planktic foraminafersand with a 3°C cooling of the surface waters. Counts of coarse detrital grains reveal that IRD are deposited according to a typical sequence (1) volcanic glass, (2) quartz and feldspars, (3) detrital carbonate, that implies a chronology in the melting of the differentpan-Atlantic ice sheets. Sr and Nd isotopic composition confirm that in both Heinrich layers H1 and H2, "precursor" IRD came from first Europe/Iceland, followed then by Laurentide-derived IRD. An internal cyclicity can be identified: during H1 and H2, about four to six major, abrupt discharges occurred roughly on a century timescale. The d13C and d15N records reveal that dominant inputs of continent-derived organic matter are associated with IRD within the HLs, hiding the plankton productivity signal.


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Analysis of sediments deposited at different latitudes around the world during the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM; ~56 Ma) have revealed a globally profound warming phase, regionally varying from 5-8 °C. Such records from Europe have not yet been obtained. We studied the variations in sea surface and continental mean annual air temperatures (SST and MAT, respectively) and the distribution patterns and stable carbon isotopes of higher plant derived n-alkanes in two proximal PETM sections (Fur and Store Bælt, Denmark) from the epicontinental North Sea Basin. A negative carbon isotope excursion (CIE) of 4-7 per mil was recorded in land plant derived n-alkanes, similar to what has been observed for other PETM sections. However, differences observed between the two proximal sites suggest that local factors, such as regional vegetation and precipitation patterns, also influenced the CIE. The presence of S-bound isorenieratene derivatives at the onset of the PETM and increased organic carbon contents points to a rapid shift in depositional environment; from well oxygenated to anoxic and sulfidic. These euxinic conditions are comparable with those during the PETM in the Arctic Ocean. SSTs inferred from TEX86 show relatively low temperatures followed by an increase of ~7 °C across the PETM. At the Fur section, a remarkably similar temperature record was obtained for MAT using the MBT'/CBT proxy. However, the MAT record of the Store Bælt section did not reveal this warming.


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The abundances and distribution of metazoan within-ice meiofauna (13 stations) and under-ice fauna (12 stations) were investigated in level sea ice and sea-ice ridges in the Chukchi/Beaufort Seas and Canada Basin in June/July 2005 using a combination of ice coring and SCUBA diving. Ice meiofauna abundance was estimated based on live counts in the bottom 30 cm of level sea ice based on triplicate ice core sampling at each location, and in individual ice chunks from ridges at four locations. Under-ice amphipods were counted in situ in replicate (N=24-65 per station) 0.25 m**2 quadrats using SCUBA to a maximum water depth of 12 m. In level sea ice, the most abundant ice meiofauna groups were Turbellaria (46%), Nematoda (35%), and Harpacticoida (19%), with overall low abundances per station that ranged from 0.0 to 10.9 ind/l (median 0.8 ind/l). In level ice, low ice algal pigment concentrations (<0.1-15.8 µg Chl a /l), low brine salinities (1.8-21.7) and flushing from the melting sea ice likely explain the low ice meiofauna concentrations. Higher abundances of Turbellaria, Nematoda and Harpacticoida also were observed in pressure ridges (0-200 ind/l, median 40 ind/l), although values were highly variable and only medians of Turbellaria were significantly higher in ridge ice than in level ice. Median abundances of under-ice amphipods at all ice types (level ice, various ice ridge structures) ranged from 8 to 114 ind/m**2 per station and mainly consisted of Apherusa glacialis (87%), Onisimus spp. (7%) and Gammarus wilkitzkii (6%). Highest amphipod abundances were observed in pressure ridges at depths >3 m where abundances were up to 42-fold higher compared with level ice. We propose that the summer ice melt impacted meiofauna and under-ice amphipod abundance and distribution through (a) flushing, and (b) enhanced salinity stress at thinner level sea ice (less than 3 m thickness). We further suggest that pressure ridges, which extend into deeper, high-salinity water, become accumulation regions for ice meiofauna and under-ice amphipods in summer. Pressure ridges thus might be crucial for faunal survival during periods of enhanced summer ice melt. Previous estimates of Arctic sea ice meiofauna and under-ice amphipods on regional and pan-Arctic scales likely underestimate abundances at least in summer because they typically do not include pressure ridges.


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The organic geochemistry of Sites 1108 and 1109 of the Woodlark Basin, offshore Papua New Guinea, was studied to determine whether thermally mature hydrocarbons were present in the penetrated section and, if present, whether they are genetically related to the penetrated "coaly" interval. Both the organic carbon and pyrolysis data indicate that there is no significant hydrocarbon source-rock potential at Site 1108. The hydrocarbons encountered during drilling appear to be indigenous and not migrated products or contaminants. In contrast, the coaly interval at Site 1109 contains zones with significant hydrocarbon-generation potential. Several independent lines of evidence indicate that the coaly sequence encountered at Site 1109 is thermally immature. The Site 1108 methane stable-carbon isotope composition does not display a clear trend with depth as would be expected if it was solely reflecting a maturation profile. The measured isotopic composition of methane has most probably been altered by fractionation during sample handling and storage. This fractionation would result in isotopically heavier values than would be obtained on free gas. The organic geochemical data gathered indicate that Site 1108 can be safely revisited and that the organic-rich sediments encountered at Site 1109 were not the source of the gas encountered at Site 1108.


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A unique set of geochemical pore-water data, characterizing the sulfate reduction and uppermost methanogenic zones, has been collected at the Blake Ridge (offshore southeastern North America) from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 164 cores and piston cores. The d13C values of dissolved CO2 (sum CO2) are as 13C-depleted as -37.7 per mil PDB (Site 995) at the sulfate-methane interface, reflecting a substantial contribution of isotopically light carbon from methane. Although the geochemical system is complex and difficult to fully quantify, we use two methods to constrain and illustrate the intensity of anaerobic methane oxidation in Blake Ridge sediments. An estimate using a two-component mixing model suggests that ~24% of the carbon residing in the sum CO2 pool is derived from biogenic methane. Independent diagenetic modeling of a methane concentration profile (Site 995) indicates that peak methane oxidation rates approach 0.005 µmol/cm**3/yr, and that anaerobic methane oxidation is responsible for consuming ~35% of the total sulfate flux into the sediments. Thus, anaerobic methane oxidation is a significant biogeochemical sink for sulfate, and must affect interstitial sulfate concentrations and sulfate gradients. Such high proportions of sulfate depletion because of anaerobic methane oxidation are largely undocumented in continental rise sediments with overlying oxic bottom waters. We infer that the additional amount of sulfate depleted through anaerobic methane oxidation, fueled by methane flux from below, causes steeper sulfate gradients above methane-rich sediments. Similar pore water chemistries should occur at other methane-rich, continental-rise settings associated with gas hydrates.


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Neodymium isotopes of fish debris from two sites on Demerara Rise, spanning ~4.5 m.y. of deposition from the early Cenomanian to just before ocean anoxic event 2 (OAE2) (Cenomanian-Turonian transition), suggest a circulation-controlled nutrient trap in intermediate waters of the western tropical North Atlantic that could explain continuous deposition of organic-rich black shales for as many as ~15 m.y. (Cenomanian-early Santonian). Unusually low Nd isotopic data (epsilon-Nd(t) ~-11 to ~-16) on Demerara Rise during the Cenomanian are confirmed, but the shallower site generally exhibits higher and more variable values. A scenario in which southwest-flowing Tethyan and/or North Atlantic waters overrode warm, saline Demerara bottom water explains the isotopic differences between sites and could create a dynamic nutrient trap controlled by circulation patterns in the absence of topographic barriers. Nutrient trapping, in turn, would explain the ~15 m.y. deposition of black shales through positive feedbacks between low oxygen and nutrient-rich bottom waters, efficient phosphate recycling, transport of nutrients to the surface, high productivity, and organic carbon export to the seafloor. This nutrient trap and the correlation seen previously between high Nd and organic carbon isotopic values during OAE2 on Demerara Rise suggest that physical oceanographic changes could be components of OAE2, one of the largest perturbations to the global carbon cycle in the past 150 m.y.


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Helium isotope composition as an indicator of the mantle-derived component was studied in gases from mineral springs, stratal waters, and mud volcanoes developed west of the Teberda River valley (10 objects) and two springs in the central segment of the Greater Caucasus orogen between the active El'brus and Kazbek volcanoes. In the western segment of the orogen ratios of 3He/4He = R_corr vary from 46x10**-8 to 114x10**-8 (from 0.33 to 0.81 R_atm, where R_atm = 1.4x10**-6 is the atmospheric ratio). They are substantially lower relative to ratios in the vicinity of El'brus and Kazbek and close to those in samples from the central segment (from 70x10**-8 to 134x10**-8 (from 0.50 to 0.96 R_atm), as well as to ratios previously recorded in the Caucasian Mineral Waters (CMW) area. Moreover, concentration of 3He in them is notably higher than its crustal radiogenic level characteristic of mud volcanoes in the Taman Peninsula, where 3He/4He varies from 1.4x10**-8 to 2.8x10**-8 (from 0.01 to 0.02 R_atm). Nitrogen-methane gas from northern piedmonts of the western Caucasus also contains nonatmogenic components including radiogenic 40Ar (40Ar/36Ar = 900), excessive nitrogen (~87% of total N2 concentration in sample) and mantle He. These data specify distribution of mantle derivates along the orogen strike and age of intrusive magmatic activity in its different segments.


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The oxygen- and carbon-isotope compositions of planktic and benthic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils from Middle Oligocene-Early Miocene Equatorial Atlantic sediments (DSDP Site 354) indicate two important paleoceanographic changes, in the Late Oligocene (foraminiferal Zone P.21) and in the Early Miocene (foraminiferal Zone N.5). The first change, reflected by a delta18O increase of 1.45? in Globigerina venezuelana, affected only intermediate pelagic and not surface, deep or bottom waters. The second change affected surface and intermediate waters, whereas deep and bottom waters showed only minor fluctuations. In the case of the former the isotope effect of the moderate ice accumulation on the Antarctic continent is amplified in the Equatorial Atlantic by changes in the circulation pattern. The latter paleoceanographic change, reflected by a significant increase in 18O in both planktic and benthic forms (about 1.0? and 0.5?, respectively), may have been caused by ice volume increase and temperature decrease. Both oxygen- and carbon-isotope compositions indicate a marked depth-habitat stratification for planktic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils. Three different dwelling groups are recognized: shallow Globigerinoides, Globoquadrina dehiscens, Globorotalia mayeri and nannofossils; intermediate Globigerina venezuelana; and deep Catapsydrax dissimilis. The comparison of foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils suggests that the isotopic compositions of nannofossils are generally controlled by the same parameters which control the isotopic composition of shallow-dwelling foraminifera, but the former are more enriched in 18O.


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A lacustrine sediment core from Store Koldewey, northeast Greenland, was biogeochemically, biologically and sedimentologically investigated in order to reconstruct long- and short-term climatic and environmental variability. The chronology of the uppermost 189 cm of the record is based on ten 14C AMS age determinations of aquatic mosses. The record covers almost the entire Holocene and revealed changes on multidecadal to centennial scales. Dating of the oldest mosses shows that lacustrine biogenic productivity already began at around 11 cal. kyr BP. This age pre-dates the onset of biogenic productivity in other lakes on Store Koldewey by about 2 kyr. In spite of the early onset of biogenic production organic matter accumulation remained low and minerogenic sedimentation dominated. At about 9.5 cal. kyr BP moss, sulphur, organic carbon and biogenic silica content started to increase, indicating that the environment stabilized and the biogenic production in the lake adjusted to more preferable conditions. Subsequently, the biogenic productivity experienced repeated changes and varied both on long- and short-term scales. The long-term trend shows a maximum during the early Holocene thus responding to increased temperatures during the Holocene Thermal Maximum. Superimposed on the long-term trend, biogenic productivity also experienced repeated short-term fluctuations that match partly the NGRIP temperatures. The most pronounced decrease of biogenic productivity occurred at around 8.2 cal. kyr BP. Perennial lake ice coverage resulting from low temperatures is supposed to have caused decreased lacustrine biogenic productivity. From the middle Holocene to the present repeated decreases of productivity occurred that could be related to periods with severe sea-ice conditions of the East Greenland Current. Besides the dependence on air temperature it therefore demonstrates the sensitivity of lacustrine biogenic productivity in coastal high arctic areas to short-term cold spells that are mediated by the currents emanating from the Arctic Ocean. However, the data also emphasize the difficulties associated with the interpretation of lacustrine records.


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Traditionally, the application of stable isotopes in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) projects has focused on d13C values of CO2 to trace the migration of injected CO2 in the subsurface. More recently the use of d18O values of both CO2 and reservoir fluids has been proposed as a method for quantifying in situ CO2 reservoir saturations due to O isotope exchange between CO2 and H2O and subsequent changes in d18OH2O values in the presence of high concentrations of CO2. To verify that O isotope exchange between CO2 and H2O reaches equilibrium within days, and that d18OH2O values indeed change predictably due to the presence of CO2, a laboratory study was conducted during which the isotope composition of H2O, CO2, and dissolved inorganic C (DIC) was determined at representative reservoir conditions (50°C and up to 19 MPa) and varying CO2 pressures. Conditions typical for the Pembina Cardium CO2 Monitoring Pilot in Alberta (Canada) were chosen for the experiments. Results obtained showed that d18O values of CO2 were on average 36.4±2.2 per mil (1 sigma, n=15) higher than those of water at all pressures up to and including reservoir pressure (19 MPa), in excellent agreement with the theoretically predicted isotope enrichment factor of 35.5 per mil for the experimental temperatures of 50°C. By using 18O enriched water for the experiments it was demonstrated that changes in the d18O values of water were predictably related to the fraction of O in the system sourced from CO2 in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions. Since the fraction of O sourced from CO2 is related to the total volumetric saturation of CO2 and water as a fraction of the total volume of the system, it is concluded that changes in d18O values of reservoir fluids can be used to calculate reservoir saturations of CO2 in CCS settings given that the d18O values of CO2 and water are sufficiently distinct.