1000 resultados para alpha-Carotene per unit mass total organic carbon
At two locations in the Atlantic Ocean (DSDP Sites 367 and 530) early to middle Cretaceous organic-carbon-rich beds (black shales) were found to have significantly lower delta15N values (lower 15N/14N ratios) than adjacent organic-carbon-poor beds (white limestones or green claystones). While these lithologies are of marine origin, the black strata in particular have delta15N values that are significantly lower than those previously found in the marine sediment record and most contemporary marine nitrogen pools. In contrast, black, organic-carbon-rich beds at a third site (DSDP Site 603) contain predominantly terrestrial organic matter and have C- and N-isotopic compositions similar to organic matter of modern terrestrial origin. The recurring 15N depletion in the marine-derived Cretaceous sequences prove that the nitrogen they contain is the end result of an episodic and atypical biogeochemistry. Existing isotopic and other data indicate that the low 15N relative abundance is the consequence of pelagic rather than post-depositional processes. Reduced ocean circulation, increased denitrification, and, hence, reduced euphoric zone nitrate availability may have led to Cretaceous phytoplankton assemblages that were periodically dominated by N2-fixing blue-green algae, a possible source of this sediment 15N-depletion. Lack of parallel isotopic shifts in Cretaceous terrestrially-derived nitrogen (Site 603) argues that the above change in nitrogen cycling during this period did not extend beyond the marine environment.
This study investigates organic-rich sedimentary sequences deposited during the early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE1a) at Sites 1207 and 1213 on Shatsky Rise (ODP Leg 198) in the west-central Pacific. Biomarker analyses provide evidence of the algal and bacterial origin of organic matter (OM) in these sediments where the abundance of steroidal components, particularly sterenes and sterones, suggests that the OM includes major contributions from eukaryotic sources in an environment characterized by high phytoplankton productivity. The presence of alkenones at Site 1213B is diagnostic of OM derived from representatives of haptophyte algae among the calcareous nannoplankton and their d13C values (average -31.6 per mil) are consistent with those expected during elevated pCO2. The occurrence and prominence of 2b-methylhopanes and 2b-methylhopanones indicates significant contributions to the OM from cyanobacteria, which are also likely contributors of hopanoids based on their d13C compositions. These biomarker data suggest that oceanic conditions, perhaps nitrate- or iron-limited, were conducive to cyanobacteria production during OAE1a, which appears to distinguish this event from other Cretaceous OAE.