96 resultados para photos


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Marine records from the Reykjanes Ridge indicate ice sheet variations and abrupt climate changes. One of these records, ice-rafted detritus (IRD), serves as a proxy for iceberg discharges that probably indicates ice sheet fluctuations. The IRD records suggest that iceberg discharge 68,000-10,000 yr B.P. happened more frequently than the 7000- to 10,000-yr spacing of the Heinrich events. An IRD peak 67,000 to 63,000 yr B.P. further suggests that the Middle Weichselian glaciation started about 12,000 yr earlier in the North Atlantic than in the Norwegian Sea. Several later IRD events, in contrast, correlate with Norwegian Sea IRD-rich layers and imply coeval ice sheet advances in the North Atlantic and the Norwegian Sea. Coccoliths in a core from the Reykjanes Ridge show distinct peaks in species that record occasional inflow of warm surface water during the last glaciation, as previously reported from the eastern Labrador Sea. High abundances of coccoliths, together with a decrease ofNeogloboquadrina pachydermasin. and relatively low delta18O values, imply enhanced advection of the North Atlantic Current 69,000-67,000 yr B.P., 56,000-54,000 yr B.P., 35,000-33,000 yr B.P., and 26,000-23,000 yr B.P. This advection provided a regional moisture source for extension of ice sheets onto the shelf. In contrast, most of the IRD events are characterized by cold polar surface water masses indicating rapid variations in ocean surface conditions.


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Photogrammetric reanalysis of 1985 aerial photos has revealed substantial submarine melting of the floating ice tongue of Jakobshavn Isbrae, west Greenland. The thickness of the floating tongue determined from hydrostatic equilibrium tapers from ~940 m near the grounding zone to ~600 m near the terminus. Feature tracking on orthophotos shows speeds on the July 1985 ice tongue to be nearly constant (~18.5 m/d), indicating negligible dynamic thinning. The thinning of the ice tongue is mostly due to submarine melting with average rates of 228 ± 49 m/yr (0.62 ± 0.13 m/d) between the summers of 1984 and 1985. The cause of the high melt rate is the circulation of warm seawater (thermal forcing of up to 4.2°C) beneath the tongue with convection driven by the substantial discharge of subglacial freshwater from the grounding zone. We believe that this buoyancy-driven convection is responsible for a deep channel incised into the sole of the floating tongue. A dramatic thinning, retreat, and speedup began in 1998 and continues today. The timing of the change is coincident with a 1.1°C warming of deep ocean waters entering the fjord after 1997. Assuming a linear relationship between thermal forcing and submarine melt rate, average melt rates should have increased by ~25% (~57 m/yr), sufficient to destabilize the ice tongue and initiate the ice thinning and the retreat that followed.


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Using as a starting point the results giving 'traditional' growth rates as determined by the decrease of radioelements (part I) and the hypothesis of rapid formation, the different mineralogical, structure and chemical characteristics of the sample have been studied to try to understand the possible mode of formation of this encrustation. A rapid formation would account for (1) the very peculiar structure of the sample composed of oriented botryoids and the bundle-like structure of the outermost oxide layer; (2) the fact that this sample represents a substitution of a preexisting hyaloclastite; (3) the different chemical gradients, mainly iron, thorium and uranium; (4) the fact that this sample which cannot have been maintained at the sediment-water interface by bioturbation is not covered by a great thickness of sediments. On the other hand, an unsolved problem remains: Why different radionuclides used for dating give growth rates of the same order of magnitude and different 'exposition ages'.


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Following three decades of relative stability, Jakobshavn Isbrae, West Greenland, underwent dramatic thinning, retreat and speed-up starting in 1998. To assess the amount of ice loss, we analyzed 1985 aerial photos and derived a 40 m grid digital elevation model (DEM). We also obtained a 2007 40 m grid SPOT DEM covering the same region. Comparison of the two DEMs over an area of ~4000 km**2 revealed a total ice loss of 160 ± 4 km**3, with 107 ± 0.2 km**3 in grounded regions (0.27 mm eustatic sea-level rise) and 53 ± 4 km**3 from the disintegration of the floating tongue. Comparison of the DEMs with 1997 NASA Airborne Topographic Mapper data indicates that this ice loss essentially occurred after 1997, with +0.7 ± 5.6 km**3 between 1985 and 1997 and -160 ± 7 km**3 between 1997 and 2007. The latter is equivalent to an average specific mass balance of -3.7 ± 0.2 m/a over the study area. Previously reported thickening of the main glacier during the early 1990s was accompanied by similar-magnitude thinning outside the areas of fast flow, indicating that the land-based ice continued reacting to longer-term climate forcing.


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One of the objectives of WHOI Atlantis Cruise 151, covering the period from 7 December 1947 to 18 June 1948, was to obtain as complete a sampling of the sea bottom of the Meditterranean and Aegean Seas as was compatible with the remainder of the scientific program. It was furthermore planned to make concurrent bottom photographs as a means for studying the correlation between bottom sediments and the morphology of the sea floor. The photographs also held the possibility of determining the presence of bottom fauna. The underwater camera used for this work was loaned to us by Dr. Maurice Ewing of Columbia University. As it was fitted with a one foot long coring tube at the base of its pole a majority of the bottom samples were obtained by the camera itself. On the way to Gibraltar, several bottom photos were taken in the Atlantic ocean. One of them was the deepest underwater photograph ever taken at the tima (3026 fathoms) showing a cluster of objects, some as much as 5 inches across on a clay bottom. These appeared to be manganese nodules, judging from their rounded and bulbous shape, especially the potato-like form of some of them. A core sample obtained at the same spot with a corer attached to the camera stand contained abundant manganese grains.


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Two main alternating facies were observed at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1165, drilled in 3357 m water depth into the Wild Drift (Cooperation Sea, Antarctica): a dark gray, laminated, terrigenous one (interpreted as muddy contourites) and a greenish, homogeneous, biogenic and coarse fraction-bearing one (interpreted as hemipelagic deposits with ice rafted debris [IRD]). These two cyclically alternating facies reflect orbitally driven changes (Milankovitch periodicities) recorded in spectral reflectance, bulk density, and magnetic susceptibility data and opal content changes. Superimposed on these short-term variations, significant uphole changes in average sedimentation rates, total clay content, IRD amount, and mineral composition were interpreted to represent the long-term lower to upper Miocene transition from a temperate climate to a cold-climate glaciation. The analysis of the short-term variations (interpreted to reflect ice sheet expansions controlled by 41-k.y. insolation changes) requires a quite closely spaced sampled record like that provided by the archive multisensor track. Among those, cycles are best described by spectral reflectance data and, in particular, by a parameter calculated as the ratio of the reflectivity in the green color band and the average reflectivity (gray). In this data report a numerical evaluation of spectral reflectance data was performed and substantiated by correlation with core photos to provide an objective description of the color variations within Site 1165 sediments. The resulting color description provides a reference to categorize the available samples in terms of facies and, hence, a framework for further analyses. Moreover, a link between visually described features and numerical series suitable for spectral analyses is provided.