236 resultados para in situ trapping in graphite furnace


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The monograph is devoted to the main results of research on the Trans Indian Ocean Geotraverse from the Maskarene Basin to the north-western margin of Australia. These results were obtained by Russian specialists and together with Indian specialists during 15 years of cooperation in investigation of geological structure and mineral resources of the Indian Ocean. The monograph includes materials on information support of marine geological and geophysical studies, composition and structure of information resources on the Indian Ocean, bathymetry and geomorphology, structure and geological nature of the magnetic field, gravity field, plate tectonics, crustal structure and sedimentary cover, seismic stratigraphy, perspectives for detecting oil and gas, solid minerals, sediment composition, composition and properties of clay minerals, stratigraphy and sediment age, chemical composition of sediments, composition of and prospects for solid minerals.


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Molybdenum and vanadium were analysed in 9 scediment cores recovered from the continental slope and rise off NW Africa. Additionall chemical and sedimentological parameters as well as isotope stage boundaries were available for the same core profiles from other investigations. Molybdenum, ranging between <1 and 10 ppm, occurs in two associateions, either with organic carbon and sulphides in sediments with reducing conditions or with Mn oxides in oxidized near-surface core sections. Highest values (between 4 and 10 ppm Mo) are found in sulphide-rich core sections deposited during glacial times in a core from 200 m water depth. The possibility of anoxic near-bottom water conditions prevailing at thhis site during certain glacial intervals is discussed. In oxidized near-surface core sections, the diagenetic mobility of Mo becomes evident from strong Mo enrichment together with Mn oxides (values up to 4 ppm Mo). This enrichment is probably due to coprecipitation and/or adsorption of Mo from interstitial water to the diagenetically forming Mn oxides. The close relation between Mo and Corg results in strongly covarying sedimentation rates in both components reaching up to 10 times the rates in glacial compared to interglacial core sections. Vanadium (values between 20 and 100 ppm) does not show clear relations to climate and near-bottom or sediment milieu. It occurs mainly bound to the fine grained terrigenous fraction, associated with aluminium silicates (clay minerals) and iron oxides. Additionally positive covariation of vanadium with phosphorus in most core profiles suggest that some V may be bound to phosphates.


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Preliminary data are presented on dissolved heavy metals in interstitial water samples collected at Site 718 of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 118. The heavy metals at this site are divided into three groups: Group I (B, K, Mn, Ni, Pb, total Si, total P, V) behaves like Mg, which decrease with depth; Group II (Ba, Cu, Sr, Ti) behaves like Ca, which increases with depth; and Group 111 (Cd, Co, Cr, Fe, Na, Mo, Zn) contains metals that are independent of depth. Mg decreases with depth from 50 mM at the seafloor to 21 mM at 900 mbsf. Mn in the sulfate reduction zone (1.0 to 2.8 ppm) is more highly concentrated than in the methane fermentation zone (0.23 to 0.50 ppm), except for Section 116-718-1H-1. A similar behavior is also observed for V and Pb. Ni, B, and K decrease non-uniformly with depth. Ca and Sr increase with depth at the same rates, indicating the dissolution of inorganic calcium carbonate by anaerobic oxidation of organic matter (Sayles, 1981, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(81)90132-0). The distribution of Ba with depth is very similar to those of Ca and Sr. Cu and Ti profiles trend to increase non-uniformly with depth. Fe is constant with depth. The sharp decrease in total silicate concentration at the seafloor probably indicates a decrease in the decomposition of siliceous biological matter (e.g., diatoms) and production of opal. The constant levels of Group 111, except for Na and Fe, may reveal equal sources of supply from surface seawater and the Himalayas over time.