603 resultados para glaciation


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Early Miocene to Quaternary benthic foraminifers have been quantitatively studied (>63 ?m size fraction) in a southwest Pacific traverse of DSDP sites at depths from about 1300 to 3200 m down the Lord Howe Rise (Site 590,1299 m; Site 591, 2131 m; Site 206, 3196 m). Benthic foraminiferal species smaller than 150 µm are by far dominant in the samples, averaging from 78 to 89% of the total benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the three sites examined. Although about 150 benthic foraminiferal species or taxonomic groups have been identified, only a few species dominate the assemblages. These dominant species include Epistominella exigua, E. rotunda, and Globocassidulina subglobosa, which prevail in the three sites, and Oridorsalis umbonatus, E. umbonifera, and Cassidulina carinata, which occur usually in frequencies of between 10 and 30%. Faunal changes in Neogene benthic foraminiferal assemblages are not similar in each of the three sites, but faunal successions are most similar between the two shallowest sites. The deepest site differs in composition and distribution of dominant species. There are three intervals during which the most important changes occur in benthic foraminiferal assemblages: the early middle Miocene (14 Ma; the Orbulina suturalis Zone and the Globorotalia fohsi s.l. Zone); the late Miocene (6 Ma; the Globigerina nepenthes Zone) and near the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary at about 2 Ma. A Q-mode factor analysis of the faunal data has assisted in recognizing assemblage changes during the Neogene at each of the sites. Early Miocene assemblages were dominated by Globocassidulina subglobosa at Site 590 (1299 m), by G. subglobosa and Oridorsalis umbonatus at Site 591 (2131 m), and by G. subglobosa, E. exigua, and Bolivina pusilla at Site 206 (3196 m). In the early middle Miocene at Sites 590 and 591, a marked increase occurred in the frequencies of E. exigua. Epistominella exigua reached maximum abundance in the early Miocene in the deeper Site 206, and in the middle and early late Miocene in the shallower Sites 590 and 591. In the late Miocene, a spike occurred in the frequencies of E. umbonifera in Site 206, whereas the dominant species changed from E. exigua to E. rotunda at Site 590. Latest Miocene to late Pliocene assemblages were dominated by E. rotunda at Site 590, by E. exigua at Site 591, and by G. subglobosa-E. exigua (early Pliocene) and E. rotunda-E. exigua (late Pliocene) at Site 206. At the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary, E. exigua temporarily diminished in importance at Sites 591 and 206. Quaternary assemblages were dominated by E. rotunda and Cassidulina carinata at Site 590, by E. rotunda at Site 591, and by E. exigua at Site 206. These major faunal changes are all associated with known major paleoceanographic events-the middle Miocene development of the Antarctic ice sheet; the latest Miocene global cooling and increased polar glaciation; and the onset of quasiperiodic glaciation of the Northern Hemisphere. These major paleoceanographic events undoubtedly had a profound effect on the intermediate and deep water mass structure of the Tasman Sea as recorded by changes in benthic foraminiferal assemblages.


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Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments from ODP Hole 647A in the south central Labrador Sea and Hole 646B off southwest Greenland were sampled at 1.5-m intervals for studies of terrestrial and marine palynomorphs, including pollen, spores, dinocysts, and acritarchs. The dinocyst assemblages suggest that surface-water masses were cool-temperate to subarctic during most of the Pliocene and Pleistocene. The occurrence of a few warm-temperate indicators, notably Impagidinium species and Polyspaeridium zoharyi, suggests almost continuous northward advection of warm North Atlantic Drift into the Labrador Sea. A major decrease in dinocyst diversity and abundance marks the late Pliocene to early Pleistocene interval. The abundance of acritarchs in Pliocene sediments off southwest Greenland suggests high productivity, which may reflect nutrient flux from the shelf or upwelling; productivity appears to have been much lower at the central Labrador Sea site. Pollen and spore concentrations also decrease from the late Pliocene to early Pleistocene. This diminution probably reflects the impoverishment of vegetation and southward migration of the eastern Canadian tree line at the onset of climatic cooling and glaciation.


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To understand the late Cenozoic glacial history of the Northern Hemisphere, continuous long-term proxy records from climatically sensitive regions must be examined. Ice-rafted debris (IRD) from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 918, located in the Irminger Basin, is one such record. IRD in marine sediments is a direct indicator of the presence of glacial ice extending to sea level on adjacent landmasses, and, therefore, is an important paleoclimatic signal from the mid- to high latitudes. The IRD record at Site 918 is the first long-term ice-rafting record available for southeast Greenland, a region that may have been a key nucleation area for widespread glaciation during the late Cenozoic (Larsen et al, 1994, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.152.1994). This data report presents the results of coarse sand-size IRD mass accumulation rate (MAR) analyses for Site 918 from the late Miocene through the Pleistocene. In addition, a preliminary analysis of IRD compositions is included. Detailed discussions of the local, regional, and global paleoclimatic implications of this data, and of the companion Site 919 Pleistocene IRD MAR data (Krissek, 1999, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.163.118.1999), are in preparation. Such future work will include comparisons of these IRD MAR data sets to the Site 919 oxygen isotope stratigraphy developed by Flower (1998, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.152.219.1998).


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We present a revised calibration of Sr isotopes to the geomagnetic polarity timescale (GPTS) using closely spaced (~0.15 m.y. resolution) samples from the classic uppermost Eocene through lowermost Miocene section at Site 522, eastern South Atlantic. The Sr isotopic data are fit with two linear segments with a sharp change in slope at circa 27.5 Ma from 0.000038/m.y. (27.5 to 34.4 Ma) to 0.000051/m.y. (23.8 to 27.5 Ma). Regression analysis indicates that stratigraphic resolution ranges from ±1 m.y. (for one analysis) to ±0.6 m.y. (for three analyses) for the younger interval and ±1.2 m.y. (for one analysis) to ±0.7 m.y. (for three analyses) for the older interval, representing an increase in resolution from previous studies of ±1-2 m.y. The paleoceanographic significance of this change in slope is unclear. It occurs during an interval of intermittent Antarctic glaciation, between the Oi2a and Oi2b glaciations. The subsequent interval from circa 27 to 24 Ma appears to be an interval of minimal glaciation. Thus this observation does not support previous suggestions that increases in rates of Sr isotopic change are directly associated with the frequency of Antarctic glaciations. Rather, the increase in slope may be related to increased weathering associated with the "mid-Oligocene" glaciation.


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Six deep sea cores from the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) were analyzed for planktonic foraminifera and stable isotopes in order to reconstruct sea surface temperatures (SST) for the last 40 ka. South of the Equatorial Front the abundance of Globorotalia inflata increased, and SST decreased by >5°C (core ODP846B), creating a stronger SST meridional gradient and advection of the Peru Current than present for the ~16-35 ka interval. A sharper SST meridional gradient forced stronger Choco jet events and a moisture increase in western Colombia, which supplied, through the San Juan River and the south-flowing equatorial and the Peru-Chile countercurrents, abundant hemipelagic quartz over the northern Peru basin (core TR163-31B). The Choco jet, and its associated mesoscale convective cells, provoked an increase in snow precipitation over the Central Cordillera of Colombia and the advance of the Murillo glacier. In synchrony with the intensified Choco jet events, the "dry island" effect over the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia intensified, and the level of Fuquene Lake dropped.


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Here we present an improved astronomical timescale since 5 Ma as recorded in the ODP Site 1143 in the southern South China Sea, using a recently published Asian summer monsoon record (hematite to goethite content ratio, Hm/Gt) and a parallel benthic d18O record. Correlation of the benthic d18O record to the stack of 57 globally distributed benthic d18O records (LR04 stack) and the Hm/Gt curve to the 65°N summer insolation curve is a particularly useful approach to obtain refined timescales. Hence, it constitutes the basis for our effort. Our proposed modifications result in a more accurate and robust chronology than the existing astronomical timescale for the ODP Site 1143. This updated timescale further enables a detailed study of the orbital variability of low-latitude Asian summer monsoon throughout the Plio-Pleistocene. Comparison of the Hm/Gt record with the d18O record from the same core reveals that the oscillations of low-latitude Asian summer monsoon over orbital scales differed considerably from the glacial-interglacial climate cycles. The popular view that summer monsoon intensifies during interglacial stages and weakens during glacial stages appears to be too simplistic for low-latitude Asia. In low-latitude Asia, some strong summer monsoon intervals appear to have also occurred during glacial stages in addition to their increased occurrence during interglacial stages. Vice versa, some notably weak summer monsoon intervals have also occurred during interglacial stages next to their anticipated occurrence during glacial stages. The well-known mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT) is only identified in the benthic d18O record but not in the Hm/Gt record from the same core. This suggests that the MPT may be a feature of high- and middle-latitude climates, possibly determined by high-latitude ice sheet dynamics. For low-latitude monsoonal climate, its orbital-scale variations respond more directly to insolation and are little influenced by high-latitude processes, thus the MPT is likely not recorded. In addition, the Hm/Gt record suggests that low-latitude Asian summer monsoon intensity has a long-term decreasing trend since 2.8 Ma with increased oscillation amplitude. This long-term variability is presumably linked to the Northern Hemisphere glaciation since then.


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This field study was performed to obtain a defensible value for the surface reflectivity (albedo) of Juniper shrublands that could be used by Brigitta Ammann to quantitatively assess the role of Juniper shrublands in surface energy balance feedbacks to climate after the last glaciation. Measurements were carried out over a Juniper shrubland at mount Niederhorn, Switzerland (North of the Lake of Thun) during summer 2009 over a Juniper shrubland that was considered to present the most representative surface cover to estimate albedo for a modeling exercise that addresses biotic responses to the rapid warming around 14.685 ka BP at Gerzensee (Central Europe). For a detailed description of this data set see "Further details:"


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Stable isotope data on benthic foraminifera from more than 30 cores on the northern Emperor Seamounts and in the Okhotsk Sea are synthesized in paleohydrographic profiles spanning the depth range 1000-4000 m. Holocene (core-top) benthic foraminiferal d18O and d13C data are calibrated to modern hydrographic properties through measurements of d13C of SumCO2 and d18O of seawater. Cibicidoides stable isotope ratios are close to the d13C and equilibrium d18O of seawater, whereas Uvigerina d18O and d13C are variably offset from Cibicidoides. Glacial maximum d13C of Cibicidoides displays a different vertical profile than that of the Holocene. When results are adjusted by +0.32 per mil to account for the secular change in d13C during the last glacial maximum, the data coincide with the modern seawater and foraminiferal curves deeper than ~2 km. However, at shallower depths d13C gradually increases by as much as 1 per mil above the modern value. Furthermore, above 2 km the benthic d18O decreases by ~0.5 per mil. These results are consistent with a benthic front at ~2 km in the North Pacific (see Herguera et al., 1992), but they differ from interpretations based on trace metal data which indicate a source of nutrient-depleted deep water during glaciation. The isotopic data suggest that during glaciation there was a better ventilated watermass at intermediate depths in the far northwestern Pacific, it was relatively fresher than deep waters there, and deep waters were as nutrient-rich as today.


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We investigated surface and deep ocean variability in the subpolar North Atlantic from 1000 to 500 thousand years ago (ka) based on two Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites, Feni drift site 980 (55°29'N, 14°42'W) and Bjorn drift site 984 (61°25'N, 24°04'W). Benthic foraminiferal stable isotope data, planktic foraminiferal faunas, ice-rafted debris data, and faunally based sea-surface temperature estimates help test the hypothesis that oceanographic changes in the North Atlantic region were associated with the onset of the 100-kyr world during the mid-Pleistocene revolution. Based on percentage of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (s) records from both sites, surface waters during interglacials and glacials were cooler in the mid-Pleistocene than during marine isotope stages (MIS) 5 and 6. In particular, interglaciations at Bjorn drift site 984 were significantly cooler. Faunal evidence suggests that the interglacial Arctic front shifted from a position between the two sites to a position northwest of Bjorn drift site 984 after ca. 610 ka. As during the late Pleistocene, we find faunal evidence for lagging surface warmth at most of the glacial initiations during the mid-Pleistocene. Each initiation is associated with high benthic d13C values that are maintained into the succeeding glaciation, which we term "lagging NADW production." These findings indicate that lagging warmth and lagging NADW production are robust features of the regional climate system that persist in the middle to late Pleistocene.


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The relative abundance of warm-water Discoaster brouweri vs. cool-water Coccolithus pelagicus provides a useful proxy for interpreting Pliocene surface water temperature trends at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1115 (Solomon Sea). Surface waters were mostly warm during the early Pliocene with a slightly cooler interval centered on 4.5 Ma. A more pronounced cool interval occurred at ~3.2 Ma. The early and mid-Pliocene cool periods may reflect Antarctic glacial growth. A mid-Pliocene warm interval occurred from ~3.1 to 2.8 Ma. Temperature began to decline beginning ~2.7 Ma, marking the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation. This long-term decline in surface water temperature is interrupted by a brief warming event at ~2.3 Ma.


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Five Ocean Drilling Program sites (657-661), which form a north-south transect off the western periphery of the Sahara, were selected to measure the long-term history of Saharan/Sahelian dust flux and fluvial sediment discharge and the fluxes of marine CaCO3 and opal over the last 8 m.y. Sites 658 and 659 served for high-resolution studies, and Sites 657, 660, and 661 for insights into the spatial patterns of dust flux. The nearshore mean flux of opal off Cap Blanc (21 °N) showed an abrupt increase about 3 Ma that appears to reflect the main onset of coastal upwelling fertility and enhanced trade winds. At the same time, the input of river-borne clay strongly decreased, suggesting a dry up of the central Saharan rivers. Later, marked short-lived spikes of clay and opal may indicate ongoing ephemeral pulses of fluvial runoff linked to peak interglacial stages. Given the zonal dust discharge centered near 18 °N at Site 659, the aridification of the south Sahara and Sahel increased in several steps: at 4.6, 4.3, and especially at 4.0, 3.6, and 2.1 Ma, and again, at 0.8 Ma. The late Miocene and earliest Pliocene were humid. Although the central and north Saharan climate appears to be linked to the glaciation history of the Northern Hemisphere, the long-term aridification further south followed a different schedule. The spatial distribution of quartz accumulation suggests that the dust outbreaks linked to the Intertropical Convergence Zone during summer did not shift in latitude back to 4.0 Ma, at least. The short-term variations of dust output over the last 0.5 m.y. followed orbital scale pulses with a strong precessional signal, showing a link of Sahelian humidity changes to the variation of sea-surface temperature and evaporation in the tropical Atlantic.


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Although scientific evidence prior to that from ODP Leg 119 indicates the presence of an ice sheet on East Antarctica by at least the earliest Oligocene, the question as to the size and stability of that initial ice sheet is still contested. Current hypotheses include (1) the presence of a small ice sheet in the earliest Oligocene with stepwise growth during the Neogene, (2) the presence of a continental-sized ice sheet in the late middle Eocene with no major evidence of subsequent deglaciation, and (3) the presence of glacial ice in the earliest Oligocene with a major ice sheet during the mid-Oligocene, followed by growth and decay of several ice sheets with characteristics similar to the temperate ice sheets of the Pleistocene of North America but with changes over a longer time scale (millions of years vs. 100,000 yr). Principal results from Leg 119 suggest the presence of significant late middle and late Eocene glaciation in East Antarctica and the presence of a continental-size ice sheet in East Antarctica during the earliest Oligocene. Although the Leg 119 results provide only glimpses of the Neogene glacial history of East Antarctica, they do provide evidence of fluctuations in the extent of the ice sheet and the waxing and waning of glaciers across the Prydz Bay shelf during the later part of the late Miocene and Pliocene.


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Causes of change in deep water delta13C can be either global or local in extent. Global causes include (1) climatically-induced changes in the amount of terrestrial biomass which alter the average carbon isotopic composition of the oceanic reservoir (Shackleton, 1977), and (2) erosion and deposition of organic-rich, continental shelf sediments during sea level fluctuations which change the mean oceanic carbon: phosphorus ratio (Broecker, 1982 doi:10.1016/0079-6611(82)90007-6). Regional gradients of delta13C are created by remineralization of organic detritus within the deep ocean itself thus reflecting the distribution of water masses and modern thermohaline flow. Changes in a single geological record of benthic foraminiferal delta13C can result from any combination of these global and abyssal circulation effects. By sampling a large number of cores collected over a wide bathymetric range yet confined to a small geographical region we have minimized the ambiguity. We can assume that each delta13C record was equally affected by global causes of delta13C variation. The differences seen between the delta13C records must, therefore, reflect changes in the distribution of delta13C in the deep ocean. We interpret these differences in distribution in terms of changes in the ocean's abyssal circulation. Benthic foraminiferal carbon isotopic evidence from a suite of Sierra Leone Rise cores indicates that the deeper parts of the eastern Atlantic basins underwent a reduction in [O2] during the maximum of the last glaciation. Reduced advection of O2-rich deep water through low-latitude fracture zones, associated with increased delivery of organic matter to the deep ocean, lowered the delta13C of deep water SumCO2 at all depths below the sill separating the eastern and western Atlantic basins (Metcalf et al., 1964 doi:10.1016/0011-7471(64)91078-2). This decreased advection into the eastern Atlantic Ocean coincides with the overall decrease in deep water production in the North Atlantic during the last glacial maximum (Curry and Lohmann, 1982 doi:10.1016/0033-5894(82)90071-0; Boyle and Keigwin, 1982 doi:10.1126/science.218.4574.784; Schnitker, 1979 doi:10.1016/0377-8398(79)90020-3; Streeter and Shackleton, 1979 doi:10.1126/science.203.4376.168).