258 resultados para fine grained ground mass
On the continental margin of the southeastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica, several channel-ridge systems can be traced on the eastern side of the Crary Fan. Swath mapping of the bathymetry reveals three southwest-northeast trending ridges up to 300 m high with channels on their southeastern side. The structures occur on a terrace of the continental slope in water depths of 2000 - 3300 m. We carried out sedimentological studies on cores from three sites. Two of the studied cores are from ridges, one is from the northwestern part of the terrace. The stratigraphy of the recovered sediments is based on accelerator mass spectrometer 14C determinations, stable oxygen and carbon isotopes analyses and paleomagnetic measurements. The sediments represent a period from the last glacial maximum (LGM) to recent time. They are composed predominantly of terrigenous components. We distinguish four different sedimentary facies and assign them to processes controlling sedimentation. Microlaminated muds and cross-stratified coarse-silty sediments originated from contour currents. Bioturbated sediments reflect the increasing influence of hemipelagic sedimentation. Structureless sediments with high contents of ice-rafted debris characterize slumps. The inferred contour currents shaping the continental slope during the LGM were canalized within the channels and supplied microlaminated mud to the western sedimentary ridges due to deflection to the left induced by the Coriolis force. The lamination of the sediments is attributed to seasonal variations of current velocities. The thermohaline bottom currents were directed to the northeast and hence opposite to the Weddell Gyre. Cross-stratified coarse-silty contourites on the ridges are intercalated with the muds and indicate spillover of faster thermohaline flows. Average sedimentation rates on the terrace of the continental slope were unusually high (250 cm/ka) during the LGM, indicating active growth phases of the Crary Fan during glacial intervals. A substantial environmental change at 19.5 - 20 ka is documented in the sediments by a gradual change from lamination to bioturbation. During the recent interglacial, bioturbated sediments were deposited in all parts of the terrace. Because of a reduction of the contour current velocities (4-7 cm/s), the water masses of the Weddell Gyre, supplying fine-grained sediments from northeast, gain a greater influence on sedimentation on the continental slope. Higher percentages of microfossils indicate enhanced biogenic productivity. Increased iceberg activity is documented by greater amounts of ice-rafted debris. The interglacial sedimentation rates decrease to a few cm/ka and indicate that the Crary Fan became relatively sediment-starved during interglacial intervals.
Mass-wasting deposits characterize the Upper Jurassic(?) to Lower Cretaceous sedimentary record of the Iberia Abyssal Plain. These deposits include olistostromes at Site 897, olistostromes and/or possible rock-fall deposits at Site 899, a breccia succession at Site 1068, slumped and fractured deposits at Site 1069, and a breccia succession at Site 1070. Whereas the exact origin of these deposits is uncertain, the regional common occurrence of middle to upper Mesozoic mass-wasting deposits suggests that they record the early rifting evolution of the west Iberia margin. This data report presents both qualitative and semiquantitative results from XRD analyses of the breccia matrix at Site 1068. In this study the matrix is defined as the fine-grained particles (as viewed through a binocular microscope) plus cement. Results are based on analytical methods that aimed to isolate the desired matrix from larger clast contamination prior to XRD analyses. In addition, the breccia was sampled at a higher resolution than was conducted aboard ship, producing a more complete description of downcore matrix mineralogical changes. The data presented here may be used to (1) further justify the subunit designation of Unit IV made aboard ship, (2) help determine to what degree the matrix and the larger clasts (studied in thin section aboard ship; Shipboard Scientific Party, 1998, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.173.106.1998) are compositionally distinct, (3) help identify the extent of hydrothermal fluid migration in the breccia, and (4) support the proposed shipboard hypothesis that the Site 1068 breccia succession resulted from multiple mass-wasting.
We studied variations in terrigenous (TOM) and marine organic matter (MOM) input in a sediment core on the northern Barents Sea margin over the last 30 ka. Using a multiproxy approach, we reconstructed processes controlling organic carbon deposition and investigated their paleoceanographic significance in the North Atlantic-Arctic Gateways. Variations in paleo-surface-water productivity are not documented in amount and composition of organic carbon. The highest level of MOM was deposited during 25-23 ka as a result of scavenging on fine-grained, reworked, and TOM-rich material released by the retreating Svalbard/Barents Sea ice sheet during the late Weichselian. A second peak of MOM is preserved because of sorptive protection by detrital and terrigenous organic matter, higher surface-water productivity due to permanent intrusion of Atlantic water, and high suspension load release by melting sea ice during 15.9-11.2 ka.
We present sedimentary geochemical data and in situ benthic flux measurements of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN: NO3-, NO2-, NH4+) and oxygen (O2) from 7 sites with variable sand content along 18°N offshore Mauritania (NW Africa). Bottom water O2 concentrations at the shallowest station were hypoxic (42 µM) and increased to 125 µM at the deepest site (1113 m). Total oxygen uptake rates were highest on the shelf (-10.3 mmol O2 /m2 d) and decreased quasi-exponentially with water depth to -3.2 mmol O2 /m2 d. Average denitrification rates estimated from a flux balance decreased with water depth from 2.2 to 0.2 mmol N /m2 d. Overall, the sediments acted as net sink for DIN. Observed increases in delta 15NNO3 and delta 18ONO3 in the benthic chamber deployed on the shelf, characterized by muddy sand, were used to calculate apparent benthic nitrate fractionation factors of 8.0 pro mille (15epsilon app) and 14.1 pro mille (18epsilon app). Measurements of delta 15NNO2 further demonstrated that the sediments acted as a source of 15N depleted NO2-. These observations were analyzed using an isotope box model that considered denitrification and nitrification of NH4+ and NO2-. The principal findings were that (i) net benthic 14N/15N fractionation (epsilon DEN) was 12.9 ± 1.7pro mille, (ii) inverse fractionation during nitrite oxidation leads to an efflux of isotopically light NO2- (-22 ± 1.9 pro mille), and (iii) direct coupling between nitrification and denitrification in the sediment is negligible. Previously reported epsilon DEN for fine-grained sediments are much lower (4-8 pro mille). We speculate that high benthic nitrate fractionation is driven by a combination of enhanced porewater-seawater exchange in permeable sediments and the hypoxic, high productivity environment. Although not without uncertainties, the results presented could have important implications for understanding the current state of the marine N cycle.
The Weddell Sea and the associated Filchner-Rønne Ice Shelf constitute key regions for global bottomwater production today. However, little is known about bottom-water production under different climate and icesheet conditions. Therefore, we studied core PS1795, which consists primarily of fine-grained siliciclastic varves that were deposited on contourite ridges in the southeastern Weddell Sea during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). We conducted high-resolution X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis and grain-size measurements with the RADIUS tool (Seelos and Sirocko, 2005, doi:10.1111/j.1365-3091.2005.00715.x) using thin sections to characterize the two seasonal components of the varves at sub-mm resolution to distinguish the seasonal components of the varves. Bright layers contain coarser grains that can mainly be identified as quartz in the medium-to-coarse silt grain size. They also contain higher amounts of Si, Zr, Ca, and Sr, as well as more ice-rafted debris (IRD). Dark layers, on the other hand, contain finer particles such as mica and clay minerals from the chlorite and illite groups. In addition, Fe, Ti, Rb, and K are elevated. Based on these findings as well as on previous analyses on neighbouring cores, we propose a model of enhanced thermohaline convection in front of a grounded ice sheet that is supported by seasonally variable coastal polynya activity during the LGM. Accordingly, katabatic (i.e. offshore blowing) winds removed sea ice from the ice edge, leading to coastal polynya formation. We suggest that glacial processes were similar to today with stronger katabatic winds and enhanced coastal polynya activity during the winter season. Under these conditions, lighter coarser-grained layers are likely glacial winter deposits, when brine rejection was increased, leading to enhanced bottom-water formation and increased sediment transport. Vice versa, darker finer-grained layers were then deposited during less windier season, mainly during summer, when coastal polynya activity was likely reduced.
Fine-grained clay subfractions (SFs) with particle size of <0.1, 0.1-0.2, 0.2-0.3, 0.3-0.6, 0.6-2.0, and 2-5 µm separated from claystone of Upper Precambrian Pumanskaya and Poropelonskaya formations on the Srednii Peninsula were studied by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and Rb-Sr methods. All subfractions consist of low-temperature illite and chlorite, and contribution of chlorite decreases with diminishing particle size. The crystallinity index and I002/I001 ratio increase from coarse- to fine-grained SFs. Leaching by ammonium acetate solution and Rb-Sr systematics in combination with mineralogical and morphological data indicate that illite in Upper Proterozoic claystone from the Srednii Peninsula formed during three time intervals: 810-830, 610-620, and about 570 Ma ago. The first generation of this mineral with low Rb/Sr ratio dominates in coarse-grained SFs while the second and third generations with a high Rb/Sr ratio prevail in fine-grained SFs. All of three generations are known in Poropelon claystone, whereas Puman claystone contains only illite of the first and second generations. Geological processes responsible for multistage illite evolution in claystones are discussed.
The study of textural, structural, chemical, and physical properties of fine-grained recent marine sediments leads to the conclusion that only a few compositional factors are responsible for significant changes in mass physical characteristics in the upper meters below sea bottom. Fossil-induced porosity increases water content and liquid limit. It also seems to have partially influenced the plastic limit and plasticity index of calcareous sandy silts from the Red Sea and the western Gulf of Aden so that they become similar to the montmorillonite rich prodelta clays from the Nile Delta. Diagrams based on liquid limit and plasticity loose their original meaning in these cases. Activity of sediments rich in microorganisms can be higher than that of montmorillonitic clay. The shear strength-depth relationship of normally consolidated sediments is surprisingly little influenced by changes in sand or clay content and clay mineralogy. Only high lime content, submarine erosion and beginning cementation increase the strength considerably. Erosional disconformities near the present surface can be deduced from the strength-depth curve when as little as 1 or 2 m sediment have been removed. Flat or irregular strength-depth curves indicate beginning cementation and probably discontinuous sedimentation, provided the composition of the material remains in some degree constant. In our samples diagenetic pyrite, but no recristallisation of carbonates could be detected under the microscope. Underconsolidation and excess pore-water pressure, factors which tend to foster submarine slides, mud lumps, and diapiric folding, seem to be restricted Varito areas with mainly rapidly deposited, homogeneous or layered sediments. But where an abundance of burrowing organisms increases the vertical permeability of the sediment, normal consolidation and stable deposits are to be expected, at least in the upper meters below the present surface. According to 14C-determinations on calcareous microorganisms the rate of deposition of the investigated sediments seems to range from 26 to 167 cm per 1000 years.
At mid- to high-latitude marine sites, ice-rafted debris (IRD) is commonly recognized as anomalously coarse-grained terrigenous material contained within a fine-grained hemipelagic or pelagic matrix (e.g., Conolly and Ewing, 1970; Ruddiman, 1977, doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1977)88<1813:LQDOIS>2.0.CO;2; Krissek, 1989, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.104.114.1989; Jansen et al., 1990; Bond et al., doi:10.1038/360245a0, 1992; Krissek, 1995, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.145.118.1995). The presence of such ice-rafted material is a valuable indicator of the presence of glacial ice at sea level on an adjacent continent, whereas the composition of the IRD can often be used to identify the location of the source area (e.g., Goldschmidt, 1995, doi:10.1016/0025-3227(95)00098-J). Because the amount of core recovered during Leg 163 was very limited, this shore-based, postcruise study focuses on materials recovered at a nearby site during Leg 152. In particular, this study examines sediments recovered at Site 919; these sediments were described as containing a significant ice-rafted component in the Leg 152 Initial Reports volume (Larsen, Saunders, Clift, et al., 1994, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.152.1994). In this study, the sedimentary section from Site 919 has been examined with the goal of providing a detailed history of glaciations on Greenland and other landmasses adjacent to the Norwegian-Greenland Sea; this history ultimately will be calibrated using an oxygen isotope stratigraphy (Flower, 1998, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.152.219.1998), although that calibration has not been completed at this time. Because ice-core studies of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) have shown that the GIS changed dramatically, and in some cases extremely rapidly, during at least the last interglacial stage (GRIP Members, 1993, doi:10.1038/364203a0), a detailed IRD record from the Southeast Greenland margin should provide insight into the longer term behavior of this sensitive component of the Northern Hemisphere climate system.
Biogenic components of sediment accumulated at high rates beneath frontal zones of the Indian and Pacific oceans during the late Miocene and early Pliocene. The delta13C of bulk and foraminiferal carbonate also decreased during this time interval. Although the two observations may be causally linked, and signify a major perturbation in global biogeochemical cycling, no site beneath a frontal zone has independent records of export production and delta13C on multiple carbonate phases across the critical interval of interest. Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) site 590 lies beneath the Tasman Front (TF), an eddy-generating jetstream in the southwest Pacific Ocean. To complement previous delta13C records of planktic and benthic foraminifera at this location, late Neogene records of CaCO3 mass accumulation rate (MAR), Ca/Ti, Ba/Ti, Al/Ti, and of bulk carbonate and foraminiferal delta13C were constructed at site 590. The delta13C records include bulk sediment, bulk sediment fractions (<63 µm and 5-25 µm), and the planktic foraminifera Globigerina bulloides, Globigerinoides sacculifer (with and without sac), and Orbulina universa. Using current time scales, CaCO3 MARs, Ca/Ti, Al/Ti and Ba/Ti ratios are two to three times higher in upper Miocene and lower Pliocene sediment relative to overlying and underlying units. A significant decrease also occurs in all delta13C records. All evidence indicates that enhanced export production - the 'biogenic bloom' - extended to the southwest Pacific Ocean between ca. 9 and 3.8 Ma, and this phenomenon is coupled with changes in delta13C - the 'Chron C3AR carbon shift'. However, CaCO3 MARs peak ca. 5 Ma whereas elemental ratios are highest ca. 6.5 Ma; foraminiferal delta13C starts to decrease ca. 8 Ma whereas bulk carbonate delta13C begins to drop ca. 5.6 Ma. Temporal discrepancies between the records can be explained by changes in the upwelling regime at the TF, perhaps signifying a link between changes in ocean-atmosphere circulation change and widespread primary productivity.
Distinct facies types, classified in radiocarbon-dated sediments from the shelf of the Lazarev Sea, East Antarctica, reveal a detailed history of processes that have controlled sedimentation during the deglaciation over the last 10,000 yr. The ice retreat on this part of the Antarctic shelf started 9500 yr BP, marked by the deposition of laminated sediments, deposited from a floating ice shelf. These laminites, which occur on top of diamictons laid down from a grounded ice sheet, are the basal sediments of the postglacial sequence. The intensity of the Antarctic Coastal Current (ACC), directed by shelf morphology, controlled sedimentation of the postglacial facies. A residual glaciomarine sediment with the fine fraction winnowed by strong currents developed from 9000-8000 yr BP in the western part of the investigation area and from 9000-5000 yr BP in the eastern part, closer to the prominent 'Fenno Deep' trough. Current velocities apparently decreased between 8000 and 2000 yr BP due to a deflection of the ACC by advancing ice tongues to the east of the investigation area during the 'Hypsithermal'. This led to a deposition of fine-grained sediments, and clay mineralogy suggests a continental source, possibly near the grounding line of the Nivl Ice Shelf, rather than a winnowing of sediments near the shelf break or advection from deeper water. Current velocities intensified after 2000 yr BP, removed fine material from these sediments and led to a relict sediment, consisting of coarse bryozoan and molluscan debris.
Bioturbation in marine sediments has basically two aspects of interest for palaeo-environmental studies. First, the traces left by the burrowing organisms reflect the prevailing environmental conditions at the seafloor and thus can be used to reconstruct the ecologic and palaeoceanographic situation. Traces have the advantage over other proxies of practically always being preserved in situ. Secondly, for high- resolution stratigraphy, bioturbation is a nuisance due to the stirring and mixing processes that destroy the stratigraphic record. In order to evaluate the applicability of biogenic traces as palaeoenvironmental indicators, a number of gravity cores from the Portuguese continental slope, covering the period from the last glacial to the present were investigated through X-ray radiographs. In addition, physical and chemical parameters were determined to define the environmental niche in each core interval. A number of traces could be recognized, the most important being: Thalassinoides, Planolites, Zoophycos, Chondrites, Scolicia, Palaeophycus, Phycosiphon and the generally pyritized traces Trichichnus and Mycellia. The shifts between the different ichnofabrics agree strikingly well with the variations in ocean circulation caused by the changing climate. On the upper and middle slope, variations in current intensity and oxygenation of the Mediterranean Outflow Water were responsible for shifts in the ichnofabric. Larger traces such as Planolites and Thalassinoides dominated in coarse, well oxygenated intervals, while small traces such as Chondrites and Trichichnus dominated in fine grained, poorly oxygenated intervals. In contrast, on the lower slope where calm steady sedimentation conditions prevail, changes in sedimentation rate and nutrient flux have controlled variations in the distribution of larger traces such as Planolites, Thalassinoides, and Palaeophycus. Additionally, distinct layers of abundant Chondrites correspond to Heinrich events 1, 2, and 4, and are interpreted as a response to incursions of nutrient rich, oxygen depleted Antarctic waters during phases of reduced thermohaline circulation. The results clearly show that not one single factor but a combination of several factors is necessary to explain the changes in ichnofabric. Furthermore, large variations in the extent and type of bioturbation and tiering between different settings clearly show that a more detailed knowledge of the factors governing bioturbation is necessary if we shall fully comprehend how proxy records are disturbed. A first attempt to automatize a part of the recognition and quantification of the ichnofabric was performed using the DIAna image analysis program on digitized X-ray radiographs. The results show that enhanced abundance of pyritized microburrows appears to be coupled to organic rich sediments deposited under dysoxic conditions. Coarse grained sediments inhibit the formation of pyritized burrows. However, the smallest changes in program settings controlling the grey scale threshold and the sensitivity resulted in large shifts in the number of detected burrows. Therefore, this method can only be considered to be semi-quantitative. Through AMS-^C dating of sample pairs from the Zoophycos spreiten and the surrounding host sediment, age reversals of up to 3,320 years could be demonstrated for the first time. The spreiten material is always several thousands of years younger than the surrounding host sediment. Together with detailed X-ray radiograph studies this shows that the trace maker collects the material on the seafloor, and then transports it downwards up to more than one meter in to the underlying sediment where it is deposited in distinct structures termed spreiten. This clearly shows that age reversals of several thousands of years can be expected whenever Zoophycos is unknowingly sampled. These results also render the hitherto proposed ethological models proposed for Zoophycos as largely implausible. Therefore, a combination of detritus feeding, short time caching, and hibernation possibly combined also with gardening, is suggested here as an explanation for this complicated burrow.
Radiocarbon stratigraphy is an essential tool for high resolution paleoceanographic studies. Age models based on radiocarbon ages of foraminifera are commonly applied to a wide range of geochemical studies, including the investigation of temporal leads and lags. The critical assumption is that temporal coupling between foraminifera and other sediment constituents, including specific molecular organic compounds (biomarkers) of marine phytoplankton, e.g. alkenones, is maintained in the sediments. To test this critical assumption in the Benguela upwelling area, we have determined radiocarbon ages of total C37-C39 alkenones in 20 samples from two gravity cores and three multicorer cores. The cores were retrieved from the continental shelf and slope off Namibia, and samples were taken from Holocene, deglacial and Last Glacial Maximum core sections. The alkenone radiocarbon ages were compared to those of planktic foraminifera, total organic carbon, fatty acids and fine grained carbonates from the same samples. Interestingly, the ages of alkenones were 1000 to 4500 yr older than those of foraminifera in all samples. Such age differences may be the result of different processes: Bioturbation associated with grain size effects, lateral advection of (recycled) material and redeposition of sediment on upper continental slopes due to currents or tidal movement are examples for such processes. Based on the results of this study, the age offsets between foraminifera and alkenones in sediments from the upper continental slope off Namibia most probably do not result from particle-selective bioturbation processes. Resuspension of organic particles in response to tidal movement of bottom waters with velocities up to 25 cm/s recorded near the core sites is the more likely explanation. Our results imply that age control established using radiocarbon measurements of foraminifera may be inadequate for the interpretation of alkenone-based proxy data. Observed temporal leads and lags between foraminifera based data and data derived from alkenone measurements may therefore be secondary signals, i.e. the result of processes associated with particle settling and biological activity.
Up to 2.3 m long sediment sequences were recovered from the deepest part of Lake Hoare in Taylor Valley, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Sedimentological, biogeochemical, and mineralogical analyses revealed a high spatial variability of these parameters in Lake Hoare. Five distinct lithological units were recognized. Radiocarbon dating of bulk organic carbon samples from the sediment sequences yielded apparently too old ages and significant age reversals, which prevented the establishment of reliable age-depth models. However, cross correlation of the sedimentary characteristics with those of sediment records from neighbouring Lake Fryxell indicates that the lowermost two units of the Lake Hoare sediment sequences were probably deposited during the final phase of proglacial Lake Washburn, which occupied Taylor Valley during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene. High amounts of angular gravel and the absence of fine-grained material imply a complete desiccation with subaerial conditions in the Lake Hoare basin in the middle of the Holocene. The late Holocene (< c. 3300 calendar yr BP) is characterized by the establishment of environmental conditions similar to those existing today. A late Holocene desiccation event, such as proposed in former studies, is not indicated in the sediment sequences recovered.
Investigations of piston cores from the Vema Channel and lower flanks of the Rio Grande Rise suggest the presence of episodic flow of deep and bottom water during the Late Pleistocene. Cores from below the present-day foraminiferal lysocline (at ~4000 m) contain an incomplete depositional record consisting of Mn nodules and encrustations, hemipelagic clay, displaced high-latitude diatoms, and poorly preserved heterogeneous microfossil assemblages. Cores from the depth range between 2900 m and 4000 m contain an essentially complete Late Pleistocene record, and consist of well-defined carbonate dissolution cycles with periodicities of ~100,000 years. Low carbonate content and increased dissolution correspond to glacial episodes, as interpreted by oxygen isotopic analysis of bulk foraminiferal assemblages. The absence of diagnostic high-latitude indicators (Antarctic diatoms) within the dissolution cyclss, however, suggests that AABW may not have extended to significantly shallower elevations on the lower flanks of the Rio Grande Rise during the Late Pleistocene. Therefore episodic AABW flow may not necessarily be the mechanism responsible for producing these cyclic events. This interpretation is also supported by the presence of an apparently complete Brunhes depositional record in the same cores, suggesting current velocities insufficient for significant erosion. Fluctuations in the properties and flow characteristics of another water mass, such as NADW, may be involved. The geologic evidence in core-top samples near the present-day AABW/NADW transition zone is consistent with either of two possible interpretations of the upper limit of AABW on the east flank of the channel. The foraminiferal lysocline, at ~4000 m, is near the top of the benthic thermocline and nepheloid layer, and may therefore correspond to the upper limit of relatively corrosive AABW. On the other hand, the carbonate compensation depth (CDD) at ~4250 m, which corresponds to the maximum gradient in the benthic thermocline, is characterized by rapid deposition of relatively fine-grained sediment. Such a zone of convergence and preferential sediment accumulation would be expected near the level of no motion in the AABW/NADW transition zone as a consequence of Ekman-layer veering of the mean velocity vector in the bottom boundary layer. It is possible that both of these interpretations are in part correct. The "level of no motion'' may in fact correspond to the CCD, while at the same time relatively corrosive water of Antarctic origin may mix with overlying NADW and therefore elevate the foraminifera] lysocline to depths above the level of no motion. Closely spaced observations of the hydrography and flow characteristics within the benthic thermocline will be required in order to use sediment parameters as more precise indicators of paleo-circulation.
Solar-type helium (He) and neon (Ne) in the Earth's mantle were suggested to be the result of solarwind loaded extraterrestrial dust that accumulated in deep-sea sediments and was subducted into the Earth's mantle. To obtain additional constraints on this hypothesis, we analysed He, Ne and argon (Ar) in high pressure-low temperature metamorphic rocks representing equivalents of former pelagic clays and cherts from Andros (Cyclades, Greece) and Laytonville (California, USA). While the metasediments contain significant amounts of 4He, 21Ne and 40Ar due to U, Th and K decay, no solar-type primordial noble gases were observed. Most of these were obviously lost during metamorphism preceding 30 km subduction depth. We also analysed magnetic fines from two Pacific ODP drillcore samples, which contain solar-type He and Ne dominated by solar energetic particles (SEP). The existing noble gas isotope data of deep-sea floor magnetic fines and interplanetary dust particles demonstrate that a considerable fraction of the extraterrestrial dust reaching the Earth has lost solar wind (SW) ions implanted at low energies, leading to a preferential occurrence of deeply implanted SEP He and Ne, fractionated He/Ne ratios and measurable traces of spallogenic isotopes. This effect is most probably caused by larger particles, as these suffer more severe atmospheric entry heating and surface ablation. Only sufficiently fine-grained dust may retain the original unfractionated solar composition that is characteristic for the Earth's mantle He and Ne. Hence, in addition to the problem of metamorphic loss of solar noble gases during subduction, the isotopic and elemental fractionation during atmospheric entry heating is a further restriction for possible subduction hypotheses.