156 resultados para cumulative peak area


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Late Cenozoic ash deposits cored in Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 19 in the far northwest Pacific and in the Bering Sea have altered to bentonite beds. Some bentonite layers were subsequently replaced by carbonate beds. A significant part of the Neogene volcanic history of land areas adjacent to the far north Pacific is represented by these diagenetic deposits. Bentonite beds are composed of authigenic smectite and minor amounts of clinoptilolite. Authigenic smectite has fewer illite layers than detrital smectite. Opal-A and opal-CT, abundant in Bering Sea sediment, are not found in ash or bentonite layers. The percentage of smectite in the total clay-mineral assemblage of ash beds is greater than that for adjacent terrigenous sediment, but the total amount of clay minerals in ash sequences is less than in surrounding deposits. Morphology of the 17-Å peak of smectite found in ash may represent newly formed, poorly crystalline smectite. Smectite becomes better crystallized as bentonite layers form. The percentage of smectite of the total clay-mineral assemblage in bentonite beds is greater than that in surrounding sediment, and, in contrast to ash beds, the total amount of clay minerals (mostly smectite) in bentonite layers is greater than in adjacent terrigenous sediment. Apparently, silica is not mobilized when volcanic ash layers transform to bentonite beds. Saponite-nontronite varieties of smectite and high Fe/Al and Ti/Al ratios distinguish bentonite beds derived from basaltic parent material from those beds formed from more silicic volcanic ash. These silicic ash beds produce bentonite composed mostly of montmorillonite. The basal sediment section at site 192 is rich with bentonite beds. Smectite in the upper part of this section (Eocene) was formed by low-temperature diagenesis of volcanic debris of intermediate or more silicic composition derived from arc or Pacific volcanoes. In contrast, smectite from the lowest 10 to 20 m of the sedimentary section (Cretaceous) is formed from either low-temperature or hydrothermal alteration of the underlying basaltic basement and associated pyroclastic debris. This near-basement smectite contains Mg and K acquired from sea water and Si, Al, Fe, Ti, and Mn released from the volcanic material.


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This report describes the results of semiquantitative analysis of clay mineral composition by X-ray diffraction. The samples consist of hemipelagic mud and mudstone cored from Hydrate Ridge during Leg 204 of the Ocean Drilling Program. We analyzed oriented aggregates of the clay-sized fractions (<2 µm) to estimate relative percentages of smectite, illite, and chlorite (+ kaolinite). For the most part, stratigraphic variations in clay mineral composition are modest and there are no significant differences among the seven sites that were included in the study. On average, early Pleistocene to Holocene trench slope and slope basin deposits contain 29% smectite, 31% illite, and 40% chlorite (+ kaolinite). Late Pliocene to early Pleistocene strata from the underlying accretionary prism contain moderately larger proportions of smectite with average values of 38% smectite, 27% illite, and 35% chlorite (+ kaolinite). There is no evidence of clay mineral diagenesis at the depths sampled. The expandability of smectite is, on average, equal to 64%, and there are no systematic variations in expandability as a function of burial depth or depositional age. The absence of clay mineral diagenesis is consistent with the relatively shallow sample depths and corresponding maximum temperatures of only 24°-33°C.