1000 resultados para beta-Carotene, beta,beta-Carotene per unit sediment mass


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Reconstructing ocean temperature values is a major target in paleoceanography and climate research. However, most temperature proxies are organism-based and thus suffer from an "ecological bias". Multiproxy approaches can potentially overcome this bias but typically require more investment in time and resources, while being susceptible to errors induced by sample preparation steps necessary before analysis. Three lipid-based temperature proxies are widely used: UK'37 (based on long chain alkenones from phytoplanktonic haptophytes), TEX86 [based on glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) from pelagic archaea] and LDI (based on long chain diols from phytoplanktonic eustigmatophytes). So far, separate analytical methods, including gas chromatography (GC) and liquid chromatography (LC), have been used to determine these proxies. Here we present a sensitive method for determining all three in a single normal phase high performance LC-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry (NP-HPLC-APCI-MS) analysis. Each of the long chain alkenones and long chain diols was separated and unambiguously identified from the accurate masses and characteristic fragmentation during multiple stage MS analysis (MS2). Comparison of conventional GC and HPLC-MS methods showed similar results for UK'37 and LDI, respectively, using diverse environmental samples and an Emiliania huxleyi culture. Including the three sea surface temperature (SST) proxies; the NP-HPLC-APCI-MS method in fact allows simultaneous determination of nine paleoenvironmental proxies. The extent to which the ecology of the source organisms (ecological bias) influences lipid composition and thereby the reconstructed temperature values was demonstrated by applying the new method to a sediment core from the Sea of Marmara, covering the last 21 kyr BP. Reconstructed SST values differed considerably between the proxies for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the period of Sapropel S1 formation at ca. 10 kyr BP, whereas the trends during the late Holocene were similar. Changes in the composition of alkenone-producing species at the transition from the LGM to the Bølling/Allerød (B/A) were inferred from unreasonably high UK'37-derived SST values (ca. 20 °C) during the LGM. We ascribe discrepancies between the reconstructed temperature records during S1 deposition to habitat change, e.g. a different depth due to changes in nutrient availability.


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Although grassland and savanna occupy only a quarter of the world's vegetation, burning in these ecosystems accounts for roughly half the global carbon emissions from fire. However, the processes that govern changes in grassland burning are poorly understood, particularly on time scales beyond satellite records. We analyzed microcharcoal, sediments, and geochemistry in a high-resolution marine sediment core off Namibia to identify the processes that have controlled biomass burning in southern African grassland ecosystems under large, multimillennial-scale climate changes. Six fire cycles occurred during the past 170,000 y in southern Africa that correspond both in timing and magnitude to the precessional forcing of north-south shifts in the Intertropical Convergence Zone. Contrary to the conventional expectation that fire increases with higher temperatures and increased drought, we found that wetter and cooler climates cause increased burning in the study region, owing to a shift in rainfall amount and seasonality (and thus vegetation flammability). We also show that charcoal morphology (i.e., the particle's length-to-width ratio) can be used to reconstruct changes in fire activity as well as biome shifts over time. Our results provide essential context for understanding current and future grassland-fire dynamics and their associated carbon emissions.


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Sediment samples and hydrographic conditions were studied at 28 stations around Iceland. At these sites, Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) casts were conducted to collect hydrographic data and multicorer casts were conductd to collect data on sediment characteristics including grain size distribution, carbon and nitrogen concentration, and chloroplastic pigment concentration. A total of 14 environmental predictors were used to model sediment characteristics around Iceland on regional geographic space. For these, two approaches were used: Multivariate Adaptation Regression Splines (MARS) and randomForest regression models. RandomForest outperformed MARS in predicting grain size distribution. MARS models had a greater tendency to over- and underpredict sediment values in areas outside the environmental envelope defined by the training dataset. We provide first GIS layers on sediment characteristics around Iceland, that can be used as predictors in future models. Although models performed well, more samples, especially from the shelf areas, will be needed to improve the models in future.


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We present a 15 kyr sea surface temperature (SST) record for a high sedimentation rate core (KNR51-29GGC) from the Feni Drift off of Ireland, based on an organic geochemical technique for paleotemperature estimation, U37 K'. We compare the U37 K' temperature record to planktonic foraminiferal delta18O and foraminiferal assemblage SST estimates from the same sample horizons. U37 K' gives SST estimates of 13°C for the early deglacial and 18°C for the Holocene and Recent, whereas assemblages give estimates of 9°C and 13°C, respectively. As in nearby core V23-81, we find Ash Zone 1, the Younger Dryas increase in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral abundance, and maximum abundance of this species during glaciation. N. pachyderma dextral oxygen isotopic analyses have a late glacial to interglacial range of 1.5 per mil. A reduction of about 1 per mil in delta18O occurred at about 12 ka, whereas U37 K' and the foraminiferal fauna indicate a 2°C warming. This implies a 0.9 per mil salinity effect on delta18O which we attribute to meltwater freshening. All three parameters indicate cooling during the Younger Dryas. U37 K' SST estimates show that the major shift from deglacial to interglacial temperatures occurred after the Younger Dryas in termination 1b, in contrast to the assemblage data, which show this jump in SST at the end of the glaciation during termination Ia. Differences between the two SST estimators, which may result from their different (floral versus faunal) sources, are more pronounced between transitions Ia and Ib. This may reflect different habitats under the unusual sea surface conditions of the deglaciation.


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Lithology, lithic petrology, planktonic foraminiferal abundances, and clastic grain sizes have been determined in a 30 m-long core recovered from the Barra Fan off northwest Scotland. The record extends back to around 45 kyr B.P., with sedimentation rates ranging between 50 and 200 cm/kyr. The abundance of ice-rafted debris indicates 16 glacimarine events, including temporal equivalents to Heinrich events 1-4. Enhanced concentrations of basaltic material derived from the British Tertiary Province suggest that the glacimarine sediments record variations in a glacial source on the Hebrides shelf margin. Glacimarine zones are separated by silty intervals with high planktonic foraminifera concentrations that reflect an interstadial circulation regime in the Rockall Trough. The results suggest that the last British Ice Sheet fluctuated with a periodicity of 2000-3000 years, in common with the Dansgaard-Oeschger climate cycle.


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Centennial-to-millennial scale records from IODP Site U1387, drilled during IODP Expedition 339 into the Faro Drift at 558 m water depth, now allow evaluating the climatic history of the upper core of the Mediterranean Outflow (MOW) and of the surface waters in the northern Gulf of Cadiz during the early Pleistocene. This study focuses on the period from Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 29 to 34, i.e. the interval surrounding extreme interglacial MIS 31. Conditions in the upper MOW reflect obliquity, precession and millennial-scale variations. The benthic d18O signal follows obliquity with the exception of an additional, smaller d18O peak that marks the MIS 32/31 transition. Insolation maxima (precession minima) led to poor ventilation and a sluggish upper MOW core, whereas insolation minima were associated with enhanced ventilation and often also increased bottom current velocity. Millennial-scale periods of colder sea-surface temperatures (SST) were associated with short-term maxima in flow velocity and better ventilation, reminiscent of conditions known from MIS 3. A prominent contourite layer, coinciding with insolation cycle 100, was formed during MIS 31 and represents one of the few contourites developing within an interglacial period. MIS 31 surface water conditions were characterized by an extended period (1065-1091 ka) of warm SST, but SST were not much warmer than during MIS 33. Interglacial to glacial transitions experienced 2 to 3 stadial/interstadial cycles, just like their mid-to-late Pleistocene counterparts. Glacial MIS 30 and 32 recorded periods of extremely cold (< 12°C) SST that in their climatic impact were comparable to the Heinrich events of the mid and late Pleistocene. Glacial MIS 34, on the other hand, was a relative warm glacial period off southern Portugal. Overall, surface water and MOW conditions at Site U1387 show strong congruence with Mediterranean climate, whereas millennial-scale variations are closely linked to North Atlantic circulation changes.


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The meiobenthic community of Potter Cove (King George Island, west Antarctic Peninsula) was investigated, focusing on responses to summer/winter conditions in two study sites contrasting in terms of organic matter inputs. Meiofaunal densities were found to be higher in summer and lower in winter, although this result was not significantly related to the in situ availability of organic matter in each season. The combination of food quality and competition for food amongst higher trophic levels may have played a role in determining the standing stocks at the two sites. Meiobenthic winter abundances were sufficiently high to infer that energy sources were not limiting during winter, supporting observations from other studies for both shallow water and continental shelf Antarctic ecosystems. Recruitment within meiofaunal communities was coupled to the seasonal input of fresh detritus for harpacticoid copepods but not for nematodes, suggesting that species-specific life history or trophic features form an important element of the responses observed.


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Organic matter contents of black shales from the Cretaceous Hatteras and Blake-Bahama formations have been compared to those from surrounding organic-poor strata using C/N ratios, d13C values, and distributions of extractable and nonsolvent-extractable, long-chain hydrocarbons, acids, and alcohols. The proportion of marine and land-derived organic matter varies considerably among all samples, although terrigenous components generally dominate. Most black shales are hydrocarbon-poor relative to their organic-carbon concentrations. Deposition of the black shales in Hole 603B evidently occurred through turbiditic relocation from shallower landward sites and rapid reburial at this outer continental rise location under generally oxygenated bottom-water conditions.


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Based on a high-resolution analysis of the diatom signal and biogenic bulk components at site GeoB3606-1 (25°S, off Namibia), we describe rapid palaeoceanographic changes in the Benguela Upwelling System (BUS) from early MIS 3 through to the early Holocene (55 000 to 7 000 14C yr BP). Coastal upwelling strongly varied at 25°S from MIS 3 through to MIS 2. The abrupt decrease in the accumulation rate of biogenic silica and diatoms from MIS 3 into MIS 2 records rapid oceanographic changes in the BUS off Namibia. During MIS 3, leakage of excess H4SiO4 acid from the Southern Ocean into low-latitude surface waters, as indicated by the occurrence of Antarctic diatoms, enhanced the production of spores of Chaetoceros at the expense of calcareous phytoplankton. Furthermore, shallower Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) would have enriched the thermocline off Namibia with silicate transported from the Southern Ocean. The strong decrease of the siliceous signal throughout MIS 2 represents a decrease in the nutrient input to the BUS, even though the diatom assemblage is still dominated by spores of the upwelling-associated diatom genus Chaetoceros. Depletion of silicate in the thermocline from the onset of MIS 2 through to the early Holocene reflects the shutdown of AAIW injection from the Southern Ocean into the BUS, causing upwelled waters to become reduced in silicate, hence less favourable for diatom production. The deglaciation and early Holocene are characterised by the replacement of the upwelling-associated flora by a non-upwelling-related diatom community, reflecting weakened upwelling, retraction of the seaward extension of the chlorophyll filament off Lüderitz, and dominance of warmer waters.


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Surface and thermocline conditions of the eastern tropical Indian Ocean were reconstructed through the past glacial-interglacial cycle by using Mg/Ca and alkenone-paleothermometry, stable oxygen isotopes of calcite and seawater, and terrigenous fraction performed on sediment core GeoB 10038-4 off SW Sumatra (~6°S, 103°E, 1819 m water depth). Results show that annual mean surface and thermocline temperatures varied differently and independently, and suggest that surface temperatures have been responding to southern high-latitude climate, whereas the more variable thermocline temperatures were remotely controlled by changes in the thermocline temperatures of the North Indian Ocean. Except for glacial terminations, salinity proxies indicate that changing intensities of the boreal summer monsoon did not considerably affect annual mean conditions off Sumatra during the past 133,000 years. Our results do not show a glacial-interglacial pattern in the thermocline conditions and reject a linear response of the tropical Indian Ocean thermocline to mid- and high-latitude climate change. Alkenone-based surface temperature estimates varied in line with the terrigenous fraction of the sediment and the East Asian winter monsoon proxy records at the precession band suggestive of monsoon (sea level) to be the dominant control on alkenone temperatures in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean on sub-orbital (glacial-interglacial) timescales.


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Digitized records of optical desnity in many North Atlantic cores exihibt rapid changes from lighter to darker extrems, typically within less than 200 years, at the 5d/5e, 5b/5c and 4/5 boundaries. In cores from DSDP site 609 the changes from lighter to darker color coincide with increasing in relative abundance of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (l.c.), with increases in abundances of lithic grains and with decreasing in carbonate content. The rapid changes to dark color, therefore, are climate-driven and correspond to a lowering of seas surface temperatures and to increases in amounts of ice rafted debris relative to biogenic carbonate. At the 5d&4c boundary, delta18O in N. pachyderma (l.c.) increases abruptly with the change to darker sediments as expected for cooler sea surface temperatures. At the 4/5 boundary, however, delta18O decreases with the change to darker sediment and cooler sea surface temperatures, suggesting that a layer of fresh surface water was present in the North Atlantic at that time.


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Ostracods from Admiralty Bay on King George Island (South Shetland Islands) represent 29 podocopid species, belonging to 19 genera, one cladocopid and six myodocopid species. They were recovered from Recent marine and/or glacio-marine sediment samples from water depths of up to 520 m. These ostracods constitute a variable assemblage, which is overall typical for the Antarctic environment. Shallow-water assemblages tend to be more variable in terms of frequencies and species richness than deep-water assemblages. The later are low in numbers and remain relatively high diversities. Overall, no linear relation between ostracod assemblage-composition and environmental features analyzed was recognized.


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Due to its strong influence on heat and moisture exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere, sea ice is an essential component of the global climate system. In the context of its alarming decrease in terms of concentration, thickness and duration, understanding the processes controlling sea-ice variability and reconstructing paleo-sea-ice extent in polar regions have become of great interest for the scientific community. In this study, for the first time, IP25, a recently developed biomarker sea-ice proxy, was used for a high-resolution reconstruction of the sea-ice extent and its variability in the western North Pacific and western Bering Sea during the past 18,000 years. To identify mechanisms controlling the sea-ice variability, IP25 data were associated with published sea-surface temperature as well as diatom and biogenic opal data. The results indicate that a seasonal sea-ice cover existed during cold periods (Heinrich Stadial 1 and Younger Dryas), whereas during warmer intervals (Bølling-Allerød and Holocene) reduced sea ice or ice-free conditions prevailed in the study area. The variability in sea-ice extent seems to be linked to climate anomalies and sea-level changes controlling the oceanographic circulation between the subarctic Pacific and the Bering Sea, especially the Alaskan Stream injection though the Aleutian passes.


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To reconstruct variability of the West African monsoon and associated vegetation changes on precessional and millennial time scales, we analyzed a marine sediment core from the continental slope off Senegal spanning the past 44,000 years (44 ka). We used the stable hydrogen isotopic composition (dD) of individual terrestrial plant wax n-alkanes as a proxy for past rainfall variability. The abundance and stable carbon isotopic composition (d13C) of the same compounds were analyzed to assess changes in vegetation composition (C3/C4 plants) and density. The dD record reveals two wet periods that coincide with local maximum summer insolation from 38 to 28 ka and 15 to 4 ka and that are separated by a less wet period during minimum summer insolation. Our data indicate that rainfall intensity during the rainy season throughout both wet humid periods was similar, whereas the length of the rainy season was presumably shorter during the last glacial than during the Holocene. Additional dry intervals are identified that coincide with North Atlantic Heinrich stadials and the Younger Dryas interval, indicating that the West African monsoon over tropical northwest Africa is linked to both insolation forcing and high-latitude climate variability. The d13C record indicates that vegetation of the western Sahel was consistently dominated by C4 plants during the past 44 ka, whereas C3-type vegetation increased during the Holocene. Moreover, we observe a gradual ending of the Holocene humid period together with unchanging ratio of C3 to C4 plants, indicating that an abrupt aridification due to vegetation feedbacks is not a general characteristic of this time interval.