86 resultados para Ti-xerogel
Electron microprobe and thermomagnetic analyses of selected basalt samples from Hole 597C were performed. The main purpose of this work was to investigate and estimate the degree of oxidation of the samples using the ratios of Fe to Ti and the Curie temperatures obtained from thermomagnetic curves. The results show that the magnetic properties of samples from Hole 597C change at a sub-bottom depth of 100 m, and that low-temperature and high-temperature oxidation processes prevailed above and below 100 m, respectively.
The CRP-2/2A core, drilled in western McMurdo Sound in October and November 1998, penetrated 624 m of Quaternary. Pliocene, lower Miocene, and Oligocene glacigenic sediments. The palaeoclimatic record of CRP-2/2A is examined using major element analyses of bulk core samples of fine grained sediments (mudstones and siltstones) and the Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) of Nesbitt & Young (1982). The CIA is calculated from the relative abundances of AI, K, Ca, and Na oxides, and its magnitude increases as the effects of chemical weathering increase. However, changes in sediment provenance can also affect the CIA, and provenance changes are recorded by shifts in the Al2O3/TiO2 ratios and the Nb contents of these CRP-2/2A mudstones. Relatively low CIA values (40-50) occur throughout the CRP-2/2A sequence, whereas the Al2O3/TiO2 ratio decreases upsection. The major provenance change is an abrupt onset of McMurdo Volcanic Group detritus at ~300 mbsf and is best characterized by a rapid increase in Nb content in the sediments. This provenance shift is not evident in the CIA record, suggesting that a contribution from the Ferrar Dolerite to the older sediments was replaced by an input of McMurdo Volcanic Group material in the younger sediments. If this is true, then the relatively uniform CIA values indicate relatively consistent palaeoweathering intensities throughout the Oligocene and early Miocene in the areas that supplied sediment to CRP-2/2A.
Limited information on the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) geometry during Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS 3; 60-25 ka) restricts our understanding of its behaviour during periods of climate and sea level change. Ice sheet models forced by global parameters suggest an expanded EAIS compared to the Holocene during MIS 3, but field evidence from East Antarctic coastal areas contradicts such modelling, and suggests that the ice sheet margins were no more advanced than at present. Here we present a new lake sediment record, and cosmogenic exposure results from bedrock, which confirm that Rauer Group (eastern Prydz Bay) was ice-free for much of MIS 3. We also refine the likely duration of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) glaciation in the region. Lacustrine and marine sediments from Rauer Group indicate the penultimate period of ice retreat predates 50 ka. The lacustrine record indicates a change from warmer/wetter conditions to cooler/drier conditions after ca. 35 ka. Substantive ice sheet re-advance, however, may not have occurred until much closer to 20 ka. Contemporary coastal areas were still connected to the sea during MIS 3, restricting the possible extent of grounded ice in Prydz Bay on the continental shelf. In contrast, relative sea levels (RSL) deduced from field evidence indicate an extra ice load averaging several hundred metres thicker ice across the Bay between 45 and 32 ka. Thus, ice must either have been thicker immediately inland (with a steeper ice profile), or there were additional ice domes on the shallow banks of the outer continental shelf. Further work is required to reconcile the differences between empirical evidence of past ice sheet histories, and the history predicted by ice sheet models from far-field temperature and sea level records.
The advection of relatively fresh Java Sea water through the Sunda Strait is presently responsible for the low-salinity "tongue" in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean with salinities as low as 32 per mil. The evolution of the hydrologic conditions in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean since the last glacial period, when the Sunda shelf was exposed and any advection via the Sunda Strait was cutoff, and the degree to which these conditions were affected by the Sunda Strait opening are not known. Here we have analyzed two sediment cores (GeoB 10042-1 and GeoB 10043-3) collected from the eastern tropical Indian Ocean off the Sunda Strait that cover the past ~40,000?years. We investigate the magnitude of terrigenous supply, sea surface temperature (SST), and seawater d18O (d18Osw) changes related to the sea level-driven opening of the Sunda Strait. Our new spliced records off the Sunda Strait show that during the last glacial, average SST was cooler and d18Osw was higher than elsewhere in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean. Seawater d18O decreased ~0.5 per mil after the opening of the Sunda Strait at ~10 kyr B.P. accompanied by an SST increase of 1.7°C. We suggest that fresher sea surface conditions have persisted ever since due to a continuous transport of low-salinity Java Sea water into the eastern tropical Indian Ocean via the Sunda Strait that additionally increased marine productivity through the concomitant increase in terrigenous supply.