276 resultados para Shells.


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Benthic foraminiferal assemblages are a widespread tool to understand changes in organic matter flux and bottom-water oxygenation and their relation to paleoceanographic changes in the Upper Cretaceous oceans. In this study, assemblage data (diversity, total number, and number per species and gram) from Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 390 (Blake Nose, western North Atlantic) were processed for the lower Maastrichtian (Globotruncana falsostuarti - Gansserina gansseri Planktic Foraminiferal Zone). These data document significant changes in nutrient flux to the sea floor as well as bottom-water oxygenation during this time interval. Parallel to the observed changes in the benthic foraminiferal assemblages the number of inoceramid shells decreases, reflecting also a significant increase in bottom-water oxygenation. We speculate, that these data could reflect the onset of a shift from warmer low-latitude to cooler high-latitude deep-water sources. This speculation will predate the major reorganization of the oceanic circulation resulting in a circulation mode similar to today at the Early/Late Maastrichtian boundary by ~1 Ma and therefore improves our understanding of Late Cretaceous paleoceanography.


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Strontium isotope stratigraphy was used to date 16 discrete horizons within the CRP-2/2A drillhole. Reworked Quaternary (<1.7 Ma) and possible Pliocene (<2.4 Ma) sediments overlie a major sequence boundary at 25.92 meters below sea floor (mbsf). This hiatus is estimated to account for c. 16 Myr of missing section. Early Miocene to ?earliest Oligocene (c. 18.6 to >31 Ma) deposits below this boundary were cut by multiple erosion surfaces of uncertain duration. Strontium isotope ages are combined with 40Ar/39Ar dates, diatom and calcareous nannofossil datum and a palaeomagnetic polarity zonation, to produce an age model for the core.


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Sites 545 and 547 collectively penetrated 629 m of mid-Cretaceous strata (upper Aptian to upper Cenomanian) off central Morocco during Leg 79 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Site 545, at the base of the steep Mazagan Escarpment, records a virtually complete succession of hemipelagic sediments of early late Aptian to middle Cenomanian age. Minor faunal recycling occurred throughout much of the upper Aptian to middle Albian part of the sequence (Cores 55 through 41), reflecting bottom currents along the Mazagan Escarpment. This may be related to the strong upwelling regime and high surface water productivity over Site 545 during the latest Aptian through middle Albian. The upwelling system ceased rather abruptly in this area in late middle Albian time. Recycling of older strata by bottom currents also ceased in the late middle Albian and resulted in a slower average accumulation rate in the upper Albian to middle Cenomanian section of Site 545 (Cores 40 through 28). However, intervals of pebbly claystone conglomerates in Cores 40 and 34 record sporadic instability in the slope adjacent to Site 545. Site 547, located only about 15 km seaward, is situated in a small sub-basin adjacent to the basement block drilled by Site 544. It contains an expanded upper Albian to upper Cenomanian sequence as a result of the numerous conglomeratic intervals throughout much of the section. In contrast to Site 545, the conglomerates were not derived from older strata cropping out on the Mazagan Escarpment; rather, they originated penecontemporaneously from a local unstable slope. A detailed biostratigraphic framework based on planktonic foraminifers is established for the mid-Cretaceous sections of Sites 545 and 547 and a new composite zonal scheme is proposed for the early late Aptian through early late Cenomanian interval. Fifty-five species are recognized and illustrated


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The Tore Seamount is a circular, volcano-like feature 100 km in diameter with its summit at 2200 m water depth and a small, 5000 m deep basin in its interior. It is situated approximately 300 km west of Lisbon and is surrounded by deep abyssal plains. This site with a standard pelagic stratigraphy is the southernmost point where the so-called Heinrich events have so far been recorded. A succession of alternating interglacial/glacial periods reveals a stratigraphic record back to the beginning of isotopic stage 7 (225 kyr). Climatic changes are identifiable by coherent variations in colour, carbonate content and distribution of ice-rafted detritus in the carbonate-free fraction. Inputs of ice-rafted quartz are well defined. Characteristics in common with other sites showing Heinrich layers include a high terrigenous to biogenic ratio, a dramatic decrease in the accumulation rate of foraminifera shells, an increase in dolomite abundance and the occurrence of polar foraminiferal species indicating southwards penetration of cold waters which lead us to consider a wider southeastern extent of the North Atlantic ice-rafted detritus belt than hitherto. If the presently accepted position of the Polar Front is maintained, icebergs must have been swept southwards from the southern boundary of the pack ice in a current merging into the ancestral Canary Current, bringing ice-rafted material to the Tore Seamount. The coincidence of reddish-feldspar, probably derived from the northern Appalachian Triassic red facies, with the transparent quartz suggests at least a partial Labrador source for all the Heinrich layers here, including HL 3. In comparison to other sites in the entire North Atlantic, two exceptions stand out: the absence of HL 5 and the low detritus to biogenics ratio for HL 3. The simultaneous occurrence of these two types of ice-rafted minerals is a new piece in the puzzle of the origin of Heinrich layers.


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Analyses are given for the core and outer colliform shell of a manganese nodule collected at a depth of 5000 m in the Indian Ocean, and for the red clay that encloses the nodules. Trace elements determined include rare earths, Nb, Ta, Th, and V. The cores of the nodules were once composed of basaltic rock, but now are phillipsite and nontronite. The outer shell is composed of manganite, with admixed quartz, phillipsite, and some geothite. The correlations established between the redox potentials and the concentration coefficients for 12 elements indicate that Eh plays a greater role in the formation of the manganiferous shells than coprecipitation properties.


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Past water column stratification can be assessed through comparison of the d18O of different planktonic foraminiferal species. The underlying assumption is that different species form their shells simultaneously, but at different depths in the water column. We evaluate this assumption using a sediment trap time-series of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (s) and Globigerina bulloides from the NW North Atlantic. We determined fluxes, d18O and d13C of shells from two size fractions to assess size-related effects on shell chemistry and to better constrain the underlying causes of isotopic differences between foraminifera in deep-sea sediments. Our data indicate that in the subpolar North Atlantic differences in the seasonality of the shell flux, and not in depth habitat or test size, determine the interspecies Delta d18O. N. pachyderma (s) preferentially forms from early spring to late summer, whereas the flux ofG. bulloides peaks later in the season and is sustained until autumn. Likewise, seasonality influences large and small specimens differently, with large shells settling earlier in the season. The similarity of the seasonal d18O patterns between the two species indicates that they calcify in an overlapping depth zone close to the surface. However, their d13C patterns are markedly different (>1 per mil). Both species have a seasonally variable offset from d13CDIC that appears to be governed primarily by temperature, with larger offsets associated with higher temperatures. The variable offset from d13CDIC implies that seasonality of the flux affects the fossil d13C signal, which has implications for reconstruction of the past oceanic carbon cycle.


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Ostracods secrete their valve calcite within a few hours or days, therefore, its isotopic composition records ambient environmental conditions of only a short time span. Hydrographic changes between the calcification of individuals lead to a corresponding range (max.-min.) in the isotope values when measuring several (>=5) single valves from a specific sediment sample. Analyses of living (stained) ostracods from the Kara Sea sediment surface revealed high ranges of >2per mil of d18O and d13C at low absolute levels (d18O: <3per mil, d13C: <-3per mil) near the river estuaries of Ob and Yenisei and low ranges of not, vert, similar1per mil at higher absolute levels (d18O: 2-5.4per mil, d13C: -3 per mil to -1.5per mil) on the shelf and in submarine paleo-river channels. Comparison with a hydrographic data base and isotope measurements of bottom water samples shows that the average and the span of the ostracod-based isotope ranges closely mirror the long-term means and variabilities (standard deviation) of bottom water temperature and salinity. The bottom hydrography in the southern part of the Kara Sea shows strong response to the river discharge and its extreme seasonal and interannual variability. Less variable hydrographic conditions are indicative for deeper shelf areas to the north, but also for areas near the river estuaries along submarine paleo-river channels, which act as corridors for southward flowing cold and saline bottom water. Isotope analyses on up to five single ostracod valves per sample in the lower section (8-7 cal. ka BP) of a sediment core north of Yenisei estuary revealed d18O and d13C values which on average are lower by 0.6? in both, d18O and d13C, than in the upper core section (<5 cal. ka BP). The isotope shifts illustrate the decreasing influence of isotopically light river water at the bottom as a result of the southward retreat of the Yenisei river mouth from the coring site due to global sea level rise. However, the ranges (max.-min.) in the single-valve d18O and d13C data of the individual core samples are similar in the upper and in the lower core section, although a higher hydrographic variability is expected prior to 7 cal. ka BP due to river proximity. This lack of variability indicates the southward flow of cold, saline water along a submarine paleo-river channel, formerly existing at the core location. Despite shallowing of the site due to sediment filling of the channel and isostatic uplift of the area, the hydrographic variability at the core location remained low during the Late Holocene, because the shallowing proceeded synchronously with the retreat of the river mouth due to the global sea level rise


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The Late Weichselian glacial history of the continental shelf off western Spitsbergen is discussed, based on acoustic sub-bottom records and sediment cores. The outer part of Isfjorden and the inner shelf to the west of this fjord are characterized by a thin veneer (10-20 m) of glacigenic sediments and absence of ice-marginal features. Towards the outer shelf the sediment thickness increases significantly, and exceeds 500 m at the shelf edge. Possible moraine complexes were identified in this outer part. Sediment cores from the inner shelf sampled a firm diamicton, interpreted as till, beneath soft glaciomarine sediments. Radiocarbon dates on shells from the clay resting directly on the till, suggest an age of around 12,500 yrs B.P. for the base of the marine sequence. We argue that grounded ice covered the sites shortly before. In contrast to suggestions that the fjords and coast were partly ice free during the Late Weischselian, we conclude that the ice must have reached out onto the continental shelf.


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Three complementary imaging techniques were used to describe a complex rosette-shaped microboring that penetrates the shells of brachiopods from the Ordovician–Silurian shallow marine limestones of Anticosti Island, Canada. Pyrodendrina cupra n. igen. and isp. is among the oldest dendrinid microborings and consists of shallow and deep penetrating canals that radiate from a central polygonal chamber. The affinity of the tracemaker is unknown, but a foraminiferal origin, as proposed for some dendrinid borings, is rejected. Combining microCT with traditional stereomicroscopy and SEM helped distinguish and quantify fine morphological features while maintaining contextual information of the microboring within the shell substrate. Different imaging techniques inherently bias the description of microborings. These biases must be accounted for as new methods in ichnotaxonomy are integrated with past research based on different methods.


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Knowledge of the evolution of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations throughout the Earth's history is important for a reconstruction of the links between climate and radiative forcing of the Earth's surface temperatures. Although atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations in the early Cenozoic era (about 60 Myr ago) are widely believed to have been higher than at present, there is disagreement regarding the exact carbon dioxide levels, the timing of the decline and the mechanisms that are most important for the control of CO2 concentrations over geological timescales. Here we use the boron-isotope ratios of ancient planktonic foraminifer shells to estimate the pH of surface-layer sea water throughout the past 60 million years, which can be used to reconstruct atmospheric CO2 concentrations. We estimate CO2 concentrations of more than 2,000 p.p.m. for the late Palaeocene and earliest Eocene periods (from about 60 to 52 Myr ago), and find an erratic decline between 55 and 40 Myr ago that may have been caused by reduced CO2 outgassing from ocean ridges, volcanoes and metamorphic belts and increased carbon burial. Since the early Miocene (about 24 Myr ago), atmospheric CO2 concentrations appear to have remained below 500 p.p.m. and were more stable than before, although transient intervals of CO2 reduction may have occurred during periods of rapid cooling approximately 15 and 3 Myr ago.


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Radiocarbon age differences for pairs of coexisting late glacial age benthic and planktic foraminifera shells handpicked from 10 sediment samples from a core from a depth of 2.8 km in the western equatorial Pacific are not significantly different from that of 1600 years calculated from measurements on prenuclear seawater. This places a lower limit on the depth of the interface for the hypothetical radiocarbon-depleted glacial age seawater reservoir required to explain the 190 per mil drop in the 14C/C for atmospheric CO2, which occurred during the mystery interval (17.5 to 14.5 calendar years ago). These measurements restrict the volume of this reservoir to be no more than 35% that of the ocean. Further, 14C measurements on a single Last Glacial Maximum age sample from a central equatorial Pacific core from a depth of 4.4 km water fail to reveal evidence for the required 5- to 7-kyr age difference between benthic and planktic foraminifera shells if the isolated reservoir occupied only one third of the ocean. Nor does the 13C record for benthic forams from this abyssal core yield any evidence for the excess respiration CO2 expected to be produced during thousands of years of isolation. Nor, as indicated by the presence of benthic foraminifera, was the dissolved oxygen used up in this abyssal water.


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Sclerochronological records of interannual shell growth variability were established for eight modern shells (26 to 163 years of age) of the bivalve Arctica islandica, which were sampled at one site in the inner German Bight. The records indicate generally low synchrony between individuals. Spectral analysis of the whole 163-yr masterchronology indicated a cyclic pattern with a period of 5 and 7 years. The masterchronology correlated poorly to time series of environmental parameters over the last 90 years. High environmental variability in time and space of the dynamic and complex German Bight hydrographic system results in an extraordinarily high noise' level in the shell growth pattern of Arctica islandica.