524 resultados para Salvinia minima


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The Bounty Trough, east of New Zealand, lies along the southeastern edge of the present-day Subtropical Front (STF), and is a major conduit via the Bounty Channel, for terrigenous sediment supply from the uplifted Southern Alps to the abyssal Bounty Fan. Census data on 65 benthic foraminiferal faunas (>63 µm) from upper bathyal (ODP 1119), lower bathyal (DSDP 594) and abyssal (ODP 1122) sequences, test and refine existing models for the paleoceanographic and sedimentary history of the trough through the last 150 ka (marine isotope stages, MIS 6-1). Cluster analysis allows recognition of six species groups, whose distribution patterns coincide with bathymetry, the climate cycles and displaced turbidite beds. Detrended canonical correspondence analysis and comparisons with modern faunal patterns suggest that the groups are most strongly influenced by food supply (organic carbon flux), and to a lesser extent by bottom water oxygen and factors relating to sediment type. Major faunal changes at upper bathyal depths (1119) probably resulted from cycles of counter-intuitive seaward-landward migrations of the Southland Front (SF) (north-south sector of the STF). Benthic foraminiferal changes suggest that lower nutrient, cool Subantarctic Surface Water (SAW) was overhead in warm intervals, and higher nutrient-bearing, warm neritic Subtropical Surface Water (STW) was overhead in cold intervals. At lower bathyal depths (594), foraminiferal changes indicate increased glacial productivity and lowered bottom oxygen, attributed to increased upwelling and inflow of cold, nutrient-rich, Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) and shallowing of the oxygen-minimum zone (upper Circum Polar Deep Water, CPDW). The observed cyclical benthic foraminiferal changes are not a result of associations migrating up and down the slope, as glacial faunas (dominated by Globocassidulina canalisuturata and Eilohedra levicula at upper and lower bathyal depths, respectively) are markedly different from those currently living in the Bounty Trough. On the abyssal Bounty Fan (1122), faunal changes correlate most strongly with grain size, and are attributed to varying amounts of mixing of displaced and in-situ faunas. Most of the displaced foraminifera in turbiditic sand beds are sourced from mid-outer shelf depths at the head of the Bounty Channel. Turbidity currents were more prevalent during, but not restricted to, glacial intervals.


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Upper Pliocene and Pleistocene abundance fluctuations of the radiolarian Cycladophora davisiana (Ehrenberg) davisiana (Petrushevskaya) are documented from North Atlantic (Site 609) and Labrador Sea (Site 646B) to provide the first long-term correlation of its abundance fluctuations to oxygen isotope stages 1-114. Also examined are temporal and regional fluctuations in abundances C. d. davisiana and the global dispersal routes of the species. The first occurrence of C. d. davisiana in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean (Site 609) occurred between 2.586 and 2.435 Ma (oxygen isotope stages 109.66-102.19). During the early Matuyama Chron, prior to oxygen isotope stage 63, C. d. davisiana abundances were less than 1% and never greater than 12%, while abundances of greater than 5% are found in stages 65.71-73, 74, and 83-84. The initial major abundance peak (35.7%) of C. d. davisiana was noted near the stage 63/62 boundary. Abundance peaks of greater than 15%, between oxygen isotope stages 35 and 63, are limited to stages 63.02, 58.07, 55.07-54.26, and 50.76-50.22. These represent the only such abundance peaks detected during the first c. 1.5 million years of the species within the North Atlantic. The character of C. d. davisiana abundance fluctuations in Site 609 changes after oxygen isotope stage 35; average abundances are greater (7.7% vs. 4.3%) and abundance maxima of more than 15% are more frequent. Many, but not all, peak abundances of C. d. davisiana occur in glacial stages (e.g., 8, 14, 18, 20, 26, 30, 34, 50, 54, and 58). Increased abundances of the species are also noted in weak interglacial stages (e.g., stages 3, 23, 39, and 41), and significant cool periods of robust interglacial periods (e.g., late stage 11). Sample spacing is adequate in some stages to note some rapid changes in abundance near stage transitions (e.g., stages 4/5, 25/26, 62/63). The sample density in Holes 609 and 611 and the upper portion of 646B is sufficient to detect a synchroneity of many abundance maxima and minima among sites. Some abundance peaks are undetected in one or more of the two holes, warranting further sampling to obtain a more accurate record of regional abundance fluctuations. Prior to stage 36, few ages of Hole 611 peaks are the same as those in the more precisely dated Hole 609. The highest abundances of C. d. davisiana were noted in Labrador Sea Hole 646B where the earliest known occurrence of the species is documented (3.08-2.99 Ma). C. d. davisiana is inferred to have evolved in the Labrador Sea (or Arctic), and migrated next through the Arctic into the North Pacific (2.62-2.64 Ma, stage 114) before migrating into the Norwegian Sea (2.63-2.53 Ma) and North Atlantic (2.59-2.44 Ma, stages 109-102). Additional migration of C. d. dauisiana into the southern South Atlantic (Site 704) occurred much later (2.06 Ma, stage 83).


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High-resolution records (2 7 kyr) of Upper Pliocene Discoaster abundances obtained from six ODP/DSDP sites are assessed independently using oxygen isotope stratigraphy. Four Atlantic Ocean sites (DSDP Sites 552 and 607, and ODP Sites 659 and 662) comprise a transect from 56°N to 1°S and provide a record of latitudinal variations in Diseoaster biogeography. Low-latitude sites in the Atlantic (ODP Site 662), Pacific (ODP Site 677), and Indian (ODP Site 709) oceans provide additional information about variability in Discoaster abundance patterns within the equatorial region. A common chronology, based on the astronomical time scale developed for ODP Site 677, has been established for all the sites. By integrating oxygen isotope data and Discoaster abundance records at each site we are able to independently evaluate the temporal and spatial distribution of D. brouweri and D. triradiatus in the 500 kyr prior to the extinction of the discoasters near the base of the Olduvai subchron. Major decreases in abundance are evident during some of the more intense late Pliocene glacial events. In particular, glacial isotope stages 82, 96, 98 and 100 are associated with distinct abundance minima. At these times, large-scale changes in surface hydrographic conditions appear to have suppressed Discoaster numbers on a global scale. The increase in abundance of D. triradiatus, which precedes the extinction of the discoasters by around 200 kyr, may also be related to the intensification of environmental pressures that accompanied the build-up of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets during the late Pliocene. In spite of contrasting geographic and oceanographic settings, the various D. brouweri and D. triradiatus records are remarkably similar. This demonstrates that the acme and extinction events are excellent biostratigraphic datums. The simultaneous extinction of D. brouweri and D. triradiatus at 1.95 Ma were synchronous events at both a regional scale within the Atlantic, and on a global scale between the three major oceans. However, the start of the D. triradiatus acme appears to have been diachronous, occurring some 40 kyr earlier in the Atlantic than in the Indo-Pacific, and hence the stratigraphic usefulness of this datum is regional rather than global.


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The physical properties of sediments beneath an upwelling area in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean (ODP Hole 704A) were investigated. Highly significant correlations characterize the relationship of carbonate content to bulk density (R = 0.85), carbonate content to porosity (R = 0.84), and carbonate content to impedance (R = 0.84). No relationship exists between carbonate content and compressional-wave velocity (R = 0.24), indicating that amplitude variations in impedance are primarily controlled by variations in bulk density, which, in turn, are controlled by climatically driven biogenic opal and carbonate deposition. In general, maxima in impedance correspond to maxima in carbonate content (minima in opal content). The impedance record exhibits its most drastic change at about 2.4 Ma, marking dramatic increases in the average content of biogenic opal and the beginning of large-amplitude fluctuations. Between 0.7 and 0.4 Ma carbonate content, bulk density, and grain density decrease while opal content drastically increases. Similar changes have been observed in sediments beneath an upwelling cell off northwest Africa, indicating an oceanwide enhancement in upwelling or in the calcite corrosiveness of bottom water that appears to be isochronous.


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Titanium and iron concentration data from the anoxic Cariaco Basin, off the Venezuelan coast, can be used to infer variations in the hydrological cycle over northern South America during the past 14,000 years with subdecadal resolution. Following a dry Younger Dryas, a period of increased precipitation and riverine discharge occurred during the Holocene 'thermal maximum'. Since ~5400 years ago, a trend toward drier conditions is evident from the data, with high-amplitude fluctuations and precipitation minima during the time interval 3800 to 2800 years ago and during the 'Little Ice Age'. These regional changes in precipitation are best explained by shifts in the mean latitude of the Atlantic Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), potentially driven by Pacific-based climate variability. The Cariaco Basin record exhibits strong correlations with climate records from distant regions, including the high-latitude Northern Hemisphere, providing evidence for global teleconnections among regional climates.


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The distribution of pollen in marine sediments is used to record vegetation change on the continent. Generally, a good latitudinal correspondence exists between the distribution patterns of pollen in the marine surface sediments and the occurrence of the source plants on the adjacent continent. To investigate land-sea interactions during deglaciation, we compare proxies for continental (pollen assemblages) and marine conditions (alkenone-derived sea surface temperatures) of two high-resolution, radiocarbon-dated sedimentary records from the tropical southeast Atlantic. The southern site is located West of the Cunene River mouth; the northern site is located West of the Angolan Huambe Mountains. It is inferred that the vegetation in Angola developed from Afroalpine and open savannah during the last Glacial maximum (LGM) via Afromontane Podocarpus forest during Heinrich Event 1 (H1), to an early increase of lowland forest after 14.5 ka. The vegetation record indicates dry and cold conditions during the LGM, cool and wet conditions during H1 and a gradual rise in temperature starting well before the Younger Dryas (YD) period. Terrestrial and oceanic climate developments seem largely running parallel, in contrast to the situation ca. 5° further South, where marine and terrestrial developments diverge during the YD. The cool and wet conditions in tropical West Africa, South of the equator, during H1 suggest that low-latitude insolation variation is more important than the slowdown of the thermohaline circulation for the climate in tropical Africa.


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Studies combining sedimentological and biological evidence to reconstruct Holocene climate beyond the major changes, and especially seasonality, are rare in Europe, and are nearly completely absent in Germany. The present study tries to reconstruct changes of seasonality from evidence of annual algal successions within the framework of well-established pollen zonation and 14C-AMS dates from terrestrial plants. Laminated Holocene sediments in Lake Jues (10°20.70' E, 51°39.30' N, 241 m a.s.l.), located at the SW margin of the Harz Mountains, central Germany, were studied for sediment characteristics, pollen, diatoms and coccal green algae. An age model is based on 21 calibrated AMS radiocarbon dates from terrestrial plants. The sedimentary record covers the entire Holocene period. Trophic status and circulation/stagnation patterns of the lake were inferred from algal assemblages, the subannual structure of varves and the physico-chemical properties of the sediment. During the Holocene, mixing conditions alternated between di-, oligo- and meromictic depending on length and variability of spring and fall periods, and the stability of winter and summer weather. The trophic state was controlled by nutrient input, circulation patterns and the temperature-dependent rates of organic production and mineralization. Climate shifts, mainly in phase with those recorded from other European regions, are inferred from changing limnological conditions and terrestrial vegetation. Significant changes occurred at 11,600 cal. yr. BP (Preboreal warming), between 10,600 and 10,100 cal. yr. BP (Boreal cooling), and between 8,400 and 4,550 cal. yr. BP (warm and dry interval of the Atlantic). Since 4,550 cal. yr. BP the climate became gradually cooler, wetter and more oceanic. This trend was interrupted by warmer and dryer phases between 3,440 and 2,850 cal. yr. BP and, likely, between 2,500 and 2,250 cal. yr. BP.


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Beryllium 10 concentrations (10Becon) were measured at annual resolution from varved sediment cores of Lakes Tiefer See (TSK) and Czechowskie (JC) for the period 1983-2009 (~solar cycles 22 and 23). Calibrating the 10Becon time-series against complementing proxy records from the same archive as well as local precipitation and neutron monitor data, reflecting solar forced changes in atmospheric radionuclide production, allowed (i) identifying the main depositional processes and (ii) evaluating the potential for solar activity reconstruction. 10Becon in TSK and JC sediments are significantly correlated to varying neutron monitor counts (TSK: r=0.5, p=0.05, n=16; JC: r=0.46, p=0.03, n=22). However, the further correlations with changes in organic carbon contents in TSK as well as varying organic carbon and detrital matter contents in JC point to catchment specific biases in the 10Becon time-series. In an attempt to correct for these biases multiple regression analysis was applied to extract an atmospheric 10Be production signal (10Be atmosphere). To increase the signal to noise ratio a 10Be composite record (10Be composite) was calculated from the TSK and JC 10Be atmosphere time-series. 10Becomposite is significantly correlated to variations in the neutron monitor record (r=0.49, p=0.01, n=27) and matches the expected amplitude changes in 10Be production between solar cycle minima and maxima. This calibration study on 10Be from two sites indicates the large potential but also, partly site-specific, limitations of 10Be in varved lake sediments for solar activity reconstruction.


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Shape of the 230Th vertical distribution curve ideally close to exponential is studied to determine isotopic age of deep-sea sediments. In practice such ideal 230Th vertical distribution curve is rarely occur; secondary maxima and minima often appear on it. It has been shown that oxyhydroxides of Fe, Mn, and also Corg and P are of prime importance for 230Th concentration. A method is offered for normalizing the vertical distribution curve of 230Th based on taking into account content of these elements in sediment.


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Stratigraphy of Paleogene deposits from high latitudes of the Pacific region (Koryak Highland, Kamchatka Peninsula, Karaginsky Island - in the northern hemisphere, Australian-Antarctic region - in the southern hemisphere) on planktonic foraminifera are under consideration in the book. Correlation with Paleogene of the warm Pacific belt is given. On the basis of geographic and stratigraphic distributions of planktonic foraminifera climatic zonation and the Paleogene climatic curve are analyzed. Description and photos of 115 species and varieties of planktonic foraminifera are given in the palaeontological part of the book.


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Microfacies analyses and X-ray fluorescence scanning (µ-XRF) at sub-mm resolution were conducted on the varved Mid- to Late Holocene interval of two sediment profiles from pre-alpine Lake Ammersee (southern Germany). The coring sites are located in a proximal (AS10prox) and distal (AS10dist) position towards the main tributary River Ammer, in 1.8 km distance from each other. To shed light on sediment distribution within the lake, particular emphasis was (1) the detection of intercalated detrital layers and their micro-sedimentological features, and (2) intra-basin correlation of these event deposits. Detrital layers were dated by microscopic varve counting, verified by accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dating of terrestrial plant macrofossils. Since ~5500 varve years (vyr) BP, in total 1573 detrital layers were detected in either one or both of the investigated sediment profiles. Based on their microfacies, geochemistry, and proximal-distal deposition pattern, detrital layers were interpreted as River Ammer flood deposits. Earlier studies on flood layer seasonality have proven that flood layer deposition occurs predominantly during spring and summer, the flood season at Lake Ammersee. Most prominent features of the record are the onset of regular flood layer deposition at ~5500 vyr BP in AS10prox and ~ 2800 vyr BP in AS10dist as well as three major increases in mean flood layer thickness at ~5500, 2800, and 400 vyr BP. Integrating information from both sediment profiles allowed to interpret these changes in terms of shifts towards higher mean flood intensity. Proposed triggering mechanisms are gradual reduction in Northern Hemisphere orbital summer forcing and superimposed centennial-scale solar activity minima. Likely responses to this forcing are enhanced equator-to-pole temperature gradients and changes in synoptic-scale atmospheric circulation. The consequences for the Ammersee region are more intense cyclones leading to extremer rainfall and flood events in spring and summer.


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Angola Basin and Cape Basin (southeast Atlantic) surface sediments and sediment cores show that maxima in the abundance of taraxerol (relative to other land-derived lipids) covary with maxima in the relative abundance of pollen from the mangrove tree genus Rhizophora and that in the surface sediments offshore maxima in the relative abundance of taraxerol occur at latitudes with abundant coastal mangrove forests. Together with the observation that Rhizophora mangle and Rhizophora racemosa leaves are extraordinarily rich in taraxerol, this strongly indicates that taraxerol can be used as a lipid biomarker for mangrove input to the SE Atlantic. The proxy-environment relations for taraxerol and Rhizophora pollen down-core show that increased taraxerol and Rhizophora pollen abundances occur during transgressions and periods with a humid climate. These environmental changes modify the coastal erosion and sedimentation patterns, enhancing the extent of the mangrove ecosystem and/or the transport of mangrove organic matter offshore. Analyses of mid-Pleistocene sediments show that interruption of the pattern of taraxerol maxima during precession minima occurs almost only during periods of low obliquity. This demonstrates the complex environmental response of the interaction between precession-related humidity cycles and obliquity-related sea-level changes on mangrove input.