136 resultados para SW-CMM
Basalt samples recovered on Ocean Drilling Program Leg 120 from the Kerguelen Plateau were investigated by thermomagnetic analysis, X-ray diffraction, and ore microscopy. The basement samples could be divided into two groups based on Curie temperatures, cell-edge parameters, and optical magnetic mineralogy. Samples from Sites 748 and 750 underwent only low-temperature oxidation and displayed Curie temperatures for the titanomaghemites that ranged from 340° to 395°C. The basalts from Sites 747 and 749 mainly experienced high-temperature oxidation. High-temperature oxidation produced titanium-poor titanomagnetites with ilmenite-exsolution lamellae. Curie temperatures of the deuterically oxidized titanomaghemites varied from 490° to 620°C.
Well-preserved and diverse silicoflagellate and ebridian populations are found in the lower and middle Eocene sediments of DSDP Site 605 and the upper Miocene sediments of DSDP Site 604. The ebridians outnumber the silicoflagellates in the siliceous interval of Site 605, but are less numerous at Site 604. The abundances of the various taxa are tabulated.