The Integrated OceanDrilling Program's Expedition 302, the Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX), recovered the first Cenozoic sedimentary sequence from the central Arctic Ocean. ACEX provided ground truth for basin scale geophysical interpretations and for guiding future exploration targets in this largely unexplored ocean basin. Here, we present results from a series of consolidation tests used to characterize sediment compressibility and permeability and integrate these with high-resolution measurements of bulk density, porosity and shear strength to investigate the stress history and the nature of prominent lithostratigraphic and seismostratigraphic boundaries in the ACEX record. Despite moderate sedimentation rates (10-30 m/Myr) and high permeability values (10**-15 -10**-18 m**2), consolidation and shear strength measurements both suggest an overall state of underconsolidation or overpressure. One-dimensional compaction modelling shows that to maintain such excess pore pressures, an in situ fluid source is required that exceeds the rate of fluid expulsion generated by mechanical compaction alone. Geochemical and sedimentological evidence is presented that identifes the Opal A-C/T transformation of biosiliceous rich sediments as a potential additional in situ fluid source.However, the combined rat of chemical and mechanical compaction remain too low to fully account for the observed pore pressure gradients, implying an additional diagenetic fluid source from within or below the recovered Cenozoic sediments from ACEX. Recognition of the Opal A-C/T reaction front in the ACEX record has broad reaching regional implications on slope stability and subsurface pressure evolution, and provides an important consideration for interpreting and correlating the spatially limited seismic data from the Arctic Ocean.
The majority of marine benthic invertebrates protect themselves from predators by producing calcareous tubes or shells that have remarkable mechanical strength. An elevation of CO2 or a decrease in pH in the environment can reduce intracellular pH at the site of calcification and thus interfere with animal's ability to accrete CaCO3. In nature, decreased pH in combination with stressors associated with climate change may result in the animal producing severely damaged and mechanically weak tubes. This study investigated how the interaction of environmental drivers affects production of calcareous tubes by the serpulid tubeworm, Hydroides elegans. In a factorial manipulative experiment, we analyzed the effects of pH (8.1 and 7.8), salinity (34 and 27), and temperature (23°C and 29°C) on the biomineral composition, ultrastructure and mechanical properties of the tubes. At an elevated temperature of 29°C, the tube calcite/aragonite ratio and Mg/Ca ratio were both increased, the Sr/Ca ratio was decreased, and the amorphous CaCO3 content was reduced. Notably, at elevated temperature with decreased pH and reduced salinity, the constructed tubes had a more compact ultrastructure with enhanced hardness and elasticity compared to decreased pH at ambient temperature. Thus, elevated temperature rescued the decreased pH-induced tube impairments. This indicates that tubeworms are likely to thrive in early subtropical summer climate. In the context of climate change, tubeworms could be resilient to the projected near-future decreased pH or salinity as long as surface seawater temperature rise at least by 4°C.
The increase in atmospheric CO2 due to anthropogenic activity results in an acidification of the surface waters of the oceans. Its impact will depend on the considered organisms and ecosystems. The intertidal may harbor organisms pre-adapted to the upcoming changes as they face tidal pH and temperature fluctuations. However, these environments will be more affected as shallow waters will face the highest decrease in seawater pH. In this context, the effects of reduced environmental pH on the physiology and tube feet mechanical properties of the intertidal starfish Asterias rubens, a top predator, were investigated during 15 and 27 days. A. rubens showed a respiratory acidosis with its coelomic fluid pH always lower than that of seawater. This acidosis was most pronounced at pH 7.4. Notwithstanding, the starfish showed no significant variations in RNA/DNA ratio of different tissues and in tube feet strength. However, respiration rates were significantly lower for individuals maintained at reduced seawater pH. Within the ocean acidification context, the present results suggest that A. rubens withstands the effects of reduced seawater pH, at least for medium term exposures.
The bulk and grain densities, porosity, water content, and ultrasonic compressional- and shear-wave velocities of 25 basalt samples from DSDP Holes 597B and 597C were measured. The velocities were measured at in situ pore and confining pressures. The bulk densities of the samples vary between 2.690 and 3.050 g/cm**3. Porosities of selected samples vary between 2.4 and 9.3%. The grain densities vary between 2.993 and 3.117 g/cm3, a range that suggests that bulk density differences are due primarily to variations in porosity. Compressional-wave velocities range from 5.70 to 6.81 km/s, and shear-wave velocities range from 1.66 to 3.84 km/s. The variation in compressional velocity appears to be due primarily to variations in grain size and the associated greater density of grain-boundary cracks for samples with a smaller average grain size. On the basis of these results we would expect compressional and shear velocities to increase with increasing depth in the shallow crust, primarily as the result of the effects of confining pressure on crack density.
Drilling during Leg 167 at the California margin was scheduled to recover continuous sedimentary sections. Multiple advanced piston core (APC) holes drilled at different depth offsets provided core overlap in successive APCs. Correlation of high-resolution laboratory physical properties data from adjacent APC holes was used to compile composite depth sections for each site. The composite depth sections were used to confirm continuous recovery and enable high-resolution sampling. The meters composite depth (mcd) scale differs from the shipboard meters below seafloor (mbsf) scale because of (1) core expansion following recovery (MacKillop et al., 1995, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.138.118.1995), (2) coring gaps, and (3) stretching/compression of sediment during coring (Lyle, Koizumi, Richter, et al., 1997, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.167.1997). Moran (1997, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.154.132.1997) calculated that sediment expansion accounted for 90%-95% of the Leg 154 depth offset between shipboard mbsf and the mcd scales. Terzaghi's one-dimensional theory of consolidation (Terzaghi, 1943) describes the response of sediments to stress loading and release. Mechanical loading in marine environments is provided by the buoyant weight of the overlying sediments. The load increases with depth below seabed, resulting in sediment volume reduction as water is "squeezed" out of the voids in the sediment. Stress release during core recovery results in expansion of the sediment and volume increase as water returns to the sediment. The sediment expansion or rebound defines the elastic properties of the sediment. In this study we examine the elastic deformation properties of sediments recovered from Sites 1020 and 1021. These results are used to (1) correct the laboratory index properties measurements to in situ values and (2) determine the contribution of sediment rebound to the depth offset between the mbsf and mcd scales.
Vertical permeability and sediment consolidation measurements were taken on seven whole-round drill cores from Sites 1253 (three samples), 1254 (one sample), and 1255 (three samples) drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 205 in the Middle America Trench off of Costa Rica's Pacific Coast. Consolidation behavior including slopes of elastic rebound and virgin compression curves (Cc) was measured by constant rate of strain tests. Permeabilities were determined from flow-through experiments during stepped-load tests and by using coefficient of consolidation (Cv) values continuously while loading. Consolidation curves and the Casagrande method were used to determine maximum preconsolidation stress. Elastic slopes of consolidation curves ranged from 0.097 to 0.158 in pelagic sediments and 0.0075 to 0.018 in hemipelagic sediments. Cc values ranged from 1.225 to 1.427 for pelagic carbonates and 0.504 to 0.826 for hemipelagic clay-rich sediments. In samples consolidated to an axial stress of ~20 MPa, permeabilities determined by flow-through experiments ranged from a low value of 7.66 x 10**-20 m**2 in hemipelagic sediments to a maximum value of 1.03 x 10**-16 m**2 in pelagic sediments. Permeabilities calculated from Cv values in the hemipelagic sediments ranged from 4.81 x 10**-16 to 7.66 x 10**-20 m**2 for porosities 49.9%-26.1%.