395 resultados para Lloyd
Ten ODP sites drilled in a depth transect (2164-4775 m water depth) during Leg 172 recovered high-deposition rate (>20 cm/kyr) sedimentary sections from sediment drifts in the western North Atlantic. For each site an age model covering the past 0.8-0.9 Ma has been developed. The time scales have a resolution of 10-20 kyr and are derived by tuning variations of estimated carbonate content to the orbital parameters precession and obliquity. Based on the similarity in the signature of proxy records and the spectral character of the time series, the sites are divided into two groups: precession cycles are better developed in carbonate records from a group of shallow sites (2164-2975 m water depth, Sites 1055-1058) while the deeper sites (2995-4775 m water depth, Sites 1060-1063) are characterized by higher spectral density in the obliquity band. The resulting time scales show excellent coherence with other dated carbonate and isotope records from low latitudes. Besides the typical Milankovitch cyclicity significant variance of the resulting carbonate time series is concentrated at millennial-scale changes with periods of about 12, 6, 4, 2.5, and 1.5 kyr. Comparisons of carbonate records from the Blake Bahama Outer Ridge and the Bermuda Rise reveal a remarkable similarity in the time and frequency domain indicating a basin-wide uniform sedimentation pattern during the last 0.9 Ma.
Although there are numerous examples of large-scale commercial microbial synthesis routes for organic bioproducts, few studies have addressed the obvious potential for microbial systems to produce inorganic functional biomaterials at scale. Here we address this by focusing on the production of nano-scale biomagnetite particles by the Fe(III)-reducing bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens, which was scaled-up successfully from lab-scale to pilot plant-scale production, whilst maintaining the surface reactivity and magnetic properties which make this material well suited to commercial exploitation. At the largest scale tested, the bacterium was grown in a 50 L bioreactor, harvested and then inoculated into a buffer solution containing Fe(III)-oxyhydroxide and an electron donor and mediator, which promoted the formation of magnetite in under 24 hours. This procedure was capable of producing up to 120 g biomagnetite. The particle size distribution was maintained between 10 and 15 nm during scale-up of this second step from 10 ml to 10 L, with conserved magnetic properties and surface reactivity; the latter demonstrated by the reduction of Cr(VI). The process presented provides an environmentally benign route to magnetite production and serves as an alternative to harsher synthetic techniques, with the clear potential to be used to produce kg to tonne quantities.
Successful application of the alkenone palaeothermometer, the UK'37 index, relies upon the assumption that fossil alkenone synthesisers responded to growth-temperature changes in a similar manner to the modern producers, chiefly the coccolithophores Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica. We compare coccolith and UK'37 data from ODP Site 1087 in the south-east Atlantic between 1500 and 500 ka, and show that evolutionary events and changes in species dominance within the coccolithophore populations had little impact on the UK'37 record. The relative abundances of the C37 and C38 alkenones also closely resembled those found in modern populations, and suggest a similar temperature sensitivity of UK'37 during the early and mid-Pleistocene to that found at present. These results support the application of the UK'37 index to reconstruct sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) throughout the Quaternary. The UK'37 record at ODP Site 1087 contains an SST signal that documents the emergence of the 100-kyr cycles that characterise the late Quaternary ice volume records. This is preceded by significant cooling at ODP Site 1087, marked by a negative shift in SSTs and a positive shift in the planktonic delta18O some 250-kyr earlier, at ca 1150-1000 ka. This results in a permanent fall in average SSTs of around 1.5 °C. The predicted increase in aridity onshore as a result of this cooling can be identified in a number of published records from southern Africa, and may have played a role in some important evolutionary events of the mid-Pleistocene.
Upper Miocene foraminiferal nannofossil ooze and chalk from DSDP Hole 552A in the northeast Atlantic Ocean have been closely sampled for biostratigraphic, paleomagnetic, and stable-isotopic studies. Sampling at 10-cm intervals resulted in an uppermost Miocene isotope stratigraphy with a 1000- to 3000-yr. resolution. Covariance in benthic (Planulina wuellerstorfi) and planktonic (Globigerina bulloides) foraminiferal d18O records is taken as evidence for variability in continental ice volume. Our best estimate is that glacial maxima occurred at -5.0 and ~ 5.5 Ma and lasted no more than 20,000 yrs. These events probably lowered sea level by 60 m below the latest Miocene average. There is little oxygen-isotope evidence, however, for a prolonged glaciation during the last 2 m.y. of the late Miocene. High- and low-frequency variability in the d13C record of foraminifers is useful for correlation among North Atlantic DSDP Sites 408, 410, 522, 610, and 611, and for correlation with sites in other oceans. Similar d13C changes are seen in P. wuellerstorfi and G. bulloides, but the amplitude of the signal is always greater in G. bulloides. Variability in d13C common to both species probably reflects variability in the d13C of total CO2 in seawater. Major long-term features in the d13C record include a latest Miocene maximum (P. wuellerstorfi = 1.5 per mil ) in paleomagnetic Chron 7, an abrupt decrease in d13C at -6.2 Ma, and a slight increase at -5.5 Ma. The decrease in d13C at -6.2 Ma, which has been paleomagnetically dated only twice before, occurs in the upper reversed part of Chronozone 6 at Holes 552A and 611C, in excellent agreement with earlier studies. Cycles in d13C with a period of ~ 10 4 yrs. are interpreted as changes in seawater chemistry, which may have resulted from orbitally induced variability in continental biomass. Samples of P. wuellerstorfi younger than 6 Ma from throughout the North Atlantic have d13C near lo, on average ~ l per mil greater than samples of the same age in the Pacific Ocean. Thus, there is no evidence for cessation of North Atlantic Deep Water production resulting from the Messinian "salinity crisis." Biostratigraphic results indicate continuous sedimentation during the late Miocene after about -6.5 Ma at Hole 552A. Nannofossil biostratigraphy is complicated by the scarcity of low-latitude marker species, but middle and late Miocene Zones NN7 through NN11 are recognized. A hiatus is present at -6.5 Ma, on the basis of simultaneous first occurrences of Amaurolithusprimus, Amaurolithus delicatus, Amaurolithus amplificus, and Scyphosphaera globulata. The frequency and duration of older hiatuses increase downsection in Hole 552A, as suggested by calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy. Paleomagnetic results at Hole 552A indicate a systematic pattern of inclination changes. Chronozone 6 was readily identified because of its characteristic nannoflora (sequential occurrences of species assigned to the genus Amaurolithus) and the d13C decrease in foraminifers, but its lower reversed interval is condensed. Only the lower normal interval of Chronozone 5 was recognized at Hole 552A; the upper normal interval and the lowest Gilbert sediment are not recognized, owing to low intensity of magnetization and to coring disturbance. Interpreting magnetic reversals below Chronozone 6 was difficult because of hiatuses, but a lower normally magnetized interval is probably Chronozone 7. Correlation between DSDP Hole 552A and other North Atlantic sites is demonstrated using coiling direction changes in the planktonic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina. At most sites this genus changed its coiling preference from dominantly right to dominantly left during the late Miocene. At Hole 552A this event probably occurred about 7 m.y. ago. At the same time, P. wuellerstorfi had maximum d13C values. A similar d13C maximum and coiling change occurred together in Chron 7 at Hole 611C, and at Hole 610E. In sediment younger than -5.5 Ma, the coiling of small Neogloboquadrina species is random, but the larger species N. atlantica retains preferential left coiling.
The organic geochemical character of rocks selected from Aptian, Valanginian, and Berriasian clay stone and siltstone sequences encountered in Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Holes 762C and 763C on the Exmouth Plateau was determined by means of a variety of analytical procedures. These sequences represent distal portions of the Mesozoic Barrow delta, in which petroleum source rocks and reservoirs exist on the Australian continent. The organic matter at the ODP sites is thermally immature type III material. Biomarker hydrocarbon compositions are dominated by long-chain, waxy n-alkanes and by C29 steranes, which reflect the land-plant origin of organic matter. Organic carbon d13C values ranged from -26 per mil to -28 per mil, consistent with a C3 land-plant source. Kerogen pyrolysate compositions and hopane isomerization ratios revealed progressively larger contributions of recycled organic matter as the depth of the deltaic sedimentary layers became greater.
Upper Pliocene through Holocene sediments recovered at Site 798 in the Japan Sea (Oki Ridge) exhibit rhythmic variation in weight percent biogenic opal at intervals of ~5 m and periods equivalent to the 41-k.y. obliquity cycle. Variance at 17 and 100 k.y. is observed prior to 1.3 Ma. These cycles are also clearly defined by log data and correspond to clusters of decimeter-scale dark-colored sediment units alternating with clusters of light-colored units. Opal content varies between 3% and 22% between 0 and 1.3 Ma and from 3% to 43% between 1.3 and 2.6 Ma. Long-term opal accumulation rates average 1.8 g/cm**2/k.y. in the late Pliocene/early Pleistocene and decrease by about 60% at ~1.3 Ma. Rough calculations suggest that opal accumulation rates increased and terrigenous flux decreased during the Holocene relative to the last glacial period. Our age control is not yet sufficient to allow a similar analysis of the 41-k.y. cyclicity in opal content throughout the Pleistocene. Stable isotope results from planktonic foraminifers confirm previous suggestions of a strong surface-water freshening event during isotope stage 2; however, this episode appears to be unique during the Pleistocene. Benthic foraminifers are depleted in 18O during parts of glacial stages 2 and 6 relative to adjacent interglacials, suggesting unusual warming and/or freshening of deep waters. Collectively, the stable isotope and %opal data are consistent with continuing isolation of the Japan Sea during the Quaternary with important transitions occurring at 1.3, 0.7 to 1.0, and 0.2 to 0.3 Ma. Complex relationships among the stable isotope results, %opal data, and sediment characteristics such as color and organic and inorganic carbon content preclude development of a simple model to explain cyclical sedimentation. Opal maxima occur within both light and dark intervals and the processes that control surface-water productivity are at times decoupled from the factors that regulate deep-water dysaerobia. We suggest that water column overturn is controlled largely by regional atmospheric circulation that must also have an as yet poorly understood effect on surface-water fertility.