79 resultados para Géologie -- Bornéo


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The studied material was taken from Central Indian Ocean central, during the "TRANSINDIK" campaign of the R/V Valdivia. The campaign was conducted from 14 December 1973 until 23 January 1974, between Beira (Mozambique) and Singapore via Port Louis (Mauritius). The samples were taken on 14 stations aligned on a profile trending West, following approximately the 15th parallel (south). This profile cuts through the Mascarene plateau Basin. The preliminary study presented in this report was carried out as part of a study into the genesis and diagenesis the ocean deposits of the central and southern areas of the Indian Ocean (Laboratoire de GÈologie du MusÈum d'Histoire Naturelle - R.C.P. 212) and under the CNEXO No. 74/1017 contract. The data collected supplements the results of the OSIRIS campaign (R/V Marion Dufresne - TAAF) concerning relations existing between morphostructure and sedimentation and, more particularly, the nature and age of metalliferous deposits associated with Mn concretions.


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Following the launch of the "Marion Dufresne 1", first supply ship of the Terres Australes and Antarctiques Françaises and part time oceanographic vessel in the Indian Ocean, a new marine geology program was developped at the Laboratoire de Géologie, MNHN. The first oceanographic cruise of the "Marion Dufresne 1" started in 1973 in the Southwestern Indian Ocean (OSIRIS I cruise). Forty piston-cores recovered nearly 200 m of sediments consisting in the first of the 450 cores of the Indian Ocean collection now deposited at the Museum. L. Leclaire being Director from 1980 to 1991, a multidisciplinary team (including sedimentologists and micropaleontologists) was involved in many oceanographic cruises in the Indian Ocean. Marine sedimentology was developped during annual cruises programs in collaboration with geophysicists, geochemists, and biologists. In 1995, the "Marion Dufresne 2" replaced the initial "Marion Dufresne 1".