303 resultados para Flame Retardant
A geochemical investigation was carried out on two sediment cores collected at 2 and 5 km from the Rainbow hydrothermal vent site. Bulk sediment compositions indicate that these cores record clear enrichments in Fe, Cu, Mn, V, P and As from hydrothermal plume fallout (Cave et al., 2002, doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(02)00823-2). Sequential dissolution of the bulk sediments has been used to discriminate between a leach (biogenic and oxy-hydroxide) component and a residual phase (detrital and sulphide/sulphate fractions). Major element data (Al, Fe, Ti, Mn, Mg, Ca, Si and index%) reveal that the hydrothermal input, as recorded in the leach phase, is much stronger than apparent from bulk sediment analyses alone. REE patterns for the leach phase record contributions from both biogenic carbonate (mimicking seawater REE patterns) and hydrothermal oxy-hydroxides, with the latter exhibiting positive Eu anomalies (hydrothermal derived) and negative Ce anomalies (seawater derived). Based on major element and REE data, the residue contains contributions from aeolian dust input, local MORB material and a hydrothermal component. Ternary REE mixing calculations indicate that most of the REE within the residual fraction (~80%) is derived from hydrothermal material, while detrital contributions to the REE budget, as deep-sea clay and volcanic debris, are <20%. By combining bulk and REE data for the various end-member components of the residue, we calculate that the chemical composition of the residue hydrothermal end-member is high in Ca (6-15%) and with a Nd/Sr ratio of 0.004. These characteristics indicate the presence of low-solubility hydrothermal sulphate (rather than sulphide) material within the residue component of Rainbow hydrothermal sediments.
Six samples from Sites 1219 and 1221 ranging in age from early Eocene to early Oligocene were analyzed for freely extractable lipids to determine whether the low organic carbon (Corg) sediments of the Eocene equatorial Pacific (Corg content typically 0.03%) are appropriate for biomarker studies. Only one sample from the Oligocene equatorial Pacific (Sample 199-1219A-13H-3, 50-54 cm) contained any biomarkers of interest to paleoceanography. The only lipids identified in the remaining samples appear to be contaminants from drilling or subsequent handling. Sample 199-1219A-13H-3, 50-54 cm, contained alkenone biomarkers specific to haptophyte algae that are used for estimating past mean annual sea-surface temperature (maSST). If the Holocene calibration of maSST is appropriate for the Oligocene, the estimated equatorial temperature is >=28.3°C, or at least 3°C warmer than modern equatorial maSST at a similar longitude.
Results of study of bottom sediments near Iceland and on the Jan Mayen Island are reported. It was found that in recent sediments chemical elements are mainly associated with pyro- and volcanoclastics. In some areas adjusted to deep-seated faults ancient iron-manganese crusts and sediments occur. They are rich in Ni, Co, V, Cu, Mo, Cd and other elements associated with endogenic matter.
The factors influencing prolactin (PRL) variation in birds and in wildlife in general have rarely been investigated with respect to the physiological impacts of exposure to environmental contaminants. We investigated the associations between circulating baseline PRL levels and concentrations of eight persistent organohalogen contaminant (OHC) classes (i.e., major organochlorines and brominated flame retardants, and associated metabolic products) in blood (plasma) of free-ranging glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus), a top predator in the Norwegian Arctic, engaged in the process of incubation. We further examined whether plasma OHC concentrations were associated with the variation of PRL in glaucous gulls exposed to a standardized capture/restraint protocol. Plasma OHC concentrations in male glaucous gulls were 2-to 3-fold higher relative to females. Baseline PRL levels tended to be higher in females compared to males, although not significantly (p = 0.20). In both males and females, the 30-min capture/restraint protocol led on average to a 26% decrease in PRL levels, which resulted in a rate of PRL decrease of 0.76 ng/mL/min. The baseline PRL levels and the rate of decrease in PRL levels tended to vary negatively with plasma OHC concentrations in males, but not in females, although several of these associations did not adhere with the criterion of significance (alpha = 0.05). Present results suggest that in highly OHC-exposed male glaucous gulls, the control of PRL release may be affected by the direct or indirect modulating actions of OHCs and/or their metabolically derived products. We conclude that potentially OHC-mediated impact on PRL secretion in glaucous gulls (males) may be a contributing factor to the adverse effects observed on the reproductive behavior, development and population size of glaucous gulls breeding in the Norwegian Arctic.
In this monograph on the basis of materials obtained by the author and his colleagues in Arctic expeditions of 1991-2005 and of published data results of studies effect of aerosols on environmental conditions and marine sedimentation in the Arctic are summarizes. Processes of aeolian transport and transformation of sedimentary material from sources to places of its accumulation in bottom sediments are described. Results of this study can be used to assess current state of ecosystem of Arctic seas and as a background for evaluation of possible human impact on nature during exploration of mineral resources of the Arctic shelf. For oceanographers, geochemists, geoecologists.
The primary geochemical data of the transect visited during the cruise Meteor M76/1. The stations include GeoB 12802, 12803, 12808, 12811, and 12815. The geochemical data include pore-water ferrous ion, sulfate, dissolved inorganic carbon, methane, and molecular hydrogen.
The dataset provides detailed information on the study that was conducted in Lahore's 7 major towns. The sample was taken from 472 tubewells and analyzed for major cations and anions using APHA 2012 techniques as explained herein. Besides, E.coli determination was done to check for microbial contamination. The data includes results from PHREEQC modeling of As(III)/ As(V) species and saturation indices as well as Aquachem's computed hydrochemical water facies. The WHO (2011) and EPA standards included in Aquachem identified the parameters that where in violation. Bicarbonates dominated the groundwater types with 50.21% of the samples exceeding the EPA maximum permissible limit of 250 mg/L in drinking water. Similarly, 30.51% of the samples had TDS values greater than 500 mg/L while 85.38 % of the samples exceed 10 µg/L threshold limit value of arsenic. Also, instances of high magnesium hazard values were observed which requires constant assessment if the groundwater is used for irrigation. Higher than 50% MH values are detrimental to crops which may reduce the expected yields. The membrane filtration technique using m-Endo Agar indicated that 3.59% samples had TNC (too numerous to count) values for E.coli while 5.06% showed values higher than 0 cfu/ 100 ml acceptable value in drinking water. Any traces of E-coli in a groundwater sample indicate recent fecal contamination. Such outcomes signify presence of enteric pathogens. If the groundwater is not properly dosed with disinfectants it may cause harm to human health. It is concluded that more studies are needed and proper groundwater management implement to safeguard the lives of communities that depend solely on groundwater in the city.
Persistent chemicals accumulate in the arctic environment due to their chemical reactivity and physicochemical properties and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are the most concentrated pollutant class in polar bears (Ursus maritimus). Metabolism of PCB and polybrominated biphenyl ether (PBDE) flame-retardants alter their toxicological properties and these metabolites are known to interfere with the binding of thyroid hormone (TH) to transthyretin (TTR) in rodents and humans. In polar bear plasma samples no binding of [125I]-T4 to TTR was observed after incubation and PAGE separation. Incubation of the plasma samples with [14C]-4-OH-CB107, a compound with a higher binding affinity to TTR than the endogenous ligand T4 resulted in competitive binding as proven by the appearance of a radio labeled TTR peak in the gel. Plasma incubation with T4 up to 1 mM, a concentration that is not physiologically relevant anymore did not result in any visible competition. These results give evidence that the binding sites on TTR for T4 in wild living polar bears are completely saturated. Such saturation of binding sites can explain observed lowered levels of THs and could lead to contaminant transport into the developing fetus.
Results of geological research carried out by V.I. Il'ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute (Far East Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (Russian Academy of Sciences) on the submarine Vityaz Ridge during Cruise 37 of R/V Akademik Lavrentyev in 2005 are discussed. Various rocks composing the basement and the sedimentary cover of the ridge were dredged in three areas. Based on isotope geochronology, petrogeochemical, petrographic, and paleontological data and comparison with similar rocks available from the adjacent land and the Sea of Okhotsk, they are subdivided into several age complexes. Late Cretaceous, Eocene, Late Oligocene, Miocene, and Pliocene-Pleistocene complexes are defined among igneous rocks, while volcanogenic-sedimentary rocks are united into Late Cretaceous - Early Paleocene (Late Campanian - Danian), undivided Paleogene (Paleocene-Eocene?), Oligocene - Early Miocene, and Pliocene-Pleistocene complexes. Obtained data on age and formation settings of the defined complexes allowed to reconstruct geological evolution of the central Pacific slope of the Kurile Island arc.
Different types of seep carbonates were recovered from the 'Kouilou pockmarks' on the Congo deep-sea fan in approximately 3100 m water depth. The carbonate aggregates are represented by pyritiferous nodules, crusts and slabs, tubes, and filled molds. The latter are interpreted to represent casts of former burrows of bivalves and holothurians. The nodules consisting of high-Mg-calcite apparently formed deeper within the sediments than the predominantly aragonitic crusts and slabs. Nodule formation was caused by anaerobic oxidation of methane dominantly involving archaea of the phylogenetic ANME-1 group, whereas aragonitic crusts resulted from the activity of archaea of the ANME-2 cluster. Evidence for this correlation is based on the distribution of specific biomarkers in the two types of carbonate aggregates, showing higher hydroxyarchaeol to archaeol ratios in the crusts as opposed to nodules. Formation of crusts closer to the seafloor than nodules is indicated by higher carbonate contents of crusts, probably reflecting higher porosities of the host sediment during carbonate formation. This finding is supported by lower d18O values of crusts, agreeing with precipitation from pore waters similar in composition to seawater. The aragonitic mineralogy of the crusts is also in accord with precipitation from sulfate-rich pore waters similar to seawater. Moreover, the interpretation regarding the relative depth of formation of crusts and nodules agrees with the commonly observed pattern that ANME-1 archaea tend to occur deeper in the sediment than members of the ANME-2 group. Methane represents the predominant carbon source of all carbonates (d13C values as low as -58.9 per mil V-PDB) and the encrusted archaeal biomarkers (d13C values as low as -140 per mil V-PDB). Oxygen isotope values of some nodular carbonates, ranging from + 3.9 to + 5.1per mil V-PDB, are too high for precipitation in equilibrium with seawater, probably reflecting the destabilization of gas hydrates, which are particularly abundant at the Kouilou pockmarks.
A study of chemical and isotopic composition of coastal thermal springs and waters of the Kraternaya Bay, Yankicha Island, revealed that the total mineralization and concentrations of d18O and d2H decrease from the thermal spring site I to V. These waters are of marine origin with various proportions of local meteoric water. Thermal waters of the site VI have considerably altered chemical and isotopic composition due to high temperatures of surrounding rocks. Base temperatures calculated for this area were 130-200°C. Coastal thermal springs affect isotopic composition of water throughout the bay.