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Slices of polycyclic metasediments (marbles and meta-cherts) are tectonically amalgamated with the polydeformed basement of the Dent Blanche tectonic system along a major Alpine shear zone in the Western Alps (Becca di Salé area, Valtournenche Valley). A combination of techniques (structural analysis at various scales, metamorphic petrology, geochronology and trace element geochemistry) was applied to determine the age and composition of accessory phases (titanite, allanite and zircon) and their relation to major minerals. The results are used to reconstruct the polyphase structural and metamorphic history, comprising both pre-Alpine and Alpine cycles. The pre-Alpine evolution is associated with low-pressure high-temperature metamorphism related to Permo-Triassic lithospheric thinning. In meta-cherts, microtextural relations indicate coeval growth of allanite and garnet during this stage, at ~ 300 Ma. Textures of zircon also indicate crystallization at HT conditions; ages scatter from 263-294 Ma, with a major cluster of data at ~ 276 Ma. In impure marble, U-Pb analyses of titanite domains (with variable Al and F contents) yield apparent 206Pb/238U dates range from Permian to Jurassic. Chemical and isotopic data suggest that titanite formed at Permian times and was then affected by (extension-related?) fluid circulation during the Triassic and Jurassic, which redistributed major elements (Al and F) and partially opened the U-Pb system. The Alpine cycle lead to early blueschist facies assemblages, which were partly overprinted under greenschist facies conditions. The strong Alpine compressional overprint disrupted the pre-Alpine structural imprint and/or reactivated earlier structures. The pre-Alpine metamorphic record, preserved in these slices of metasediments, reflects the onset of the Permo-Triassic lithospheric extension to Jurassic rifting.
We report S concentrations and relative proportions of (SO4)2- and S2- in OL- and CPX-hosted glass inclusions and in host glassy lapilli from Miocene basaltic hyaloclastites drilled north and south of Gran Canaria during ODP Leg 157. Compositions of glass inclusions and lapilli resemble those of subaerial Miocene shield basalts on Gran Canaria and comprise mafic to more evolved tholeiitic to alkali basalt and basanite (10.3-3.7 wt.% MgO, 44.5-56.9 wt.% SiO2). Glass inclusions fall into three groups based on their S concentrations: a high-sulfur group (1050 to 5810 ppm S), an intermediate-sulfur group (510 to 1740 ppm S), and a low-sulfur group (<500 ppm S). The most S-rich inclusions have the highest and nearly constant proportion of sulfur dissolved as sulfate determined by electron microprobe measurements of SKa peak shift. Their average S6+/S_total value is 0.75+/-0.09, unusually high for ocean island basalt magmas. The low-sulfur group inclusions have low S6+/S_total ratios (0.08+/-0.05), whereas intermediate sulfur group inclusions show a wide range of S6+/S_total (0.05-0.83). Glassy lapilli and their crystal-hosted glass inclusions with S concentrations of 50 to 1140 ppm S have very similar S6+/S_total ratios of 0.36+/-0.06 implying that sulfur degassing does not affect the proportion of (SO4)2- and S2- in the magma. The oxygen fugacities estimated from S6+/S_total ratios and from Fe3+/Fe2+ ratios in spinel inclusions range from NNO-1.1 to NNO+1.8. The origin of S-rich magmas is unclear. We discuss (1) partial melting of a mantle source at relatively oxidized fO2 conditions, and (2) magma contamination by seawater either directly or through magma interaction with seawater-altered Jurassic oceanic crust. The intermediate sulfur group inclusions represent undegassed or slightly degassed magmas similar to submarine OIB glasses, whereas the low-sulfur group inclusions are likely to have formed from magmas significantly degassed in near-surface reservoirs. Mixing of these degassed magmas with stored volatile-rich ones or volatile-rich magma replenishing the chamber filled by partially degassed magmas may produce hybrid melts with strongly varying S concentrations and S6+/S_total ratios.
During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 104 a 900-m-thick sequence of volcanic rocks was drilled at Hole 642E on the Vøring Plateau, Norwegian Sea. This sequence erupted in two series (upper and lower series) upon continental basement. The upper series corresponds to the seaward-dipping seismic reflectors and comprises a succession of about 122 flows of transitional oceanic tholeiite composition. They have been subdivided into several formations consisting of flows related to each other by crystal fractionation processes, magma mixing, or both. Major- and trace-element chemistry indicates affinities to Tertiary plateau lavas of northeast Greenland and to Holocene lavas from shallow transitional segments of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, such as Reykjanes Ridge. The tholeiitic magmas have been derived from a slightly LREE-depleted mantle source. Two tholeiitic dikes that intruded the lower series derive from an extremely depleted mantle source. Interlayered volcaniclastic sediments are dominantly ferrobasaltic and more differentiated. They appear to come from a LREE-enriched mantle source, and may have been erupted in close vicinity of the Vøring Plateau during hydroclastic eruptions. The two tholeiitic dikes that intruded the lower series as well as some flows at the base of the upper series show evidence of assimilation of continental upper crustal material.
Tholeiitic basalts were obtained from basaltic basement ranging in age from 6 to 17 m.y. on IPOD/DSDP Leg 63. The main rock types encountered at all sites but 473 are basaltic pillow lavas. Although many of these pillow basalts are highly or moderately altered, fresh glass is usually present. At Site 473, we recovered coarse-grained, massive basalts; no clearly defined pillowed forms were observed. Phenocrysts or microphenocrysts present in the Leg 63 basalts are Plagioclase and clinopyroxene at Site 469; olivine, Plagioclase, and spinel at Site 470; and olivine, Plagioclase, and clinopyroxene at Sites 472 and 473. Olivines of the basalts from Holes 470A and 472 (Fo85-88) are generally more magnesian than those of the Hole 473 basalts (Fo77-81). Also, plagioclases of Holes 470A and 472 basalts (An70-85) are generally more calcic than those of Holes 469 and 473 basalts (An66-72). Geochemical study of the Leg 63 basalts indicates that in all cases they are large-ion-lithophile (LIL) element depleted tholeiites like typical abyssal tholeiites. In particular, they are very similar in composition to those described from the eastern Pacific, although the degree of iron enrichment found in the Leg 63 basalts is not as extensive as in basalts from the Galapagos spreading center. Hence, the geochemical evidence of the Leg 63 basalts is compatible with their formation at a spreading center. Compositional variations in Leg 63 basalts from any single drill hole is small. Major and trace element data indicate that the samples from Holes 469 and 473 are more fractionated in chemical composition than are the samples from Holes 470A and 472; this compositional variation may be largely ascribed to differences in the extent of shallow-level fractional crystallization of similar parental magma. The Hole 472 samples, however, show a LIL element character distinct from the other Leg 63 samples.
Gabbroic rocks and their late differentiates recovered at Site 735 represent 500 m of oceanic layer 3. The original cooling of a mid-ocean ridge magma chamber, its penetration by ductile shear zones and late intrusives, and the subsequent penetration of seawater through a network of cracks and into highly permeable magmatic hydrofracture horizons are recorded in the metamorphic stratigraphy of the core. Ductile shear zones are characterized by extensive dynamic recrystallization of primary phases, beginning in the granulite facies and continuing into the lower amphibolite facies. Increasing availability of seawater during dynamic recrystallization is reflected in depletions in 18O, increasing abundance of amphibole of variable composition and metamorphic plagioclase of intermediate composition, and more complete coronitic or pseudomorphous static replacement of magmatic minerals. Downcore correlation of synkinematic assemblages, bulk-rock oxygen isotopic compositions, and vein abundance suggest that seawater is introduced into the crust by way of small cracks and veins that mark the end of the ductile phase of deformation. This "deformation-enhanced" metamorphism dominates the upper 180 and the lower 100 m of the core. In the lower 300 m of the core, mineral assemblages of greenschist and zeolite facies are abundant within or adjacent to brecciated zones. Leucocratic veins found in these zones and adjacent host rock contain diopside, sodic plagioclase, epidote, chlorite, analcime, thomsonite, natrolite, albite, quartz, actinolite, sphene, brookite, and sulfides. The presence of zircon, Cl-apatite, sodic plagioclase, sulfides, and diopside in leucocratic veins having local magmatic textures suggests that some of the veins originated from late magmas or from hydrothermal fluids exsolved from such magmas that were subsequently replaced by (seawater-derived) hydrothermal assemblages. The frequent association of these late magmatic intrusive rocks within the brecciated zones suggests that they are both artifacts of magmatic hydrofracture. Such catastrophic fracture and hydrothermal circulation could produce episodic venting of hydrothermal fluids as well as the incorporation of a magmatically derived hydrothermal component. The enhanced permeability of the brecciated zones produced lower temperature assemblages because of larger volumes of seawater that penetrated the crust. The last fractures were sealed either by these hydrothermal minerals or by late carbonate-smectite veins, resulting in the observed low permeability of the core.
The basement cored at Site 1201 (west Philippine Basin) during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 195 consists of a 91-m-thick sequence of basalts, mostly pillow lavas and perhaps one sheet lava flow, with a few intercalations of hyaloclastite and interpillow sedimentary material. Hydrothermal alteration pervasively affected the basalt sequence, giving rise to a variety of secondary minerals such as K-Fe-Mg-clay minerals, oxyhydroxides and clay minerals mixtures, natrolite group zeolites, analcite, alkali feldspar, and carbonate. The primary minerals of pillow and sheet basalts that survived the intense hydrothermal alteration were investigated by electron microprobe with the aim of characterizing their chemical composition and variability. The primary minerals are mostly plagioclase, ranging in composition from bytownite through labradorite to andesine, chromian-magnesian-diopside, and spinels, both Ti magnetite (partially maghemitized) and chromian spinel. Overall, the chemical features of the primary minerals of Site 1201 basalts correspond to the primitive character of the bulk rocks, suggesting that the parent magma of these basalts was a mafic tholeiitic magma that most likely only suffered limited fractional crystallization and crystallized at high temperatures (slightly below 1200°C) and under increasing fO2 conditions. The major element composition of clinopyroxene suggests a backarc affinity of the mantle source of Site 1201 basement.
The igneous geochemistry of lavas and breccias from the basement of Sites 790 and 791, and pumice clasts from the Pliocene-Pleistocene sedimentary section of Sites 788, 790, 791, and 793 were studied. Arc volcanism became silicic about 1.5 m.y. before the inception of rifting in the Sumisu Rift at 2 Ma, but eruption of these silicic magmas reflects changes in stress regime, especially during the last 130,000 yr, rather than crustal anatexis. Arc magmas have had a larger proportion of slab-derived components since the inception of rifting than before, but are otherwise similar. Rift basalts and rhyolites are derived from a different source than are arc andesites to rhyolites. The rift source has less slab-derived material and is an E-MORB-like source, in contrast to an N-MORB-type source overprinted with more slab-derived material beneath the arc. Rift magma types, in the form of rare pumice and lithic clasts, preceded the rift, and the earliest magmas that erupted in the rift already differed from those of the arc. The earliest large rift eruption produced an exotic explosion breccia ("mousse") despite eruption at >1800 mbsl. Although this rock type is attributed primarily to high magmatic water content, the clasts are more MORB-like in trace element and isotopic composition than are modern Mariana Trough basalts. After rifting began, arc volcanism continued to be predominantly silicic, with individual pumice deposits containing clasts that vary in composition by about 5 wt% SiO2, or about as much as in historical eruptions of submarine Izu Arc volcanoes. The overall variations in magma composition with time during the inception of arc rifting are broadly similar in the Sumisu Rift and Lau Basin, though newly tapped OIB-type mantle seems to be present earlier during basin formation in the Sumisu than Lau case.
This paper reports the results of a preliminary palaeomagnetic investigation of the Admiralty Intrusives complex of northern Victoria Land, Antarctica. The samples were collected at Mt. Supernal and Inferno Peak, two pinions mainly formed of granodiorite and minor tonalite and emplaced at ab. 350 Ma at a high crustal level, as shown by amphibole geobarometric data and occurrence of miarolitic cavities. Microprobe and isothermal remanence analyses showed that magnetite. characterized by low coercivity and Curic point in the range 550-570 °C is the only primary ferromagnetic mineral. Stepwise thermaldemagnetization succeeded in isolatingamagnetization component. stable up to 530 °C. The virtual geomagnetic poles (VGPs) of the two plutons are different. That of Inferno Peak is consistent with the Australian palaeopoles of late Devonian-early Carboniferous age, whereas the location of the Mt. Supernal VGP probably results from the tectonic activity which affected the Ross Sea region during the Cenozoic.
Two basement holes were drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 206. Hole 1256C penetrates 88.5 m into basement and Hole 1256D, ~30 m to the south, penetrates 502 m into basement (Wilson, Teagle, Acton, et al., 2003, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.206.2003). Recovered cores consist of basalts exhibiting the effects of low-temperature alteration by seawater. As part of a larger study of alteration effects, a study of the secondary mineralogy was undertaken. This data report presents the major and some minor element compositions of secondary minerals. Analyses focus on the major secondary phases, phyllosilicates, and less abundant feldspars, but also include limited analyses of carbonates and apatite. Different occurrences of secondary minerals are included (e.g., veins and vesicles replacing olivine and plagioclase) as well as variations with depth.
The Portneuf-Mauricie Domain (PMD), located in the south-central part of the Grenville Province, comprises several mafic and ultramafic intrusions hosting Ni-Cu ± platinum-group element (PGE) prospects and a former small mining operation (Lac Édouard mine). These meter- to kilometer-scale, sulfide-bearing intrusions display diverse forms, such as layered and tabular bodies with no particular internal structure, and zoned plutons. They were injected ~ 1.40 Ga into a mature oceanic arc, before and during accretion of the arc to the Laurentian margin. The pressure-temperature conditions of the magmas at the beginning of their emplacement were 3 kbar and 1319-1200 °C (according to the petrologic modeling results from this study). The PMD mineralized intrusions are interpreted to represent former magma chambers or magma conduits in the roots of the oceanic arc. The parent magmas of the mineralized intrusions resulted mainly from the partial melting of a mantle source composed of spinel-bearing lherzolite. Petrologic modeling and the occurrence of primary amphibole in the plutonic rocks indicate that these parent melts were basaltic and hydrous. In addition, fractional crystallization modeling and Mg/Fe ratios suggest that most of the intrusions may have formed from evolved magmas, with Mg# = 60, resulting from the fractionation of more primitive magmas (primary magmas, with Mg# = 68). Petrologic modeling demonstrates that 30% fractional crystallization resulted in the primitive to evolved characteristics of the studied intrusive rocks (as indicated by the crystallization sequences and mineral chemistry). Exceptions are the Réservoir Blanc, Boivin, and Rochette West parent magmas, which may have undergone more extensive fractional crystallization, since these intrusions contain pyroxenes that are more iron rich and have lower Mg numbers than pyroxenes in the other PMD intrusions. The PMD mafic and ultramafic intrusions were intruded into an island arc located offshore from the Laurentian continent. Thus, their presence confirms the existence of a well-developed magmatic network (responsible of the fractionation processes) beneath the Proterozoic arc, which resulted in the wide range of compositions observed in the various plutons.
The compatibility of vanadium (V) during mantle melting is a function of oxygen fugacity (fO2): at high fO2's, V becomes more incompatible. The prospects and limitations of using the V content of peridotites as a proxy for paleo-fO2 at the time of melt extraction were investigated here by assessing the uncertainties in V measurements and the sensitivity of V as a function of degree of melt extracted and fO2. V-MgO and V-Al2O3 systematics were found to be sensitive to fO2 variations, but consideration of the uncertainties in measurements and model parameters indicates that V is sensitive only to relative fO2 differences greater than ~2 log units. Post-Archean oceanic mantle peridotites, as represented by abyssal peridotites and obducted massif peridotites, have V-MgO and -Al2O3 systematics that can be modeled by 1.5 GPa melting between FMQ - 3 and FMQ - 1. This is consistent with fO2's of the mantle source for mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) as determined by the Fe3+ activity of peridotitic minerals and basaltic glasses. Some arc-related peridotites have slightly lower V for a given degree of melting than oceanic mantle peridotites, and can be modeled by 1.5 GPa melting at fO2's as high as FMQ. However, the majority of arc-related peridotites have V-MgO systematics overlapping that of oceanic mantle peridotites, suggesting that although some arc mantle may melt under slightly oxidizing conditions, most arc mantle does not. The fact that thermobarometrically determined fO2's in arc peridotites and lavas can be significantly higher than that inferred from V systematics, suggests that V retains a record of the fO2 during partial melting, whereas the activity of Fe3+ in arc peridotitic minerals and lavas reflect subsequent metasomatic overprints and magmatic differentiation/emplacement processes, respectively. Peridotites associated with middle to late Archean cratonic mantle are characterized by highly variable V-MgO systematics. Tanzanian cratonic peridotites have V systematics indistinguishable from post-Archean oceanic mantle and can be modeled by 3 GPa partial melting at ~FMQ - 3. In contrast, many South African and Siberian cratonic peridotites have much lower V contents for a given degree of melting, suggesting at first glance that partial melting occurred at high fO2's. More likely, however, their unusually low V contents for a given degree of melting may be artifacts of excess orthopyroxene, a feature that pervades many South African and Siberian peridotites but not the Tanzanian peridotites. This is indicated by the fact that the V contents of South African and Siberian peridotites are correlated with increases in SiO2 content, generating data arrays that cannot be modeled by partial melting but can instead be generated by the addition of orthopyroxene through processes unrelated to primary melt depletion. Correction for orthopyroxene addition suggests that the South African and Siberian peridotites have V-MgO systematics similar to those of Tanzanian peridotites. Thus, if the Tanzanian peridotites represent the original partial melting residues, and if the South African and Siberian peridotites have been modified by orthopyroxene addition, then there is no indication that Archean cratonic mantle formed under fO2's significantly greater than that of modern oceanic mantle. Instead, the fO2's inferred from the V systematics in these three cratonic peridotite suites are within range of modern oceanic mantle. This also suggests that the transition from a highly reducing mantle in equilibrium with a metallic core to the present oxidized state must have occurred by late Archean times.
The purpose of this study is to clarify the sedimentary history and chemical characteristics of clay minerals found in sediments deposited in the distal part of the Bengal Fan since the Himalayas were uplifted 17 m.y. ago. A total of seventy-eight samples were collected from three drilled cores which were to be used for the clay mineral analyses by means of XRD and ATEM. The results obtained from the analyses show that individual clay mineral species in the sediment samples at each site have similar features when the samples are of the same age, whereas these species have different features in samples of differing geological ages. Detrital clay minerals such as illite and chlorite were deposited in greater amounts than kaolinite and smectite during the Early to Middle Miocene. This means that the Himalayan uplift was vigorous at least until the Middle Miocene. In the Pliocene chemical weathering was more prevalent so that instead, in the distal part of the Bengal Fan, kaolinite shows the highest concentrations. This would accord with weaker uplift in the Himalayas. In the Pleistocene period, vigorous Himalayan uplift is characterized by illite-rich sediment in place of kaolinite. In the Holocene, smectite shows the highest concentration in place of the illite and kaolinite which were the predominant clay minerals of the earlier periods. Increasing smectite concentration suggests the Himalayan uplift to have been stable after the Pleistocene period. The smectite analyzed here is found to be dioctahedral Fe-beidellite, and it originated largely from the augite-basalt on the Indian Deccan Traps. The tri-octahedral chlorite is subdivided into three sub-species, an Fe-type, a Mg-type and an intermediate type. The mica clay mineral can be identified as di-octahedral illite which is rich in potassium. The chemical composition and morphology of each clay mineral appears to exhibit no change with burial depth in the sedimentary columns. This implies that there was no systematic transformation of clay minerals with time.
Intensive reduction processes within bottom sediments from the Bay of Bengal lead to marked enrichment of the oxidized layer in iron and manganese. This is not observed in sediments from the Arabian Sea. Oxidized bottom sediments in central areas of the Indian Ocean show high iron concentrations, but fraction of reactive Fe in total Fe is lower. Manganese concentration increases steadily with distance from the shore to the pelagic region of the ocean, and fraction of reactive manganese also increases in the same direction. There is close correlation between total Mn and Mn(4+) in these sediments.
The book is devoted to study of diagenetic changes of organic matter and mineral part of sediments and interstitial waters of the Pacific Ocean due to physical-chemical and microbiological processes. Microbiological studies deal with different groups of bacteria. Regularities of quantitative distribution and the role of microorganisms in geochemical processes are under consideration. Geochemical studies highlight redox processes of the early stages of sediment diagenesis, alterations of interstitial waters, regularities of variations in chemical composition of iron-manganese nodules.
The majority of the basalts drilled on Leg 65 in the Gulf of California are aphyric to sparsely phyric massive flows ranging in average thickness between 5 meters in the upper part of the sections in Holes 483 and 483B, where they are interlayered with sediment, and 14 meters in Hole 485A, where interlayered sediments constitute more than half of the section. Massive flows interlayered with pillows are generally less than 4 meters thick. The pillow lavas recovered are more phyric (up to 15 modal%) and contain two to three generations of plagioclase and olivine ± clinopyroxene. Plagioclase generally exceeds 60% of any given phenocryst assemblage. Resorbed olivine, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase megacrysts may reflect a high-pressure stage, the phenocrysts crystallizing in the main magma chamber and the skeletal microphenocrysts in dikes. Precise measurements of length/width ratios of different phenocryst types and compositions show low aspect ratios and large crystal volumes for early crystals and high ratios and low volumes for late crystals grown under strong undercooling conditions. The minerals examined show wide ranges in composition: in particular, plagioclase ranges from An92 to An36; clinopyroxene ranges from Ca41Mg51Fe8 in the cores of phenocrysts to Ca40**36 Mg45**49Fe15**20 in the groundmass; and olivine ranges from Fo86 to Fo81. The wide range in mineral compositions, together with evidence of disequilibrium based on textures and comparisons of glass and mineral compositions, indicate complex crystallization histories involving both polybaric crystal fractionation and magma mixing.