475 resultados para Coastal South China


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Triassic turbidites of the Nanpanjiang basin of south China represent the most expansive and voluminous siliciclastic turbidite accumulation in south China. The Nanpanjiang basin occurs at a critical junction between the southern margin of the south China plate and the Indochina, Siamo and Sibumasu plates to the south and southwest. The Triassic Yangtze carbonate shelf and isolated carbonated platforms in the basin have been extensively studied, but silicilastic turbidites in the basin have received relatively little attention. Deciphering the facies, paleocurrent indicators and provenance of the Triassic turbidites is important for several reasons: it promises to help resolve the timing of plate collisions along suture zones bordering the basin to the south and southwest, it will enable evaluation of which suture zones and Precambrian massifs were source areas, and it will allow an evaluation of the impact of the siliciclastic flux on carbonate platform evolution within the basin. Turbidites in the basin include the Early Triassic Shipao Formation and the Middle-Late Triassic Baifeng, Xinyuan, Lanmu Bianyang and Laishike formations. Each ranges upward of 700 m and the thickest is nearly 3 km. The turbidites contain very-fine sand in the northern part of the basin whereas the central and southern parts of the basin also commonly contain fine and rarely medium sand size. Coarser sand sizes occur where paleocurrents are from the south, and in this area some turbidites exhibit complete bouma sequences with graded A divisions. Successions contain numerous alternations between mud-rich and sand-rich intervals with thickness trends corresponding to proximal/ distal fan components. Spectacularly preserved sedimentary structures enable robust evaluation of turbidite systems and paleocurrent analyses. Analysis of paleocurrent measurements indicates two major directions of sediment fill. The northern part of the basin was sourced primarily by the Jiangnan massif in the northeast, and the central and southern parts of the basin were sourced primarily from suture zones and the Yunkai massif to the south and southeast respectively. Sandstones of the Lower Triassic Shipao Fm. have volcaniclastic composition including embayed quartz and glass shards. Middle Triassic sandstones are moderately mature, matrix-rich, lithic wackes. The average QFL ratio from all point count samples is 54.1/18.1/27.8% and the QmFLt ratio is 37.8/ 18.1/ 44.1%. Lithic fragments are dominantly claystone and siltstone clasts and metasedimentary clasts such as quartz mica tectonite. Volcanic lithics are rare. Most samples fall in the recycled orogen field of QmFLt plots, indicating a relatively quartz and lithic rich composition consistent with derivation from Precambrian massifs such as the Jiangnan, and Yunkai. A few samples from the southwest part of the basin fall into the dissected arc field, indicating a somewhat more lithic and feldspar-rich composition consistent with derivation from a suture zone Analysis of detrial zircon populations from 17 samples collected across the basin indicate: (1) Several samples contain zircons with concordant ages greater than 3000 Ma, (2) there are widespread peaks across the basin at 1800 Ma and 2500, (3) a widespread 900 Ma population, (3) a widespread population of zircons at 440 Ma, and (5) a larger population of younger zircons about 250 Ma in the southwestern part which is replaced to the north and northwest by a somewhat older population around 260-290 Ma. The 900 Ma provenance fits derivation from the Jiangnan Massif, the 2500, 1800, and 440 Ma provenance fits the Yunkai massif, and the 250 Ma is consistent with convergence and arc development in suture zones bordering the basin on the south or southwest. Early siliciclastic turbidite flux, proximal to source areas impacted carbonate platform evolution by infilling the basin, reducing accommodation space, stabilizing carbonate platform margins and promoting margin progradation. Late arrival, in areas far from source areas caused margin aggradation over a starved basin, development of high relief aggradational escarpments and unstable scalloped margins.


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The timing and magnitude of sea-surface temperature (SST) changes in the tropical southern South China Sea (SCS) during the last 16,500 years have been reconstructed on a high-resolution, 14C-dated sediment core using three different foraminiferal transfer functions (SIMMAX28, RAM, FP-12E) and geochemical (Uk'37) SST estimates. In agreement with CLIMAP reconstructions, both the FP-12E and the Uk'37 SST estimates show an average late glacial-interglacial SST difference of 2.0°C, whereas the RAM and SIMMAX28 foraminiferal transfer functions show only a minor (0.6°C) or no consistent late glacial-interglacial SST change, respectively. Both the Uk'37 and the FP-12E SST estimates, as well as the planktonic foraminiferal delta18O values, indicate an abrupt warming (ca. 1°C in <200 yr) at the end of the last glaciation, synchronous (within dating uncertainties) with the Bølling transition as recorded in the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) ice core, whereas the RAM-derived deglacial SST increase appears to lag during this event by ca. 500 yr. The similarity in abruptness and timing of the warming associated with the Bølling transition in Greenland and the southern SCS suggest a true synchrony of the Northern Hemisphere warming at the end of the last glaciation. In contrast to the foraminiferal transfer function estimates that do not indicate any consistent cooling associated with the Younger Dryas (YD) climate event in the tropical SCS, the Uk'37 SST estimates show a cooling of ca. 0.2-0.6°C compared to the Bølling-Allerød period. These Uk'37 SST estimates from the southern SCS argue in favor of a Northern Hemisphere-wide, synchronous cooling during the YD period.


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Over 30 first and last occurrence (FO and LO, respectively) planktonic foraminifer datums were recognized from the Oligocene-Miocene section of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1148. Most datum levels occur in similar order as, and are by correlation as probably synchronous with, their open-ocean records. Several datum levels represent local bioevents resulting from dissolution and Site 1148's unique paleoceanographic setting in the northern South China Sea. An age of 9.5-9.8 Ma is estimated for the local LO of Globoquadrina dehiscens (257 meters composite depth [mcd]), whereas the local LO of Globorotalia fohsi s.l. (301 mcd) is projected to be at ~13.0 Ma and the local FO of Globigerinatella insueta (367 mcd) is projected to be at ~18.0 Ma. The combined planktonic foraminifer and nannofossil results indicate that the Oligocene-Miocene section at Site 1148 is not complete. Unconformities up to 2-3 m.y. in duration, occurring at and before the Oligocene/Miocene boundary (OHS1, OHS2, OHS3, and OHS4 = MHS1), are associated with slump deposits between 457 and 495 mcd that signal tectonic instability during the transition from rifting to spreading in the South China Sea. Shorter unconformities of <0.5 m.y. duration that truncate the Miocene section were more likely to have been caused by sea-bottom erosion as well as dissolution. A total of 12 Miocene unconformities, MHS1 through MHS12, are mainly affected by dissolution and an elevated carbonate compensation depth (CCD) during Miocene third-order glaciations recorded in deep-sea positive oxygen isotope Mi glaciation events. Respectively, they fall at ~457 mcd (MHS1 = Mi-1), 407 mcd (MHS2 = Mi-1a), 385 mcd (MHS3 = Mi-1aa), 366 mcd (MHS4 = Mi-1b), 358 mcd (MHS5 = MLi-1), 333 mcd (MHS6 = Mi-2), 318 mcd (MHS7 = MSi-1), 308 mcd (MHS8 = Mi-3), 295 mcd (MHS9 = Mi-4), 288 mcd (MHS10 = Mi-5), 256 mcd (MHS11 = Mi-6), and 250 mcd (MHS12 = Mi-7). The correlation of these unconformities with Mi events indicates that some related driving mechanisms have been operating, causing deepwater circulation changes concomitantly in world oceans and in the marginal South China Sea.


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Dinoflagellate stratigraphy is described for the section from 364.75 to 843.85 meters below seafloor (mbsf) at Site 1148 (Sections 184-1148A-40X-1 through 76X-6 and 184-1148B-39X-CC through 56X-1) in the South China Sea. Two assemblage zones and two subzones are defined, based on characteristics of the assemblages and lowest/highest occurrences of some key species. These are the Cleistosphaeridium diversispinosum Assemblage Zone (Zone A; Oligocene), with the Enneadocysta pectiniformis Subzone (Subzone A-1) and the Cordosphaeridium gracile Subzone (Subzone A-2), and the Polysphaeridium zoharyi Assemblage Zone (Zone B; early Miocene). The highest concurrent occurrence of Enneadocysta arcuata, Eneadocysta multicornuta, Homotryblium plectilum, and Homotryblium tenuispinosum delineates the upper boundary of Zone A, which appears to mark a hiatus. Subzone A-1 is of early Oligocene age, as evidenced by the highest occurrences of E. pectiniformis and Phthanoperidinium amoenum at the upper boundary of the subzone. Subzone A-2 is of late Oligocene age based on the highest occurrences of C. gracile and Wetzeliella gochtii close to the upper boundary of the subzone and the occurrence of Distatodinium ellipticum and Membranophoridium aspinatum within the subzone. Zone B is dated as early Miocene based on the lowest occurrences of Cerebrocysta satchelliae, Hystrichosphaeropsis obscura, Melitasphaeridium choanophorum, Membranilarnacia? picena, and Tuberculodinium vancampoae within the zone. The present assemblage zones/subzones are correlative to various degrees with coeval zones/assemblages from areas of high to low latitudes in terms of common key species. We have compared the species content of the assemblage Zones A and B, and the subzones A-1 and A-2, with coeval assemblage(s)/zone(s) described from many, often widely distant, high- and low-latitude regions of the world. These comparisons show that, to various degrees and aside from a number of key species, the coordinated presence of certain important species may also help to assign an age to a given assemblage.