121 resultados para Ce_(1-x)Ca_xO_(2-x)


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DSDP 160 forms part of a series of sites in the eastern equatorial Pacific on the west flank of the East Pacific Rise. Earlier legs of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, in particular Legs 5 and 9, have reported sediments rich in oxides of iron and perhaps other transition metals just above basement in the eastern Pacific. These occurrences roughly define a broad zone on the west flank of the rise. Site DSDP 160 lies on this trend and were selected by the Pacific Site Selection Panel to test the extent of such deposits.


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DSDP 162 is located due north of DSDP 161 on the lower west flank of the East Pacific Rise about 3900 km west of the crest. It is in the Clarion-Clipperton block, about 80 km south of the Clarion Fracture Zone. The site lies at the extreme northern edge of the zone of thick sediments that parallels the equator in the Pacific and marks the region of high biological productivity.


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Site 39 was located in the region between the Pioneer and Murray Fracture Zones, with the objective of recovering a continuous sediment core for paleontologic and stratigraphic study of the longitudinal variations in sediment components in the eastern Pacific. This site was selected, together with the adjacent ones in the north-south line along 140°W, to provide information on the geologic history of the North Pacific gyral, insofar as this might be recorded in the sediments.


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The JOIDES Pacific Advisory Panel proposed Site 37 to meet two principal objectives: to determine the significance of the magnetic anomaly pattern, and the longitudinal profile of the sediment sequence in the eastern Pacific. Site 37 was to be located on the same magnetic anomaly as was Site 33 (#10, 32 million years age), for comparison across the intervening Mendocino Fracture Zone. As basement had not been reached at Site 33, this objective could not be met specifically. However, sediment comparison across the fracture zone was possible.