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Several meters of unconsolidated hydrothermal sediment were recovered from the Snake Pit hydrothermal field during ODP Leg 106. Polymetallic sulfides comprise most of the sediment with minor fragments of massive sulfide, organic debris, clay minerals, and fresh glass shards. Trace element and Sr-isotope contents of hydrothermal clays and sulfides from Holes 649B and 649G indicate that these minerals precipitated from a mixed hydrothermal fluid-seawater solution. Evaluation of the REE mineral data and the Snake Pit hydrothermal fluids shows that the REE distribution coefficients between the hydrothermal fluids and clay-sulfide mixes range from 100-500. This indicates that hydrothermal fluids originating in the root-zone of the Snake Pit hydrothermal system may be modified by the precipitation of hydrothermal minerals, either in the shallow subsurface or within chimney structures. Contrasting REE profiles of clay-sulfide aggregates and massive sulfides from Holes 649B and 649G may be accounted for by spatial and/or temporal variations in redox conditions in the plumbing system.


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Two types of serpentinized peridotites from Hole 670A of Leg 109 were studied in detail. A small piece of relatively unaltered sample, 109-670A-9R-1, #3 (22-24 cm), is olivine websterite characterized by aluminous chromian spinel with Cr/(Cr + Al) ratio of about 0.2. The other minerals have compositions essentially identical with those in more commonly observed serpentinized harzburgite like 109-670A-9R-01, #12 (94-97 cm). The occurrence of pyroxene-rich peridotite with normal harzburgite suggests that small scale heterogeneity in modal compositions exists in the upper mantle beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Low Cr/Al ratios of spinel and pyroxenes of those peridotites indicate that they are relatively less refractory among peridotites ever recovered from the oceanic region. Textures and the estimated equilibration temperatures indicate that peridotites recovered from Hole 670A are recrystallized and reequilibrated at subsolidus temperature. The occurrence of serpentinized peridotites from the rift valley of the active mid-oceanic ridge may suggest that they represent direct exposure of upwelling mantle materials rather than serpentine diapirs.


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The magnetic properties of 11 samples from Site 670 of Leg 109, 3 harzburgites and 8 highly serpentinized peridotites, have been studied. Reflected light microscopy and Curie temperatures confirm that magnetite is the dominant magnetic mineral in all samples. However, both rock types show different magnetic behavior. Susceptibility, saturation magnetization, and NRM are higher for the serpentinites, because of the higher magnetite content. The hysteresis parameters indicate magnetite particles with pseudosingle domain structure for both rock types. For the remarkable anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility no definite explanation could be found, because of the complex texture of the samples. In both rock types the presence of maghemite, a product of low temperature oxidation of magnetite, has been indicated by reflected light microscopy and by thermomagnetic analysis. As the maghemite converts to hematite at temperatures above 350°C, the temperature during the serpentinization was below this value assuming that the maghemitization took place at the same time.


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 182 drilled at nine sites on the Great Australian Bight, which is located directly south of the Australian continent. Leg 182 proposed to examine the paleoceanographic evolution of a midlatitude, cool-water carbonate platform. During drilling on the Great Australian Bight, three sites (1127, 1129, and 1131) recovered highly expanded Pleistocene sections. This paper presents the detailed calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the most distal site. This report should provide a useful Pleistocene biostratigraphic reference for this previously unknown area.