346 resultados para Brown Crab
The pattern of ichthyolith distribution established in sequences with stratigraphies based on calcareous or siliceous microfossils is used to provide age correlations for three deep-sea pelagic clay intervals that lack the better known microfossils. At Site 637, approximately 25 m of brown clay in Cores 103-637A-21R through 103-637A-23R underlies upper Miocene sediments and is of Paleocene to early Eocene age. At Site 639, 1.7 m of brown clay in Core 103-639C-2R is Eocene to Oligocene. At Site 640, 3.5 m of clay in Cores 103-640A-1R and 103-640A-2R contains a Cretaceous to Paleocene sequence, with the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary between 84 and 103 cm in Section 103-640A-2R-1.
We studied how environmental conditions affect reproduction in sympatric skua species that differ in their reliance on marine resources: the exclusively marine foraging south polar skua Catharacta maccormicki, the terrestrially foraging brown skua C. antarctica lonnbergi and mixed species pairs with an intermediate diet. Egg size, clutch asymmetry and hatching dates varied between species and years without consistent patterns. In the south polar skuas, 12 to 38% of the variation in these parameters was explained by sea surface temperature, sea ice cover and local weather. In mixed species pairs and brown skuas, the influence of environmental factors on variation in clutch asymmetry and hatching date decreased to 10-29%, and no effect on egg size was found. Annual variation in offspring growth performance also differed between species with variable growth in chicks of south polar skuas and mixed species pairs, and almost uniform growth in brown skuas. Additionally, the dependency on oceanographic and climatic factors, especially local wind conditions, decreased from south polar skuas to brown skua chicks. Consistent in all species, offspring were more sensitive to environmental conditions during early stages; during the late chick stage (>33 d) chick growth was almost independent of environmental conditions. The net breeding success could not be predicted by any environmental factor in any skua species, suggesting it may not be a sensitive indicator of environmental conditions. Hence, the sensitivity of skuas to environmental conditions varied between species, with south polar skuas being more sensitive than brown skuas, and between breeding periods, with the egg parameters being more susceptible to oceanographic conditions. However, during offspring development, local climatic conditions became more important. We conclude that future climate change in the Maritime Antarctic will affect reproduction of skuas more strongly through changes in sea ice cover and sea surface temperature (and the resulting alterations to the marine food web) than through local weather conditions.
Anti-herbivory defenses support persistence of seaweeds. Little is known, however, about temporal dynamics in the induction of grazer-deterrent seaweed traits. In two induction experiments, consumption rates of the periwinkle Littorina obtusata (L.) on the brown seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jolis were measured in 3-d intervals. Changes in palatability of directly grazed A. nodosum were tested every 3 d with feeding assays using fresh and reconstituted seaweed pieces. Likewise, assays with fresh A. nodosum assessed changes in seaweed palatability in response to water-borne cues from nearby grazed conspecifics. Consumption rates of L. obtusata varied significantly during the 27-d induction phase of each experiment. Direct grazing by L. obtusata lowered palatability of fresh and reconstituted A. nodosum pieces to conspecific grazers after 15 d as well as after 6 and 12 d, respectively. After 12, 18, and 24 d, fresh A. nodosum located downstream of L. obtusata-grazed conspecifics was significantly less palatable than A. nodosum located downstream of ungrazed conspecifics. Changes in L. obtusata consumption rates and A. nodosum palatability during both induction experiments suggest temporal variation of grazer-deterrent responses, which may complicate experimental detection of inducible anti-herbivory defenses.
Using gas chromatography technique we examined molecular composition of n-alkanes and lignin from bottom sediments of a core 385 cm long collected in the region of the Blake-Bahama Abyssal Plain. We determined C_org concentrations and lignin composition in soils, mangrove roots and leaves, in algae Sargassum and Ascophyllum, in corals and timber of a sunken ship; they were compared with data on lignin in bottom sediments. Mixed planktonogenic and terrigenous origin of organic matter in the core was proved with different proportions of terrigenous and planktonogenic components at different levels. Multiple changes in dominating sources of organic matter over a period required for accumulation of a four meter thick sedimentary sequence (about 4 m) are shown as obtained from changes in composition and contents of organic-chemical markers referring to classes of n-alkanes and phenols.
Studies of thermal tolerance in marine ectotherms are key in understanding climate effects on ecosystems; however, tolerance of their larval stages has rarely been analyzed. Larval stages are expected to be particularly sensitive. Thermal stress may affect their potential for dispersal and zoogeographical distribution. A mismatch between oxygen demand and the limited capacity of oxygen supply to tissues has been hypothesized to be the first mechanism restricting survival at thermal extremes. Therefore, thermal tolerance of stage zoea I larvae was examined in two populations of the Chilean kelp crab Taliepus dentatus, which are separated by latitude and the thermal regime. We measured temperature-dependent activity, oxygen consumption, cardiac performance, body mass and the carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) composition in order to: (1) examine thermal effects from organismal to cellular levels, and (2) compare the thermal tolerance of larvae from two environmental temperature regimes. We found that larval performance is affected at thermal extremes indicated by decreases in activity, mainly in maxilliped beat rates, followed by decreases in oxygen consumption rates. Cardiac stroke volume was almost temperature-independent. Through changes in heart rate, cardiac output supported oxygen demand within the thermal window whereas at low and high temperature extremes heart rate declined. The comparison between southern and central populations suggests the adaptation of southern larvae to a colder temperature regime, with higher cardiac outputs due to increased cardiac stroke volumes, larger body sizes but similar body composition as indicated by similar C:N ratios. This limited but clear differentiation of thermal windows between populations allows the species to widen its biogeographical range.
Ocean acidification affects with special intensity Arctic ecosystems, being marine photosynthetic organisms a primary target, although the consequences of this process in the carbon fluxes of Arctic algae are still unknown. The alteration of the cellular carbon balance due to physiological acclimation to an increased CO2 concentration (1300 ppm) in the common Arctic brown seaweeds Desmarestia aculeata and Alaria esculenta from Kongsfjorden (Svalbard) was analysed. Growth rate of D. aculeata was negatively affected by CO2 enrichment, while A. esculenta was positively affected, as a result of a different reorganization of the cellular carbon budget in both species. Desmarestia aculeata showed increased respiration, enhanced accumulation of storage biomolecules and elevated release of dissolved organic carbon, whereas A. esculenta showed decreased respiration and lower accumulation of storage biomolecules. Gross photosynthesis (measured both as O2 evolution and 14C fixation) was not affected in any of them, suggesting that photosynthesis was already saturated at normal CO2 conditions and did not participate in the acclimation response. However, electron transport rate changed in both species in opposite directions, indicating different energy requirements between treatments and species specificity. High CO2 levels also affected the N-metabolism, and 13C isotopic discrimination values from algal tissue pointed to a deactivation of carbon concentrating mechanisms. Since increased CO2 has the potential to modify physiological mechanisms in different ways in the species studied, it is expected that this may lead to changes in the Arctic seaweed community, which may propagate to the rest of the food web.