217 resultados para Arabian horse


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The modern Indian Ocean summer monsoon is driven by differential heating between the Asian continent and the Indian Ocean to the south. This differential heating produces a strong pressure gradient which drives southwest monsoon winds during June, July, and August. Satellite and meteorological observations, aerosol measurements, sediment trap studies, and mineralogical studies indicate an atmospheric mode of transport for modern lithogenic sediments in the northwest Arabian Sea. Analyses of lithogenic grain size and mass accumulation rate (MAR) records from the Owen Ridge indicate that eolian transport has been the primary mode of transport for the past 370 kyr. Visual inspection shows that the MAR record is positively correlated with global ice volume as indicated by the marine delta18O record. In contrast, the grain-size record varies at a much higher frequency, showing little correlation to either the MAR or the delta18O records. Spectral analyses confirm these relationships, indicating that the lithogenic grain-size and MAR records are coherent only over the precession band whereby the grain size leads the MAR by 124° (~8 kyr). We conclude that an eolian transport mechanism is the only mechanism that allows for this phase difference and at the same time is supported by comparison of the grain size and MAR with independent eolian records. We use lithogenic grain size as a paleoclimatic indicator of summer monsoon wind strength and lithogenic MAR as a paleoclimatic indicator of source-area aridity. These interpretations are supported by comparison of the lithogenic records to independent indicators of wind strength (Globigerina bulloides upwelling record) and aridity (a loess record from central China). Such comparisons indicate high coherence and zero phase relationships. Our work supports the findings of previous studies which have documented the link between monsoon strength and the Earth's axial precession cycles. Both the lithogenic MAR and the grain-size records have high coherency with precessional insolation. Maximum lithogenic MAR (source-area aridity) is in phase with delta18O (global ice volume) and leads maximum precessional insolation by 88° (~6 kyr). We attribute this lead to the influence of glacial conditions on the aridity, and therefore the deflation potential, of the source areas. Maximum lithogenic grain size (summer monsoon wind strength) lags maximum precession by 148° (~9 kyr). We attribute this lag both to the influence of global and/or local ice volume and to the availability of latent heat from the southern hemisphere Indian Ocean, the two of which combine to determine the strength of the Indian Ocean monsoon.


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Results of petrographic studies of ultrabasite and gabbro from the rift zones of the Indian Ocean ridges are discussed using materials of R/V Vityaz Cruise 36. Rocks sampled from two sites 2700 km apart are close to each other in their composition. Petrographically ultrabasic rocks are divided into four subgroups: I - dunite; II - harzburgite, serpentinite; III - plagioclase lherzolite; and IV - metamorphically altered rocks. Petrographic description and chemical composition of basic rock varieties are presented as well as description of rock-forming minerals and their optical properties. Formation of pyroxene and plagioclase is shown to be related to autometasomatosis, which concludes the magmatic phase proper in rock mass formation accompanied by activity of residual intragranular liquid. Formation of ultrabasite in the rift zones is related to complicated processes.


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Chemical analyses have been carried out on 40 samples from the sediment surface and 210 samples from cores that were taken from the edge of the African continental block at the Arabian Sea (coasts of Somalia and Kenya, from Cape Guardafui to Mombasa) on the occasion of the Indian Ocean Expedition of the German research vessel "Meteor" during the years 1964/65. The carbonate content shows its maximum on the northern part of the continental shelf of Africa, where fossil reef debris furnish the detritic portion of carbonate. In the southern part of the continental shelf of Africa the portion of carbonate is low, as it is heavily diluted by the non-carbonatic detritus. It is also in the deep-sea that a lower carbonate content is encountered below the calcite compensation depth. Trace elements in the carbonates: On the shelf and in its vicinity Sr and Mg are enriched. The enrichment has been brought about by the portion of reef debris, as this latter contains aragonite (enrichment of Sr) as well as high-magnesium calcite. The greatest part of the slope contains carbonates that are poor in trace elements and mainly made up of foraminifera (and of coccoliths). Below the carbonate compensation depth another enrichment of Mg takes place in the carbonates, which is probably due to a selective dissolution of calcite in comparison to dolomite. The iron and manganese contents of the carbonates are high (iron higher in coast proximity, manganese higher in the depth), but not genuine, as they come about in the course of the extraction of the carbonates as a result of the dissolution of authigenic Mn-Fe-minerals. Non-carbonatic portion of the sediments: In coast proximity an enrichment of quartz comes about. Within the quartz-rich zone it is the elements V, Cr, Fe, Ti, and B that have been enriched in the non-carbonatic components. This enrichment must be attributed to an elevated content of heavy minerals. In the case of Ti and Fe the preliminary enrichment brought about by processes of lateritisation on the continent plays a certain role. Toward the deep-sea an enrichment of the elements Mn Ni, Cu, and Zn takes place; these enrichments must be explained by authigenic Mn-Fe-minerals. Within the Mn-rich zone a belt running parallel to the coast stands out that shows an increased Mn-enrichment. However, this increase in enrichment does not apply to the elements Ni, Cu, and Zn. It is probable that this latter increased enrichment comes about as a result of the migration of manganese to the sediment surface. (Within the sediments there prevail reductive conditions, in the presence of which Mn is capable of migration, whereas at the sediment surface its precipitation comes about under oxidizing conditions). The quantity of organic matter mainly is dependent on grain size and on the rate of sedimentation. On the shelf an impoverishment of organic matter is to be encountered, as the sediments are coarse-grained. In the depth the impoverishment must be explained on the strength of a small rate of sedimentation. Between those two ranges organic substance is enriched. P and N show an enrichment in comparison to Corg with this applying all the more the smaller the absolute quantity of Corg is. In this particular case one has to do with an enrichment coming about during the diagenetic processes of organic matter. A comparison with the sediments from the Indian and Pakistani continental border in Arabian Sea shows as follows: on the African continental border the coarse detrital material has been transported farther out to deep-sea, which has something to do with the greater inclination of the surface of sedimentation. Carbonate is found in greater abundance on the African side. Its chemical composition is influenced by reef-debris which is missing by Indian-Pakistani side. The content of organic matter is lower on the African side. Contrary to that, the enrichments of N and P compared to organic matter are of an equal order of magnitude on both sides of the Arabian Sea.


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