302 resultados para Ancyrodella gigas


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During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 171B, a thick sequence of lower to middle Eocene sediments was recovered from Sites 1051 and 1052 at Blake Nose in the North Atlantic Ocean. Calcareous nannofossils are moderately well preserved in the upper to middle Eocene sediments but are moderate to poorly preserved in the lower Eocene sediments. Calcareous nannofossils are diverse throughout the recovered sequence, which extends from nannofossil Zone CP8 to Subzone CP15a. The nannofossil biostratigraphy of these sites indicates the presence of a hiatus in Subzone CP12a in the middle Eocene, in which the major nannofossil assemblage changes dramatically from Toweius to reticulofenestrid; however, no major change in the nannoflora was observed across the Eocene/Paleocene boundary. Coccolith size evolution patterns were recognized. Coccolithus, Reticulofenestra, and Cribrocentrum specimens may suggest a trend of increasing size upward through the sedimentary sequence, but Dictyococcites does not show a similar simple trend. Most traditional zonal markers are present. The reworking of Discoaster sublodoensis and overgrowth of Tribrachiatus in the lower Eocene makes zonal subdivision of this part of the sequence difficult. For this reason, tentative nannofossil zonation is given for the lower Eocene.


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Radiolarian census and abundance data were collected from three deep-sea cores drilled by the Ocean Drilling Program Sites 884, 887 and 1151 to investigate patterns of ecologic changes in space and time during the last 16 million years for the mid-latitude to subarctic North Pacific. High concentrations of radiolarians occurred between 9.0 and 2.7 Ma. Radiolarian species richness was highest in the early middle Miocene at each site and gradually decreased up to about 7 Ma, coinciding with a well-established global cooling trend. A degree of overlap index calculated for radiolarian assemblages revealed 11 faunal change events, of which 8 corresponded to global cooling events and expansions of polar ice sheets. Three of the faunal change events were observed within the peak of radiolarian accumulation rate and were ascribed to changes in primary productivity in the North Pacific rather than global climatic changes. Our assemblage analyses revealed that north-south differentiation in radiolarian assemblages in the northwestern Pacific has existed since 16 Ma and became more distinct via major steps at 6.8 Ma and 2.7 Ma, coinciding with major glaciation events, and that east-west faunal contrasts in the subarctic region became obvious beginning at 11.7 Ma and changed to a different mode around 6.8 Ma. The observed east-west faunal differences possibly reflect east to west climate differences that were characterized by cooler temperatures in the east than the west during the late Miocene (11.7-6.8 Ma) and then by the opposite temperature trend (6.8 Ma-Recent). A severe glaciation at 2.7 Ma played a large role, particularly in temporal changes in radiolarian accumulation rate and assemblage composition.


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At present time, there is a lack of knowledge on the interannual climate-related variability of zooplankton communities of the tropical Atlantic, central Mediterranean Sea, Caspian Sea, and Aral Sea, due to the absence of appropriate databases. In the mid latitudes, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is the dominant mode of atmospheric fluctuations over eastern North America, the northern Atlantic Ocean and Europe. Therefore, one of the issues that need to be addressed through data synthesis is the evaluation of interannual patterns in species abundance and species diversity over these regions in regard to the NAO. The database has been used to investigate the ecological role of the NAO in interannual variations of mesozooplankton abundance and biomass along the zonal array of the NAO influence. Basic approach to the proposed research involved: (1) development of co-operation between experts and data holders in Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, UK, and USA to rescue and compile the oceanographic data sets and release them on CD-ROM, (2) organization and compilation of a database based on FSU cruises to the above regions, (3) analysis of the basin-scale interannual variability of the zooplankton species abundance, biomass, and species diversity.


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Eocene through Pliocene benthic foraminifers were examined from seven sites located at middle and lower bathyal depths on the Lord Howe Rise in the Tasman Sea, from another site at lower bathyal depths in the Coral Sea, and from a site in the intermediate-depth, hemipelagic province of the Chatham Rise, east of southern New Zealand. Age-related, depth-related, and bioprovincial faunal variations are documented in this chapter. One new species, Rectuvigerina tasmana, is named. The paleoecologic indications of several key groups, including the miliolids, uvigerinids, nuttallitids, and cibicidids, are combined with sedimentologic and stable isotopic tracers to interpret paleoceanographic changes in the Tasman Sea. Because the total stratigraphic ranges of many bathyal benthic foraminifers are not yet known, most endpoints in the Tasman Sea are considered ecologically controlled events. The disappearances of Uvigerina rippensis and Cibicidoidesparki and the first appearances of U. pigmaea, Sphaeroidina bulloides, and Rotaliatina sulcigera at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary can be considered evolutionary events, as also can the first appearance of Cibicides wuellerstorfi in Zone NN5. Species which are restricted to the lower bathyal zone except during discrete pulses, most of which are related to the development of glacial conditions, include Melonis pompilioides, M. sphaeroides, Pullenia quinqueloba, Nuttallides umbonifera, and U. hispido-costata. Middle bathyal indigenes include U. spinulosa, U. gemmaeformis, Ehrenbergina marwicki, R. sulcigera, and all rectuvigerinids except Rectuvigerina spinea. Although the miliolids first occurred at lower bathyal depths, they were more common in the middle bathyal zone. Although the Neogene hispido-costate uvigerinids first developed at lower bathyal depths and at higher middle latitude sites, in the later Neogene this group migrated to shallower depths and became predominant also in the middle bathyal zone. Despite the relatively similar sedimentologic settings at the six middle bathyal Tasman sites, there was extensive intrageneric and intraspecific geographic variation. Mililiolids, strongly ornamented brizalinids, bolivinitids, Bulimina aculeata, Osangularia culter, and strongly porous morphotypes were more common at higher latitudes. Osangularia bengalensis, striate brizalinids such as Brizalina subaenariensis, Gaudryina solida, osangularids in general, and finely porous morphotypes were more common in the subtropics. There was strong covariance between faunas at lower middle latitude, lower bathyal Site 591, and higher middle latitude, middle bathyal Site 593. The following oceanographic history of the Tasman Sea is proposed; using the stable isotopic record as evidence for glacials and examining the ecologic correlations between (1) miliolids and carbonate saturation, (2) nuttallitids and undersaturated, cooled, or "new" water masses, (3) uvigerinids with high organic carbon in the sediment and high rates of sediment accumulation, and (4) cibicidids and terrestrial organic carbon. The glacial located near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary is characterized by the penetration of cooler, more corrosive waters at intermediate depths in high southern latitudes. This may have caused overturn, upwelling pulses, in other Tasman areas. The development of Neogenelike conditions began in the late Oligocene (Zone NP24/NP25) with the evolution of several common Neogene species. A large number of Paleogene benthics disappeared gradually through the course of the early Miocene, which was not well preserved at any Tasman site. Corrosive conditions shallowed into the middle bathyal zone in several pulses during the early Miocene. The development of glacial conditions in the middle Miocene was accompanied by major changes throughout the Tasman Sea. Sediment accumulation rates increased and high-productivity faunas and corrosive conditions developed at all but the lowest-latitude Site 588. This increase in productivity and accumulation rate is attributed to the eutrophication of Antarctic water masses feeding Tasman current systems, as well as to invigorated circulation in general. It overlaps with the beginning of the Pacific High-productivity Episode (10-5 Ma). During the latest Miocene glacial episode, corrosive conditions developed at lower bathyal depths, while cooler water and lower nutrient levels shallowed to middle bathyal depths. Lower input of terrestrial organic carbon may be related to the lower nutrient levels of this time and to the termination of the Pacific High-productivity Episode. The moderate glacial episode during the mid-Pliocene (Zone NN15/NN16, ~3.2 Ma) corresponds to a decline in sediment accumulation rates and a reorganization of faunas unlike that of all other times. New genera proliferate and indices for cool, noncorrosive conditions and high organic carbon expand throughout the middle bathyal zone coeval with the sedimentation rate decreases. By the latest Pliocene (about 2.5 Ma), however, during another glacial episode, faunal patterns typical of this and later glacials develop throughout the Tasman Sea. Benthic foraminiferal patterns suggest increased input of terrestrial organic matter to Tasman Sea sediments during this episode and during later glacials.


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Late Oligocene to late Pliocene vertical water-mass stratification along depth traverses in the northern Indian Ocean is depicted in this paper by benthic foraminifer index faunas. During most of this time, benthic faunas indicate well-oxygenated, bottom-water conditions at all depths except under the southern Indian upwelling and in the Pliocene in the southern Arabian Sea. Faunas suggest the initiation of lower oxygen conditions at intermediate depths in the northern Indian Ocean beginning in Oligocene Zone P21a. Lower oxygen conditions intensified during primary productivity pulses, possibly related to increased upwelling vigor, in the latest Oligocene and throughout most of the late middle through late Miocene. During times of elevated primary production, there may be more oxygen flux into sedimentary pore waters and the shallow infaunal habitat may become more oxygenated. One criterion for locating the source of "new" water masses is vertical homogeneity of benthic foraminifer indexes for well-oxygenated water masses from intermediate through abyssal depths. In the northern Mascarene Basin, this type of faunal homogeneity with depth corroborates the proposal that the northern Indian Ocean was an area of sinking well-oxygenated waters through most of the Miocene before Zone N17. Oxygenated, possibly "new" intermediate-water masses in the low- to middle-latitude Mascarene and Central Indian basins first developed in the late Oligocene. These well-oxygenated waters were probably more fertile than the Antarctic Intermediate Waters (AAIW) that cover intermediate depths in these areas today. Production of intermediate waters more similar to modern AAIW is indicated by the sparse benthic population of epifaunal rotaloid species in the northern Mascarene Basin during middle Miocene Zone N9 and from early through late Pliocene time. Deep-water characteristics are more difficult to interpret because of the extensive redeposition at the deeper sites. Redeposited intermediate, rather than shallow, water fossils and erosion from north to south in the Mascarene Basin are incompatible with the sluggish circulation from south to north through the western Indian Ocean basins today. Such erosion could result from the vigorous sinking of an intermediate-depth water mass of northern origin. Before late Oligocene Zone P22, benthic faunas indicate a twofold subdivision of the troposphere, with the boundary between upper and lower well-oxygenated water masses located from 2500-3000 mbsl. No characteristic bottom-water fauna developed before the end of late Oligocene Zone P22. Deep and abyssal benthic indexes suggest the development of water masses similar to those of the present day in the latest Miocene. Faunas containing deep-water benthic indexes, including the uvigerinids, suggestive of a water mass similar to modern Indian Deep Water (IDW), appeared during the late Miocene in the northern Mascarene and Central Indian basins. In the early Pliocene, this deep-water fauna was found only in the Central Indian Basin, whereas a fauna typical of modern Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) spread through deep waters at 2800 mbsl in the Mascarene Basin. By late Pliocene Zone N21, however, deep-water faunas similar to their modern analogs were developed in both the eastern and western basins. Abyssal faunas, studied only in the Mascarene Basin, show more or less similarity to those under modern AABW. Bottom-water faunas containing Nuttallides umbonifera or Epistominella exiguua were first differentiated at the end of Zone P22, then appeared episodically during the early Miocene. These AABW-type faunas reappeared and migrated updepth into deep waters during the glacial episodes at the end of the Miocene and at the beginning of the Pliocene. By late Pliocene Zone N21, however, a bottom-water fauna similar to that under eastern Indian Bottom Water (IBW) developed in the Mascarene Basin. Modern bottom-water characteristics of the Mascarene Basin must have developed after ZoneN21.


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Three of the six DSDP Leg 77 sites drilled in the western approaches to the Straits of Florida yielded thick sequences of Cenozoic sediment rich in calcareous nannofossils. Hiatuses are prominent in each of these continuously cored intervals. A prominent upper Oligocene hiatus, observed at each of these three sites, can be correlated to a large-scale "global" regression event. Other disconformable horizons present in the study area cannot be positively related to sealevel fluctuations and may be caused by a number of factors including local tectonic activity. Paleogene sections are generally marked by thick accumulations within the upper Oligocene Sphenolithus ciperoensis Zone and by a pronounced braarudosphaerid-holococcolith bloom recorded in the lower Oligocene and upper Eocene. This bloom is particularly well developed at Site 540. All samples examined contain abundant nannofossils. Preservation fluctuates throughout the sections from good to poor.


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Feeding activity, selective grazing and the potential grazing impact of two dominant grazers of the Polar Frontal Zone, Calanus simillimus and Rhincalanus gigas, and of copepods < 2 mm were investigated with incubation experiments in the course of an iron fertilized diatom bloom in November 2000. All grazers were already actively feeding in the low chlorophyll waters prior to the onset of the bloom. C. simillimus maintained constant clearance rates and fed predominantly on diatoms. R. gigas and the small copepods strongly increased clearance and ingestion of diatoms in response to their enhanced availability. All grazers preyed on microzooplankton, most steadily on ciliates, confirming the view that pure herbivory appears to be the exception rather than the rule in copepod feeding. The grazers exhibited differences in feeding behavior based on selectivity indices. C. simillimus and R. gigas showed prey switching from dinoflagellates to diatoms in response to the phytoplankton bloom. All grazers most efficiently grazed on large diatoms leading to differences in daily losses for large and small species, e.g. Corethron sp. or Thalassionema nitzschioides. Species-specific diatom mortality rates due to grazing suggest that the high feeding activity of C. simillimus prior to and during the bloom played a role in shaping diatom population dynamics