195 resultados para Albian
Paleomagnetic results from sediments acquired from the continental margin at DSDP Sites 548, 549, 550, and 551 are described. Where possible, the results were used to construct a polarity reversal stratigraphy for the sections sampled, thus enabling the biostratigraphic dating of the sediments to be refined. Several sections in this study were found to be suitable for magnetostratigraphic work, in particular the upper Paleocene to middle Eocene sediments from Site 549, which contained rich faunal assemblages. These sediments are underlain by a thick sequence of Cretaceous sediments that formed during the Long Cretaceous normal polarity interval. Sediments that formed during the later part of this magnetically quiet interval were also recovered at Site 550. Three short reverse polarity intervals were also recovered at this site; they lie directly over basement and are thought to represent a mixed-polarity interval of late Albian age. They may therefore provide important evidence concerning the age of the earliest sediments at this site. In addition, measurements of the magnetic susceptibility and intensity of remanent magnetism proved to be of interest. A significant decrease in the susceptibility and intensity values close to the early/middle Eocene boundary was noted at Sites 548 and 549. This decrease may be correlated with the results from Holes 400A and 401, which were drilled on DSDP Leg 48 in the northeast Bay of Biscay. The decrease may represent an abrupt reduction in the supply of terrigenous material at the end of the early Eocene, reflecting, perhaps, a change in sediment transport processes at that time
Visual kerogen and total organic carbon determinations indicate that there are two periods of organic enrichment events in the Mesozoic sediments of the South Atlantic. The first period, from the Late Jurassic through the late Aptian, is recorded in sediments from the Falkland Plateau, the Cape Basin, and the Angola Basin. Apparently, salinity stratification in the restricted basin, coupled with rising sea level, led to bottom water anoxia and organic enrichment. The second event, from the late Albian to the Santonian period, is recorded in sediments from the Angola Basin and the Sao Paulo Plateau. It appears to have been caused by development of an anoxic oxygen minimum zone at midwater depths. Organic matter sedimentation in the Mesozoic South Atlantic is controlled by geologic, climatic, eustatic, and Oceanographic factors.
Samples of Lower to middle Cretaceous rocks from ODP Sites 638, 640, and 641, drilled on the Galicia continental margin in the northeast Atlantic, have been investigated by organic geochemical methods (i.e., organic carbon determination, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, kerogen microscopy, gas chromatography, and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry) to define the Organofacies types and the depositional environments of these sediments. The results of this study fit well into the general picture drawn for the depositional history of the organic matter in Cretaceous organic-carbon-rich sediments in the North Atlantic from previous DSDP investigations. During the Valanginian to Albian, terrigenous organic carbon dominated the organic matter deposited on the Galicia continental margin. Cyclic changes in total organic carbon content were probably controlled by climatic-triggered changes in the supply of terrigenous organic matter from the nearby continent. A drastic change in depositional environment must have occurred near the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary. The preservation of large amounts of marine organic carbon in these sediments was probably caused by anoxic deep-water conditions during that time, rather than high productivity. All of the primary organic matter of the sediment samples investigated is thermally immature, as indicated by very low vitrinite reflectance values.
The organic facies of Early and middle Cretaceous sediments drilled at DSDP Site 534 is dominated by terrestrially derived plant remains and charcoal. Marine organic matter is mixed with the terrestrial components, but through much of this period was diluted by the terrestrial material. The supply of terrestrial organic matter was high here because of the nearness of the shore and high runoff promoted by a humid temperate coastal climate. Reducing conditions favored preservation of both marine and terrestrial organic matter, the terrestrial materials having reached the site mostly in turbidity currents or in the slow-moving, near-bottom nepheloid layer. An increase in the abundance of terrestrial organic matter occurred when the sea level dropped in the Valanginian and again in the Aptian-Albian, because rivers dumped more terrigenous elastics into the Basin and marine productivity was lower at these times than when sea level was high. A model is proposed to explain the predominance of reducing conditions in the Valanginian-Aptian, of oxidizing conditions in the late Aptian, and of reducing conditions in the Albian-Cenomanian. The model involves influx of oxygen-poor subsurface waters from the Pacific at times of high or rising sea level (Valanginian-Aptian, and Albian- Cenomanian) and restriction of that influx at times of low sea level (late Aptian). In the absence of a supply of oxygenpoor deep water, the bottom waters of the North Atlantic became oxidizing in the late Aptian, probably in response to development of a Mediterranean type of circulation. The influx of nutrients from the Pacific led to an increase in productivity through time, accounting for an increase in the proportion of marine organic matter from the Valanginian into the Aptian and from the Albian to the Cenomanian. Conditions were dominantly oxidizing through the Middle Jurassic into the Berriasian, with temporary exceptions when bottom waters became reducing, as in the Callovian. Mostly terrestrial and some marine organic matter accumulated during the Callovian reducing episode. When Jurassic bottom waters were oxidizing, only terrestrial organic matter was buried in the sediments, in very small amounts.
Calcareous nannoplankton, palynomorph, benthic foraminifera, and oxygen isotope records from the supraregionally distributed Niveau Paquier (Early Albian age, Oceanic Anoxic Event 1b) and regionally distributed Niveau Kilian (Late Aptian age) black shales in the Vocontian Basin (SE France) exhibit variations that reflect paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic changes in the mid-Cretaceous low latitudes. To quantify surface water productivity and temperature changes, nutrient and temperature indices based on calcareous nannofossils were developed. The nutrient index strongly varies in the precessional band, whereas variations of the temperature index reflect eccentricity. Since polar ice caps were not present during the mid-Cretaceous, these variations probably result from feedback mechanisms within a monsoonal climate system of the mid-Cretaceous low latitudes involving warm/humid and cool/dry cycles. A model is proposed that explains the formation of mid-Cretaceous black shales through monsoonally driven changes in temperature and evaporation/precipitation patterns. The Lower Albian Niveau Paquier, which has a supraregional distribution, formed under extremely warm and humid conditions when monsoonal intensity was strongest. Bottom water ventilation in the Vocontian Basin was diminished, probably due to increased precipitation and reduced evaporation in regions of deep water formation at low latitudes. Surface water productivity in the Vocontian Basin was controlled by the strength of monsoonal winds. The Upper Aptian Niveau Kilian, which has a regional distribution only, formed under a less warm and humid climate than the Niveau Paquier. Low-latitude deep water formation was reduced to a lesser extent and/or on regional scale only. The threshold for the formation of a supraregional black shale was not reached. The intensity of increases in temperature and humidity controlled whether black shales developed on a regional or supraregional scale. At least in the Vocontian Basin, the increased preservation of organic matter at the sea floor was more significant in black shale formation than the role of enhanced productivity.
The Cretaceous Heterohelix moremani (Cushman) was the only biserial planktonic foraminiferal species from its first appearance in the late Albian up to the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary. Within that time, it increased gradually in abundance relative to other planktonic foraminifera in five Circum-North Atlantic sections. It is generally rare in upper Albian sediments, common in most of the Cenomanian and very abundant in sediments representing the latest Cenomanian Oceanic Anoxic Event. Short-term variations on the overall abundance trend correlate with positive excursions in the bulk carbonate delta13C record. Maximum rain rates of H. moremani during OAE2 show that this species was an opportunist that did well in extreme conditions, but its overall distribution indicates that it is not necessarily a marker for very high palaeoproductivity environments. Stable oxygen and carbon isotope measurements on foraminiferal species indicate that H. moremani was a surface water dweller at least in part of its geographic range, but incorporated 13C out of equilibrium with ambient seawater. It is depleted in delta13C relative to other planktonic foraminifera, which is attributed to vital effects related to its opportunistic character.
An upper Aptian to middle Albian series of volcaniclastic rocks more than 300 m thick was drilled at Site 585 in the East Mariana Basin. On the basis of textural and compositional (bulk-rock chemistry, primary and secondary mineral phases) evidence, the volcaniclastic unit is subdivided into a lower (below 830 m sub-bottom) and an upper (about 670-760 m) sequence; the boundary in the interval between is uncertain owing to lack of samples. The rocks are dominantly former vitric basaltic tuffs and minor lapillistones with lesser amounts of crystals and basaltic lithic clasts. They are mixed with shallow-water carbonate debris (ooids, skeletal debris), and were transported by mass flows to their site of deposition. The lower sequence is mostly plagioclase- and olivine-phyric with lesser amounts of Ti-poor clinopyroxene. Mineralogical and bulk-rock chemical data indicate a tholeiitic composition slightly more enriched than N-MORB (normal mid-ocean ridge basalt). Transport was by debris flows from shallow-water sites, as indicated by admixed ooids. Volcanogenic particles are chiefly moderately vesicular to nonvesicular blocky shards (former sideromelane) and less angular tachylite with quench plagioclase and pyroxene, indicating generation of volcanic clasts predominantly by spalling and breakage of submarine pillow and/or sheet-flow lavas. The upper sequence is mainly clinopyroxene- and olivine-phyric with minor plagioclase. The more Ti-rich clinopyroxene and the bulk-rock analyses show that the moderately alkali basaltic composition throughout is more mafic than the basal tholeiitic sequence. Transport was by turbidity currents. Rounded epiclasts of crystalline basalts are more common than in the lower sequence, and, together with the occurrence of oxidized olivine pseudomorphs and vesicular tachylite, are taken as evidence of derivation from eroded subaerially exposed volcanics. Former sideromelane shards are more vesicular than in the lower sequence; vesicularity exceeds 60 vol.% in some clasts. The dominant clastic process is interpreted to be by shallow-water explosive eruptions. All rocks have undergone low-temperature alteration; the dominant secondary phases are "palagonite," chlorite/smectite mixed minerals, analcite, and chabazite. Smectite, chlorite, and natrolite occur in minor amounts. Phillipsite is recognized as an early alteration product, now replaced by other zeolites. During alteration, the rocks have lost up to 50% of their Ca, compared with a fresh shard and fresh glass inclusions in primary minerals, but have gained much less K, Rb, and Ba than expected, indicating rapid deposition prior to significant seafloor weathering.
Lower Cretaceous and Jurassic sediments from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 129 (Sites 800, 801, and 802) and Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 167, 195, 196, and 463 were analyzed for palynomorphs. In contrast to Atlantic occurrences, all Cretaceous pelagic sediments at these sites in the Pacific are barren of preserved palynomorphs. This absence of palynomorphs appears to be independent of facies, sedimentation rate, paleodepth, and paleolatitude. Except for one sample, the dinocyst-bearing sediments also contain spores and pollen grains. The only palynomorphs observed were in redeposited material having sources near former emergent seamounts. Among the dinoflagellate cysts at Site 802, Dingodinium cerviculum, Odontochitina operculata, Canninginopsis colliveri, and Oligosphaeridium complex are the most important species. Based on the presence of these species and their known biostratigraphic ranges, this basal interval of Site 802 is considered to be Aptian/earliest Albian in age. The lack of dinocysts within the Pacific pelagic sediments may be the result of ubiquitous oxygenated bottom waters throughout the Cretaceous or may indicate that open-marine dinoflagellate populations in this ocean did not produce cysts.
The Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) drilled at five sites in the western Atlantic Ocean during Leg 207. The objective of the drilling was to recover samples from the shallow buried Cretaceous and Paleocene sediments on the Demerara Rise off Suriname, South America. These sediments are being studied for a number of paleoceanographic studies of the low-latitude Atlantic off the coast of Suriname (this volume). For this report two sites, Sites 1257 and 1258, were selected for silicoflagellate study because shipboard results suggested these two sites as the only ones with siliceous microfossils of Paleocene-Eocene age. The Demarara Rise is a predominant submarine plateau located off the coast of Suriname and French Guyana. This plateau stretches 380 km along the coast and is 220 km wide. The depth to seafloor along the depth transect drilled during ODP Leg 207 ranges from 1000 to 4500 m, but most of the remainder of the plateau lies in shallow water of 700 m. Much of this area is covered with 2-3 km of sediments. The Demerara Rise is built on rifted Precambrian continental crust. The plateau was one of the last places to be in contact with West Africa during the opening of the Atlantic Ocean (see Shipboard Scientific Party, 2004). Site 1257 (9°27'N, 54°20'W; water depth = 2951 m) is located on a terrace on the northwestern Demerara Rise ~400 km from Suriname. This is the second deepest water depth location drilled during Leg 207. Sediments from this area range in age from Miocene to Albian. This area is part of the transform fault that separated from Central America and western Africa. Three holes were drilled at Site 1257. Site 1258 (9°26'N, 54°43'W; water depth = 3192 m) is located on the western slope of the Demerara Rise ~380 km north of Suriname. This site is the distal and deepest site of the paleoceanographic depth transect drilled across Demerara Rise during Leg 207. The area is located on a ridge of Paleocene sediments cropping out on the seafloor. Three holes were drilled at Site 1258, but only one is studied.
Cretaceous benthic foraminifers from Site 585 in the East Mariana Basin, western Pacific Ocean, provide an environmental and tectonic history of the Basin and the surrounding seamounts. Age diagnostic species (from a fauna of 155 benthic species identified) range from late Aptian to Maestrichtian in age. Displaced species in sediments derived from the tops and flanks of nearby seamounts were deposited sporadically on the Basin floor well below the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) at abyssal depths of 5000 to 6000 m. These depths, characterized by an indigenous assemblage of benthic foraminifers, recrystallized radiolarians, fish debris, and sponge spicules, existed in the Mariana Basin from late Aptian to the present. Early Albian and older edifice-building volcanism had reached the photic zone with associated shallow-water bank or reef environments. By middle Albian, the dominant source areas subsided to outer-neritic to upper-bathyal depths. Major volcanic activity ceased and fine-grained sediments were deposited by distal turbidites, although intermittent volcanism and the influx of rare neritic material continued until the late Albian. By the Cenomanian to Turonian, upper- to middle-bathyal depths were reached by the dominant source areas, and the sediments recovered from this interval include organic carbon-rich layers. Rare benthic foraminifers from the Coniacian-Santonian interval indicate a continuation of dominantly middle-bathyal source areas. A change in sedimentation during the Campanian-Maestrichtian from older zeolitic claystone to abundant chert in the Campanian, and nannofossil chalk and claystone in the Maestrichtian resulted from migration of the site beneath the equatorial productive zone due to northwestward plate motion. The appearance of rare middle-neritic and upper-bathyal species in the Maestrichtian interval associated with volcanogenic debris gives evidence of the remobilization and downslope transport of pelagic deposits due to thermally induced uplift. Episodic redeposition of shallow-water material during the Aptian-Albian was produced by edifice-building volcanism perhaps combined with eustatic lowering of sea level. The Cenomanian-Turonian pulse coincided with a low global sea-level stand as does the transported material during the Coniacian-Santonian. The Maestrichtian pulse was caused by renewed midplate volcanism that extended over a large area of the central Pacific.
Hypabyssal rocks of the Omgon Range, Western Kamchatka that intrude Upper Albian-Lower Campanian deposits of the Eurasian continental margin belong to three coeval (62.5-63.0 Ma) associations: (1) ilmenite gabbro-dolerites, (2) titanomagnetite gabbro-dolerites and quartz microdiorites, and (3) porphyritic biotite granites and granite-aplites. Early Paleocene age of ilmenite gabbro-dolerites and biotite granites was confirmed by zircon and apatite fission-track dating. Ilmenite and titanomagnetite gabbro-dolerites were produced by multilevel fractional crystallization of basaltic melts with, respectively, moderate and high Fe-Ti contents and contamination of these melts with rhyolitic melts of different compositions. Moderate- and high-Fe-Ti basaltic melts were derived from mantle spinel peridotite variably depleted and metasomatized by slab-derived fluid prior to melting. The melts were generated at variable depths and different degrees of melting. Biotite granites and granite aplites were produced by combined fractional crystallization of a crustal rhyolitic melt and its contamination with terrigenous rocks of the Omgon Group. The rhyolitic melts were likely derived from metabasaltic rocks of suprasubduction nature. Early Paleocene hypabyssal rocks of the Omgon Range were demonstrated to have been formed in an extensional environment, which dominated in the margin of the Eurasian continent from Late Cretaceous throughout Early Paleocene. Extension in the Western Kamchatka segment preceded the origin of the Western Koryakian-Kamchatka (Kinkil') continental-margin volcanic belt in Eocene time. This research was conducted based on original geological, mineralogical, geochemical, and isotopic (Rb-Sr) data obtained by the authors.
The mass-accumulation rate (MAR) of the non-authigenic, inorganic, crystalline component of deep-sea sediments from the Pacific aseismic rises apparently reflects influx of eolian sediment. The eolian sediment usually is dominated by volcanic material, except during glacial times. Sediments from Hess Rise provide a discontinuous record of eolian MARs. During Albian to Cenomanian time, the influx of volcanic material was fairly high (0.35-0.6 g/cm**2/10**3 yr), recording the latest stages of the Albian volcanism that formed Hess Rise. From the Campanian through the Paleocene, influx of eolian sediment was low, averaging 0.03 g/cm**2/10**3 yr. None of the four Hess Rise drill sites show evidence of the Late Cretaceous volcanic episode recorded at many sites now in the equatorial to subtropical Pacific. Pliocene to Pleistocene samples record a peak in volcanic influx about 4 to 5 m.y. ago, which has been well documented elsewhere. The several-fold increase in eolian accumulation rates elsewhere which are correlated with the onset of severe northernhemisphere glaciation 2.5 m.y. ago is not obvious in the Hess Rise data.
Samples from Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sediments at Site 511 were analyzed for palynomorphs. Three palynological assemblages were identified: Upper Jurassic (presumably Tithonian), Neocomian-Aptian, and lower Albian. These were correlated to synchronous assemblages in Argentina, South Africa, and Australia and were compared with Jurassic palynoassemblages from Hole 330, Leg 36.