357 resultados para AMS dating


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Laminated lake sediments from the Dead Sea basin provide high-resolution records of climatic variability in the eastern Mediterranean region, which is especially sensitive to changing climatic conditions. In this study, we aim on detailed reconstruction of climatic fluctuations and related changes in the frequency of flood and dust deposition events at ca. 3300 and especially at 2800 cal. yr BP from high-resolution sediment records of the Dead Sea basin. A ca. 4-m-thick, mostly varved sediment section from the western margin of the Dead Sea (DSEn - Ein Gedi profile) was analysed and correlated to the new International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) Dead Sea Deep Drilling Project core 5017-1 from the deep basin. To detect even single event layers, we applied a multi-proxy approach of high-resolution microscopic thin section analyses, micro-X-ray fluorescence (µ-XRF) element scanning and magnetic susceptibility measurements, supported by grain size data and palynological analyses. Based on radiocarbon and varve dating, two pronounced dry periods were detected at ~3500-3300 and ~3000-2400 cal. yr BP which are differently expressed in the sediment records. In the shallow-water core (DSEn), the older dry period is characterised by a thick sand deposit, whereas the sedimentological change at 2800 cal. yr BP is less pronounced and characterised mainly by an enhanced frequency of coarse detrital layers interpreted as erosion events. In the 5017-1 deep-basin core, both dry periods are depicted by halite deposits. The onset of the younger dry period coincides with the Homeric Grand Solar Minimum at ca. 2800 cal. yr BP. Our results suggest that during this period, the Dead Sea region experienced an overall dry climate, superimposed by an increased occurrence of flash floods caused by a change in synoptic weather patterns.


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This work reconstructs Late Quaternary paleoceanographic changes in the western South Atlantic Ocean based on sedimentary core GL-77, recovered from the lower continental slope in the Campos basin, offshore SE Brazil. The studied interval comprises the last 130 ka. Changes in sea surface temperature (SST) and paleoproductivity were estimated using the total planktonic foraminiferal fauna and oxygen isotope analyses. The age model was based on the oxygen isotope record, biostratigraphic datums and AMS 14C dating. It was observed that the Pleistocene/Holocene transition occurs within Globorotalia menardii Biozone Y, and is not coeval with the base of Biozone Z. The range between summer and winter SST estimates is larger during the glacial period compared to interglacials. Three peaks of low SST around 70, 50 - 45 and 20 ka coincided with periods of enhanced SE trade winds. Despite faunal differences between the last interglacial (MIS 5e) and the Holocene, our SST estimates suggest that SSTs did not differ significantly between these intervals.


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We present a new record of eolian dust flux to the western Subarctic North Pacific (SNP) covering the past 27000 years based on a core from the Detroit Seamount. Comparing the SNP dust record to the NGRIP ice core record shows significant differences in the amplitude of dust changes to the two regions during the last deglaciation, while the timing of abrupt changes is synchronous. If dust deposition in the SNP faithfully records its mobilization in East Asian source regions, then the difference in the relative amplitude must reflect climate-related changes in atmospheric dust transport to Greenland. Based on the synchronicity in the timing of dust changes in the SNP and Greenland, we tie abrupt deglacial transitions in the 230Th-normalized 4He flux record to corresponding transitions in the well-dated NGRIP dust flux record to provide a new chronostratigraphic technique for marine sediments from the SNP. Results from this technique are complemented by radiocarbon dating, which allows us to independently constrain radiocarbon paleoreservoir ages. We find paleoreservoir ages of 745 ± 140 yr at 11653 yr BP, 680 ± 228 yr at 14630 yr BP and 790 ± 498 yr at 23290 yr BP. Our reconstructed paleoreservoir ages are consistent with modern surface water reservoir ages in the western SNP. Good temporal synchronicity between eolian dust records from the Subantarctic Atlantic and equatorial Pacific and the ice core record from Antarctica supports the reliability of the proposed dust tuning method to be used more widely in other global ocean regions.


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Continuous coring in Saanich Inlet (Ocean Drilling Program, ODP Leg 169S), British Columbia, Canada, yielded a detailed record of Late Quaternary climate, oceanography, marine productivity, and terrestrial vegetation. Two sites (1033 and 1034) were drilled to maximum depths of 105 and 118 m, recovering sediments ranging in age from 13,300 to less than 300 14C yr. Earliest sediments consist of dense, largely massive, gray glaciomarine muds with dropstones and sand and silt laminae deposited during the waning stages of glaciation. Deposition of organic-rich olive gray sediments began in the fjord about 12,000 14C yr ago, under well-oxygenated conditions as reflected by the presence of bioturbation and a diverse infaunal bivalve community. At about 10,500 14C yr, a massive, gray unit, 40-50 cm thick, was emplaced in a very short span of time. The unit is marked by a sharp lower contact, a gradational upper contact and an abundance of reworked Tertiary microfossils. It has been interpreted as resulting from massive flood events caused by the collapse of glacial dams in the Fraser Valley of mainland British Columbia. Progressively greater anoxia in bottom waters of Saanich Inlet began about 7000 14C yr ago. This is reflected in the preservation of varved sediments consisting of diatomaceous spring-summer laminae and terrigenous winter laminae. Correlation of the sediments was based on: marked lithologic changes, the presence of massive intervals (reflecting localized sediment gravity flow events), the Mazama Ash, occasional thin gray laminae (indicative of abnormal flood events in nearby watersheds), varve counts between marker horizons, and 71 accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dates.


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The active plate margin of South America is characterized by a frequent occurrence of large and devastating subduction earthquakes. Here we focus on marine sedimentary records off Southern Chile that are archiving the regional paleoseismic history over the Holocene and Late Pleistocene. The investigated records - Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1232 and SONNE core 50SL - are located at ~40°S and ~38°S, within the Perú-Chile trench, and are characterized by frequent interbedded strata of turbiditic and hemipelagic origin. On the basis of the sedimentological characteristics and the association with the active margin of Southern Chile, we assume that the turbidites are mainly seismically triggered, and may be considered as paleo-megaearthquake indicators. However, the long-term changes in turbidite recurrence times appear to be strongly influenced by climate and sea level changes as well. During sea level highstands in the Holocene and Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5, recurrence times of turbiditic layers are substantially higher, primarily reflecting a climate-induced reduction of sediment availability and enhanced slope stability. In addition, segmented tectonic uplift changes and related drainage inversions likely influenced the postglacial decrease in turbidite frequencies. Glacial turbidite recurrence times (including MIS 2, MIS 3, cold substages of MIS 5, and MIS 6), on the other hand, are within the same order of magnitude as earthquake recurrence times derived from the historical record and other terrestrial paleoseismic archives of the region. Only during these cold stages sediment availability and slope instability were high enough to enable recording of the complete sequence of large earthquakes in Southern Chile. Our data thus suggest that earthquake recurrence times on the order of 100 to 200 years are a persistent feature at least during the last glacial period.


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Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dating of ostracod and gastropod shells from the southwestern Black Sea cores combined with tephrochronology provides the basis for studying reservoir age changes in the lateglacial Black Sea. The comparison of our data with records from the northwestern Black Sea shows that an apparent reservoir age of ~1450 14C yr found in the glacial is characteristic of a homogenized water column. This apparent reservoir age is most likely due to the hardwater effect. Though data indicate that a reservoir age of ~1450 14C yr may have persisted until the Bølling-Allerød warm period, a comparison with the GISP2 ice-core record suggests a gradual reduction of the reservoir age to ~1000 14C yr, which might have been caused by dilution effects of inflowing meltwater. During the Bølling-Allerød warm period, soil development and increased vegetation cover in the catchment area of the Black Sea could have hampered erosion of carbonate bedrock, and hence diminished contamination by "old" carbon brought to the Black Sea basin by rivers. A further reduction of the reservoir age most probably occurred contemporary to the precipitation of inorganic carbonates triggered by increased phytoplankton activity, and was confined to the upper water column. Intensified deep water formation subsequently enhanced the mixing/convection and renewal of intermediate water. During the Younger Dryas, the age of the upper water column was close to 0 yr, while the intermediate water was ~900 14C yr older. The first inflow of saline Mediterranean water, at ~8300 14C yr BP, shifted the surface water age towards the recent value of ~400 14C yr.


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We investigate the redistribution of terrigenous materials in the northeastern (NE) South American continental margin during slowdown events of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). The compilation of stratigraphic data from 108 marine sediment cores collected across the western tropical Atlantic shows an extreme rise in sedimentation rates off the Parnaíba River mouth (about 2°S) during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1, 18-15 ka). Sediment core GeoB16206-1, raised offshore the Parnaíba River mouth, documents relatively constant 143Nd/144Nd values (expressed as epsilonNd(0)) throughout the last 30 ka. Whereas the homogeneous epsilonNd(0) data support the input of fluvial sediments by the Parnaíba River from the same source area directly onshore, the increases in Fe/Ca, Al/Si and Rb/Sr during HS1 indicate a marked intensification of fluvial erosion in the Parnaíba River drainage basin. In contrast, the epsilonNd(0) values from sediment core GeoB16224-1 collected off French Guiana (about 7°N) suggest Amazon-sourced materials within the last 30 ka. We attribute the extremely high volume of terrigenous sediments deposited offshore the Parnaíba River mouth during HS1 to (i) an enhanced precipitation in the catchment region and (ii) a reduced North Brazil Current, which are both associated with a weakened AMOC.


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Riverine water and sediment discharge to the Arctic Ocean is among the most important parameters influencing Arctic climate. It is clear that the evaluation of Arctic paleoclimate requires information on the paleodischarge of major rivers entering the sedimentation basin. Presently, the water discharge of the Ob River accounts for about 12% of the total input of river water into the Arctic Ocean. During the investigation of the Kara Sea in the framework of the Russian-German SIRRO Project, the history of Yenisei discharge received much attention in a number of publications. This paper presents the results of lithological and geochemical investigations with application to the Holocene discharge of the Ob River. Qualitative (SiO2, Al2O3, K2O, and some modules) and quantitative (sedimentation rates and absolute masses of sedimentary material) parameters were used to characterize the history of the Ob sediment discharge. It was shown that the investigated paleochannels of the Ob were initiated at the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary, and during the first half of the Holocene, the river discharge decreased irregularly with decreasing age of sediments. The observed maxima are in fairly good agreement with the data for the Yenisei. We proposed a hypothesis on the influence of glacioisostatic movements in the marginal region of the former Kara ice sheet of late Valdai age on the cessation of marine-fluvial glaciation in the paleochannels of Ob and Yenisei in the periphery of the Ob-Yenisei shoal.


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A geochemical investigation has been conducted of a suite of four sediment cores collected from directly beneath the hydrothermal plume at distances of 2 to 25 km from the Rainbow hydrothermal field. As well as a large biogenic component (>80% CaCO3) these sediments record clear enrichments of the elements Fe, Cu, Mn, V, P, and As from hydrothermal plume fallout but only minor detrital background material. Systematic variations in the abundances of "hydrothermal" elements are observed at increasing distance from the vent site, consistent with chemical evolution of the dispersing plume. Further, pronounced Ni and Cr enrichments at specific levels within each of the two cores collected from closest to the vent site are indicative of discrete episodes of additional input of ultrabasic material at these two near-field locations. Radiocarbon dating reveals mean Holocene accumulation rates for all four cores of 2.7 to 3.7 cm.kyr?1, with surface mixed layers 7 to 10+ cm thick, from which a history of deposition from the Rainbow hydrothermal plume can be deduced. Deposition from the plume supplies elements to the underlying sediments that are either directly hydrothermally sourced (e.g., Fe, Mn, Cu) or scavenged from seawater via the hydrothermal plume (e.g., V, P, As). Holocene fluxes into to the cores' surface mixed layers are presented which, typically, are an order of magnitude greater than "background" authigenic fluxes from the open North Atlantic. One core, collected closest to the vent site, indicates that both the concentration and flux of hydrothermally derived material increased significantly at some point between 8 and 12 14C kyr ago; the preferred explanation is that this variation reflects the initiation/intensification of hydrothermal venting at the Rainbow hydrothermal field at this time - perhaps linked to some specific tectonic event in this fault-controlled hydrothermal setting.


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ODP Site 1078 situated under the coast of Angola provides the first record of the vegetation history for Angola. The upper 11 m of the core covers the past 30 thousand years, which has been analysed palynologically in decadal to centennial resolution. Alkenone sea surface temperature estimates were analysed in centennial resolution. We studied sea surface temperatures and vegetation development during full glacial, deglacial, and interglacial conditions. During the glacial the vegetation in Angola was very open consisting of grass and heath lands, deserts and semi-deserts, which suggests a cool and dry climate. A change to warmer and more humid conditions is indicated by forest expansion starting in step with the earliest temperature rise in Antarctica, 22 thousand years ago. We infer that around the period of Heinrich Event 1, a northward excursion of the Angola Benguela Front and the Congo Air Boundary resulted in cool sea surface temperatures but rain forest remained present in the northern lowlands of Angola. Rain forest and dry forest area increase 15 thousand years ago. During the Holocene, dry forests and Miombo woodlands expanded. Also in Angola globally recognised climate changes at 8 thousand and 4 thousand years ago had an impact on the vegetation. During the past 2 thousand years, savannah vegetation became dominant.


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The geochemical implications of thermally driven flow of seawater through oceanic crust on the mid-ocean ridge flank have been examined on a well-studied 80 km transect across the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge at 48°N, using porewater and basement fluid samples obtained on ODP Leg 168. Fluid flow is recognised by near-basement reversals in porewater concentration gradients from altered values in the sediment section to seawater-like values in basaltic basement. In general, the basement fluids become more geochemically evolved with distance from the ridge and broadly follow basement temperature which ranges from not, vert, similar16° to 63°C. Although thermal effects of advective heat exchange are only seen within 20 km east of where basement is exposed near the ridge crest, chemical reactivity extends to all sites. Seawater passing through oceanic crust has reacted with basement rocks leading to increases in Ca2+ and decreases in alkalinity, Mg2+, Na+, K+, SO42- and delta18O. Sr isotope exchange between seawater and oceanic crust off axis is unequivocally demonstrated with endmember 87Sr/86Sr ~ 0.707. Evidence of more evolved fluids is seen at sites where rapid upwelling of fluids through sediments occurs. Chlorinities of the basement fluids are consistent with post-glacial seawater and thus a short residence time in the crust. Rates of lateral flow have been by estimated by modelling porewater sulphate gradients, using Cl as a glacial chronometer, and from radiocarbon dating of basal fluids. All three methods reveal fluid flow with 14C ages less than 10,000 yr and particle velocities of ~1-5 m/yr, in agreement with thermally constrained volumetric flow rates through a ~600 m thick permeable layer of ~10% porosity. Delta(element)/Delta(heat) extraction ratios are similar to values for ridge-crest hydrothermal systems.


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A high-resolution record of foraminiferal fragmentation (a dissolution indicator) for the last 250 k.y. (isotopic Stages 1 to 7) is identified in the upper 61.9 m of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 828A, west Vanuatu. This record is comparable in detail to the atmospheric CO2 record and the d18O stack. Phase shifts between preservation spikes and maximum ice volumes (d18O of Globigerinoides sacculifer) are analogous to those on Ontong Java Plateau. Mass spectrometer (AMS14C) dating of a sample taken at the base of dissolution cycle B1 and the position of the last glacial maximum indicates a lag in time of ~8 k.y. in the Vanuatu region for the last glacial termination. When dissolution spikes are compared with minimum ice volumes there is no phase shift for the last two glacial terminations. The difference between Vanuatu and Ontong Java Plateau may be explained by local CO2 sinks and the interplay between intermediate and deep water masses. Terrigenous input increasingly affected sediment of Hole 828A on the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge (NDR) as it approached Espiritu Santo Island. Mud and silt suspended in mid-water flows become important after 125 ka, while turbidites bypass the New Hebrides Trench only towards the last glacial maximum (LGM). Terrigenous supply seems to affect the lysocline profile that changed from an "open ocean" to a "near continent" type, thus favoring dissolution. Fragmentation of planktonic foraminifers is a more sensitive indicator of lysocline variations than is foraminiferal susceptibility to dissolution, the foraminiferal dissolution index, the abundance of benthic foraminifers, or CaCO3 content. A modern foraminiferal lysocline for the neighboring area (between 10°S and 30°S, and 160°E and 180°E) is found at 3.1 km below sea level, compared to west Vanuatu where it is shallower. The past lysocline level was deeper than 3086 m during intervals of dissolution minima, and ranged from ~2550 to 3000 m during intervals of dissolution maxima. The high sedimentation rates (in the order of 10 to 50 cm/k.y.) found in Hole 828A offer a great potential for future high-resolution studies either in this hole or other western localities along the NDR. Areas of high sedimentation near continental regions have been discarded for paleoceanographic and/or paleoclimatic studies. Nonetheless, conditions analogous to those found in Hole 828A are expected to occur in many trench areas around the world where mid-water flows have preserved as yet undiscovered fine high-resolution sedimentary records.