84 resultados para AL records


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Radiocarbon stratigraphy is an essential tool for high resolution paleoceanographic studies. Age models based on radiocarbon ages of foraminifera are commonly applied to a wide range of geochemical studies, including the investigation of temporal leads and lags. The critical assumption is that temporal coupling between foraminifera and other sediment constituents, including specific molecular organic compounds (biomarkers) of marine phytoplankton, e.g. alkenones, is maintained in the sediments. To test this critical assumption in the Benguela upwelling area, we have determined radiocarbon ages of total C37-C39 alkenones in 20 samples from two gravity cores and three multicorer cores. The cores were retrieved from the continental shelf and slope off Namibia, and samples were taken from Holocene, deglacial and Last Glacial Maximum core sections. The alkenone radiocarbon ages were compared to those of planktic foraminifera, total organic carbon, fatty acids and fine grained carbonates from the same samples. Interestingly, the ages of alkenones were 1000 to 4500 yr older than those of foraminifera in all samples. Such age differences may be the result of different processes: Bioturbation associated with grain size effects, lateral advection of (recycled) material and redeposition of sediment on upper continental slopes due to currents or tidal movement are examples for such processes. Based on the results of this study, the age offsets between foraminifera and alkenones in sediments from the upper continental slope off Namibia most probably do not result from particle-selective bioturbation processes. Resuspension of organic particles in response to tidal movement of bottom waters with velocities up to 25 cm/s recorded near the core sites is the more likely explanation. Our results imply that age control established using radiocarbon measurements of foraminifera may be inadequate for the interpretation of alkenone-based proxy data. Observed temporal leads and lags between foraminifera based data and data derived from alkenone measurements may therefore be secondary signals, i.e. the result of processes associated with particle settling and biological activity.


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In this study we reconstruct sea surface temperatures (SSTs) using two lipid-based biomarker proxies (alkenone unsaturation index UK'37 and TEX86 index based on glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers) in 36 surface sediment samples from the Indonesian continental margin off west Sumatra and south of Java and the Lesser Sunda Islands. Comparison of measured temperatures (World Ocean Atlas 09) to reconstructed temperatures suggests that SST-UK'37 reflects the SE monsoon SST in the upwelling area south of Java and the Lesser Sunda Islands, whereas Temp-TEXH86 estimates are up to 2°C lower than SST-UK'37. This offset is possibly related to either one or a combination of two factors: i) the depth habitats of the source organisms; ii) different seasonal production and/ or seasonality of export associated with phytoplankton blooming triggered by primary productivity. In the non-upwelling area off west Sumatra, the alkenone-based SSTs are cooler than measured temperatures during the entire year, likely due to the reduced sensitivity of the UK'37 proxy beyond 28°C. However, reconstructed temperatures based on TEXH86 are consistent with mean annual SST, implying that the Temp-TEXH86 reflects the mean annual SST in the non-upwelling area of the tropical Eastern Indian Ocean.


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Oxygen-isotope records from Greenland ice cores indicate numerous rapid climate fluctuations during the last glacial period. North Atlantic marine sediment cores show comparable variability in sea surface temperature and the deposition of icerafted debris. In contrast, very few continental records of this time period provide the temporal resolution and environmental sensitivity necessary to reveal the extent and effects of these environmental fluctuations on the continents. Here we present high-resolution geochemical, physical and pollen data from lake sediments in Italy and from a Mediterranean sediment core, linked by a common tephrochronology. Our lacustrine sequence extends to the past 102,000 years. Many of its features correlate well with the Greenland ice-core records, demonstrating that the closely coupled ocean-atmosphere system of the Northern Hemisphere during the last glacial extended its influence at least as far as the central Mediterranean region. Numerous vegetation changes were rapid, frequently occurring in less than 200 years, showing that the terrestrial biosphere participated fully in lastglacial climate variability. Earlier than 65,000 years ago, our record shows more climate fluctuations than are apparent in the Greenland ice cores. Together, the multi-proxy data from the continental and marine records reveal differences in the seasonal character of climate during successive interstadials, and provide a step towards determining the underlying mechanisms of the centennial-millennial-scale variability.


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We evaluate phosphorus (P) and biogenic barium (bio-Ba) as nutrient burial and export productivity indicators for the Late Cretaceous and early Paleogene, combining these with calcium carbonate (CaCO3), organic carbon (C), and bulk CaCO3 C isotopes (d13C). Sample ages span 36-71 Ma (~1 sample/0.5 m.y.) for a depth transect of sites in the western North Atlantic (Blake Nose, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 171B, Sites 1052, 1051, and 1050). We use a multitracer approach including redox conditions to investigate export productivity surrounding the global Paleocene d13C maximum (~57 Ma). Reducing conditions render most of the bio-Ba record not useful for export productivity interpretations. P and organic C records indicate that regional nutrient and organic C burial were high at ~61 and ~69 Ma, and low during the Paleocene d13C maximum, a time of proposed global high relative organic C burial. Observed organic C burial changes at Blake Nose cannot explain this C isotope excursion.


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Short-term changes in sea surface conditions controlling the thermohaline circulation in the northern North Atlantic are expected to be especially efficient in perturbing global climate stability. Here we assess past variability of sea surface temperature (SST) in the northeast Atlantic and Norwegian Sea during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 2 and, in particular, during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Five high-resolution SST records were established on a meridional transect (53°N-72°N) to trace centennial-scale oscillations in SST and sea-ice cover. We used three independent computational techniques (SIMMAX modern analogue technique, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), and Revised Analog Method (RAM)) to reconstruct SST from planktonic foraminifer census counts. SIMMAX and ANN reproduced short-term SST oscillations of similar magnitude and absolute levels, while RAM, owing to a restrictive analog selection, appears less suitable for reconstructing "cold end" SST. The SIMMAX and ANN SST reconstructions support the existence of a weak paleo-Norwegian Current during Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) interstadials number 4, 3, 2, and 1. During the LGM, two warm incursions of 7°C water to occurred in the northern North Atlantic but ended north of the Iceland Faroe Ridge. A rough numerical estimate shows that the near-surface poleward heat transfer from 53° across the Iceland-Faroe Ridge up to to 72° N dropped to less than 60% of the modern value during DO interstadials and to almost zero during DO stadials. Summer sea ice was generally confined to the area north of 70°N and only rarely expanded southward along the margins of continental ice sheets. Internal LGM variability of North Atlantic (>40°N) SST in the GLAMAP 2000 compilation (Sarnthein et al., 2003, doi:10.1029/2002PA000771; Pflaumann et al., 2003, doi:10.1029/2002PA000774) indicates maximum instability in the glacial subpolar gyre and at the Iberian Margin, while in the Nordic Seas, SST was continuously low.


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This Special Issue of The Holocene contains 16 research papers based on a symposium at the 11th International Meeting of the European Union of Geosciences held in Strasbourg in April 2001. The aim of the symposium was a state-of-the-art assessment of empirical studies of postglacial marine and terrestrial climatic archives and their integration with numerical climate models. This editorial places the individual papers in the broader context of natural climate variability and anthropogenic impacts on the global climate system, regional differences in climate between maritime and continental areas, and the need for an improved theoretical basis for understanding the underlying causes of environmental change. The focus of the Special Issue is the dynamic and relatively well-understood climate of the North Atlantic and the European realm, where, in relation to the steepest offshore temperature gradient on Earth, observational data are abundant and many recent advances have been made in climate reconstruction from proxy archives. The editorial also contains a summary and overview of the papers included in the four main sections of the Special Issue, which emphasize: (1) numerical modelling experiments; (2) models of glacier buildup and equilibrium-line altitude; (3) marine and terrestrial proxy records of climatic change; and (4) multiproxy palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of a Portuguese lagoonal system.


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Detrending natural and anthropogenic components of climate variability is arguably an issue of utmost importance to society. To accomplish this issue, one must rely on a comprehensive understanding of the natural variability of the climate system on a regional level. Here we explore how different proxies (e.g., stalagmite oxygen isotopic composition, pollen percentages, bulk sediment elemental ratios) record Holocene precipitation variability over southeastern South America. We found a general good agreement between the different records both on orbital and centennial time-scales. Dry mid Holocene, and wet late Holocene, Younger Dryas and a period between ~9.4 and 8.12 cal kyr BP seem to be pervasive features. Moreover, we show that proxy-specific sensitivity can greatly improve past precipitation reconstructions.