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New K-Ar datings of Meso-Cenozoic volcanites from the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk were obtained. They enabled to reason age of different volcanic complexes. Basalts from volcanic edifices of the Sea of Japan Basin were determined as Middle Miocene - Pliocene (13.1-4.5 Ma) in age, which correlates well with geological evolution of the Sea of Japan. New datings for basalts from the continental slope of the South Primorye (11.1 Ma) confirm their age being similar to volcanites from Neogene basalt plateaus of the South Primorye; they are very similar not only in age but also in mineral and chemical compositions. Datings for rocks from the andesite series of the Northern Yamato Rise (24.7, 21.5 Ma) show that they are coeval with volcanites of the trachyandesite complex; this allows to combine them into one Oligocene - Early Miocene complex. In the Sea of Okhotsk datings of volcanite samples from three complexes were obtained: Cretaceous, Paleogene, and Pliocene-Pleistocene. Cretaceous magmatic rocks make part of basements of large rises in the Sea of Okhotsk, and Paleogene and Pliocene - Pleistocene complexes illustrate stages of Cenozoic tectono-magmatic activation of the region.
Modal compositions of volcaniclastic sands recovered on Leg 126 of the Ocean Drilling Project (Izu-Bonin island arc and Sumisu Rift) are similar to those from other intraoceanic island arcs and associated marginal basins. These sands are dominantly composed of volcanic-lithic and plagioclase-feldspar grains derived from the Izu-Bonin magmatic arc and intrarift volcanoes. The glass color of volcanic fragments ranges from black (tachylite) to brown to colorless; individual samples usually contain a mixture of glass colors. Two of the forearc sites (792 and 793) are more heterogeneous with respect to glass color than the backarc/Sumisu Rift sites (788, 790, and 791). Site 787 forearc sands are dominantly composed of tachylite grains; their unique composition may be attributed either to winnowing by submarine-canyon currents or to a volcanic island source. There is an increase in the proportions of pumice/colorless glass, felsitic grains, and quartz within sediments of the incipient backarc basin (Sumisu Rift), as compared with the forearc-basin sites.
Magnetic iron minerals are widespread and indicative sediment constituents in estuarine, coastal and shelf systems. We combine environmental magnetic, sedimentological and numerical methods to identify magnetite-enriched placer-like zones in a complex coastal system and delineate their formation mechanisms. Magnetic susceptibility and remanence measurements on 245 surficial sediment samples collected in and around Tauranga Harbour, the largest barrier-enclosed tidal estuary of New Zealand, reveal several discrete enrichment zones controlled by local hydrodynamic conditions. Active magnetite enrichment takes place in tidal channels, which feed into two coast-parallel nearshore magnetite-enriched belts centered at water depths of 6-10 m and 10-20 m. A close correlation between magnetite content and magnetic grain size was found, where higher susceptibility values are associated within coarser magnetic crystal sizes. Two key mechanisms for magnetite enrichment are identified. First, tide-induced residual currents primarily enable magnetite enrichment within the estuarine channel network. A coast-parallel, fine sand magnetite enrichment belt in water depths of less than 10 m along the barrier island has a strong decrease in magnetite content away from the southern tidal inlet and is apparently related to active coast-parallel transport combined with mobilizing surf zone processes. A second, less pronounced, but more uniform magnetite enrichment belt at 10-20 m water depth is composed of non-mobile, medium-coarse-grained relict sands, which have been reworked during post-glacial sea level transgression. We demonstrate the potential of magnetic methods to reveal and differentiate coastal magnetite enrichment patterns and investigate their formative mechanisms.
The Neogene of the southwestern Atlantic is virtually barren of biogenic silica. Of the four sites drilled on Leg 72, only two contained identifiable radiolarian specimens. In the southwestern Brazil Basin (Site 515), radiolarians are present only from the upper Oligocene (Anomaly 8, about 28 Ma) to the middle Miocene (Zone NN8, about 11.5 Ma). On the Rio Grande Rise (Site 516), radiolarians are present only within a short interval of the lower Miocene (Zones N5-N6, about 18-20 Ma). The abrupt cessation of silica deposition in the upper middle Miocene is characteristic of many drill sites in the tropical and temperate Atlantic and implies that a major oceanographic "threshold" was exceeded at this time, allowing the Atlantic waters to become either less productive or relatively silica deficient. Siliceous microfossils are notably more abundant in Oligocene-Miocene sediments of deep regions where carbonate preservation is poor (Site 515) than in equivalent carbonate-rich strata nearby (Site 516). This discrepancy suggests that the presence of calcareous microfossils may act to enhance post-depositional dissolution of biogenic silica tests by elevating the pH of the surrounding pore waters. Carbonate-free clays, by contrast, may provide a more favorable chemical environment for silica preservation.
The relationship between phytoplankton assemblages and the associated optical properties of the water body is important for the further development of algorithms for large-scale remote sensing of phytoplankton biomass and the identification of phytoplankton functional types (PFTs), which are often representative for different biogeochemical export scenarios. Optical in-situ measurements aid in the identification of phytoplankton groups with differing pigment compositions and are widely used to validate remote sensing data. In this study we present results from an interdisciplinary cruise aboard the RV Polarstern along a north-to-south transect in the eastern Atlantic Ocean in November 2008. Phytoplankton community composition was identified using a broad set of in-situ measurements. Water samples from the surface and the depth of maximum chlorophyll concentration were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), flow cytometry, spectrophotometry and microscopy. Simultaneously, the above- and underwater light field was measured by a set of high spectral resolution (hyperspectral) radiometers. An unsupervised cluster algorithm applied to the measured parameters allowed us to define bio-optical provinces, which we compared to ecological provinces proposed elsewhere in the literature. As could be expected, picophytoplankton was responsible for most of the variability of PFTs in the eastern Atlantic Ocean. Our bio-optical clusters agreed well with established provinces and thus can be used to classify areas of similar biogeography. This method has the potential to become an automated approach where satellite data could be used to identify shifting boundaries of established ecological provinces or to track exceptions from the rule to improve our understanding of the biogeochemical cycles in the ocean.
The terrigenous fraction of sediments from a deep-sea sediment core recovered from the northwestern Western Australian continental slope offshore North West Cape, SE Indian Ocean, reveals a history of Western Australian climate throughout the last 550 ka. End-member modelling of a data set of grain-size distributions (n = 438) of the terrigenous sediment fraction allows to interpret the record in terms of aeolian and fluvial sediment deposition, both related to palaeo-environmental conditions in the North West Cape area. The data set can be best described by two aeolian end members and one fluvial one. Changes in the ratio of the two aeolian end members over the fluvial one are interpreted as aridity variations in northwestern Western Australia. These grain-size data are compared with bulk geochemical data obtained by XRF scans of the core. Log-ratios of the elements Zr/Fe and Ti/Ca, which indicate a terrigenous origin, corroborate the grain-size data. We postulate that the mid- to late Quaternary near North West Cape climate was relatively arid during the glacial and relatively humid during the interglacial stages, owing to meridional shifts in the atmospheric circulation system. Opposite to published palaeo-environmental records from the same latitude (20°S) offshore Chile and offshore Namibia, the Australian aridity record does not show the typical southern hemisphere climate variability of humid glacials and dry interglacials, which we interpret to be the result of the relatively large land mass of the Australian continent, which emphasises a strong monsoonal climatic system.