230 resultados para 186-2


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To assess the paleoceanographic potential of Leg 186 sediments, we investigated Quaternary calcareous nannofossil flora at Sites 1150 and 1151 in the Japan Trench. Because of the frequent occurrence of barren intervals and the lack of oxygen isotope data, a detailed paleoceanography is not feasible for these cores. We limited our study to the upper 26.07 m of the section from Hole 1150A and the upper 21.01 m of the section from Hole 1151C. The studied samples from Cores 186-1150A-1H through 3H are younger than 0.085 Ma. Core 186-1151C-1H (upper 1.92 meters below seafloor [mbsf]) is younger than 0.085 Ma, and samples between 2H-7, 5-7 cm, and 3H-CC, 5-7 cm, (9.99-21.01 mbsf) are older than 0.245 Ma and younger than 0.408 Ma.


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We present composite depth scales for the multiply cored intervals from Sites 1150 and 1151. These new depth scales place coeval strata recovered in cores from different holes at a single site into a common stratigraphic framework. At Site 1150, double coring between Holes 1150A and 1150B occurred over only a short interval between ~703 and 713 meters below seafloor (mbsf), but this is sufficient to tie the upper portion of the stratigraphic section cored in Hole 1150A to the lower portion cored in Hole 1150B. The upper ~100 m of the sedimentary section at Site 1151 was double cored with the advanced piston corer and partially cored with the rotary core barrel, resulting in the complete recovery of this interval. The composite depth scales were constructed using Splicer software to vertically adjust the relative depths of various cores from one hole to the depths from another hole so as to align distinct physical properties measured on cores. The magnetic susceptibility data was the physical property most easily correlated between holes, and therefore primarily used to create a composite depth scale and spliced stratigraphic section. The spliced section is a continuous stratigraphic section constructed from representative cored intervals from the holes at a site. Both the splice and the composite depth scale can be applied to other data sets from Site 1151 to provide a stratigraphically continuous and laterally consistent basis for interpreting lithologic features or data sets. The resulting composite scale showed a 30% improvement in correlation of the magnetic susceptibility data relative to the original mbsf depth scale, and comparable improvement when applied to the other data sets.


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Major element geochemical composition was established for 59 tephra horizons from Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1150 and 1151, located in the Japan forearc. These data, encompassing typically between 15 and 30 individual shard analyses per tephra horizon, were used to investigate the degree to which sediment reworking, postdepositional geochemical alteration, and geochemical uniqueness of individual eruptives facilitate or impede the potential for establishing a tephrostratigraphical framework for the Japan Trench, as well as usage of the tephra record to document arc evolution. Evidence was found that hydration (termed phase 1 alteration) of glass shards increases with age in the Pliocene-Pleistocene, but there is no indication that element leaching (phase 2 alteration) has occurred. Post- or syn-depositional differences in preservational style are shown to have no significant bearing on tephrogeochemical homogeneity and suitability for tephrostratigraphical analysis. Overall, therefore, the volcaniclastic record is suitable for investigating medium- to long-term changes in arc geochemistry and, provided consideration is given to the potential for nonunique geochemical signatures, is suitable for erecting tephrochronological frameworks. A limited number of Pleistocene tephra correlations are suggested in furtherance of this framework goal.


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