829 resultados para Radiocarbon


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In this study we utilize two organic geochemical proxies, the Uk'37 index and TEX86, to examine past sea surface temperatures (SST) from a site located near the Nile River Delta in the eastern Mediterranean (EM) Sea. The Uk'37 and TEX86 records generally are in agreement and indicate SST ranges of 14°C-26°C and 14°C-28°C, respectively, during the last 27 cal ka. During the Holocene, TEX86-based SST estimates are usually higher than Uk'37-based SST estimates, which is likely due to seasonal differences between the timing of the haptophyte and crenarchaeota blooms in the EM and is related to the onset of the modern flow regime of the Nile River. Both records show that SST varied on centennial to millennial timescales in response to global climate events, i.e., cooling during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), Heinrich event 1 (H1), and the Younger Dryas (YD) and warming during the Bølling-Allerød and in the early Holocene during deposition of sapropel S1. The H1 cooling was particularly severe and is marked by a drop in SST of ~4.5°C in comparison to pre-H1 SST, with temperatures >1°C cooler than during the LGM. In contrast to high-latitude and western Mediterranean records, which indicate both an abrupt onset and termination of the YD event, the transition from the YD to the Holocene was much more gradual in the EM.


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Transfer of organic carbon (OC) from the terrestrial to the oceanic carbon pool is largely driven by riverine and aeolian transport. Before transport, however, terrigenous organic matter can be retained in intermediate terrestrial reservoirs such as soils. Using compound-specific radiocarbon analysis of terrigenous biomarkers their average terrestrial residence time can be evaluated. Here we show compound-specific radiocarbon (14C) ages of terrigenous biomarkers and bulk 14C ages accompanied by geochemical proxy data from core top samples collected along transects in front of several river mouths in the Black Sea. 14C ages of long chain n-alkanes, long chain n-fatty acids and total organic carbon (TOC) are highest in front of the river mouths, correlating well with BIT (branched and isoprenoid tetraether) indices, which indicates contribution of pre-aged, soil-derived terrigenous organic matter. The radiocarbon ages decrease further offshore towards locations where organic matter is dominated by marine production and aeolian input potentially contributes terrigenous organic matter. Average terrestrial residence times of vascular plant biomarkers deduced from n-C29+31 alkanes and n-C28+30 fatty acids ages from stations directly in front of the river mouths range from 900 ± 70 years to 4400 ± 170 years. These average residence times correlate with size and topography in climatically similar catchments, whereas the climatic regime appears to control continental carbon turnover times in morphologically similar drainage areas of the Black Sea catchment. Along-transect data imply petrogenic contribution of n-C29+31 alkanes and input via different terrigenous biomarker transport modes, i.e., riverine and aeolian, resulting in aged biomarkers at offshore core locations. Because n-C29+31 alkanes show contributions from petrogenic sources, n-C28+30 fatty acids likely provide better estimates of average terrestrial residence times of vascular plant biomarkers. Moreover, sedimentary n-C28 and n-C30 fatty acids appear clearly much less influenced by autochthonous sources than n-C24 and n-C26 fatty acids as indicated by increasing radiocarbon ages with increasing chain-length and are, thus, more representative as vascular plant biomarkers.


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Aeolian and fluvial sediment transport to the Atlantic Ocean offshore Mauritania were reconstructed based on grain-size distributions of the carbonate-free silt fraction of three marine sediment records of Cap Timiris Canyon to monitor the climatic evolution of present-day arid north-western Africa. During the late Pleistocene, predominantly coarse-grained particles, which are interpreted as windborne dust, characterise glacial dry climate conditions with a low sea level and extended sand seas that reach onto the exposed continental shelf off Mauritania. Subsequent particle fining and the abrupt decrease in terrigenous supply are attributed to humid climate conditions and dune stabilisation on the adjacent African continent with the onset of the Holocene humid period. Indications for an ancient drainage system, which was discharging fluvial mud offshore via Cap Timiris Canyon, are provided by the finest end member for early to mid Holocene times. However, in comparison to the Senegal and Niger River further south, the river system connecting Cap Timiris Canyon with the Mauritanian hinterland was starved during the late Holocene and is non-discharging under present-day arid climate conditions.


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Based on a radiocarbon and paleomagnetically dated sediment record from the northern Red Sea and the exceptional sensitivity of the regional changes in the oxygen isotope composition of sea water to the sea-level-dependent water exchange with the Indian Ocean, we provide a new global sea-level reconstruction spanning the last glacial period. The sea-level record has been extracted from the temperature-corrected benthic stable oxygen isotopes using coral-based sea-level data as constraints for the sea-level/oxygen isotope relationship. Although, the general features of this millennial-scale sea-level records have strong similarities to the rather symmetric and gradual Southern Hemisphere climate patterns, we observe, in constrast to previous findings, pronounced sea level rises of up to 25 m to generally correspond with Northern Hemisphere warmings as recorded in Greenland ice-core interstadial intervals whereas sea-level lowstands mostly occur during cold phases. Corroborated by CLIMBER-2 model results, the close connection of millennial-scale sea-level changes to Northern Hemisphere temperature variations indicates a primary climatic control on the mass balance of the major Northern Hemisphere ice sheets and does not require a considerable Antarctic contribution.


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A Pliocene (2.6-3.5 Ma) age is determined from glacial sediments studied in a 20m long, 4 m deep trench excavated in Heidemann Valley, Vestfold Hills, East Antarctica. The age determination is based on a combined study of amino acid racemization, diatoms, foraminifera, and magnetic polarity, and supports earlier estimates of the age of the sedimentary section; all are beyond 14C range. Four till units are recognized and documented, and 16 subunits are identified. All are ascribed to deposition during a Late Pliocene glaciation that was probably the last time the entire Vestfold Hills was covered by an enlarged East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS). Evidence for other more recent glacial events of the 'Vestfold Glaciation' may have been due to lateral expansion of the Sorsdal Glacier and limited expansion of the icesheet margin during the Last Glacial Maximum rather than a major expansion of the EAIS. The deposit appears to correlate with a marine deposition event recorded in Ocean Drilling Program Site 1166 in Prydz Bay, possibly with the Bardin Bluffs Formation of the Prince Charles Mountains and with part of the time represented in the ANDRILL AND-1B core in the Ross Sea.


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A short sediment core from a local depression forming an intra basin on the Lomonosov Ridge, was retrieved during the Healy-Oden Trans-Arctic Expedition 2005 (HOTRAX). It contains a record of the Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 1-3 showing exceptionally high abundances of calcareous microfossils during parts of MIS 3. Based on radiocarbon dating, linear sedimentation rates of 7-9 cm/ka persist during the last deglaciation. The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) is partly characterized by a hiatus. Planktic foraminiferal abundance variations of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral and calcareous nannofossils reflect changes in Arctic Ocean summer sea ice coverage and probably inflow of subpolar North Atlantic water. Calibration of the radiocarbon ages, using modeled reservoir corrections from previous studies and the microfossil abundance record of the studied core, results in marine reservoir ages of 1400 years or more, at least during the last deglaciation. Paired benthic-planktic radiocarbon dated foraminiferal samples indicate a slow decrease in age difference between surface and bottom waters from the Lateglacial to the Holocene, suggesting circulation and ventilation changes.


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The dominant processes determining biological structure in lakes at millennial timescales are complex. In this study, we used a multi-proxy approach to determine the relative importance of in-lake versus indirect processes on the Holocene development of an oligotrophic lake in SW Greenland (66.99°N, 50.97°W). A 14C and 210Pb-dated sediment core covering approximately 8500 years BP was analyzed for organic-inorganic carbon content, pigments, diatoms, chironomids, cladocerans, and stable isotopes (d13C, d18O). Relationships among the different proxies and a number of independent controlling variables (Holocene temperature, an isotope-inferred cooling period, and immigration of Betula nana into the catchment) were explored using redundancy analysis (RDA) independent of time. The main ecological trajectories in the lake biota were captured by ordination first axis sample scores (18-32% variance explained). The importance of the arrival of Betula (ca. 6500 years BP) into the catchment was indicated by a series of partial-constrained ordinations, uniquely explaining 12-17% of the variance in chironomids and up to 9% in pigments. Climate influences on lake biota were strongest during a short-lived cooling period (identified by altered stable isotopes) early in the development of the lake when all proxies changed rapidly, although only chironomids had a unique component (8% in a partial-RDA) explained by the cooling event. Holocene climate explained less variance than either catchment changes or biotic relationships. The sediment record at this site indicates the importance of catchment factors for lake development, the complexity of community trends even in relatively simple systems (invertebrates are the top predators in the lake) and the challenges of deriving palaeoclimate inferences from sediment records in low-Arctic freshwater lakes.


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Radiocarbon-age measurements on single species of foraminifera from a core on the Ceara Rise demonstrate the importance of the joint effect of bioturbation and variable rain abundance of foraminifera. The relatively high mixed layer ages for Pulleniatina obliquiloculata reflect, at least in part, an early Holocene peak in its abundance while the relatively young ages for Globorotalia menardii reflect the delay until mid Holocene of its reappearance in the Atlantic Ocean. These results clearly demonstrate that core-top sediment samples need not be representative foraminifera falling from today's surface ocean. Rather, at least on the Ceara Rise, such samples consist of a composite of changing species groupings. These results also reconfirm the pitfalls associated with attempts to reconstruct the radiocarbon age of deep ocean water on the basis of benthic-planktonic foraminiferal age differences.


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In the Tromper Wiek northeast of Rügen, acoustical investigations using Air Gun, Boomer, Chirp Sonar and Sediment-Echosounder were carried out. Together with sediment core information, it allowed the identification of five seismostratigraphic units (E1 to E5). Conventional and AMS-14C-datings supported their chronostratigraphical classification. The uppermost till (E1) was incised by late glacial channels filled with glaciolacustrine sediments (E2) of the early Baltic Ice Lake stages. These were regionally overlain with a sharp unconformity by a thick (locally >20 m) sedimentary complex (E3) of acoustically laminated silts of freshwater origin. This lower part of the E3-complex (E3a) is overlain by fluvial to coastal silty fine sands (E3b) deeper towards the Arkona Basin. Fine plant debris in the uppermost part of sub-unit E3a yielded ages of 10,100 and 10,500 14C-years B.P., representing the final phase of the Baltic Ice Lake. The fine sands of sub-unit E3b were deposited after the final drainage of the Baltic Ice Lake. In the shallower central part of the bay, the silts of sub-unit E3a were covered by a younger unit (E4) of fine sand with plant debris. A sedge peat occurring at the basis of unit E4 yielded an age of 9,590 14C-years B.P. The fine sands overlying the unit E3 in the central part of Tromper Wiek were deposited in the Ancylus Lake. Their position at about 20 m below present sea level (b.s.l.) reflects the maximum highstand in this area. The character and distribution of the Early Holocene deposits at greater depth suggest a lake water level at about 30 m b.s.l. after this highstand. Below 25 m b.s.l. muddy Littorina Sea sediments are observed. The thickness of these muds and sandy muds increases gradually towards the Arkona Basin. Locally, they are found in a channel-like structure immediately north of Jasmund.


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We investigated total storage and landscape partitioning of soil organic carbon (SOC) in continuous permafrost terrain, central Canadian Arctic. The study is based on soil chemical analyses of pedons sampled to 1 m depth at 35 individual sites along three transects. Radiocarbon dating of cryoturbated soil pockets, basal peat and fossil wood shows that cryoturbation processes have been occurring since the Middle Holocene and that peat deposits started to accumulate in a forest-tundra environment where spruce was present (~6000 cal yrs BP). Detailed partitioning of SOC into surface organic horizons, cryoturbated soil pockets and non-cryoturbated mineral soil horizons is calculated (with storage in active layer and permafrost calculated separately) and explored using principal component analysis. The detailed partitioning and mean storage of SOC in the landscape are estimated from transect vegetation inventories and a land cover classification based on a Landsat satellite image. Mean SOC storage in the 0-100 cm depth interval is 33.8 kg C/m**2, of which 11.8 kg C/m**2 is in permafrost. Fifty-six per cent of the total SOC mass is stored in peatlands (mainly bogs), but cryoturbated soil pockets in Turbic Cryosols also contribute significantly (17%). Elemental C/N ratios indicate that this cryoturbated soil organic matter (SOM) decomposes more slowly than SOM in surface O-horizons.


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The sea surface temperature (SST) of the tropical Indian Ocean is a major component of global climate teleconnections. While the Holocene SST history is documented for regions affected by the Indian and Arabian monsoons, data from the near-equatorial western Indian Ocean are sparse. Reconstructing past zonal and meridional SST gradients requires additional information on past temperatures from the western boundary current region. We present a unique record of Holocene SST and thermocline depth variations in the tropical western Indian Ocean as documented in foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios and d18O from a sediment core off northern Tanzania. For Mg/Ca and thermocline d18O, most variance is concentrated in the centennial to bicentennial periodicity band. On the millennial time scale, an early to mid-Holocene (~7.8-5.6 ka) warm phase is followed by a temperature drop by up to 2°C, leading to a mid-Holocene cool interval (5.6-4.2 ka). The shift is accompanied by an initial reduction in the difference between surface and thermocline foraminiferal d18O, consistent with the thickening of the mixed layer and suggestions of a strengthened Walker circulation. However, we cannot confirm the expected enhanced zonal SST gradient, as the cooling of similar magnitude had previously been found in SSTs from the upwelling region off Sumatra and in Flores air temperatures. The SST pattern probably reflects the tropical Indian Ocean expression of a large-scale climate anomaly rather than a positive Indian Ocean Dipole-like mean state.


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Concentrations of Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Co, Ni, Fe, and Al203, water content, the amounts of organic carbon, the ratio of 13C/12C and the 14C-activity of the organic fraction were determined with sediment depth from a 34 cm long box-core from the Bornholm Basin (Baltic Sea). The average sedimentation rate was 2.4 mm/yr. The upper portion of the core contained increasing amounts of 14C-inactive organic carbon, and above 3 cm depth, man-made 14C from atomic bomb tests. The concentrations of the heavy metals Cd, Pb, Zn, and Cu increase strongly towards the surface, while other metals, as Fe, Ni and Co remain almost unchanged. This phenomenon is attributed to anthropogenic influences. A comparison of the Kieler Bucht, the Bornholm and the Gotland Basins shows that today the anthropogenic addition of Zn is about 100 mg/m**2 yr in all three basins. The beginning of this excess of Zn, however, is delayed by about 20 years in, the Bornholm Basin and by about 40 years in the Gotland Basin. It is suggested that SW-NE transport of these anthropogenically mobilized metals may be related to periodic bottom water renewal in the Baltic Sea sedimentary basins.


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The Indonesian Arc represents the subduction of the Indian-Australian plate beneath Asia. It has been the scene of catastrophic tectonic activity, including the recent 2004 M=9.1 Aceh earthquake and resulting Indian Ocean tsunami. We have dated planktonic forams associated with historic tephras (Tambora, 1815 and Krakatau, 1883) in marine sediment cores to determine radiocarbon reservoir ages for 2 locations along the arc. Our best estimates for 19th century regional reservoir corrections (DeltaR) are +90 ± 40 yr for surface-dwelling species and +220 ± 40 yr for mixed planktic assemblages containing some upper thermocline species, but scatter in the data suggests that past surface reservoir ages may have varied by about ±100 yr. We used the results of this study to investigate a proposed very large AD 535 eruption at or near Krakatau. We find no evidence for ash from such an eruption, and although this is negative evidence, we consider it sufficiently strong to rule out any possibility that one took place.