817 resultados para Centropages spp., male, mass


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Respiration rates of 16 calanoid copepod species from the northern Benguela upwelling system were measured on board RRS Discovery in September/October 2010 to determine their energy requirements and assess their significance in the carbon cycle. Individual respiration rates were standardised to a mean copepod body mass and a temperature regime typical of the northern Benguela Current. These adjusted respiration rates revealed two different activity levels (active and resting) in copepodids C5 of Calanoides carinatus and females of Rhincalanus nasutus, which reduced their metabolism during dormancy by 82% and 62%, respectively. An allometric function (Imax) and an energy budget approach were performed to calculate ingestion rates. Imax generally overestimated the ingestion rates derived from the energy budget approach by >75%. We suggest that the energy budget approach is the more reliable approximation with a total calanoid copepod (mainly females) consumption of 78 mg C m-2 d-1 in neritic regions and 21 mg C m-2 d-1 in oceanic regions. The two primarily herbivorous copepods C. carinatus (neritic) and Nannocalanus minor (oceanic) contributed 83% and 5%, respectively, to total consumption by calanoid copepods. Locally, C. carinatus can remove up to 90% of the diatom biomass daily. In contrast, the maximum daily removal of dinoflagellate biomass by N. minor was 9%. These estimates imply that C. carinatus is an important primary consumers in the neritic province of the northern Benguela system, while N. minor has little grazing impact on phytoplankton populations further offshore. Data on energy requirements and total consumption rates of dominant calanoid copepods of this study are essential for the development of realistic carbon budgets and food-web models for the northern Benguela upwelling system.


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A prominent middle Eocene warming event is identified in Southern Ocean deep-sea cores, indicating that long-term cooling through the middle and late Eocene was not monotonic. At sites on Maud Rise and the Kerguelen Plateau, a distinct negative shift in d18O values (~1.0 per mil) is observed ca. 41.5 Ma. This excursion is interpreted as primarily a temperature signal, with a transient warming of 4°C over 600 k.y. affecting both surface and middle-bathyal deep waters in the Indian-Atlantic region of the Southern Ocean. This isotopic event is designated as the middle Eocene climatic optimum, and is interpreted to represent a significant climatic reversal in the midst of middle to late Eocene deep-sea cooling. The lack of a significant negative carbon isotope excursion, as observed during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum, and the gradual rate of high-latitude warming suggest that this event was not triggered by methane hydrate dissociation. Rather, a transient rise in pCO2 levels is suspected, possibly as a result of metamorphic decarbonation in the Himalayan orogen or increased ridge/arc volcanism during the late middle Eocene.


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Immobilization and anaesthesia of adult male southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) is potentially risky for animals and scientists. A tiletamine/zolazepam injection is considered the most appropriate drug combination for field application in this species. Since appropriate dosages are difficult to assess due to uncertainties in weight estimation, we used photogrammetry-derived weight estimates to ensure precise post hoc calculations of dosages. We report on 15 intramuscular tiletamine/zolazepam immobilizations of post-moult males of the upper weight class at King George Island/Isla 25 de Mayo, in April 2010. Initial injections were made using blowpipe syringes. Mean tiletamine/zolazepam combined dosages of 0.71 mg/kg (SD ± 0.16) ranged between 0.46 and 1.01 mg/kg. In four cases, ketamine was added in dosages between 0.96 and 2.61 mg/kg. Mean induction period was 23 min (± 15), and the mean duration of the procedures from first injection to release of the animals required 96 min (± 51). Four seals exhibited periods of apnoea, and one case of an extended, repetitive, and potentially critical apnoea (> 25 and 8 min) required intervention in order to successfully re-initiate spontaneous respiration. All procedures resulted in proper immobilizations allowing for the deployment of the satellite tags on the seals' heads. The fact that even substantial deviations between the initial weight estimates and the photogrammetry-derived weight estimates had no apparent effect on the course of the immobilization underlines the drugs' wide safety margin in this species.