82 resultados para the "lower" Hamamelidae


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Vertical fluxes of autochtonous detritus at different levels were estimated using the algorithm of structure-function analysis. The calculations are based on pelagic ecosystem parameters in the Kara Sea observed in September 1993 (temperature, primary production, biomass of phytoplankton, bacteria, protozoa, and zooplankton, trophic and size composition, etc.). At eight stations in different parts of the sea where sedimentation traps were set, the range of calculated fluxes of autochtonous detritus through the lower boundary of the water column was 13-90 mgC/m**2/day. The flux was much higher in the estuary of the Yenisey River (55-90 mgC/m**2/day) than in the northeastern regions (I8-50 mgC/m**2/day) and, especially, in the relatively deep southwestern part of the sea (13-35 mgC/m**2/day). The calculated fluxes of autochtonous detritus in shallow water regions (where conditions are variable and poorly known hydrologically and where outflow of allochtonous detritus is substantial) cannot be compared to data from sedimentation traps.


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The pore water chemistry of mud volcanoes from the Olimpi Mud Volcano Field and the Anaximander Mountains in the eastern Mediterranean Sea have been studied for three major purposes: (1) modes and velocities of fluid transport were derived to assess the role of (upward) advection, and bioirrigation for benthic fluxes. (2) Differences in the fluid chemistry at sites of Milano mud volcano (Olimpi area) were compiled in a map to illustrate the spatial heterogeneity reflecting differences in fluid origin and transport in discrete conduits in near proximity. (3) Formation water temperatures of seeping fluids were calculated from theoretical geothermometers to predict the depth of fluid origin and geochemical reactions in the deeper subsurface. No indications for downward advection as required for convection cells have been found. Instead, measured pore water profiles have been simulated successfully by accounting for upward advection and bioirrigation. Advective flow velocities are found to be generally moderate (3-50 cm/y) compared to other cold seep areas. Depth-integrated rates of bioirrigation are 1-2 orders of magnitude higher than advective flow velocities documenting the importance of bioirrigation for flux considerations in surface sediments. Calculated formation water temperatures from the Anaximander Mountains are in the range of 80 to 145 °C suggesting a fluid origin from a depth zone associated with the seismic decollement. It is proposed that at that depth clay mineral dehydration leads to the formation and advection of fluids reduced in salinity relative to sea water. This explains the ubiquitous pore water freshening observed in surface sediments of the Anaximander Mountain area. Multiple fluid sources and formation water temperatures of 55 to 80 °C were derived for expelled fluids of the Olimpi area.


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The hydrochemistry and the microbial diversity of a pristine aquifer system near Garzweiler, Germany next to the open-pit lignite mine Garzweiler 1, were characterized. Hydrogeochemical and isotopic data indicate a recent activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria in the Tertiary marine sands. The community structure in the aquifer was studied by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Up to 7.3 x 10**5 cells/ml were detected by DAPIstaining. Bacteria (identified by the probe EUB338) were dominant, representing 51.9% of the total cell number (DAPI). Another 25.7% of total cell were affiliated with the domain Archaea as identified by the probe ARCH915. Within the domain Bacteria, the beta-Proteobacteria were most abundant (21.0% of total cell counts). Using genusspecific probes for sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), 2.5% of the total cells were identified as members of the genus Desulfotomaculum. This reflects the predominant role these microorganisms have been found to play in sulfatereducing zones of aquifers at other sites. Previously, all SRB cultured from this site were from the spore-forming genera Desulfotomaculum and Desulfosporosinus. Samples were taken after pumping for >= 40 min and after parameters such as temperature, pH, redox potential, oxygen and conductivity of the groundwater had remained stable for >= 15 min due to recharge of aquifer water. Hybridization and microscopy counts of hybridized and 4',6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)- stained cells were performed as described in Snaidr et al., (1997, http://aem.asm.org/content/63/7/2884.full.pdf). Means were calculated from 10 to 20 randomly chosen fields on each filter section, corresponding to 800-1000 DAPI stained cells. Counting results were always corrected by subtracting signals observed with the probe NON338. Formamide concentrations and oligonucleotide probes used please see further details.


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Moderately to sparsely nannofossiliferous Neocomian siliciclastics and rich Aptian-Albian nannofossil chalks were cored at two Leg 123 sites on the abyssal plains off northwestern Australia. At Site 765, the basal 70 m of cored section yields questionable Tithonian and Berriasian to early Hauterivian assemblages of moderate diversity containing Cruelellipsis cuvillieri, Tegumentum striatum, Speetonia colligata, and Crucibiscutum salebrosum. The overlying Hauterivianlower Aptian is represented by 140 m of sediments barren of nannofossils. Above this, the remaining 80 m of the Lower Cretaceous section has been assigned to the Rhagodiscus angustus Zone (late Aptian-early Albian in age) and the Prediscosphaera columnata Zone (middle-late Albian in age). Common species include Rhagodiscus angustus, Prediscosphaera columnata, Eprolithus floralis, Eprolithus sp., Chiastozygus litterarius, Rucinolithus irregularis, and Flabellites biforaminis. At Site 766, the Neocomian, represented by 200 m of sediment, yields C. cuvillieri, T. striatum, S. colligata, and C. salebrosum. Within the overlying Aptian-Albian sequence of 80 m, the Rhagodiscus angustus, and P. columnata zones were recognized. The paleobiogeographic patterns and implications are discussed, with special emphasis paid to the bipolar high-latitude distribution pattern of C. salebrosum in the Valanginian-Hauterivian. Biostratigraphically important species are discussed and their occurrence in the Indian Ocean is compared with one from the Tethys and Boreal realms. Two new species, Serbiscutum gaultensis and Eprolithus bettenstaedtii, are described.


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Profiles of Mo/total organic carbon (TOC) through the Lower Toarcian black shales of the Cleveland Basin, Yorkshire, United Kingdom, and the Posidonia shale of Germany and Switzerland reveal water mass restriction during the interval from late tenuicostatum Zone times to early bifrons Zone times, times which include that of the putative Early Toarcian oceanic anoxic event. The degree of restriction is revealed by crossplots of Mo and TOC concentrations for the Cleveland Basin, which define two linear arrays with regression slopes (ppm/%) of 0.5 and 17. The slope of 0.5 applies to sediment from the upper semicelatum and exaratum Subzones. This value, which is one tenth of that for modern sediments from the Black Sea (Mo/TOC regression slope 4.5), reveals that water mass restriction during this interval was around 10 times more severe than in the modern Black Sea; the renewal frequency of the water mass was between 4 and 40 ka. The Mo/TOC regression slope of 17 applies to the overlying falciferum and commune subzones: the value shows that restriction in this interval was less severe and that the renewal frequency of the water mass was between 10 and 130 years. The more restricted of the two intervals has been termed the Early Toarcian oceanic anoxic event but is shown to be an event caused by basin restriction local to NW Europe. Crossplots of Re, Os, and Mo against TOC show similar trends of increasing element concentration with increase in TOC but with differing slopes. Together with modeling of 187Os/188Os and d98Mo, the element/TOC trends show that drawdown of Re, Os, and Mo was essentially complete during upper semicelatum and exaratum Subzone times (Mo/TOC regression slope of 0.5). Drawdown sensitized the restricted water mass to isotopic change forced by freshwater mixing so that continental inputs of Re, Os, and Mo, via a low-salinity surface layer, created isotopic excursions of up to 1.3 per mil in d98Mo and up to 0.6 per mil for 187Os/188Os. Restriction thereby compromises attempts to date Toarcian black shales, and possibly all black shales, using Re-Os chronology and introduces a confounding influence in the attempts to use d98Mo and initial 187Os/188Os for palaeo-oceanographic interpretation.