74 resultados para hydrolyzable tannin
The basement at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 677 and 678 originated from the Galapagos spreading center of the Costa Rica Rift and has moved about 200 km over the last 6 m.y. (Fig. 1) (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1987, 1988; Scientific Drilling Party, 1987). Sediments about 300 m thick cover basement so young that basal sediments at Sites 677 and 678 have been reheated up to 60?-70?C at Site 677 and altered to limestone and/or chert (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1988). Sediments from both sites indicate (1) a high sedimentation rate (about 48 m/m.y.) and (2) biogenic silica and carbonate as the main constituents of sediments (Table 1) (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1988). Heatflow observations and measurements of interstitial water chemistry around the sites show that Site 677 is in a lower heatflow zone (166 mW/m**2; 1°12.14'N, 83°44.22'W) whereas Site 678 is located in a zone of higher heat flow (250 mW/m**2; 1°13.01'N, 83°43.39'W) (Langseth et al., 1988; Shipboard Scientific Party, 1988). In the flank hydrothermal systems, circulating solution is moving upward through the sedimentary column in zones of higher heat flow while it is moving downward in zones of lower heat flow (Anderson and Skilbeck, 1981). The chemistry of the interstitial waters is modified by several processes such as (1) diagenetic reactions and (2) advective and (3) diffusive transports of dissolved constituents. Analyses of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in interstitial waters from Sites 677 and 678 show that their profiles are mainly controlled by advective transport (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1988). In contrast, the interstitial-water profiles for NH4+, Si, and PO4[3-] are highly affected by reactions in the sediments. Site 677 offers a good opportunity to investigate amino acids in the interstitial waters because sediments of similar compositions have been deposited at constant rates of sedimentation. There are few previous works on amino acid distributions in interstitial waters (Henrichs and Parrington, 1979; Michaelis et al., 1982; Henrichs et al., 1984; Henrichs and Farrington, 1987; Ishizuka et al., 1988). In this chapter, we report (1) Rock-Eval analysis and (2) the composition of total hydrolyzable and dissolved free amino acids (THAA and DFAA, respectively) in the interstitial waters. Our objectives are to discuss (1) the possible origin of organic materials, (2) the characteristics of THAA and DFAA, and (3) their relationships in interstitial waters.
We investigated spatial and temporal changes in quantity, quality and bioavailability of organic matter in abyssal sediments of the northeastern Atlantic. Sediment samples were collected in the Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP, 4800 m depth) during 6 oceanographic cruises from September 1996 to October 1998 down to a depth of 15 cm. Sedimentary proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, and their enzymatically hydrolysable fractions showed significant temporal changes, but different biochemical classes displayed different temporal patterns. Total proteins, carbohydrates and lipids displayed high concentrations, whereas the potentially hydrolysable fractions accounted for only about 10% of their total pools. From September 1996 to October 1998, bioavailable organic carbon concentration in the sediments decreased about 10 gC/m**2 indicating that this benthic system was not steady state. Hydrolysed proteins and carbohydrates were characterised by different vertical patterns. Carbohydrates increased their relative significance with depth in the sediment indicating a shift of organic matter bioavailability with important trophodynamic implications for subsurface consumers. Vertical profiles of reactive and refractory organic carbon in PAP sediments indicate that organic matter bioavailability in deeper sediment layers is higher than expected from previous theoretical models.
Geochemical changes in organic matter of bottom sediments from the Mozambique Basin at the river-sea barrier from the mouths of the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers toward the pelagic zone are discussed. Changes in bitumen, hydrolyzable material, humic acids, amino acids, n-alkanes, and polycyclic aromatic compounds resulting from genetic and diagenetic factors are described. This information is significant for paleoceanology reconstructions and for knowing ways of organic matter transformation into fossil forms.
Elemental composition, functional groups, and molecular mass distribution were determined in humic acids from the Western Pacific abyssal and coastal bottom sediments. Humic acid structure was studied by oxidative degradation with alkaline nitrobenzene and potassium permanganate, p-coumaric, guaiacilic, and syringilic structural units typical for lignin of terrestrial plants were identified in humic acids by chromatographic analysis of oxidation products. Polysubstituted and polycondensed aromatic systems with minor proportion of aliphatic structures were basic structural units of humic acids in abyssal sediments.
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) was isolated with XAD-2 and 4 resins from different water masses of the Greenland Sea and Fram Strait. The contribution of XAD-extractable dissolved organic carbon (DOC), operationally defined as 'recalcitrant' or humic substances, to total DOC was in the range of 45 ± 9% in surface waters and 60 ± 6% in deep waters. The carbohydrate concentration and composition were determined using the l-tryptophan/sulfuric acid method (for the bulk carbohydrate concentration, TCHO) and high performance anion-exchange chromatography after sulfuric acid hydrolysis (for the distribution of total hydrolysable neutral sugars, THNS). Carbohydrates contributed up to 6.8% to both total and recalcitrant DOC. TCHO contribution to total DOC decreased with depth from on average 4.1 ± 1.2% in surface waters to 2.2 ± 1.0% in deep waters, whereas the THNS contribution was similar in both layers, accounting for 2.5 ± 1.6% (surface) and 2.4 ± 0.2% (at depth). TCHO contribution to XAD-extractable DOC also decreased with depth from 4.5 ± 1.7% to 2.1 ± 1.0%, whereas THNS contribution was almost constant, with yields of 0.5 ± 0.3% for surface samples and 0.6 ± 0.1% at depth. The molecular size distribution of the recalcitrant DOM showed for all fractions a clear trend towards small molecules in the deep sea. More than half of the XAD-extractable carbohydrates of surface samples and more than 70% of deep sea samples were found in the nonpolar fraction from XAD, which was eluted with methanol. Glucose was the dominant carbohydrate in the surface water samples, whereas in the deep sea the composition was more uniform. In the XAD extracts, the compositions were less variable than in the original samples. The neutral sugar composition, in particular glucose and the deoxysugars, is indicative of the diagenetic state of the extracted DOM. The molar ratio (fucose + rhamnose)/(arabinose + xylose) was lowest for deep sea extractable DOM, indicating a high contribution of material modified by microorganisms. The THNS composition and distribution reveal that "recalcitrant" carbohydrates are heteropolysaccharides, carbohydrate units incorporated into a framework of a highly nonpolar structure with a lack of functional groups.
The sea-surface microlayer (SML) is at the upper- most surface of the ocean, linking the hydrosphere with the atmosphere. The presence and enrichment of organic compounds in the SML have been suggested to influence air- sea gas exchange processes as well as the emission of primary organic aerosols. Here, we report on organic matter components collected from an approximately 50µm thick SML and from the underlying water (ULW), ca. 20 cm below the SML, in December 2012 during the SOPRAN METEOR 91 cruise to the highly productive, coastal upwelling regime off the coast of Peru. Samples were collected at 37 stations including coastal upwelling sites and off-shore stations with less organic matter and were analyzed for total and dissolved high molecular weight (> 1 kDa) combined carbohydrates (TCCHO, DCCHO), free amino acids (FAA), total and dissolved hydrolyzable amino acids (THAA, DHAA), transparent exopolymer particles (TEP), Coomassie stainable particles (CSPs), total and dissolved organic carbon (TOC, DOC), total and dissolved nitrogen (TN, TDN), as well as bacterial and phytoplankton abundance. Our results showed a close coupling between organic matter concentrations in the water column and in the SML for almost all components except for FAA and DHAA that showed highest enrichment in the SML on average. Accumulation of gel particles (i.e., TEP and CSP) in the SML differed spatially. While CSP abundance in the SML was not related to wind speed, TEP abundance decreased with wind speed, leading to a depletion of TEP in the SML at about 5 m s-1 . Our study provides insight to the physical and biological control of organic matter enrichment in the SML, and discusses the potential role of organic matter in the SML for air-sea exchange processes.
Considerable regional variations in the chemical composition of manganese nodules from a wide range of the Pacific Ocean have been observed. These variations can be more exactly expressed in terms of inter-element relationships. In particular, Cu-Mn and Cu-Ni associations reveal that Cu content in pelagic nodules increases rapidly in proportion to those of Mn or Ni. In nodules from continental borderland and hemipelagic areas, even if Mn or Ni contents increase, that of Cu increases only slightly. It is suggested that the considerable chemical differences within individual nodules and between nodules from the same site, at a limited pelagic area where there is no marked change in depositional conditions of nodules, are due to the role of hydrolyzable trace elements in the formation of nodules.