240 resultados para hexavalent chromium


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Concentrically ringed manganese nodules, similar in form to many found on modern ocean and sea floors, occur in a very fine grained argillaceous sandstone bed of the Permian Park City Formation near Dillon, Montana. They are enriched in many rare elements and contain us much as 2.5 percent zinc, l.3 percent nickel, and 0.22 percent cobalt. The manganese minerals are chalcophanite and todorokite. The nodules probably formed in a shallow marine oxidizing environment on the western side of the Permian sedimentary basin. The occurrence of an appreciable amount of fluorite in the bed suggests that the water was saline.


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Thirty sediment cores (30-40 cm in length), 47 Ekman dredge sediments, and Mn concretions were collected from Lake Biwa. The concentrations of 36 elements in the samples were determined by instrumental neutron activation, X-ray fluorescence, atomic absorption, and colorimetric analyses. The elements determined included Mn, P, As, Sb, Fe, Ni, Co, Zn, Cu, Pb, Hg, Cr, Ti, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Sc, Hf, La, Ce, Sm, Eu, Yb, Lu, U, Th, Au, Ta, Nd, Br and N. Based on statistical considerations and calculation of the concentration factors of the elements, the features of the elemental distribution in Lake Biwa sediment were determined. The main results are summarized as follows : (1) Concentrations of Mn and As were very high in the uppermost oxidized layer of the offshore sediment and Mn concretions. This resulted from the dissolution-deposition cycles of these elements within the sedimentary column and the bottom water. The fixation of As at the sediment surface is mainly attributed to the adsorption of arsenate onto Mn (II) -rich hydrous Mn (IV) oxide. (2) There were high concentrations of Zn, Cu, Pb and Hg in the recent sediments. Although the source of these elements is attributed to human activities, the individual distributions of Zn and Cu in the sediment may result from the deposition of metal-rich planktonic debris and subsequent degradation of the debris. (3) The orders of increasing concentrations of alkali metals and lanthanides in the sediment from the central region compared with the nearshore pediment were identical to the orders of increasing atomic numbers from Na to Cs and from La to Lu, respectively.


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Iron-manganese concretions, closely related to lacustrine ores and deep sea manganese nodules, are presently forming in different parts of Gulfs of Bothnia and Finland. They can be divided according to physical form into three distinct groups: (1) round pea-shaped concretions, (2) ring-shaped concrections, and (3) flat sheets and crusts of concretionary material. A definite correlation was found to exist between the form i.e. type of concretions and their chemical composition (Mn/Fe ratio). Trace element concentrations were generally rather high, although not as high as in deep sea manganese nodules. X-ray and DTA was used to study the mineralogy and crystal structure of the concretions. Surface concentrations and geographical distribution of the concretions were estimated on the basis of samples, diving observations and echo-grams.


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The results of the analysis of samples of the Northern Dvina River's suspended particulate matter obtained by the sedimentation method from large water volumes in the periods of the spring high water and summer low water are presented. By the method of sequential leaching using different reagents, four fractions have been separated: the F1 is the sorbed complex and carbonates, the F2 is the amorphous hydroxides of Fe and Mn, the F3 is the form connected with the organic matter, and the F4 is the residual or silicate-detrital (inert) form. The data have shown that all ten elements determined were grouped with respect to the ratio of the distinguished forms: F4 is the predominant form for Al and Fe (73-88% of all the forms; however, the summer sample contains only 38% of this form of iron, and F2 is the predominant form for this period with 46.6%). As to Mn, the F1, F2, and F4 are nearly equally distributed in the spring high water samples, and only the F3 form is less important (5.4%). In the summer sample, the manganese sorbed complex is predominant (53.5%); for Cu, Ni, Cr, and Co, the inert F4 form is predominant (60-70%) in the sample of the spring suspended matter. The summer low water suspended matter has a lower F4 contribution (25-45%); for Zn, Pb, and Cd, the equal distribution of the forms in the spring samples is typical, while the summer suspended matter differs by the F2 form's predominance (53-61% for Zn and Pb). The main conclusion from the acquired data is that the geochemical mobility of all the studied elements, except for cadmium, in the summer low water suspended matter is higher than in the spring suspended matter. The more intensive biogeochemical processes in August, the high level of organic matter, and the higher contribution of phytoplankton lead to the intensification of the metals' geochemical activity in the Northern Dvina suspended matter in the end of the summer compared to the spring high water period when the physical processes are predominant over the biogeochemical ones due to the high speeds of the freshened waters flow.


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On the basis of their respective eruptive environments and chemical characteristics, alkalic dolerite sills from the northern Pigafetta Basin (Site 800) and tholeiitic pillow lavas from the Mariana Basin (Site 802) sampled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 129 are considered to represent examples of the widespread mid-Cretaceous volcanic event in the western Pacific. Both groups of basic rocks feature mild, low-grade, anoxic smectite-celadonite-carbonate-pyrite alteration; late-stage oxidation is very limited in extent, with the exception of the uppermost sill unit at Site 800. The aphyric and nonvesicular Site 800 alkalic dolerite sills are all well-evolved mineralogically and chemically, being mainly of hawaiite composition, and are similar to ocean island basalts. They are characterized by high contents of incompatible elements (for example, 300-400 ppm Zr), well-fractionated rare earth element patterns ([La/Yb]N 18-21) and HIMU isotopic characters. They probably represent deep-sea, lateral, intrusive off-shoots from nearby seamounts of similar age. The olivine-plagioclase +/- clinopyroxene phyric tholeiitic pillow lavas and thin flows of Site 802 are nonvesicular and quench-textured throughout. Relative to normal-type mid-ocean ridge basalt, they are enriched in large-ion-lithophile elements, exhibit flat (unfractionated) rare earth element patterns and have distinctive (lower) Zr/Nb, Zr/Ta, La/Ta, and Hf/Th ratios. Overall they are compositionally and isotopically similar to the mid-Cretaceous tholeiites of the Nauru basin and the Ontong-Java and Manihiki plateaus. The Site 802 tholeiites differ from the thickened crustal segments of the oceanic plateaus, however, in apparently representing only a thin veneer over the local basement in an off-axis environment.


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Recent studies of abyssal peridotites (Johnson et al., 1990, doi:10.1029/JB095iB03p02661), mid-ocean-ridge basalts (MORBs) (McKenzie, 1985, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(85)90001-9) and their entrained melt inclusions (Sobolev and Shimizu, 1993, doi:10.1038/363151a0; Humler and Whitechurch, 1988, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(88)90055-6) have shown that fractional melting of the upwelling sub-oceanic mantle produces magmas with a much wider range of compositions than erupted MORBs. In particular, it seems that strongly depleted primary magmas are routinely produced by melting beneath ridges (Johnson et al., 1990, doi:10.1029/JB095iB03p02661). The absence of strongly depleted melts as erupted lavas prompts the question of how long such magmas survive beneath ridges, before their distinctive compositions are concealed by mixing with more enriched magmas. Here we report mineral compositions from a unique suite of oceanic cumulates recovered from DSDP Site 334 (Aumento et al., doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.37.1977), which indicate that the rocks crystallized from basaltic liquids that were strongly depleted in Na, Ti, Zr, Y, Sr and rare-earth elements relative to any erupted MORB. It thus appears that the magmatic plumbing system beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge permitted strongly depleted magmas to accumulate in a magma chamber and remain sufficiently isolated to produce cumulate rocks. Even so, spatial heterogeneity in the compositions of high-calcium pyroxenes suggests that in the later stages of solidification these rocks reacted with infiltrating enriched basaltic liquids.