Marked variations in the chemical and mineralogical composition of sediments at Site 319 have occurred during the 15 My history of sedimentation at this site. The change in composition through time parallels the variability observed in surface sediments from various parts of the Nazca Plate and can be related to variations in the proportion of hydrothermal, hydrogenous, detrital and biogenous phases reaching this site at different times. Metal accumulation rates at Site 319 reach a maximum near the basement for most elements, suggesting a strong hydrothermal contribution during the early history of this site. The hydrothermal contribution decreased rapidly as Site 319 moved away from the spreading center, although a subtle increase in this source is detectable about the time spreading began on the East Pacific Rise. The most recent sedimentation exhibits a strong detritalhydrogenous influence. Post-depositional diagenesis of amorphous phases has converted them to ironrich smectite and well-crystallized goethite without significantly altering the bulk composition of the sediment.
High resolution pore-water dissolved Ba concentration-depth profiles were determined at seven sites across an Equatorial Pacific productivity gradient from 12°S to 9°N, at 140°W. These data are important for understanding the physical, chemical, and biological controls on Ba recycling in the ocean, and for evaluating the paleo-oceanographic significance of Ba content in central Equatorial Pacific sediments. Pore-water Ba concentrations at all sites are higher than in the overlying bottom water, leading to a diffusive flux of Ba into the ocean. A pronounced subsurface concentration maximum exceeding barite solubility characterizes the dissolved Ba pore-water profiles, suggesting that the Ba regenerated in the upper few millimeters of sediment is not controlled by barite solubility. A few centimeters down-core Ba concentrations reach a relatively constant value of approximately barite saturation. The benthic Ba flux shows a clear zonal trend, with a maximum between 2°S and 2°N, most probably due to higher productivity at the equatorial divergence zone, and with lowest values at the southern and northern extremes of the transect. The dissolved Ba flux between 2°S and 2°N is ~30 nmol/cm**2 yr and drops to 6 nmol/cm**2 yr at 12°S. Even the lowest fluxes are significantly higher than those previously reported for the open ocean. In the Equatorial Pacific the calculated Ba recycling efficiency is about 70%. Thus, ~30% of the particulate Ba flux to the deep ocean is preserved in the sediments, compared with less than 1% for organic carbon and ~5% for biogenic silica. Mass balance calculation of the oceanic Ba cycle, using a two-box model, implies benthic Ba fluxes similar to those reported here for a steady-state ocean.
Quantitative analyses of selected calcareous nannofossils in deep-sea sections recovered from the paleo-equatorial Pacific (ODP Leg 199) provide new information about biostratigraphy, biochronology and the evolutionary history of calcareous nannofossils across the Paleocene/Eocene transition interval. The sediment cores from ODP Leg 199 represent the first continuous Paleocene/Eocene boundary sections ever to be sampled in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean. Calcareous nannofossil assemblages are studied to document the distribution of biostratigraphically useful taxa such as Ericsonia, Discoaster, Fasciculithus, Rhomboaster and Tribrachiatus. Focus is given to the evolution of the Rhomboaster-Tribrachiatus lineage in the lower Eocene interval at Site 1215, and on the stratigraphic relationship of these taxa relative to species in the genus Fasciculithus. Critical intervals of North Atlantic DSDP Site 550 have also been re-examined. The Tribrachiatus digitalis morphotype was described at Site 550 from an interval affected by down-hole contamination, partly originating from within the Tribrachiatus orthostylus range. The T. digitalis morphotype represents an evolutionary transitional form between T. contortus and T. orthostylus, entering the stratigraphic record within the range of the former species and disappearing within the lower part of the range of the latter species. The subzonal subdivision of Zone NP10 hence collapses. Lithological and colour variability reflecting orbital cyclicity occur in the lower Eocene of Site 1215, permitting a relative astronomical age calibration of the Tribrachiatus taxa. The distinct Rhomboaster spp.-Discoaster araneus association also occurs in the paleo-equatorial Pacific Ocean, together with a marked decrease in diversity of Fasciculithus spp. Site 1220 reveals a short peak abundance of Thoracosphaera spp. just above the P/E boundary interval, which probably reflects a stressed surface water environment.
Abundance distribution and cellular characteristics of picophytoplankton were studied in two distinct regions of the equatorial Pacific: the western warm pool (0°, 167°E), where oligotrophic conditions prevail, and the equatorial upwelling at 150°W characterized by high-nutrient low-chlorophyll (HNLC) conditions. The study was done in September-October 1994 during abnormally warm conditions. Populations of Prochlorococcus, orange fluorescing Synechococcus and picoeukaryotes were enumerated by flow cytometry. Pigment concentrations were studied by spectrofluorometry. In the warm pool, Prochlorococcus were clearly the dominant organisms in terms of cell abundance, estimated carbon biomass and measured pigment concentration. Integrated concentrations of Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus and picoeukaryotes were 1.5x10**13, 1.3x10**11 and 1.5x10**11 cells/m**2, respectively. Integrated estimated carbon biomass of picophytoplankton was 1 g/m**2, and the respective contributions of each group to the biomass were 69, 3 and 28%. In the HNLC waters, Prochlorococcus cells were slightly less numerous than in the warm pool, whereas the other groups were several times more abundant (from 3 to 5 times). Abundance of Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus and picoeukaryotes were 1.2x10**13, 6.2x10**11 and 5.1x10**11 cells/m**2, respectively. The integrated biomass was 1.9 g C/m**2. Prochlorococcus was again the dominant group in terms of abundance and biomass (chlorophyll, carbon); the respective contributions of each group to the carbon biomass were 58, 7 and 35%. In the warm pool the total chlorophyll biomass was 28 mg/m**2, 57% of which was divinyl chlorophyll a. In the HNLC waters, the total chlorophyll biomass was 38 mg/m**2, 44% of which was divinyl chlorophyll a. Estimates of Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus and picoeukaryotes cell size were made in both hydrological conditions.
Compressional (Vp) and shear (Vs) wave velocities have been measured to 10 kb in 32 cores of basalt from 14 Pacific sites of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Both Vp and V s show wide ranges (3.70 to 6.38 km/sec for Vp and 1.77 to 3.40 km/sec for V s at 0.5 kb) which are linearly related to density and sea floor age, confirming earlier findings by Christensen and Salisbury of decreasing velocity with progressive submarine weathering based on studies of basalts from five sites in the Atlantic. Combined Pacific and Atlantic data give rates of decreasing velocity of -1.89 and -1.35 km/sec per 100 my for Vp and Vs respectively. New analyses of oceanic seismic refraction data indicate a decrease in layer 2 velocities with age similar to that observed in the laboratory, suggesting that weathering penetrates to several hundred meters in many regions and is largely responsible for the extreme range and variability of layer 2 refraction velocities.
Dates and growth rates of iron-manganese nodules obtained by various direct and indirect methods, including radiometric, micropaleontological, geological and experimental, are discussed. Validity of assumptions, on which the radiometric dating of nodules is based and reliability of results are discussed. The problem of "buoyancy" of slow-growing nodules resting on the surface of faster-accumulating sediments is considered: It may be caused by action of deep-water fauna, bottom currents, or plastic properties of sediments.
Micropaleontologists have traditionally recognized the mid-Miocene Fohsella lineage as a flagship for phyletic gradualism within the planktic foraminifera. However, study of a deep-sea record from the western equatorial Pacific (ODP Site 806) reveals that coiling ratios within this clade suddenly (<5 kyr) shift after a prolonged, ancestral state of near randomness (~50%) to a transient phase (13.42-13.43 Ma) of dextral dominance (~75%) immediately following the first common occurrence of keeled fohsellids. This brief period of dextral dominance was abruptly (<5 kyr) succeeded by an irreversible change to sinistral dominance (~96%). Fohsellid abundances decline markedly through the interval in which the sinistral preference is established. The shift to sinistrality (13.42 Ma) predated the deepening of fohsellid depth ecology by ~240-488 kyr, indicating that these two events were unrelated. This view is supported by a lack of delta 18O evidence for depth-habitat differences between the two chiral forms, which refutes the notion that sinistral fohsellids were "pre-adapted" for ensuing hydrographic change because they occupied a deeper depth habitat than their dextral counterparts. Planktic foraminiferal assemblages become strongly oligotrophic in character through the interval in which the fohsellid delta 18O increase is recorded, indicating that the migration to deeper depths was fostered by an expansion of the mixed layer in the western equatorial Pacific. Salient aspects of this brief, but conspicuous faunal change are a marked increase in the abundance of symbiont-bearing globigerinoidids, a concomitant collapse of local Jenkinsella mayeri/siakensis populations, and reduced fohsellid abundances. The rapid and permanent nature of the Fohsella sinistral shift provides a distinct, unequivocal datum that may prove useful for correlating mid-Miocene sections throughout the Caribbean Sea and tropical regions in the western sectors of the Pacific and Atlantic. The coiling ratio changes that occurred during the evolution of the Fohsella chronocline probably reflect changing population dynamics between cryptic genotypes with different coiling preferences.
Radiocarbon age differences for pairs of coexisting late glacial age benthic and planktic foraminifera shells handpicked from 10 sediment samples from a core from a depth of 2.8 km in the western equatorial Pacific are not significantly different from that of 1600 years calculated from measurements on prenuclear seawater. This places a lower limit on the depth of the interface for the hypothetical radiocarbon-depleted glacial age seawater reservoir required to explain the 190 per mil drop in the 14C/C for atmospheric CO2, which occurred during the mystery interval (17.5 to 14.5 calendar years ago). These measurements restrict the volume of this reservoir to be no more than 35% that of the ocean. Further, 14C measurements on a single Last Glacial Maximum age sample from a central equatorial Pacific core from a depth of 4.4 km water fail to reveal evidence for the required 5- to 7-kyr age difference between benthic and planktic foraminifera shells if the isolated reservoir occupied only one third of the ocean. Nor does the 13C record for benthic forams from this abyssal core yield any evidence for the excess respiration CO2 expected to be produced during thousands of years of isolation. Nor, as indicated by the presence of benthic foraminifera, was the dissolved oxygen used up in this abyssal water.
The global warming trend of the latest Oligocene was interrupted by several cooling events associated with Antarctic glaciations. These cooling events affected surface water productivity and plankton assemblages. Well-preserved radiolarians were obtained from upper Oligocene to lower Miocene sediments at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 199 Sites 1218 and 1219 in the equatorial Pacific, and 110 radiolarian species were identified. Four episodes of significant radiolarian faunal changes were identified: middle late Oligocene (27.5 to 27.3 Ma), latest Oligocene (24.4 Ma), earliest Miocene (23.3 Ma), and middle early Miocene (21.6 Ma). These four episodes approximately coincide with increases and decreases of biogenic silica accumulation rates and increases in delta18O values coded as "Oi" and "Mi" events. These data indicate that Antarctic glaciations were associated with change of siliceous sedimentation patterns and faunal changes in the equatorial Pacific. Radiolarian fauna was divided into three assemblages based on variations in radiolarian productivity, species richness and the composition of dominant species: a late Oligocene assemblage (27.6 to 24.4 Ma), a transitional assemblage (24.4 to 23.3 Ma) and an early Miocene assemblage (23.3 to 21.2 Ma). The late Oligocene assemblage is characterized by relatively high productivity, low species richness and four dominant species of Tholospyris anthophora, Stichocorys subligata, Lophocyrtis nomas and Lithelius spp. The transitional assemblage represents relatively low values of productivity and species richness, and consists of three dominant species of T. anthophora, S. subligata and L. nomas. The characteristics of the early Miocene assemblage are relatively low productivity, but high species richness. The two dominant species present in this assemblage are T. anthophora and Cyrtocapsella tetrapera. The most significant faunal turnover of radiolarians is marked at the boundary between the transitional/early Miocene assemblages.