546 resultados para Strontium cerate


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The sediment sequence at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 910 (556 m water depth) on the Yermak Plateau in the Arctic Ocean features a remarkable "overconsolidated section" from ~19 to 70-95 m below sea floor (m bsf), marked by large increases in bulk density and sediment strength. The ODP Leg 151 Shipboard Scientific Party interpreted the overconsolidated section to be caused by (1) grounding of a marine-based ice sheet, derived from Svalbard and perhaps the Barents Sea ice sheet, and/or (2) coarser-grained glacial sedimentation, which allowed increased compaction. Here I present planktonic foraminiferal d18O data based on Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistrally coiling) that date the termination of overconsolidation near the boundary between isotope stages 16 and 17 (ca. 660 ka). No evidence is found for coarser grained sedimentation, because lithic fragments >150 µm exhibit similar mean concentrations throughout the upper 24.5 m bsf. The overconsolidated section may reflect more extensive ice-sheet grounding prior to ca. 660 ka, suggesting a major change in state of the Svalbard ice sheets during the mid-Quaternary. Furthermore, continuous sedimentation since that time argues against a pervasive Arctic ice shelf impinged on the Yermak Plateau during the past 660 k.y. These findings suggest that Svalbard ice-sheet history was largely independent of circum-Arctic ice-sheet history during the middle to late Quaternary.


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Strontium and neodymium isotopic data are reported for barite samples chemically separated from Late Miocene to Pliocene sediments from the eastern equatorial Pacific. At a site within a region of very high productivity close to the equator, 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the barite separates are indistinguishable from those of foraminifera and fish teeth from the same samples. However, at two sites north of the productivity maximum barite separates have slightly, but consistently lower (averaging 0.000062) ratios than the coexisting phases, although values still fall within the total range of published values for the contemporaneous seawater strontium isotope curve. We examine possible causes for this offset including recrystallization of the foraminifera, fish teeth or barite, the presence of non-barite contaminants, or incorporation of older, reworked deep-sea barite; the inclusion of a small amount of hydrothermal barite in the sediments seems most consistent with our data, although there are difficulties associated with adequate production and transportation of this phase. Barite is unlikely to replace calcite as a preferred tracer of seawater strontium isotopes in carbonate-rich sediments, but may prove a useful substitute in cases where calcite is rare or strongly affected by diagenesis. In contrast to the case for strontium, neodymium isotopic ratios in the barite separates are far from expected values for contemporary seawater, and appear to be dominated by an (unobserved) eolian component with high neodymium concentration and low 143Nd/144Nd. These results suggest that the true potential of barite as an indicator of paleocean neodymium isotopic ratios and REE patterns will be realized only when a more selective separation procedure is developed.


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A Porites coral collected from Xisha Island, South China Sea, represents a skeleton secreted in the period from 1906 to 1994. The Sr contents of the coral vary linearly with the instrument-measured sea-surface temperature (SST), giving a Sr thermometer: SST = -1.9658 x Sr + 193.26. The reconstructed SST data show that the late 20th century was warmer (about 1°C) than the early 20th century and that two cooling (1915/1916 and 1947/1948) and three warming (1935/1936, 1960/1961, and 1976/1977) shifts occurred in the century. The temperature shifts are more pronounced for winters, implying a close effect of the west Pacific warm pool and Asian monsoon and suggesting that the former is a primary force controlling the climatic system of the region. Results of this study and previously published data indicate a close link of temperature shifts between the boreal summer and the austral winter or the boreal winter and the austral summer. The annual SST anomalies in the South China Sea and the South Pacific reveal the existence of harmonic but opposite SST variations between the two regions. On the decadal scale the comparative annual SST anomalies for the South China Sea and for the equatorial west Pacific show a similarity in temperature variations, implying that the South China Sea climate is coherent with climatic regime of the tropical west Pacific.


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Results of determinations of 90Sr and tritium polluting surface water in different parts of the North Pacific are presented. The T/90Sr ratio lies within 90-600 over the referred water area and attains 2000 near the Columbia River mouth. Tritium concentration in sea water has been noted to be affected by river runoff and terrigenous sediments.


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Most of the Pb isotope data for the Leg 92 metalliferous sediments (carbonate-free fraction) form approximately linear arrays in the conventional isotopic plots, extending from the middle of the field for mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) toward the field for Mn nodules. These arrays are directed closely to the average values of Mn nodules, the composition of which reflects the Pb isotope composition of seawater (Reynolds and Dasch, 1971). Since the Leg 92 samples are almost devoid of continentally derived detritus, it can be inferred that the more radiogenic end-member is seawater. The less radiogenic end-member lies in the very middle of the MORB field, and hence can be considered to reflect the Pb isotope composition of typical ocean-ridge basalt. The array of data lying between these two end-members is most readily interpreted in terms of simple linear mixing of Pb from the two different end-member sources. According to this model, eight samples from Sites 599 to 601 contain 50 to 100% basaltic Pb. Five of these samples have compositions that are identical within the uncertainty of the analyses. We use the average of these five values to define our unradiogenic end-member in the linear mixing model. The ratios used for this average are 206Pb/204Pb = 18.425 ± 0.010; 207Pb/204Pb = 15.495 ± 0.018; 208Pb/204Pb = 37.879 ± 0.068. These values should approximate the average Pb isotope composition of discharging hydrothermal solutions, and therefore also that of the basaltic crust, over the period of time represented by these samples ( 4 m.y., from 4 to 8 Ma). Sr isotope ratios show a significant range of values, from 0.7082 to 0.7091. The lower ratios are well outside the value of 0.70910 ± 6 for modern-day seawater (Burke et al., 1982). However, most values correspond very closely to the curve of 87Sr/86Sr versus age for seawater, with older samples having progressively lower 87Sr/86Sr ratios. The simplest explanation for this progressive reduction is that recrystallization of the abundant biogenic carbonate in the sediments released older seawater Sr which was incorporated into ferromanganiferous phases during diagenesis. Leg 92 metalliferous sediments have total rare earth element (REE) contents that range on a carbonate-free basis from 131 to 301 ppm, with a clustering between 167 and 222 ppm. The patterns have strong negative Ce anomalies. Samples from Sites 599 to 601 display a slight but distinct enrichment in the heavy REE relative to the light REE, whereas those from Sites 597 to 598 show almost no heavy REE enrichment. The former patterns (those for Sites 599 to 601) are interpreted as indicating moderate diagenetic alteration of metalliferous sediments originating at the EPR axis; the latter reflect more complete diagenetic modification.


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Strontium, magnesium, oxygen, and carbon isotope profiles of the carbonate fraction of Hole 600C sediments support the lithologic and petrographic observations of extensive CaCO3 dissolution and recrystallization in the Pliocene basal section. Convective fluid flow through the sediments during the first 1 to 1.5 m.y. of the sedimentary history of these sediments may explain these observations.