80 resultados para Refining of grain


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The sheet "Darß" of the Western Baltic sediment distribution map displays several features of the late- and postglacial sediments in the area between 54°00? and 54°30? northern latitude and 12°00? and 13°00? eastern longitude on a scale of 1: 100,000. The main map shows the surface deposits in this area. Special attention is given to a detailed presentation of the granulometric characteristics of the sandy sedimens which are prevailing here. For this purpose a new way of visualization of grain size data was developed. Six insets provide information on water depth, positions of the sampling sites, areal distribution of median and sorting of sands, depth of the till surface thickness of the late- and postglacial sediments on top of the uppermost till and the bathymetry.


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A comparison of a last interglacial annually laminated and varve counted maar lake record from the Eifel/Germany, with a laminated lake sediment record from Northern Germany shows, that high resolution cores can be correlated across central Europe by dust/loess content, if the resolution of grain size data is on the order of decades/centuries. Phases of widespread dust dispersal are the same as the cold events in the Greenland ice and North Atlantic sea surface temperature patterns. The first occurrence of dust in Northern Germany and in the Eifel is during the Late Eemian Aridity Pulse (LEAP, Sirocko et al. 2005) which is called C26 in ocean records (McManus, same vol.). This cold and arid event occurred exactly at the time of the last glacial inception at 118 kyr. Vegetation change in Northern Germany and the Eifel is out of phase after the LEAP. A taiga/tundra vegetation charcterizes Northern Germany between the LEAP and C24, whereas at the same time a Carpinus dominated temperate forest spread in the Eifel region, comparable to the Carpinus dominated forests in France (Sánchez Goñi et al., 2005). A drastic cooling, associated with widespread aridity, came with the C24 cold event, when the vegetation of central Europe changed to a tundra or shrub tundra.


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Albian turbidites and intercalated shales were cored from ~1145 to 1700 meters below seafloor at Site 1276 in the Newfoundland Basin. Strata at this level dip ~2.5° seaward (toward an azimuth of ~130°) based on seismic profiles. In contrast, beds dip an average of ~10° in the cores. This higher apparent dip is the sum of the ~2.5° seaward dip and a measured hole deviation of 7.43°, which must be essentially in the same seaward direction. Using the maximum dip direction in the cores as a reference direction, paleocurrents were measured from 11 current-ripple foresets and 11 vector means of grain fabric in planar-laminated sandstones. Five of the planar-laminated sandstone samples have a grain imbrication 8°, permitting specification of a unique flow direction rather than just the line-of-motion of the current. Both ripples and grain fabric point to unconfined flow toward the north-northeast. There is considerable spread in the data so that some paleoflow indicators point toward the northwest, whereas others point southeast. Nevertheless, the overall pattern of paleoflow suggests a source for the turbidity currents on the southeastern Grand Banks, likely from the long-emergent Avalon Uplift in that area. On average, turbidity currents apparently flowed axially in the young Albian rift, toward the north. This is opposite to what might be expected for a northward-propagating rift and a young ocean opening in a zipperlike fashion from south to north.


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A bottom sediment core about 8 m long sampled in the eastern Kara Sea near the entrance to the Vil'kitsky Strait was studied. An age model was constructed based on four 14C datings obtained from by thy accelerating mass spectrometry method. Results of grain size, chemical, mineralogical, and foraminiferal analyses were adjusted to the model. A paleoceanological interpretation of these data together with paleoclimatic data on the Bol'shevik Island located in the neighborhood was performed.


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Genetic sediment types have been identified based on a study of Core PS1599 collected from the eastern continental slope of the Weddell Sea. XRF analysis of 48 samples from this core carried out at the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry (Moscow) yielded the first comprehensive geochemical characteristics of all genetic types. Methods of correlation and factor analyses were used to outline geochemical associations of sediments and examine causes of their formation including the role of grain size composition. The results obtained have revealed fundamental differences between sources, mechanisms, and methods of transportation of sedimentary material for Holocene sediments, on the one hand, and Weichselian sediments, on the other hand.


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We present the results of grain-size analysis performed on hemipelagic sediment from Sites 1173, 1174, 1175, and 1177 at the Nankai Trough. Analyses of the <63-µm fraction were performed with a laser particle counter, and results were converted to equivalent settling diameters by means of an empirical regression with data from pipette analysis. The relations among grain size, porosity, bulk density, void ratio, and moisture content are influenced by the increasing compaction of sediment with depth as well as facies changes. Thus, departures of bulk density and porosity from normal compaction trends cannot be attributed to grain size on the basis of our laboratory results.


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Sediment dynamics on a storm-dominated shelf (western Bay of Plenty, New Zealand) were mapped and analyzed using the newly developed multi-sensor benthic profiler MARUM NERIDIS III. An area of 60 km × 7 km between 2 and 35 m water depth was surveyed with this bottom-towed sled equipped with a high-resolution camera for continuous close-up seafloor photography and a CTD with connected turbidity sensor. Here we introduce our approach of using this multi-parameter dataset combined with sidescan sonography and sedimentological analyses to create detailed lithofacies and bedform distribution maps and to derive regional sediment transport patterns. For the assessment of sediment distribution, photographs were classified and their spatial distribution mapped out according to associated acoustic backscatter from a sidescan sonar. This provisional map was used to choose target locations for surficial sediment sampling and subsequent laboratory analysis of grain size distribution and mineralogical composition. Finally, photographic, granulometric and mineralogical facies were combined into a unified lithofacies map and corresponding stratigraphic model. Eight distinct types of lithofacies with seawards increasing grain size were discriminated and interpreted as reworked relict deposits overlain by post-transgressional fluvial sediments. The dominant transport processes in different water depths were identified based on type and orientation of bedforms, as well as bottom water turbidity and lithofacies distribution. Observed bedforms include subaquatic dunes, coarse sand ribbons and sorted bedforms of varying dimensions, which were interpreted as being initially formed by erosion. Under fair weather conditions, sediment is transported from the northwest towards the southeast by littoral drift. During storm events, a current from the southeast to the northweast is induced which is transporting sediment along the shore in up to 35 m water depth. Shorewards oriented cross-shore transport is taking place in up to 60 m water depth and is likewise initiated by storm events. Our study demonstrates how benthic photographic profiling delivers comprehensive compositional, structural and environmental information, which compares well with results obtained by traditional probing methods, but offers much higher spatial resolution while covering larger areas. Multi-sensor benthic profiling enhances the interpretability of acoustic seafloor mapping techniques and is a rapid and economic approach to seabed and habitat mapping especially in muddy to sandy facies.


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During expedition 202 of research vessel SONNE in 2009, 39 sea-floor surface sediments were sampled over a wide area across the North Pacific and the Bering Sea, which are well suited as reference archives of modern environmental processes. In this study, we used the samples to infer the documentation of land-ocean linkages of terrigenous sediment supply. We followed an integrated approach of grain-size analysis, bulk mineralogy, and clay mineralogy in combination with statistical data evaluation (end-member modelling of grain-size data, fuzzy-cluster analysis of mineralogical data), in order to identify the significant sources and modes of sediment transport in an overregional context. We also compiled literature data on clay mineralogy and updated those with the new data. Today, two processes of terrigenous sediment supply prevail in the study area: far-distant aeolian sediment supply to the pelagic North Pacific as well as hemipelagic sediment dispersal from nearby land sources by ocean currents along the continental margins and island arcs of the study area. The aeolian particles show the finest grain sizes (clay and fine silt), while the hemipelagic sediments have high abundances of sortable silt, particles >10 microns.


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Sediment dynamics in limnic, fluvial and marine environments can be assessed by granulometric and rock-magnetic methodologies. While classical grain-size analysis by sieving or settling mainly bears information on composition and transport, the magnetic mineral assemblages reflect to a larger extent the petrology and weathering conditions in the sediment source areas. Here, we combine both methods to investigate Late Quaternary marine sediments from five cores along a transect across the continental slope off Senegal. This region near the modern summer Intertropical Convergence Zone is particularly sensitive to climate change and receives sediments from several aeolian, fluvial and marine sources. From each of the investigated five GeoB sediment cores (494-2956 m water depth) two time slices were processed which represent contrasting climatic conditions: the arid Heinrich Stadial 1 (~ 15 kyr BP) and the humid Mid Holocene (~ 6 kyr BP). Each sediment sample was split into 16 grain-size fractions ranging from 1.6 to 500 µm. Concentration and grain-size indicative magnetic parameters (susceptibility, SIRM, HIRM, ARM and ARM/IRM) were determined at room temperature for each of these fractions. The joint consideration of whole sediment and magnetic mineral grain-size distributions allows to address several important issues: (i) distinction of two aeolian sediment fractions, one carried by the north-easterly trade winds (40-63 µm) and the other by the overlying easterly Harmattan wind (10-20 µm) as well as a fluvial fraction assigned to the Senegal River (< 10 µm); (ii) identification of three terrigenous sediment source areas: southern Sahara and Sahel dust (low fine-grained magnetite amounts and a comparatively high haematite content), dust from Senegalese coastal dunes (intermediate fine-grained magnetite and haematite contents) and soils from the upper reaches of the Senegal River (high fine-grained magnetite content); (iii) detection of partial diagenetic dissolution of fine magnetite particles as a function of organic input and shore distance; (iv) analysis of magnetic properties of marine carbonates dominating the grain-size fractions 63-500 µm.