83 resultados para Pore forming


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The 87Sr/86Sr ratios and Sr concentrations in sediment and pore fluids are used to evaluate the rates of calcite recrystallization at ODP Site 807A on the Ontong Java Plateau, an 800-meter thick section of carbonate ooze and chalk. A numerical model is used to evaluate the pore fluid chemistry and Sr isotopes in an accumulating section. The deduced calcite recrystallization rate is 2% per million years (%/Myr) near the top of the section and decreases systematically in older parts of the section such that the rate is close to 0.1/age (in years). The deduced recrystallization rates have important implications for the interpretation of Ca and Mg concentration profiles in the pore fluids. The effect of calcite recrystallization on pore fluid chemistry is described by the reaction length, L, which varies by element, and depends on the concentration in pore fluid and solid. When L is small compared to the thickness of the sedimentary section, the pore fluid concentration is controlled by equilibrium or steady-state exchange with the solid phase, except within a distance L of the sediment-water interface. When L is large relative to the thickness of sediment, the pore fluid concentration is mostly controlled by the boundary conditions and diffusion. The values of L for Ca, Sr, and Mg are of order 15, 150, and 1500 meters, respectively. L_Sr is derived from isotopic data and modeling, and allows us to infer the values of L_Ca and L_Mg. The small value for L_Ca indicates that pore fluid Ca concentrations, which gradually increase down section, must be equilibrium values that are maintained by solution-precipitation exchange with calcite and do not reflect Ca sources within or below the sediment column. The pore fluid Ca measurements and measured alkalinity allow us to calculate the in situ pH in the pore fluids, which decreases from 7.6 near the sediment-water interface to 7.1+/-0.1 at 400-800 mbsf. While the calculated pH values are in agreement with some of the values measured during ODP Leg 130, most of the measurements are artifacts. The large value for L_Mg indicates that the pore fluid Mg concentrations at 807A are not controlled by calcite-fluid equilibrium but instead are determined by the changing Mg concentration of seawater during deposition, modified by aqueous diffusion in the pore fluids. We use the pore fluid Mg concentration profile at Site 807A to retrieve a global record for seawater Mg over the past 35 Myr, which shows that seawater Mg has increased rapidly over the past 10 Myr, rather than gradually over the past 60 Myr. This observation suggests that the Cenozoic rise in seawater Mg is controlled by continental weathering inputs rather than by exchange with oceanic crust. The relationship determined between reaction rate and age in silicates and carbonates is strikingly similar, which suggests that reaction affinity is not the primary determinant of silicate dissolution rates in nature.


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High-resolution analyses of the oxygen isotope ratio (18O/16O) of dissolved sulfate in pore waters have been made to depths of >400 meters below seafloor (mbsf) at open-ocean and upwelling sites in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. d18O values of dissolved sulfate (d18O-SO4) at the organic-poor open-ocean Site 1231 gave compositions close to modern seawater (+9.5 per mil vs. Vienna-standard mean ocean water, providing no chemical or isotopic evidence for microbial sulfate reduction (MSR). In contrast, the maximum d18O values at Sites 1225 and 1226, which contain higher organic matter contents, are +20 per mil and +28 per mil, respectively. Depth-correlative trends of increasing d18O-SO4, alkalinity, and ammonium and the presence of sulfide indicate significant oxidation of sedimentary organic matter by sulfate-reducing microbial populations at these sites. Although sulfate concentration profiles at Sites 1225 and 1231 both show similarly flat trends without significant net MSR, d18O-SO4 values at Site 1225 reveal the presence of significant microbial sulfur-cycling activity, which contrasts to Site 1231. This activity may include contributions from several processes, including enzyme-catalyzed equilibration between oxygen in sulfate and water superimposed upon bacterial sulfate reduction, which would tend to shift d18O-SO4 toward higher values than MSR alone, and sulfide oxidation, possibly coupled to reduction of Fe and Mn oxides and/or bacterial disproportionation of sulfur intermediates. Large isotope enrichment factors observed at Sites 1225 and 1226 (epsilon values between 42 per mil and 79 per mil) likely reflect concurrent processes of kinetic isotope fractionation, equilibrium fractionation between sulfate and water, and sulfide oxidation at low rates of sulfate reduction. The oxygen isotope ratio of dissolved pore water sulfate is a powerful tool for tracing microbial activity and sulfur cycling by the deep biosphere of deep-sea sediments.


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The Cretaceous and Paleogene sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 207 can be divided into three broad modes of deposition: synrift clastics (lithologic Unit V), organic matter-rich, laminated black shales (Unit IV), and open-marine chalk and calcareous claystones (Units III-I). The aim of this study is to provide a quantitative geochemical characterization of sediments representing these five lithologic units. For this work we used the residues (squeeze cakes) obtained from pore water sampling. Samples were analyzed for bulk parameters (total inorganic carbon, total organic carbon, and S) and by X-ray fluorescence for major (Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, Na, K, and P) and selected minor (As, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr, U, V, Y, Zn, and Zr) elements. Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry analyses for rare earth elements (REEs) were performed on acid digestions of the squeeze cake samples from Site 1258. The major element composition is governed by the mixture of a terrigenous detrital component of roughly average shale (AS) composition with biogenous carbonate and silica. The composition of the terrigenous detritus is close to AS in Units II-IV. For Unit I, a more weathered terrigenous source is suggested. Carbonate contents reach >60 wt% on average in chalks and calcareous claystones of Units II-IV. The SiO2 contribution in excess of the normal terrigenous-detrital background indicates the presence of biogenous silica, with highest amounts in Units II and III. The contents of coarse-grained material (quartz) are enhanced in Unit V, where Ti and Zr contents are also high. This indicates a high-energy depositional environment. REE patterns are generally similar to AS. A more pronounced negative Ce anomaly in Unit IV may indicate low-oxygen conditions in the water column. The Cretaceous black shales of Unit IV are clearly enriched in redox-sensitive and stable sulfide-forming elements (Mo, V, Zn, and As). High phosphate contents point toward enhanced nutrient supply and high bioproductivity. Ba/Al ratios are rather high throughout Unit IV despite the absence of sulfate in the pore water, indicating elevated primary production. Manganese contents are extremely low for most of the interval studied. Such an Mn depletion is only possible in an environment where Mn was mobilized and transported into an expanded oxygen minimum zone ("open system"). The sulfur contents show a complete sulfidation of the reactive iron of Unit IV and a significant excess of sulfur relative to that of iron, which indicates that part of the sulfur was incorporated into organic matter. We suppose extreme paleoenvironmental conditions during black shale deposition: high bioproductivity like in recent coastal upwelling settings together with severe oxygen depletion if not presence of hydrogen sulfide in the water column.


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Micro-crystalline barites recovered by deep-sea drilling from Site 684 on the Peru margin and Site 799 in the Japan Sea are highly enriched in the heavy sulfur isotope relative to seawater ( d34S up to +84?). This isotopic composition is consistent with remobilization of biogenic barite triggered by sulfate reduction, and subsequent reprecipitation as a diagenetic barite front. The high levels of barium sulfate in these deposits (10-50%) cannot be explained by a diffusive transport model in sediments experiencing a constant rate of sedimentation. When sedimentation rates change radically, the barite front will remain at a given depth interval leading to large accumulations of barium sulfate. Such conditions may have generated the barite deposits at Site 799. At Site 684, on the other hand, there is evidence that the barite deposits are a result of the tectonically-driven advection of sulfate-bearing fluids through the sediment column.